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Doodles & Noodles

So inspired by an awesome fusion sprite @UmbreonRogue did, I decided to make this quick doodle to celebrate what in my opinion is the best fusion EVER!!! So behold in all it’s flying/sleeping beauty: SNORIZARD!

(I like to think he just falls instead of flying, that's just his thing)

Question, do you take requests? if so, could you do me if I provided I provided a picture of myself? I like your art style!
@SomaFel Thank you so much!!! Sadly at the moment I'm not taking requests, but if I ever do I'll deffinetly post it about here >.< A few people have asked about it, and I guess I can say that I'm kinda worried I'll take too long with requests or I'll fail horribly, so I'm being dumb and avoidind the responsibility.

(Cause sometimes my brain dies and I ran out of ideas or I have too many ideas at the same time T-T)
Mayhem said:

(Cause sometimes my brain dies and I ran out of ideas or I have too many ideas at the same time T-T)

I bELIEVE IN YOU last time I was in art block I doodled cubes with the word art in it for a few months. It was a weird time.
Entarriance said:
I bELIEVE IN YOU last time I was in art block I doodled cubes with the word art in it for a few months. It was a weird time.
Holy crap, the last time I had an art block I went into a weird draw-squiggly-patterns rampage that last for a few days. This time I'll think I'll try one of those "art challenges" thingies.
Oooh, I checked out your tumblr! Lovely pieces! Your use of color is especially fun-- I wish I could draw with that crisp, cartoony look.
Some progress on a new illustration I'm making for my lovely D&D character. Still a lot to fix but I'm liking how it's coming along, my idea for this was the notion of: "If I had to gather ingredients to summon Sarella, what would I use?" and then I went crazy with the meaning behind each one of them.


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Well this is DONE, I just need to figure out how to fucking color it, aka. Ruin It™


(A cookie for anyone who has a good color scheme in mind >.<)

“Roll for Intimidation”

My tiefling witch for D&D who’s constantly abusing the thaumaturgy spell. This took me AGES cause I’m a lazy ass, and I always have an identity crisis every time I colour anything, but I’m done and I’m kinda happy with it. I had to ditch the flaming eyes and hand cause I couldn’t get the effect I had in mind, so I just kept the white eyes.

Ram Head/Hag Eye: A constant looming presence over her, both symbols represent her past. The ram skull (a classic symbol for demons) represents her tiefling origins, while the Hag Eye represents her background growing up with a coven (and the possibility/fear that she’s constantly being watched).

Flower/Bone: Both symbols standing at her side, closely tied together, the bone and flower represent her magic and knack for necromancy (a skill she acquired not as a choice but mostly out of familiarity),her ability to both create and destroy.

Feathers/Bird Skull: Both symbols at her feet, these two are Sarella’s desires represented through her familiar (an owl) Atropos. In one hand the owl feathers represent her constant thirst for a certain type of knowledge, while on the other hand the skull represents the notion of owls as omens of bad luck.

Did I overthink this? Yes, probably…
@Ecstasyia Well I think the usual art advice is "Draw a lot!" and stuff like that, but if you want more specific advice maybe show me of your work? I would love to help!

Atropos || The “inexorable” or “inevitable.”

“[The oldest of the three Moiras] It was Atropos who chose the mechanism of death and ended the life of mortals by cutting their thread with her “abhorred shears.”

(My witch’s familiar for D&D, a creepy grumpy owl who started as an aesthetic choice but now I kinda love...I promise this is the last time I use a brown background, I don't know why I'm suddenly doing that all the freaking time)
So I just came back and all the links to my art are broken, and I honestly don't know if I have the motivation to fix it all >.<

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