Dormer Academy

Faith Eliza Cord

Four Thousand Club
(This is still open and accepting. Sign up here: and I apologize ahead of time for the length, it's the opening setting :P )

It was exactly because things were going so well lately that Faith Cord was beginning to grow suspicious.

Long-time experience had taught her that there was no such thing as an even remotely peaceful experience when it came to her life or those of her friends and family members. It didn’t seem to matter where they lived or what they were doing, trouble seemed to follow her or present itself in her view regardless of circumstances. More times than she could recount Faith had found herself struggling against odds that often left her physically, mentally, and emotionally drained, sometimes with little to no help or support in overcoming them, and sometimes even on the brink of death. More times than she could name she had found herself to feel entirely alone, even if this were not strictly true, for she knew, that she would always have her husband Macal and the young woman she thought of as her sister, Sheena, as her support, if she would ever ask for it- though for her to force herself to do so was an admittedly rare occurrence. Sometimes it seemed that she and those she loved couldn’t so much as breathe without being threatened by multiple sources on all sides, that just getting through the day would turn into an actual battle for their lives. And sometimes it did.

“Is there such a thing as a vacation from this shit?” she had railed at Macal fairly often, pacing, as was her usual mode, when particularly agitated, her hands slicing through the air in furious gesticulation. “What is it about the universe trusting only us to deal with all its issues? Have they even looked at who they’re dumping their shit off onto? Helloooo, if I’m voted Most Responsible, the world is in deep shit!”

But when it came down to it, living a life of chaos and struggle was something she was used to…even something that was okay with her. Too much tranquility and too few challenges would leave her feeling restless and edgy, wanting to strike out to find some, if only to give herself something more exciting to do. If she had too much down time or too few problems to be tackling, Faith would actually begin to feel an urge to deliberately create problems, just to be able to start up that adrenalized sense of purpose that came whenever she was throwing everything she had into dealing with whatever challenge had been thrown her way. She never felt more alive than when another apocalypse was taking place, and she knew that she had at least some role in making sure it never finished out.

Still, things being as relatively calm as they were now, especially given the fact that she was in charge now of a school full of hormone-riddled, supernaturally gifted kids of all ages, kids with great potential to cause chaos, was just a little too unusual for Faith to accept.

It had been years since Faith’s life had come together in such a way as it was now. Even just a few months ago things had been different. Sheena’s vampire half-sister, Evangeline, had been alive and murdering students within the school and outside of it, and as Sheena had been completely defensive of her and there had been little proof to connect Evangeline in particular to the deaths, there had not been much that Faith could do about it initially. Faith herself had been struggling to become accustomed to the role of headmaster and had at times found herself overwhelmed by its responsibilities and her efforts to maintain relationships with students and staff that balanced Faith’s general blunt attitudes and quick temper with being able to earn and keep respect and a reasonable level of obedience. There had been some attacks on students and staff from an enemy of her and Macal’s past that had been stressful and concerning, and renewed security had had to be put in place. And through it all Faith herself had felt isolated, having within the past couple of years lost numerous friends and family members she previously would have been able to turn to, whether through their deaths or through simple detachment from involvement in their lives.

But things were different now. Sheena had executed her sister at last in a manner that had made Faith very proud of her and her courage, and though Sheena was still more subdued than usual, grieving the, Faith was not overly concerned with her. Sheena’s boyfriend, Alex Sage, whom Faith considered to be family now as well, had recently discovered himself to have supernatural abilities as well and was beginning to explore their limitations. Liza, Faith’s eternally five-year-old daughter, was as cheerful and bright as ever and had considerably expanded her base of friendships in her new environment. Faith’s relationship with Macal was easy and strong as it had ever been; they knew each other inside and out, and the vicious fights they had had earlier in their relationship were entirely absent.

Best of all, Faith’s best friend, the woman she thought of as her sister, had reentered her life and joined as staff to the school, with her husband Jirro as well. Faith was thrilled to be able to have Izzy back, to finally have someone to be able to confide in and just have fun with as another woman, as an equal, as she still wasn’t always able to do with eighteen-year-old Sheena. Though Izzy had her ghosts, what with her daughter’s recent murder and her recent captivity and amnesia, she was back with her now, and Faith was glad for the half-Lycan Sheena as well, because Izzy was her first cousin, the last piece of Sheena’s blood family who was alive.

It was true that most of the kids in the school still had their issues. Mel with her ongoing campaign of vengeance against Lil, Lil, who was elusive and possibly- probably?- evil and intending mayhem at some point. Several new students, such as Nick and Mikey, whom Faith didn’t know well enough to have a full handle of any possible problems in the future. Sheena’s grief, Liza’s tendency to let her curiosity lead her directly into trouble, and one of the new student- Katarina DeSanto’s- tendency to self-destruct, made obvious to Faith even within the past couple of weeks she had been there, and in spite of some improvements she had already seen in her. Everyone had their issues, but none were yet at a crisis situation, from what she could tell- and anyway, wasn’t that what the school was for, anyway, kids who already had or could potentially get into some serious issues?

The reasoning behind Dormer Academy, at least when Faith conceived of it with Macal, had been the lack of appropriate academic and school placements for her own demi-goddess daughter and half-Lycan Sheena, coupled with her knowledge of what sort of place she would have needed, and what she had failed to receive, when she herself was a teenager, recently called into her status as Slayer, specifically of vampires. Faith's abilities as a teenager had given her greater endurance, strength, speed, and agility than anywhere near normal for girls her age, and she had often used it against others rather than to protect them. With Macal’s current inability to access the god’s kingdom he had once inhabited and its superior schools for children and teenagers such as his daughters and Alex, they were left, on Earth, with very limited choices. With this in mind, as well as her memory of what Diana Dormer, a woman Faith had loved like a mother, had taught and provided for her when she herself was a troubled teenager, Faith had set up a school designed to meet the needs of kids who were something like she herself had once been- supernaturally gifted kids who had inadequate or downright abusive homes or teaching, who were unable to control their powers or were becoming power-hungry off their own abilities. Kids who no one in their lives could understand or relate to, kids who others were afraid of or thought of as freaks, kids who may have already started down a dangerous or potentially evil path of life in reaction. A place where kids like Faith, who had once been not only a homeless street kid, but also a murderer, or Sheena, who had been a homeless ex-prostitute who had at one point ended up in jail, could have a second chance. A place they could learn new skills and control, where they could have understanding and acceptance.

This didn’t mean, of course, that the school was or was intended to be an open range, where no one had any requirements or expectations of behavior. Every student was expected to work hard and to refrain from unnecessary violence and disrespect, and Faith didn’t go easy on anyone who didn’t warrant gentleness. But they had a chance, all of them, if they would take it, and this, she was more than willing to provide. This was what Diana had done for her, the reason behind the academy’s name, and in her memory, she would do the same for others.

Still…the lack of issues lately was weird. And if it kept on, Faith was REALLY going to think something was up.

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Her head against the chest of the young man on whose bed she was currently lying, her hair strewn in several directions, partly tickling his face, Sheena Sadovsky kept her eyes half open from where she lay close against his side, the morning’s light streaming in through the crack of his window’s blinds. She had been awake for a few minutes now as her heartbeat gradually slowed, trying not to let her mind drift back, to piece together into more conscious memory images leftover from her dream.

She didn’t remember details, only the deep sense of foreboding and fear that lingered in part in her body even now, tensing up her muscles. Instead she simply breathed in and out, trying to rid herself of the remaining feelings along with the already nearly forgotten details of the dream.

She wasn’t breaking any rules, technically, by spending the night with Alex. The girls had separate rooms in separate wings from the boys, and it was against the rules for underage ones to spend the night together. But then again, she and Alex were both over eighteen, so they couldn’t get in trouble for it; however, every time Faith got wind of her sleeping over with him, she couldn’t resist teasing, and then asking her if she was being “safe” in a manner that embarrassed Sheena almost as much as if Macal, whom she thought of as her father, were to find out what she was up to. No matter how much she might protest, Faith never seemed to believe that sometimes when she slept over with Alex, they really were just sleeping.

Finally deciding that she was calm enough to start her day, she lightly nudged Alex with her elbow, then ruffled his curly hair.

“Wake up, Snoreface. Class before long.”

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Faith heard her bedroom door open before she was entirely awake, then the sound of padding feet crossing her and Macal’s bedroom to get to her bedside. Before she could sit up or even so much as open her eyes, let alone extract herself from beneath Macal’s arm to make sure she was wearing some form of clothing beneath the sheets, Liza, her five-year-old daughter, had already jumped up onto the bed and directly on top of Faith’s legs. As Faith sat up, rubbing at one eye, Liza threw an armful of stuffed animals across the bed, still clutching one battered bear in both arms and squeezing it against her chest as she whispered loudly to her parents, her voice shaking and tearful.

“Mama…Daddy…I had a bad dream. Bad, bad dream and I feel yucky inside. I wanna sleep with you and so do my friends ‘cause they’re scared. And I should keep them company, I think.”

Groggily, Faith reached for Liza with one arm, pulling her into her lap and hugging her as with the other, she subtly shoved the other stuffed animals as far to the foot of the bed as she could manage. Smoothing Liza’s hair back, she lay back down with her in between her and Macal.

“S’okay. Go back to sleep, have to be up early…did you wet the bed?”

When Liza shook her head, Faith closed her eyes again, one hand rubbing lightly over Liza’s spine.

“Good. Go to sleep, then.”

There was no reason, that first morning, to think there was anything wrong.

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As Katarina DeSanto finished dressing herself in the small bathroom of her dorm room, her eyes skittered, as they usually did, over her partially clad form, but she did not, as usually, cringe and look away from her reflection, disgusted with herself and her appearance. Instead, she looked for a moment, and a brief, faint smile flickered over her lips before she finally looked away.

She hadn’t done anything to hurt herself in nearly a week and a half. Eleven whole days, and for Katarina, that was an act of will that to her, was almost unbelievable.

It had been true, until recently, that she couldn’t seem to go one day without feeling the desire, no, the NEED to injure herself in some small way, to try to get out through physical pain the inner pain and sense of failure she had harbored for the majority of her life. She had graduated from biting her nails to the quick to pulling hairs from her arms, then to banging her wrists and ankles until they swelled up and bruised, to burning herself with lighters or tentatively scraping at, then cutting her skin. It had become a daily practice, with the least frustration or sadness pushing her towards coping in this dysfunctional manner.

But almost two weeks and she hadn’t done any of it. It was one of the things she had done since she and Adrian had been accepted as students here that really made her feel sort of proud of herself- something that had been almost never occurring before the past few weeks.

Katarina knew that there was no reason for her to be here, really. She wasn’t like the other kids here, after all, or even like her own twin brother, Adrian. She didn’t have supernatural powers or talents; she had, as far as she could see, no ordinary talents, even, nothing special about her at all. It was because the headmistress, Faith Cord, was being kind that she was allowed to stay here with Adrian, who had the ability to start fires just by thinking about it or feeling strong emotion. If it wasn’t for Adrian, and his insistence that he would not go to live anywhere that Katarina was also not allowed to, then Katarina would never have been here at all.

But she liked it here, all the same. It was true that she felt weak and stupid and untalented compared to the other kids here- Faith’s five-year-old daughter could kill her in half a second if she wanted to, and everyone knew it. Anyone here could hurt her. But on the other hand, most of the people here so far were pretty nice to her, and this was something Katarina hadn’t experienced much from other kids through most of her life. She had always been the outcast, one of the DeSantos, white trash, the school skank, the school joke. She had heard jokes about twincest and emo chicks and knew that her name had been written all over the boys’ bathroom stalls. And with her own parents being what they were, violent alcoholics known through their former neighborhood for their ways, Katarina had never thought she would have any friends other than her own brother; even her multiple and increasingly desperate attempts to find a boyfriend who would love her and never leave her had always ended with painful breakups soon after they got what they wanted from her, which was usually whatever she was willing to give with her body.

But here, kids for the most part were different too, outcasts like she had been. Here some of the kids had even been through some of what she’d been through, from what she heard- impoverished, born to abusive families, and Faith herself had told her that she too had run away as a teenager, that she too had not respected herself or her body with boys. Though Katarina never spoke of Alice with other kids, still finding it entirely too hard to talk about her sister’s death and the guilt she still harbored for it, even if it had been her brother, not she, who had actually started the fire that was its technical cause, she knew that other students too had lost loved ones. It was sort of nice to know that she wasn’t the only one, that in some ways, she was even lucky. She had Adrian, and as annoying overprotective as he could be of her, she knew he would always be there for her- whether or not she wanted him to be. No matter how much of a screw up she was, he wouldn’t care.

But she wasn’t screwing up too badly…yet, anyway. She was doing okay in her classes, even starting to get physically stronger, though in no way like the other kids. She liked Faith a lot, and Faith had been nice to her, going out of her way to work with her and talk to her sometimes. And then there was Bucky.

She hadn’t actually talked to him very much…well, ever, if she admitted it. He was older, and she wasn’t even sure if he was teacher or staff. She had seen him in passing several times, and each time, Katarina wanted to go up to him, but unusual shyness would seize her tongue and prevent her from moving. He was too hot for her, she knew. No way would he ever even look at her…and if he was mean to her, if she should talk to him, or just dismissive, it would hurt more than she was willing to risk.

Still, when she went into the cafeteria that morning, she found herself looking for him, almost sure that today, if she saw him, maybe she would try to talk to him after all, just to see what would happen. And when she saw Adrian wave at her, beckoning for her to join him at his table, she pretended not to see him. After all, if she went to Adrian, Bucky would never approach her. And if Adrian was sitting with her and saw her get up to go talk to Bucky, he would harass her over it later, maybe even walk up and join them. He was entirely too protective.

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(holy crap that's a lot lol)

*Alex rolled over covering his head with his pillow trying to drown out Sheena so she can't stir him more then she has, the kid was a genius and can't yet figure out of way to get his girlfriend from waking up at the butt crack of dawn.* For god sakes Sheena your folks run this place take advantage and lets sleep in..That's unless you're going to do something to wake me up. *Now he rolls over smiling at her as he leans in real close just barely about to make contact with her lips.* You do know what I'm talking about don't you? Something you can do for me that will get me up right? *He pauses for a second then grins at her.* Two eggs over easy, crisp bacon and wheat toast cut into triangles with apple butter..Oh and coffee two sugars and cream.*Knowing this is about to get him hit he kisses her before she can speak, of course she'll still hit him but it will be worth it after he kisses her.*

*Macal had his back turned when Liza showed up and didn't really move until she laid between him and Faith, he then rolled over and placed his hand over the top of her head, stroking her hair, nuzzling with his wife and daughter, for a brief few moments but not long afterwards gets up and goes to the bathroom to get ready for the first day of classes. After a shower and shave he gets dressed. After he's done, he nudges Faith so she can get up and start to get ready for the day. Liza is lucky and gets to sleep for a few more hours at least, then he moves to the office he and Faith share in their living quarters, studying maps of areas to take his students for their first evaluations so he can see what he has to work with.*
The sun glaring through the windows was what woke Izabella Mochizuki up. Groaning softly, she rolled in the bed, pulling the sheets more snugly around her form and let out a tiny whimper, the one hand that wasn't under her pillow going out to reach for her husband. Her hand landed on air and she jolted up into a sitting position in a panic, her eyes going wide as she scanned the room.


It had been months since she had gotten her memory back, since she had been reunited with her family. After being tortured in another Hell-like dimension and separated from Jirro and their daughter Mitsumi for over a year thanks to the chaos god, HardTime Zwei and his psycho crazy, on-again-off-again wife, Marie Cambridge, Izzy often found herself being about a thousand times more protective and aware of where her husband was at all times.

Hastily untangling herself from the sheets, she padded down the hallway from their bedroom, only wearing one of Jirro's white button down shirts and started to look for him, the smell of breakfast becoming more distinct as she approached the kitchen and she found herself sighing in relief, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards as her eyes landed and focused on Jirro's turned back. his long black hair pulled back away from his face, muscles flexing along his bare back and arms as worked over the stove.

Izzy was a horrible cook, despite her thinking otherwise, so this was a normal ritual, finding the man in the kitchen for most meals that she couldn't just nuke in the microwave. Coming up behind him, her arms went around his waist and she gave him a gentle squeeze, hiding her face against his back, inhaling his scent.

"Mmmmm...good morning handsome..." she kissed the spot where her cheek rested and let her lips linger there, feeling the veins there pulsing slightly. It had been a few days since she had last fed. she had been so caught up in classes and getting readjusted to her life that the Hybrid had hardly had the time to really even think about getting some blood in her system.

Born a lycan, she had never had to worry about the need for blood before. It wasn't until she had met Jirro Mochizuki, that she had even known what a Black Blood even was. To call someone like her husband a vampire, would be like to call her own kind a house trained wolf. Black Bloods, although similar to vampires in some nature, where very far from it. Shortly after their wedding, Izzy (after months of pushing for it) had convinced her new husband to turn her. The two of them had no idea really what she would become, a cross of the two species had never been heard from, but with the help of a serum from Macal, his blood had been able to mix with hers, turning Izzy into the first Lycan/Black Blood Hybrid ever. She was more Black Blood in the long run, the fangs, the black eyes, the thirst...but she had been able to keep her wolf form. Her eyes were a permanent gold since the change, the only hint of her original bloodline.

"Any chance I could get my breakfast to go?" she winced softly as she dragged her eyes up to the clock they had over the stove. "I have an early defense class for some of the new students and I have to go get Bucky in a bit, thinking of taking him on as my teacher's assistant until he figures out where he fits in here..." To be honest, Izzy felt more comfortable with having someone teaching alongside her, and since her adopted brother was back in the picture, she figured he'd be a perfect candidate.

Giving Jirro's back another kiss, she moved to his side, grabbing a mug and poured herself some coffee. "I need to grab a shower to join me?" she nudged him playfully, biting on the inside of her cheek as her eyes traveled down his chest. "I wouldn't mind the company..."

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((well here!))

And there was that girl again.

Bastian Harris, or Bucky as he preferred to be called, looked up from his paper in time to see the pretty brunette walk into the cafeteria and directly past him. He had seen her around before since his arrival at the academy. He was sure she was a student, in fact he recalled his sister telling him so, but he couldn't be sure. She looked older then most of the students he had met so far, yet here she was, eating with the others so she must be...

Bucky had his own quarters where he could eat if he wanted to, but he preferred enjoying his meals in the crowd, it reminded him of his and Izzy's days back with the Pack. Where they all always ate together, like one big happy family...until his adoptive father had to go and f*** everything up. Just thinking about Hank, made his blood boil, and without even meaning to, he tore the sports page he had been reading, half of it floating down to the floor. Perfect...

Mumbling curses under his breath, he bent down to get it and as he sat back up, he couldn't help but find himself looking around for that girl again. It was safe to say that he found her attractive, he'd be a fool if he didn't. Katarina, that's what her name was, but he had heard others call her 'Kat' and even the occasional 'Kitty' from that Faith woman. But Bucky liked the name Katarina, he liked the way it rolled off his tongue. He had a thing for names, and hers was one of the more classical ones that he was so fond of.

He watched as Kat found a spot at one of the vacant tables, and after a few moments when no one joined her, he stood from his spot, folding up his paper and slowly approached her. He circled her spot, the avoided sitting down diliberatly, feeling her eyes follow him as he went over and got himself another cup of coffee and an apple, using his black t-shirt to shine it. He could sense a few of the other female students watching his as well and this caused him to smirk slightly. He had heard that there was apparently a few crushes on him already. "It's the accent..." Izzy had teased him when he had questioned it. It had found it hard to believe that it could be anything else. He knew he was attractive, it didn't take him being told countless times to know that. But everyone close to him always told him that he didn't seem approachable. That he was too cocky, that he needed to smile more.

"That and the fact that you kinda look like a lost little puppy...these girls just want to take you home and take care of you..."

He had liked the sound of that, someone taking care of him. But the second he had first seen Kat, none of that seemed to matter. He had heard a few things about her life before the academy, had found it strange that a human had blended in so well with this lot. But for some strange reason, something he couldn't yet explain, he felt the urge to take care of her, to protect her. Something he hadn't felt since his days as Izzy and Elizabeth's protector. It was why he had kept his distance for so long, he was used to keeping low, staying in the shadows.

Slowly making his way back to her table, he paused, making a show of looking for somewhere else to sit, then finally looked over at her once more, locking eyes with hers. "Hello there love..." he smiled widely, raising his apple slightly in greeting. "Mind if I join you? Much more enjoyable, eating with someone else..."

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((and in case anyone wants to know just how Bucky sounds, it's just like this

and he acts a lot like Klaus too, if anyone watches the Vampire Diaries, he's just not evil is all))
Sheena half covers Alex's body with hers, one arm beginning to slip beneath him to circle his waist as he brings his face close to hers. She half smiles, then closes her eyes and parts her lips slightly, preparing for a kiss- only to have him pull back, smirking, and give her a breakfast she's his waitress. Oh, this SO wasn't going down!

As his lips brush hers Sheena pulls back enough to bite down on his lower lip, just hard enough to sting. Just like Alex had predicted, she socked him hard in his side, glaring, but her lips twitch. She knows he's joking.

"Fine, lay here and stink all day, I know that's your usual preferred state of being anyway, right?" she pinches his other side before throwing back the blanket abruptly and getting to her feet, stretching and running one hand through her rather tangled hair. Without bothering to brush it properly, she begins to pull on some of Alex's clothes, not caring at all whether or not they properly fit, as she tosses over her shoulder to him, "I think you have some masochism issues going, you're always making me punch you."


It's Faith's plan today to take her group of students outside for their lesson, most likely through a set course in the woods of some kind. Although of course some of her lessons have to be indoors, to work with weights or some fighting skills, she herself gets restless staying inside all day, and so takes her students outside as often as she can manage. As she rouses Liza, who is quieter and sleepier than usual this morning, rubbing her eyes and dragging on Faith's hand, then prods her towards readying herself as well, Faith comes up behind Macal and walks her fingers up the back of his neck."

"Which weapons should I go for today? Iz is on the guns, probably...stakes, swords, crossbow, eeny meeny miney moe..."


The second he started walking her way, Katarina was sure that it was some sort of mistake. Her heart had leapt when Bucky entered the cafeteria, but she had noticed as well that other girls- girls Katarina considered much more attractive and interesting than herself- were looking his way, and she had no doubt in her mind that he would wonder towards one of them.

But...was it actually possible he was heading towards her?

Katarina thought he would walk past her without so much as a glance, and when it seemed he was looking at her, she even turned her head to see if he was actually looking at someone behind her. But no, he was looking at HER...he was walking over to HER, and when he spoke to her, her stomach almost dropped to her feet.

And he had called her love. Love? Her, his love? Like he loved her? Could he love her?

No, that was stupid. That was completely ridiculous. She'd probably misheard him...his accent was a little thick, though deep, sexy enough in her mind to send a shiver through her spine. And if she hadn't...well, he probably said that to everyone...probably.

He didn't like her in particular. He was just asking to sit near her...because there were no other seats.

But there were seats. Lots of seats. Including the one Adrian had been waving her towards...and he was picking to sit with her?

Her cheeks flushed scarlet, and she looked down, briefly biting her lip before looking back up again, giving a self-conscious smile. "Hi. Sure, um, you can sit here..."

She hates the way she sounds. He must think she's just a dumb kid...and she doesn't even have powers. How could she think for a second he might like her?

Clearing her throat, she made herself look up at him and speak again, with a bit more confidence this time. "Bucky, right? I...heard someone say that. I'm Katarina. Katarina DeSanto."
It almost caught him off guard, how even as he sat down across from her, his smile remained plastered across his slips, when it usually slipped away just as fast as it had appeared. Putting his paper down, he twisted the stem on his apple for a moment, his eyes studying hers, before replying with a simple shrug of his shoulders.

"Bucky, Bastain..." the right corner of his lips switched and the smile pulled up into his trademark, cocky smirk as he leaned forward slightly. "Whatever you'd like..." He was flirting, and judging by the way the girl had stammered and blushed at his arrival, she probably wouldn't know how to react to this. He found it cute, charming even. he'd usually use this to his advantage, it had come in handy with waitresses at bars over the years, but for now, there really wasn't anything he wanted from the girl. Not yet anyways. He was enjoying having someone else talk to him aside from the few adults he had been surrounded with the past few days.

"Katarina..." his smirk reached his eyes now and they gleamed slightly as he purposely rolled the 'r'. "That's a very pretty name..."

He paused to take a bite from his apple, his eyes never leaving hers. he could sense that she was younger then him, almost ten years in fact. But this didn't really bother him. It wasn't like he was planning on asking her out or anything, this was just a harmless conversation with someone new. A possible friend, or maybe he was getting to know one of his future students.


"So, Katarina..." he enjoyed saying her name, "-how are you?" One eyebrow arched and he gave his head a tiny shake, his messy curls bouncing slightly, and he subconsciously raised a hand, running his fingers through them. The question sounded lame, even to him and he tried not to groan out loud. For someone who was usually such a smooth talker, he was sounding like a bleeding idiot!
Nickkie woke up early, she still wasn't used to being in this new place, so sleeping wasn't always easy for her. She dressed and then stood at her window, looking outside with her sapphire eyes, she wondered what the day would bring, she still wanted to try picking up a few of the fighting classes, she did have her reasons for wanting to do so. She slowly went to pick up Donnie, her teddy bear, she looked at him for a few moments, then held him to her chest and walked out. Donnie went everywhere with her currently, she would set him out of the way when doing things, but he went with her. Nick made her way to the cafeteria, she was hungry, and she knew that eating was always a good thing if you were hungry, she thought about all the people who were at the school, she couldn't help but wonder when something would happen and they would leave, or she would.

Nick was young, but she had enough experiences that told her that everyone eventually left, her parents had abandoned her, only leaving her with Donnie (which is why he went everywhere with her) and a name, then there were the people who adopted her, all of them eventually abandoned her back to the orphanage until she decided she was tired of it. After being abandoned one last time, at the only place she really felt at home in she figured that was it, enough was enough, but then Liza had found her and brought her here, at least those that were here weren't all normal, maybe they could understand her better. She knew that was just hopeful thinking and tried to push it away, but that hope was still there, she would just have to try not to set her heart on that hope, she looked at the bear in her arms, feeling that he would be the only thing that was always constant in her life, the only thing her parents ever gave her other than life and a name.

Nick looked up as she walked into the cafeteria, she looked around at everyone that was seated, she didn't notice Liza, and she also didn't really notice anyone her own age, she bit her lip, then slowly pulled one of her long braided pigtails over her shoulder, looking a bit nervous. She sighed some and shook her head a little, she held her head up high, she didn't want to seem weak because of her nervousness so she hid it as best she could, she walked forward, going to get her some food, having some trouble because of trying to hold onto Donnie and the tray of food at the same time, she walked toward a table, fighting to get her tray up onto the table, then she sat down and sat Donnie in a chair next to her before starting to eat.

Emerging from her bedroom with now dressed in mismatched but brightly colored clothes, Liza comes up behind her parents in their living area, still somewhat subdued compared to usual, and tugs on Faith's arm. When Faith looks down at her to see what she wants, she sees that Liza is holding her bear in one arm, her small child's backpack on her back as she looks up at her mother expectantly.

"I'm gonna go eat. Okay? Can I go by myself, Mama? 'Cause I think that Nickkie girl is there and I wanna sit with her and someone might steal my seat if I don't go fast, I think."

Although Nickkie preferred to be called Nick, Faith knew, her daughter refused to call her that, declaring that to be a "boy name." Somewhat distracted, Faith glanced down at her and nodded.

"Yeah, go ahead, but you know you're meeting Stick for class in about 45 minutes, don't make him come track you down, all right? You go straight to the cafeteria then straight to class, I know how you like to get sidetracked by every person you see and end up taking them to Disneyland or something."

"Mama, I only did that to Sheena Legs ONE TIME," Liza pouted, crossing her arms, but she didn't waste much time arguing with her any further, since her desires had been secured. Instead, rather than walk to the front door like the average child, she teleported directly into the middle of the cafeteria, nearly colliding with the boy who happened to be walking by as she appeared.

"You almost knocked me down," Liza informed him, as though he, rather than she, had been the careless one. "I think you oughtta be careful, probably."

Then, seeing Nick and her bear, Donnie, seated alone at a table, Liza's face lit up, and she ran to join her, sitting across from her with a beaming smile. Nick was her friend, the closest girl in her age here that Liza saw regularly, and even though she was quieter than Liza, Liza was sure she would have lots of fun with her as soon as she could get her to open up.

"Nickkie! Hi! Me and my bear are gonna eat too," she announced. "I got to come in here all by myself. 'Cause Mama knows I'm big now, I think."


He was still smiling at her. God, he was still smiling at her, and Katarina could feel it down to her toes, the warm, pleased sensation of disbelieving enjoyment that Bucky's attention was giving her. He was flirting...with her. HER. There were dozens of other girls trickling through the place, and he had picked her to talk to, her to sit with.

She has to take in a slow breath and let it out to try to control her face from growing any warmer in hue or feeling than it already is.

As he tells her his name, and that her own is pretty, Katarina looks up at him quickly, smiling, then drops her eyes to her plate, her shoulders briefly hunching in before she makes herself sit up straighter, again lifting her eyes to his, this time for a longer period than before. It's difficult to take her eyes off his hand, running through his hair. They look large and strong in comparison to hers, and when he asks her how she is, she is pretty sure it's a sincere question.

"I'm...I'm good," she said, and the surprise that colors her tone is obvious even to herself. How often has she been able to truthfully say this, in the past year...hell, within her lifetime?

After a moment, she gathers nerve further, enough to sit up straight, look him in the eyes, and try her hand at flirting back. "Anything I'd like...I think I'll call you...Bas. You don't look like a Bucky."

Out the corner of her eye she can see Adrian watching her now, his eyes slightly narrowed, brow furrowed. He isn't eating, but is only observing her, his shoulders tensed in such a way he appears ready to jump up and go to her at any second, if she needs. Katarina tries to ignore him, praying he won't take it upon himself to get up and walk over to them. She was eighteen now, just like he was. Couldn't her brother trust her for a change to be able to handle things like this without him jumping into the middle of it? Past experiences or not, at least today she hoped he would leave her be.
Bas? He could live with that. he made a mental note to avoid telling Izzy the girl's nickname for him later on, knowing that the teasing would never end. Instead, he took another bite from his apple, his eyes finally leaving hers as movement caught his attention. Leaning back in his seat, his blue eyes narrowed slightly, as he watched the Cord girl enter the cafeteria clutching a stuffed bear as she made a bee-line for a table with another girl her own age already seated there. After having already lost one friend's child, he had subconsciously grown a bit protective of any children he had met since arriving at this place, vowing to never have to watch another parent go through such suffering as Izzy and Jirro had when they had returned Esme's body to them.

The old memory caused his smile to falter, then fade away completely as he turned his attention back on Kat. Despite the slight scowl on his face, he still came off as attractive, if anything it only darkened his features.

"Bas..." he finally said softly. "I can live with that..." The corners of his mouth twitched, but his smile didn't return. Trying to push the unpleasant memory from his mind, a tiny sigh escaped him and he looked Kat over again. "You're...human, correct?" His head tilted slightly to the left, and he placed his apple on the table, hands folding in front of him. "I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised...I didn't realize they let your kind in a place like this...not that there's anything wrong with that...' he said the last part in a rush, looking sheepish for a moment, realizing how he must have sounded like an a**. "I just, well with all these different, well different species, I didn't think it would be safe...but I'm glad. That it is I mean..." he chuckled softly, suddenly curious to know if she knew exactly what he was. Most o the students he had met hadn't at first. In fact, one of the few that had, had been that Liza girl. he chuckled warmly again at the memory.

"Hi Bucky. You're a wolf like Sheena legs. Are you a nice one or a mean one? 'Cause if you're mean I can probably kick your ass."

The small, dark haired child had sized him up, her hands on her hips, threatened an ass kicking and had later on turned to mush once her aunt had confirmed that he was indeed one of the good ones. She reminded him a lot of Esme at that age.

Shaking his head, Bucky cleared his throat. "I mean, well I'm glad that you're this school. It's a good school..." A good school? God he sounded like an a**, she probably thought he was mental or something. Sighing softly, he looked down, letting some of his hair fall against his forehead, he suddenly felt shy, almost nervous around this girl. He started messing around the one gold ring on his right hand, twisting it around.

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{Jirro stood in the kitchen frozen for a long time his eyes seem to be glazed over, at the same time he still manage to cook breakfast without even remembering doing so. It wasn't until he heard Izabella's voice that he snapped to his senses, the smell of her sweet skin and lips draw him back into the real world. Little does he realize that the events of the past year have had a long lasting effects on his mind and body.

As Izabella emerges and dress he smiles at her, stepping in front of her and giving her a proper kiss Good Morning. She speaks of adding Bucky as her TA, I hope that works out given he has no formal training in teaching but, neither then Jirro when he started his first training camp.} I think he deserves a chance to see if teaching is his calling. {Jirro himself isn't quite ready to eat human food and his beliefs forbid him from feeding on any living being that isn't his enemy or his own wife, lucky for him the tonic that he and his former brothers used as a blood alternative is easy to reproduce. So instead of eating the breakfast he cooked he opens the vial of tonic in front him, it's effects take no time to sustain him. His powers seem to be far from their peak lately but it's probably do to his time being captive by HardTime and only giving him the blood of a few rodents to keep him alive.

It was time he left for his first class, unlike his wife who teaches firearms, Jirro will teach swordsmanship again his beliefs forbid him from using guns and with his powers at their peak a gun is no more then a paperweight against him anyway. After kissing Izabella once more, he holds out his hand calling for his sword Esméralda a sword he made and imbued with the spirit of his dead daughter Esme who was killed shortly before he was kidnapped. The sword is a symbol of his new life, no longer would he be the Silverblade who lived only for survival now he wants to protect all the people he can.}

I need to get going, have a good day and good luck with Bucky, perhaps we can have lunch together out by the garden. {He barely notices that his right hand is shaking until he reaches for the door knob as he walks out.}
Katarina is finding it difficult to even remember she has food, let alone to eat it, and she has a feeling that if she takes a bite, she will not taste it. How embarrassing would it be if she choked, like a complete idiot, in front of this guy? Better not to eat anything at all rather than risk that.

She plays with her fork, shoving the eggs on her plate around as if she is eating, but not actually daring to raise a bite to her mouth as she tries to think of a response to his question that doesn't sound as pathetic as she knows the answer to be. Yes, she is human...and to a guy like Bucky, who obviously has amazing powers if he's here, a guy who just referred to her being human as "your kind..." of course she was nothing special. Of course she was...well, obviously she was different from him, but if he thought of her as "her kind," that meant he thought of himself as "his kind..." which meant she didn't belong with him and "his kind," whatever that was...

Where in the world was her mind going with this? Annoyed with her own self and the rapid pattern of familiar, self-deprecating thoughts that this simple comment had sent her down, Katarina almost missed the next part of his words- but only almost.

He was glad...he said he was glad she was here.

...Really? Someone like Bucky could be glad that someone like her, someone not his kind, was here?

Katarina's cheeks flushed more warmly than ever, and she looked down at her eggs, knowing she was smiling as she tightly clinched her hands together beneath the table. Realizing that she was starting to dig her nails into her palms, she forced herself to draw them apart from each other, then sat up straight, hoping he wouldn't see her quick inhalation of breath. Well....if he liked her, unbelievable as this was, shouldn't she be going for it then? Shouldn't she be making sure he saw how interested she was, before he thought she was so stupid and backwards he didn't like her after all?

"They let me in because of brother," she explained, careful to keep her eyes from straying to her twin, who she knew was still watching her from his table. "He can start fires...I think they call it...pyro something? Not like the kind of person who does it because he's making trouble, he can't help it. Or he couldn't before. He's learning more now-"

She cuts herself off, realizing she's talking about Adrian more than answering the question, and tries to redirect herself. "Uh, anyway, he wouldn't have come if they wouldn't let me in too. Since we didn't really have...I mean- well, he's better here," she muttered, rather than go into the details of why, exactly, it would have been a bad thing, something Adrian would have refused to go along with, if they would not have accepted her as well. If Bucky didn't already think of her as a freak, she wasn't about to give him reasons to start by going into the explanation of her and Adrian's not-so-long-ago circumstances.

Time to distract, quickly. Time to flirt.

She smiled up at him, the edges of her mouth only a little shaky-looking at first before they settled, and then let her eyes half close as she dropped her voice. "I'm glad you're here too...Bas. Very glad." Before she could talk herself out of it, she let her hand reach out to cover the back of his, then slowly, lightly stroked her palm up the length of his arm, coming to rest on his shoulder. Her heart was pounding wildly in her chest, and she hoped this did not betray itself in her expression.

And god did she hope Adrian would stay away.
Frowning at his shortness with her, Izzy popped a crisp piece of bacon into her mouth and followed her husband out into the hallway, ignoring the fact the the button down she still wore, just passed her underwear.

"Are you alright?" Her eyes were wide with concern as she reached out for Jirro's arm, tugging him back into the doorway of their suite. "You never just run out like this...not since..." she paused, not needing to bring up what had happened to them. Brushing a hand through her hair she looked up at him, waiting for a response. "I mean, you've been quiet, well more quiet then your normal brooding self the past few days...what is it?"

She tugged on his arm, pulling him in closer so that her hips just met his and rested her arm against his bicep, right above his tattoo of her name. Since they had been reunited, their year had been a little rocky. She knew that Jirro must have felt some resentment towards her, well with how long it had taken her to remember him. It hadn't been her fault though, it wasn't like she had deliberately tried to hurt him. But she thought things had been good the past few months, now he would hardly look at her for more then a few seconds, and she couldn't remember the last time he had fed from her. It was weird to think something like that could be so important, but with their kind, it was what brought couples closer.


There was amusement in his blue eyes as Bucky watched as Kat fussed with the food still on her plate as she talked. He almost felt bad for her eggs as she repeatedly stabbed at them with her fork and flinched slightly at the way the metal scraped across the ceramic, a sound much more pronounced to his sensitive Lycan ears. But he found her nervousness to be quite adorable, and he would have said that if he wasn’t afraid of how that might cause the younger girl to react.

“I believe he has, what they call pyrokenesis…” he said softly as he listened to her explain to him her situation about her brother and how she had come to be a part of this academy as well. His eyes left her for a moment to pick out her twin from the crowd, instantly finding the dark haired boy who’s looks mirrored hers, sitting not far from them. He noted the vacant seat besides him, and for a moment, Bucky wondered why Kat had been sitting at this table alone, instead of with her kin.

He was about to explain to her just what he was, and say how there was nothing wrong with her being human when he could hear the girl’s heartbeat quicken, just seconds before her hand covered his. The movement caught him off guard, as did the softness of her skin and he swallowed hard, his eyes finding hers curiously. She was bold, he had to give her that. She seemed to know what she wanted. Holding his breath, he stayed perfectly still, as her hand traveled up his arm, suddenly very aware of her closeness, the smell of her shampoo…the way her heart continued to beat away rapidly in her chest.

Although he couldn’t tell now if that was his own heart he was hearing...

“Katarina…” he started slowly, one hand moving up to take hers and brought it away from his shoulder, holding it in his still as they came to a rest on the table top. “It has been such a pleasure meeting you, but…” He could feel the eyes of her brother burning holes into his head, and his lips twitched in amusement. “-sadly I do have a class that I need to be getting to…”

Despite this, his hand was still holding hers, his fingers, having slipped under the end of her sleeve, were now gently tracing patterns along the skin above her thumb, moving down to stroke her wrist, feeling the way the vein jumped beneath his fingers. It had been a long time since he had been this close to someone outside from his Pack, and it was weird how drawn he suddenly felt to this human.

“Perhaps,” he offered her a small smile once more, staring into her eyes now, “-you would wish to walk with me?” He hoped she would say yes, but in a way he also hoped she would say no. Although he wasn’t staff just yet, he wasn’t even sure how the others would feel about the way he was acting with one of the academy’s students. And he had a strong feeling that the girl would be turned off from him once she learned his nature. He had yet to meet a human comfortable being around a wolf, especially one with a history like his.
Katarina's heart beats still faster when Bucky covers her hand with his. When he entwines his fingers with hers, moving her hand to rest on top of the table, she feels her breath catch in her throat. It seems highly unlikely to her that he cannot hear hear heartbeat, or feel the flow of her blood pulsing through her veins. She doesn't trust herself to immediately speak. His finger is rubbing over wrist, beneath her sleeve, and Katarina can feel his slightly callused skin against the thinnest part of her own...

And then reality hits, like a punch to the solar plexus. If his fingers travel up much further, they will discover the beginning of her scars, starting mid forearm and working up towards her elbow.

Swallowing back a gasp, Katarina pulls her arm back from him, realizing even as she has done so that the movement happened to coincide with his asking her to walk with him to class. Damn it...if he touched the marks on her arm, or if she tried to explain that she had pulled away so he wouldn't, then he would of course think of her as nothing less than a freak, or at least someone he could in no way be interested in or attracted to. Who would be, with someone who was pathetic enough to actually have to be proud of herself for going two weeks without hurting herself?

The pride she had felt this morning now seemed ridiculous. She shouldn't have to feel proud of something like should just be a fact, a completely unremarkable fact.

"I-sorry," she stammered, still unsure of how to explain herself to him. "Just...I-"

There could be no explanation, not one that would be satisfying for them both. Instead she just shook her head again, then changed the headshake to a nod, taking in another slow breath she hoped he didn't notice. How in the world could he fail to notice that she was acting like a complete nutcase, though?

"I...yes. I'll walk with you. If you're sure you want me to."

She resists the urge to add another "sorry" to that, just barely, then debates for a few more minutes before tentatively trying to slip her hand back into his, standing with him. It will hurt, badly, if he pulls back, so she tries to prepare herself for this. After all, would she blame him?

From where he is seated, Adrian has had enough. It has become clear to him, over the past couple of years, that Katarina is not a girl who can make very good decisions when it comes to guys. More times than he wants to think about, she's thrown herself at some guy she barely knows, a guy that more often than not treated her badly and then cast her aside once he got what he wanted off her. More times than he can think about without feeling the rising heat of actual flames rising inside of him, barely contained from emerging, he had come across her sobbing afterward, or later found new bruises or marks on her she explained away lamely, knowing all along he did not believe her story for their source. It would be perfectly fine to Adrian if she never dated again, or at least waited until they were both 30 to try.

Adrian loved his twin more than anything in life, and he knew, even if none of her choice of men seemed to, that she was special, at least to himself, and deserved to be treated with respect. But Katarina herself didn't seem to believe this, and so she never seemed to expect anyone she was involved with to either.

Now here she was with this guy, who was obviously way older than her, and who Adrian was pretty sure she didn't even know. Wasn't he related to Izzy? And didn't that mean then that he was a LYCAN? His sister, thinking she could go off with some practically thirty-year-old LYCAN?

Hurriedly Adrian stood, as his sister did, and came up behind them, talking a little more loudly than usual, his smile forced as he came around in front of them, blocking them. His posture was tense even as he tried to gesture in a casual fashion.

"Hey Rina. Who's the friend?" To Bucky, he said a little pointedly, "I'm Adrian DeSanto. Katarina's big brother."

"You're my TWIN, Adrian," Katarina sighed, to which Adrian replied, automatically, as this was an ancient banter between them, "Five minutes older, five inches taller, that makes me bigger and's a label that fits."
Nick looked up as she heard Liza's voice, she tilted her head and smiled some, she knew that she could come across as cold at times because of the things that she had been through, and then there were the times that she became strange for reasons that she couldn't even understand, but having Liza around was nice. "Hello, Liza." she said, she smiled again at the mention of her mother knowing that she was big enough to come to the cafeteria on her own. "That's a good thing." she said, still smiling. She glanced at Donnie and reached out to lightly pet him, he was obviously old and worn, though she kept him clean, and tried to make sure that he didn't get torn, she cared deeply for the bear, and she wanted to make sure that he would be there with her for as long as possible.

She looked at Liza again, taking a few bites and chewing her food before speaking, "So, what are you going to be doing today? I'm planning to look for someone to teach me fighting." she said with a smile, she wasn't sure if anyone would want to accept an eight year old as a student, but she would end up being persistent if she felt that she had to. She wanted to learn that, as well as find as many books to read as she could, she wanted to figure out what she was as well as learning to protect herself. Those were the reasons that she had followed Liza here, the possibility of answers, learning to protect herself, and finding a place that she could stay and feel safe, and wanted to some degree.


Ezra Defrank had left home, not that it was much of a home now that no one could see him, by the time he had left his mother had been close to a nervous breakdown thanks to him trying to be noticed. It seemed that normal people just couldn't seen those that were no longer alive if they didn't have an actual body, and him moving things just didn't seem to help anything at all. When he had left his mother had been crying about ghosts and wanting to leave, about not being able to stand living in that house anymore. He hoped that she would get better now that he was leaving, but now he had no idea what he would do or where he would go.

As Ezra wandered around, looking for someplace he could call home, he began to think about his life (a short one seeing as he died at 18), and his death, a quote he had once heard from a movie came to mind. "Death is no respecter of age." he thought about it for a while, really realizing for once how true that quote had been, he had died young, his life cut short for another's mistake, and because of that he chose to stay on earth as a ghost, now he wondered if it was the right choice. He was on his own, his family couldn't see him and he was only able to make them crazy, as far as he knew no one could see him. As time went on he found out that he was wrong in that assumption, there were those that could see him, innocents could see him, as could those with supernatural abilities, or that knew of the supernatural, and one of the people he met told him about a place where there would be other supernatural people.

Ezra left for Dormer Academy at once, hoping that he could join the school, he wasn't sure what a ghost could be taught, but not being alone sounded like a blessing to him. Once he arrived at the school he instantly began asking about who he needed to talk to in order to join, once he had two names and being told where he could look for them he instantly went searching, he found his way to where Faith was supposed to be and was waiting there with a large, hopeful smile on his face.

*Mac looked up at his youngest daughter and laughed it must be nice to live so care-free and dress with conflicting colors like Liza enjoys, always a bounce in her step.* Yes, Mouse don't keep him waiting, Master Stick is a busy man and his lessons here are a limited time thing. *He looks at Faith and then smiles at her, it was Faith's idea to return to this place after so long and give it the proper attention that this sacred place deserves, she even convinced him to teach a class on Combat Tactics also to turn over many of his duties as Exec Director of S.H.I.E.L.D to some of the other Directors in the organization so that he's not stretching himself to far.

It didn't take him long to realize his other daughter Sheena was no where to be found and assumes that means she stayed at Alex's place. He sighs to himself thinking about the example that's setting for the others, the last thing they need is an academy version of Teen Mom around her but Faith doesn't seem up in arms about it so since he has been known to over react sometimes he will defer to her judgment on this for now.* Faith, do you have a busy day today? We should meet with the others about the semester's layout...And did I hear Liza say she had a bad dream last night?
Mikey hummed cheefully as he restrung his guitar, stroking a gentle and loving hand down the stings and listening to the soft hum that the vibrations caused. 'So now we finally get to see what this place is all about, hey Mylia?' He said to the guitar, cleaning a dark spot of oil or something off its front. Standing up, he gently placed the guitar in its case and closed it. 'See you later Mylia.' He said cheerfully, pulling on his hoodie and jogging out into the hallway. He followed the map he'd been given when he first turned up and found his way to the cafeteria, noting the large amount of students gathered around. Should he talk to anyone? He wondered. he wanted to make some friends but he was a little nervous. Maybe he could try and find his brother. Then he remembered that he'd received a letter from him saying that he wouldn't be there when Mikey got there. Something about a developmental field trip or something. So he was truly alone. Well, he'd just have to man up and introduce himself to some people he supposed. As he wandered the cafeteria in search of someone to talk to, some guy stuck their foot out and sent him flying into a trio of people (buck, Kat and Adrian). He groaned, just lying there a while in pain, not even realising that he'd fallen on his face in front of three total strangers. 'Ouch..' He mumbled, slowly shifting to his knees, rubbing his shoulder stiffly. 'Damn my clumsy feet.'
{Jirro smiled at Izabella to try and reassure her that he's fine but the real truth is he's not, somedays he can still the faces of the people that he killed while under HardTime's control, women and children, he had no control over his own actions and could do nothing but watch as if he was in a room watching a brutal television show, forcing him over and over to take lives. Then suddenly he let him go as if he was bored with him like an old childhood toy and now he's back with his wife, his daughter and her boyfriend Akira no where to be found. He should speak to Izabella about this and but he fears she'll worry about him and not want to let him out of her sight so he tells her he's fine and that is very far from the truth} Everything is fine, I just have a lot on my mind, which is why I'd like to meet you for lunch so you and I can relax and enjoy a meal together. {After kissing her once more he leaves.

Jirro like a lot of the instructors here like to have class outside in one of the prepared areas, his is an outdoor arena with a large platform in the middle for sparring with enough room that several groups of students could spar at once. As students begin to show up, Jirro stands in the middle of the platform, his arms crossed over his chest, his sword firmly attach to his back. He speaks with confidence to the group.}

Welcome students, this will be an instruction in Swordsmanship. My name is Jirro Mochizuki, for those of you that do not know me or what I am, let me explain and be very clear about this, I am a Black Blood, some of you may think that means vampire but that wrong. We Black Bloods are considered being called a vampire an insult, no offense to any of you that are vampires but to me that's like me calling a human being a chimp. You see unlike vampires Black Blood still have souls, we can have babies, we don't give in to the base desire to feed on humans, well most of us don't. I'm sure some of you will have class with my wife, Izabella Mochizuki, I assure you that she will be much harder on you then I. Now down to business, in this class you will learn that a sword is not a weapon but it is an extension of your person, losing your sword in battle is like losing your arm, dropping your sword in my class will be an mistake that you will regret.

So what is needed to be a swordsman? Does anyone have any ideals about that?
Her frown only deepened as Izzy watched Jirro walk away. Sighing softly, she shrugged in defeat and slipped back inside their suite, making a beeline to the kitchen to finish the breakfast he had made, wolfing a good sized portion of it down before cleaning up the rest and quickly went back to the bedroom to gather her clothes and a quick shower. She barely had time to enjoy the heat from the water when she heard the alarm on her phone go off, alerting the Hybrid that she had about a half hour to finish up and head to her class site.

She wasn't too nervous about teaching. She had taught her daughters the proper use of firearms as well as a few friends and family members in the past. Even though using guns was not the way of the Black Blood clan, Izzy couldn't help but cling to her favored hobby from her life in the Pack. Her father had taught her everything she had known, helped her master it. Her skills and knowledge had only grown as she aged, picking up new things in her travels along the way.

Slipping on a pair of dark slacks and a tight fitting black shirt, she ran her fingers through her dark hair, tugging at the tangles before jamming it all into a messy bun. Catching her reflection in the mirror, her eyes went to the spot on her neck, the fading scars from fangs Jirro had left slightly above her jugular from the last time he had fed. The memory caused her to blush and her finger tips brushed over the spot gently as she adjusted the necklace around her neck. It had been almost two weeks since that night, something was clearly up, she just wished he'd tell her already.

Faith told her that she could set up her shooting range across from the stables so as she punched out a quick text to Bucky on his whereabouts, she started heading in that direction. her holster had been the last thing she grabbed before locking things up behind her, her favorite glock, a gift from Macal, directly at her hip. She felt better having it on her now, especially after everything that had happened. Jirro, as well as his brothers had preferred to use swords, something she still hadn't quite gotten used to, but Izzy just liked her guns. The noise they made, the power behind a way it kept her sane...

The range was perfect. More then enough room for her students to spread out and practice target shooting that day. She figured their first day should be easy, let them get used to things before she brought in the hard stuff. Smiling softly, she set up her own spot and waited.


Bucky could sense Kat’s hesitation and for a moment he wondered if it had to do with the way her brother continued to stare the two of them down. He could understand what he must be feeling, the need to protect one’s sibling was a very powerful thing, he himself had felt it quite often with Izabella and her older sister.

His smile returned when she finally caved, saying that she’d walk with him and he pushed back from his spot at the table, tossing his half eaten apple into the trash and held his hand out for her to help her from her seat. “Shall we?”

He isn’t even able to take her hand in his when her brother is suddenly standing in front of them. Bucky resisted the urge to roll his eyes, he had been so caught up in Kat that he hadn’t even sensed the boy’s movement as he approached. ‘Sloppy…’ he told himself. ‘Don’t get caught up in this…not again…she’s just being nice to you…they’re always like this, always…it’s never anything more…no one wants to be with you…you’re a monster…’

Shaking his head, fighting back the voice in his head, he lets his hand drop to his side and looks down at Adrian, his smile never faltering, but appearing more forced now. “You’re timing, is quite excellent…Katarina was just telling me about her brother, the pyro…”

Their quick banter caused him to chuckle and he tapped at his lower lip at the same time he felt his cellphone in his back pocket vibrate with an incoming message. Muttering an apology, he checked it quickly and sighed softly. It was from Izzy, he had to get going to the range, didn’t want to risk being late on his first day.

Clearing his throat, he looked back at Kat, once again taking her hand in his. “I hate to do this, but I must be off, apparently I’m needed sooner than later…” he brought her hand up to his lips and quickly kissed it, not caring if her brother approved of him at the moment or not. “Could we meet up later? I’ll be at the shooting range by the stables for most of the day…maybe we can get lunch together…” For her brother’s behalf, he turned and offered him a small smile. “You’re more then welcome to join if you’d wish…I’m rather curious to learn more about your abilities…”

With that, he gave Kat’s hand a gentle squeeze and released it. “I’ll be seeing you soon Katarina…” He offered the twins a wave and was off, the thought of seeing her again later, keeping the smile on his face as he hurried to get to his class.
"I like your bear," Liza informs Nick, smiling across the table at him as if expecting him to talk to her as well. "He's nice. He's kinda beat up looking but mine is too so that's okay. That just means that they're tough, I think."

She seems almost incapable of sitting still, wiggling in her seat as she eats, looking up at Nick and smiling at her with her mouth full. "You wanna fight? I can teach you to fight! I won't even hurt you much, I think. If I'm careful. Probably. Plus also my mama can. 'Cause she teaches people. So you oughtta come to my mama's class and she'll teach you to fight. You want me to show you where?"

Almost jumping up, she holds out her hand to Nick, forgetting her breakfast. She fully expects Nick to take it and follow her. Her bear in her free arm, she addresses Nick's bear too.

"Come on, you oughtta come too. My bear can fight so I bet you can too."


"Not that busy," Faith shrugged, her tone unconcerned as she watched Liza leave. Yeah, stuff to do, but nothing that can't be put off or wait. I'm supposed to have a fighting class, I was thinking I'd take them outside...that pyro kid's starting to get some control, Adrian, I was thinking it might be interesting if I made him shoot flames at people and see them defend themselves against it. could be a disaster." She snickered, shaking her head. "I might stick with the crossbow weapons. But yeah, we can have a meeting or whatever, that's fine. We're getting new kids all the time lately, we should probably get things set up straight."

His question about Liza's nightmare is shrugged off as well. "Yeah she did, but she seems fine. She didn't say what it was about and she wasn't bawling, so it couldn't have been too bad. How about we do the meeting thing after my class, around-"

Just then the communicator device she wears on her wrist to send and transmit messages goes off, and as Faith looks down at it, she sees that an administrative staff member has informed her of a new potential student who wants to meet with her. Exhaling, Faith holds up her wrist. "Derailed. I guess I'll tell them to tell him to meet me in one of the training rooms, I'll put a note on the door for class to wait for me outside."

Giving Macal a quick kiss goodbye, she punched in her response and the message she meant for them to give the new student, then went to do as she had said she would, leaving the note and going to wait for the boy at the training room in mind. When she arrives, however, she sees that someone- something- is already outside it. Something non corporeal.

With all that Faith has encountered in her life, the one thing she has NOT encountered is a ghost, at least one that isn't solid, and she jumps back, barely swallowing a gasp.

"What the hell?"


Adrian has barely finished retorting to Katarina before a boy neither recognized stumble and fell in front of them, almost knocking into them. Katarina gasped, backing up quickly, and Adrian, after his first startled reaction, bent to help him up, fighting to suppress a smile.

"You okay?"

Katarina is distracted from the fallen boy when Bucky takes the opportunity of this averted attention of Adrian to take her hand and kiss it, then offered her to meet him at the shooting range. As her face flushes scarlet, and she can feel her eyes widening, even as her face breaks into a slow smile, she can barely manage a reply that is more than a nod.

He had kissed her. In front of her brother. On the hand, granted...but a kiss. He had held her hand. He had offered for her to meet him later...he had to like her. How was she so lucky that a guy like that would like her?

Maybe he was just being nice. That must be it...but still, Katarina hoped. And she had enough of that hope to make it her priority then and there to do as he asked, and meet him.

Adrian, now looking up, just in time to see him squeeze Katarina's hand, scowls in Bucky's direction, not bothering to hide his suspicion. "Who is that guy, Kat? Do you even know him?"

"We should go to class," Katarina says, in lieu of a response, her words almost a mutter. She doesn't look back at her brother but instead walks quickly ahead towards Izzy's classroom, her first of the day. She feels so light and pleased that she is almost floating. Adrian, throwing a glance back at Mikey, starts to follow her, shaking his head.

He's sure this won't end well.

When they reach the class location, Sheena is entering ahead of them, and they file in behind her, ready for their lesson to start. But Katarina doesn't have her mind at all on what lesson might be coming, it's plain for anyone to see. No, she's still got that dumb dopey smile on her face, and it's almost enough to make Adrian want to shake her.
Nick looked at Donnie with a very fond smile, "Yes, he certainly is tough. He's been with me my whole life, he's the only thing my parents left me with when they left me at the orphanage as a baby." she said, it was clear just how important that bear was to her by the look on her small face, the light in her eyes. "His name is Donnie." she said with a firm nod.

She looked up quickly when she heard the sound of someone falling down, judging by the people snickering around him, she figured that he had probably been tripped or something. She frowned, she hated bullying, but she knew there wasn't much that she could do against those that were older than her, and most likely stronger, she sighed and slowly touched the scar above her right eye where she had been hit when she first discovered her powers. She blinked and quickly looked at Liza as she started talking about fighting. "Yes, I want to learn, I feel like it is important for me to learn how to fight and defend myself." she said with a small nod. She had seen some of the things that happened to those that didn't know how to defend themselves.

"I'm not sure I should learn from you, though I'm sure that you would be able to teach me." she said with a smile, she stood up when Liza nearly jumped out of her seat and reached out to grab Donnie, then Liza's hand. "Learning from your mother would be great." she said with a nod.


Ezra was pacing, he couldn't help but be a little nervous as it seemed that it took longer and longer for Faith to show up. He stopped and looked at her, he tilted his head, "You must be Faith?" he asked with a smile. His smile faltered some as she jumped back, he slowly tilted his head, figuring that she probably hadn't expected someone like him. He bit his lip, he hadn't expected this reaction, he sighed, then walked toward her, extending his hand. "Hi, I'm Ezra Defrank, and I'd like to join this Academy." he said with another smile.

He slowly looked at his hand, remembering that he couldn't easily touch people, moving objects required a lot of concentration for him, so he wasn't even sure he could shake her hand anyway. He dropped his hand and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, I still forget sometimes... I've only been dead six months, and most of that time was spent not being seen." he said as he slowly ran his fingers through his hair, studying the floor as he spoke, then he looked at her again, "Really though... I'm not here to cause any trouble... and I am not sure what I could learn here, but... maybe I could learn something, and I wouldn't be alone. Well, I would at least be seen." he said.

((haha! Her first class is with Izzy, and Bucky will be there anyways :P ))

Izzy was getting a quick practice in when she caught Bucky's scent, alerting her of his approach. Looking up after firing off the last of her round, she noted the goofish smile plastered on his face and an eyebrow rose as curiosity got the better of her.

"Should I even ask? I mean, you look like someone just handed you the keys to a palace or some s*** like that..." she teased gently, watching as he moved over besides her, dropping down onto one of the folding chairs she had set up for the students. He tried to glare at her, but found that he couldn't, instead just offered her a tiny shrug and leaned back in the small chair, looking rather smug.

He was seeing her later, that was all that mattered right now...

Shrugging herself, Izzy reloaded her gun, and turned away from her younger brother, shielding her eyes from the sun with one hand as she watched a few students approaching, coming down from over the small hill which blocked the view of the main part of the academy. It looked like just a small bunch of students, which worked better for her, this way she didn't have to worry about focusing on too many people at once. Smaller crowds with guns were easier to handle then the larger group she had been dreading.

Coughing softly, Bucky got up and stretched, letting out a small yawn. "So what exactly am I supposed to be doing here love?" he questioned, going over to the table where all the glocks were waiting. He took one for himself, remembering how Izzy had taught him how to load it a few years back, and did so then, taking his time. Bucky wasn't a huge fan when it came to using any types of weaponry aside from his Lycan form. He never understood why Hank Danvers had insisted that his two girls had grown up to become knowledgeable in all types of firearms, explosives, archery, swordsmanship, ect, ect...

They were the perfect weapon in the themselves. But, like most things Hank chose to do, Bucky shrugged his thoughts on them off and did as he was told, assisting in the girls lessons, and later letting them both try and teach him all that they had learned.

"Just, help me is all..." Izzy leaned back against one of the posts, her golden eyes narrowing as the kids started getting closer. "I've never really taught people like this before...and you, you've been to almost every lesson I've had growing up, you store things like that in your memory...I guess I just need you to assist..." she paused then smiled sheepishly over at him. "I want you to help teach the class with that cool?"

Bucky returned her smile and nodded. "Cool..."

At this point, they only had to wait a few moments for the students to arrive, and as he watched them all take their seats, he found himself once more locking eyes with that Kat girl. His surprise was noted by Izzy, who followed to where he was staring, her eyes widening slightly when she realized that her brother's heartbeat had suddenly quickened at the sight of one of her students. She wasn't really sure what that meant, but it was obvious he had some sort of attraction towards the girl. She wasn't even sure if that was allowed, but was pretty sure it wasn't considering he's be assisting her with this class.

Clearing her throat, she nudged him gently in the ribs, a tiny growl escaping her lips, low enough to get his attention, but strong enough to get her point across. Bucky did a little jump and turned to look at her, the guilt clear across his features. Giving his head a tiny shake, he forced himself to get more serious now. He couldn't let Katarina become a distraction here, Izzy was depending on him too much. Dragging his eyes away from her, he instead focused on Izzy as she moved around in front of the students and cleared her throat to get their attention.

"Welcome, to defense against the dark arts, section one..." she joked. There was a few laughs and she let out a soft one herself, shaking her head. "My name, is Izabella Mochizuki, however I would advise the lot of you to call me either Izzy or Mrs. Mochizuki if you really, really have to..." Her eyes scanned the students, letting herself curiously look over the girl Bucky had seemed so taken by once more.

"This, will be your basic beginners class on firearms and how to properly use them...should you all pass, you'll move on to the next level when the term changes, where we focus more on the more well..." she paused and grinned widely, her canines clearly visible. "Bigger, and louder guns..."

She smiled at the few sounds of excitement that filled the space and moved back to give them all a better view of the range behind her. "This is where we'll meet, three times a week. You'll each be given fifteen minutes of practice time in the start of each class, followed by a half hour lesson. However since today is our first class, you get the whole forty-five minute slot to have all those targets in the field Each of you has been given different colored bullets, so at the end of the class, I want you all to go around and see just what all you managed to hit and mark it down on your map sheets, this way we can get some kind of idea where and what your skills are at..."

"This," she continued. "-is Bastian Harris behind me." She turned slightly to face him and motioned him over. "He's going to be assisting me and you through this class over the next few weeks."

"It's Bucky please..." He said softly, turning to look at Kat and offered her a secret smile, knowing she had her own nickname for him.

"Bucky," Izzy corrected herself. "Alright!" she clapped her hands and motioned to the space around her. "Have at it, all the guns are loaded, so after you put on the appropriate gear from the tables and grab a spot, have at it. Buck and myself will be coming around to get to know each of you..." she made a quick mental note to go for the girl Bucky was interested in first.

((In case anyone wanted to see, this is how Izzy's eyes always are. Her eyes only go Black when she'd feeding, or emotional))

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"Don't an orphanage mean it's a place for people who don't got no parents?" Liza frowned, tilting her head to the side as she puzzled over Nick's statement. "How come your mama and daddy left you there if they weren't even dead? That wasn't nice. They shoulda kept you I think. I woulda kept you."

When she hears Mikey fall, she is distracted and looks in his direction, her frown deepening, especially when she hears people laughing. She is somewhat relieved to see Adrian help him up, but nevertheless stands with her hands on her hips, announcing to the cafeteria at large in a loud voice, "You shouldn't oughtta laugh at him! That wasn't nice. He coulda been hurt and then I woulda had to heal him and you shouldn't even laugh at him. 'Cause that's not nice."

Having thus pointed this out, satisfied that she's properly instructed them now, she takes Nick's hand again, her former cheery demeanor returning as she tugs her towards the door. "My mama is gonna teach today. We oughtta find her."

Rather than teleporting directly to her, as she had into the cafeteria, though, she giggles, dropping Nick's hand. "Let's race!" Then she takes off, heedless of anyone who might be passing in the halls whom she might knock into.


Faith doesn't back away, but neither does she extend her hand to shake. Instead, she continues to eye the figure before her with some incredulity, merely raising an eyebrow with some irony when he extends a hand she doubtless would not have been able to grasp.

"Uh, right. You want to join us. And you're dead. But not the vampire or zombie kind of know, the kind I'm actually used to seeing. Not the "I just got resurrected" or the "Hi my name is Buffy Version Four" kind of dead I'm familiar with...but the "Hi I'm Casper" kind of dead. So, that's...interesting and question, though. You're a ghost. You're dead. You can't touch anything. So...since what we teach here, other than regular school stuff, is fighting and controlling powers and all...which kinda involves touching people...if you stuck around here, what exactly am I supposed to teach you?"


Sheena has some experience with guns, but not with the number of varieties that Izzy is accustomed to using by any stretch of imagination, and what she is currently able to do is mostly the basics of operating them. Until recently she has been very afraid to even use guns, due to a traumatic experience years ago in which she witnessed a friend shoot and nearly fatally injure a man with a gun, an incident she had put upon herself as her fault. Although she is no longer frightened of guns, her knowledge of them is basic, and so she is taking Izzy's class, hopeful that she will be able to learn quickly enough to move on to more advanced levels. As she goes to select her gun and take her position, she is not paying any attention to the exchange between Bucky or Katarina, preoccupied with her own thoughts.

Adrian, of course, is not so focused. The moment he had walked into the class area and realized that the guy Katarina had been making google eyes at was also teaching the class, he had nearly groaned aloud, his eyes rolling sky ward. It figured that Kat would not only pick an old guy, but one who was her TEACHER. Surely that was against the rules, right?

Even as he goes to his gun his eyes repeatedly shift towards his sister. He's more concerned about her being around this Bucky guy than her handling guns.

Katarina, on the other hand, is thrilled, though she tries not to show it. Seeing Bucky in the classroom with her had seemed to her some sort of sign, as though the universe at large was telling her that she was somehow meant to continue to pursue him. When he smiles at her, she smiles back, with less shyness than she had shown before. Even as she goes to select her gun and set her area to shoot, she is trying to keep aware of every movement Bucky makes within her realm of sight.

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*Macal arrives at his training area, a large place covering a few city blocks, this area was special because the entire place was filled with holographic generators so that at the touch of a button anything from a small urban town, a desert, even a jungle setting. To give students a real life feeling like tactical situations. For now it's in it's default setting, just a large empty space with the exception of a large water tower at the far end of the space. As students arrive the tower stands out but what is even more important is a woman laying in the street moaning and crying for help.*

*Master Stick waited for Liza to show up outside in the forest for her private lesson to start, he looked up at the sun to see what time it was and realized Liza was late, this was not something he could allow. Annoyed he leaves to find her, when he finally tracks her she's in the cafeteria giving a lecture to be nice and then starts to leave in the opposite direction of where she was suppose to meet him. He claps his hands together sending a gust of wind that lifts her off her feet and holds her suspended in the air spinning her round and round as he walked towards her. Tapping her on top of the head with his staff, making a loud clonk sound.* PRINCESS! Did you forget that you were to meet me for your lessons today?

*Alex finally dragged himself out of bed and got dress, there aren't many classes here he can take without being bored because of his previous training they are needed, Izzy's firearm class, Faith's combat class are both things he's highly skilled at already, He is however interested in learning tactics from Macal and swordsmanship from Jirro and the chance to get some time with Stick would be a chance of a lifetime.*
bBfore Mikey could respond in thanks to Adrian for helping him up, the male was off again, the other, beautiful female following after. 'Uh.. thanks.. I guess.' He called after them, rubbing the back of his neck ruefully, and sighed. Well, this looked to be a very confusing and possibly daunting place. How he wished that his brother was there. If he could talk to him then he'd probably be able to feel a little more at home. He sighed, pulling a chair over from the table and laying with his head on the desk. No one wanted to be friends with him. He sighed again, closing his eyes and feeling a little defeated. This was harder than he'd thought originally. being Mikey, he assumed that everyone would be friendly, that they all had a connection by being in this place. But apparently that wasn't the case, and he would soon learn that he supposed. Slowly he sat up again and stretched, looking around as some of the students left the cafeteria. There were a lot of them, he thought with intrigue. Surely someone would be his friend? He stood, hands in the pockets of his hoodie, walking slowly to his class. He looked at the sheet of paper in his hand, trying to read the handwriting. It was a little illegible but he eventually made out the name of his teacher. 'Jirro Mochizuko'. Interesting name. He wondered what he'd learn in that class, and who would be in it. He eventually made it to the class, after getting lost multiple times, stumbling in while the teacher was in the midst of talking. The blonde teenager turned a bright shade of pink as he rubbed the back of his neck again. 'Uhhhh sorry.. Hi..' He said, embarrassed beyond belief. He shuffled over to where the other students were, avoiding eye contact as he listened to what Jirro had to say about swords. Do we really have to learn to use these? He wondered in surprise. Mikey wasn't violent. He'd sooner hug someone to death than pick up a weapon and use it against them.


Merilee hummed a gentle tune to herself as she wandered into class. It was her second year in Faith's academy, and she found she liked it very much. Since her pod's murder Merilee had been searching for an escape, somewhere to hide from the dangers of the world she now lived in. Then she'd ended up in the zoo, and she discovered another kind of hell. Being kept trapped, unable to see the sky, to hear the waves crashing on the shores, it was too much for her fragile state of mind to bear. It was years ago now, but it still terrified her. It haunted her dreams. She saw Dormer academy as a refuge, a place where the bad things couldn't get her. Meriknew that what she had experienced was what many in that place feared most. Or at least, it should have been. She felt there was nothing worse than being trapped for what seemed like an eternity, having people gawk at you. it didn't matter if they knew what you were or not. To them you were entertainment. If they knew what she really was, she would have been studied, tested on and all sorts of horrible things. She shuddered at the memory before enstepping out onto the range, smiling shyly at the others that were there and taking her place in the half moon shape they had formed. It was nice to be outside, she thought to herself.
Liza has stepped one foot out of the cafeteria doorway when Stick's gust of wind lifts her into the air and twirls her, causing her to drop her bear on the ground. Crying out not with fear or guilt, but rather irritation, she crosses her arms over her chest as she spins, pouting down at him from her height and not trying to stop herself from moving as she answers him back.

"Yes Mr. Stick, I forgot 'cause my friend Nickkie here wanted to fight with Mama and so I was gonna take her and she had a bear like my bear only hers got a name and our bears were gonna be friends. And they laughed at that boy who's a klutz which isn't nice at all so I had to tell them they were being bad. Plus also I was racing and stuff."

To her this is a reasonable and perfectly acceptable explanation that should make sense to anyone who hears it. Smoothing at her little pant legs, she informs him, "I'm getting tired of spinning I think. Roller coasters are better."

When he hits her she scowls at him, her voice becoming more irritable. "Hey! That wasn't nice, Mr. Stick. Hitting people isn't good unless you're kicking their ass. Then it's okay sometimes. But I wasn't even being bad. I wanna get down and go fight now, okay?"
"An orphanage is for children who either don't have parents or are unwanted." she said, she couldn't explain why her parents left her there because she didn't even know herself, there were a lot of things that she didn't know about what happened that night and about what she was. She tilted her head and watched in silence as Liza spoke out to those that bullied the young man, it was certainly something she hadn't expected, though she couldn't help but smile some. The next thing Nick knew Liza was back and talking about racing to where her mother was, Nick smiled a little and shrugged some, she was fast, so she figured that this would be interesting.

She took off after Liza, keeping an eye out for others around them, she didn't want to bump into anyone. All of a sudden Liza was lifted up by the wind and hovered there, spinning slowly, Nick looked around, wondering if there was danger, a light wind was already starting to blow around her. As she noticed the old man walk up and hit Liza, saying something about her being late for her lesson understanding dawned on her and the wind stopped suddenly. She ran up to the man quickly, "You control the winds as well?" she asked excitedly, she couldn't help wondering what he was and if they were the same since they both controlled the winds.

Nick bit her lip, suddenly realizing how rude it must have been for her to interject herself into what was probably supposed to be a private conversation, though she realized that she was going to have to do it again. "Liza was taking me to meet her mother so I could talk to her about joining her fighting class. So the blame is partially mine." she said, she couldn't tell a lie, but she could have kept her mouth hut, except that she wanted to help Liza if she could.


Ezra bit his lip, he should have expected there to be questions, but he wasn't expecting them to be about why they should allow him to join the school, he sighed some and ran his fingers through his short hair. "Buffy version four?" he asked, sounding a bit confused about what she was talking about, then he shook his head and moved on to answer her questions. "I can move things, it just takes a lot of concentration to be able to touch anything, and to hold onto it so that I can move it and not drop it. Maybe with time I will get better at it so I can learn how to fight or something useful like that. For now though... I have a question for you, Do you know what i is like to not be seen at all? Never to be noticed? I walk through things and people, and until recently none of them have even known I was there. I need this place... at least here I will be seen, even if I'm hated, it's better than not being seen at all." he said. He wasn't trying to play the sympathy car, just to let her know how he felt.


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