The Suspicious Eye
Your Darling Devil
Name: Dorothea Harowdell
Nickname: Thea
Rank: Higher Noble (Duchess or Grand Duchess depending on how were playing this)
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Without mask looks like this


History: Born into high nobility and loving parents Thea had it all, she was always rewarded for even the simplest things and thus became a optimist. Her family in charge of the largest trading company she has learned and experienced a lot about the world. She knows that it is time for her to think about romance but she does not feel ready there is too much to experience before she finds romance! But maybe that will change.................. Masquerade Merrium
Likes: Traveling, sword fighting, beautiful things, experiencing new things, sunny skies and seeing people happy
Dislikes: When people feel bad so they release that anger on others, and people being sad

Name: Felix
Gender: male
Other: Stays on her hat (and is alive)
Talent(s): She is a very talented swords woman, she learned how to wield a sword on a ship and has loved it since
Residing Area: On a large territory on the Coast of the country near the ocean
Weaknesses: She is very lonely, so she is very trusting to people she has just met
Advantages: She is so positive even insults don't bother her (yes she is THAT kind of annoying)
Name: Keith Dragunn
Nickname: Poutface (only Dorothea calls him that)
Rank: Minor Noble (Earl)
Age: 20
Gender: Male

Without mask


Personality: Cold, grumpy, and condescending. Although he is a Earl he hates the nobility and especially their parties. He is proud, aloof and rude and usually always scowls.
History: Keith always hated the nobility not just because their pampered pushover, but because his family always has to kiss up to them. His family is own a wealthy territory near the ocean, and was wealthy solely based on the trading company of the Harowdell's their much richer cousins. Therefore Keith had to always kiss up to his younger cousin Dorothea. Although, he first thought she was a pampered but after years of getting to know her he found out she is just annoyingly peppy, and way too good at sword fighting than a girl should be. He didn't want to come to this Masquerade but what Dorothea wants Dorothea gets.
Likes: Weapons, brawling, winning, power, dogs and adventure
Dislikes: Rich people who are rude about it, lazy people, those who look down on him, and loosing
Pet(s): He has a dog but its not at the ball nor will it probably ever be brought up anywhere other than conversation(Name: Coal Age; 4 Gender: Male)
Talent(s): He's a good fighter both physically and verbally
Residing Area: On a fairly decent sized territory above the Harowdell territory
Weaknesses: His buttons can be easily pushed and he can get so heated he forgets what he is doing, and beautiful women ......................... Masquerade Merrium
Advantages: He is analytical and mistrusting so he thinks before he acts unless his buttons are pushed.