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Jackson felt that Miles was a little off but decided not to pry much into it, it could have just been in his mind after all. His body did feel weird too though, even so he ignored it. "Wish I could drive…" he said and stuck his tongue out. "But honestly I wonder if anyone will show up there."
something bad is 'bout to happen to me.
i don't know it, but I feel it coming. might be so sad, might leave my nose running.

i just hope she don't wanna leave me
dark red by steve lacy
a bit.. overdressed, are we?

aaa im late !


Aera felt a buzz beside her thigh, causing her gaze to tear away from the road to her phone. For just a moment though! She doesn't condone texting and driving but... With a shift of her digits, she flipped the phone over to take a peek at the notifications. Her eyebrows arched. The bar revealed messages from the group chat between Miles and their other friends. 'Shit I almost forgot!' She snatched up her phone.

Again, she doesn't condone texting and driving.


> im so sorry guys !! my interview took a little longer than i expected ! im entering town though !

Aera exhaled, letting her phone plop to her lap. Her grey-brown eyes then shifted back to the road, her hands gripping the bygone steering wheel. Other than the peeling wheel revealing the truck's shape, so did.. well.. everything. Rust decorated the outside of the pickup truck - so much so that holes have formed due to the corrosion. The leather in the three-seater was utterly worn and even torn in some sports. Hay and dried mud sprinkled the carpet, despite Aera's vain efforts to clean out the truck. The truck gets her from plan a to plan b, but it won't always be that way.

With that in mind, Aera decided to try to get a part-time job in the nearest city. Yeah, her parents give her allowance for helping out on the farm, but it won't be enough for her to get a new car anytime soon. Besides, she spent a good chunk of her money on the dress she wore for the interview. 'Aishh.. the dress! Fingers crossed that this dress wasn't a waste!'
The dress is quite gorgeous though. It's an off the shoulder-dress, showing off her collarbones and the pearl necklace her mother let her borrow. The sleeves are flowing and white, while the torso and below is corset-esque. It's a mixture of blues and greens, little flowers strewn across. The dress, other than being really pretty, was also very flattering on her figure while still being modest. With that being said, she was going to be way too overdressed for Miles pizza-hangout. 'As long as I don't get any pizza on it, it'll be fine. It's not like we'll be doing anything other than lounging around like bums-'

Oh, she'd find out that she would be very wrong.

Aera was the last to pull in, her truck squealing horribly to a stop. "Damn, I need to have Dad check out the pads.." She muttered, gathering her bag, phone, and an enormous box of Crumbl cookies. With her foot, she pushed open the door and scooched her way out. The elfin-sized woman then made her way up to the door, her cheeks flushing a bit. 'Hah, I'm nervous ! Why am I nervous !! Sure I'm one of the newer people in the friend group but-' She exhaled softly, as if that would wash away her neverending anxieties.
The curly-haired teen then pushed open the door, peeking in. "Hi! Sorry for being late, but I brought Crumbl cookies as an apology!~" She singsonged, a smile gracing her features. That would soon falter a bit when she noticed people heading towards the door and a concerned look on Miles face. "Oh- uh- We going somewhere?" Aera asked, her gaze bouncing across the group.
aera nam smith
code by low fidelity.
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Miles rose a brow as Aera burst through the door, distracting him momentarily from his symptoms. He grabbed the box of cookies, offering her a slight smile and a nod in exchange and turning to set them on the counter. “It’s fine Aera, there’s some pizza left but we’re all about to head out. We were gonna go screw around at our one spot, you’re welcome to come along with but Zim’s car is probably going to be full so you might have to drive or tag along with one of the others.” Miles ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it slightly and reaching to grab his leather coat afterwards.

“It’s probably just going to be drinking, smoking and breaking shit. I’m pretty much all set to go though.” Miles grabbed the keys to the house off of the kitchen counter, as well as kneeling down to pop open the cover of a floor vent, gingerly pulling out a bottle of liquor.

“I got a present for you guys, don’t ask how I got it.” Miles smirked, shoving the bottle into a plastic grocery bag nearby to slightly conceal it, almost happily skipping towards the door.
Zim looked down at the bottle in Miles' hand and a magnificent grin cross his face. "Yeahhh now we're talking, hell yeah." He spoke, grateful that they were going to stop with the creepy shit and have a normal night. He followed Miles out and to the driveway to retrieve his car. He hopped in and turned the ignition, feeling a sudden chill go up his spin. What? He thought, but quickly shook it off. Looking out the window he yelled, "alright people lets go!"

Wyn tapped her hands on her lap, seeing more of her friends popping in. "Hello everyone! Can someone give me a ride? I walked here." She asked, looking back and forth between everyone.
"Nice. I like gifts." Annie says, getting up from her seat. She waves at some of the new people, greeting them to the loser club. "I'm gonna need a ride too. Don't have a car and all." She adds as everyone gets ready to go.
She'd glance at the bottle and then him. "I-Is this safe M-miles..?" She'd look slightly unnerved about it.. including the strange feeling. "Uhm.. nevermind.. let's go.." She'd hop inside the car as she'd buckle in calmly, trying to hide her nervousness..
Willow called shotgun and slammed herself into the car.

“What?” She whipped her head around in an attempt to figure out which one of them was speaking, but no one’s mouth moved. “Oh.. nevermind.”

She buckled herself in and assumed she probably caught a weird sigh.
Miles waved his hand dismissively. “Yeah yeah! No worries Sherri, I wouldn’t ever let anything bad happen to anybody!” He gave a mischievous smirk, sliding by the car door and plopping himself on a seat.

Miles tucked the grocery bag that had the alcohol up and under the seat before leaning back, shutting the car door and propping his elbow against it. His head resting against his hand. “I’m all set when everyone else is. I accept my fate if we get in a wreck though.” He joked, he definitely wasn’t going to wear a seatbelt. Because Miles is a jackass.
Jackson gave Miles a look of suspicion, yeah, he probably wasn't going to survive this one. He sighed, "It was nice to have known you guys. At least I had pizza as my last meal, I shall pass away in peace." He said dramatically and got in the car, taking a seat in the back.
something bad is 'bout to happen to me.
i don't know it, but I feel it coming. might be so sad, might leave my nose running.

i just hope she don't wanna leave me
dark red by steve lacy
a bit.. overdressed, are we?



Aera's gaze connected with his, nodding in response. Her eyes then left his, sweeping across the group. "Gotcha. Well.. I got two seats open and a whole bed!" She announced, looking across the group once more. She waited for people to bite before she hopped in her truck - or just waited for Zim to get in his car.

The taupe-haired girl returned her attention over to Miles, watching as he proudly procured a bottle of alcohol. Aera rolled her eyes a bit. "Well, I definitely have to go now to make sure you and Zim don't get absolutely shitfaced." She teased, though there was some concern in her tone. She could definitely be classified as the 'mom' friend of the group. Her knowledge of herbs and medicine seemed to contribute to this role as well. Nothing like stopping your dumb friends from eating a shady-looking mushroom they found in the woods.

Cue another eyeroll. "Don't listen to Miles, we'll be just fine." She reassured, especially towards Sherri. "Just don't let Miles drive." Aera smirked, before sliding into her own truck. "Alright! I got a whole bed open and then two seats with me!" She called once more, knowing that some people stated they had no ride.

aera nam smith
code by low fidelity.
Zim sneered at everyones comments, he was a decent driver, he just liked to go fast. "Alright le-go" He spoke, putting the car into drive and speeding off towards the woods. Driving to their spot had become like second nature to him, muscle memory, he didn't have to think much about it. But this time it felt strange, like they shouldn't be going there. Some voice in his head was telling him to turn back. The dark boy choose to ignore it, it was probably just leftover creeps from the stupid cult everyone wanted to do.

When they arrived he pulled his car off to the side of the road and into the trees a bit, just enough to not be seen from the road. "And we have arrived." Zim spoke, killing the engine. He waited for everyone else to exit the car.
Willow stumbled as she climbed out, going down hands-and-knees style on the dirt. She winced and brushed her scraped hands off on her pants. A wonderful start to an uncomfortable trip. She decided to sit in her shame for a while before attempting to salvage what was left of her pride and force herself up, hoping nobody saw.
Annie gets in a car, turning her attention out the passenger window to look outside during the ride. It was nice, going out into the woods away from responsibilities and just goofing off. Of course her sister wouldn't approve of some of their activities. Oof, maybe she shouldn't drink tonight. It'd would need to be a careful decision to decide on what to do. To be responsible or to not be responsible. It was a difficult choice.

Soon they're there and Annie, exits the car.
Zim looked over to the passenger side as Willow exited, he witnessed the entire event. His first reaction was to laugh and call her out, but he held his tongue. For some reason his secret feelings for Willow took over and he felt bad for the girl, not wanting to embarrass her further. He had this love-hate relationship going on with her and in this instance he didn't want to push it. "Okay well it's pretty dark, but i'm sure we can find our way there." He said, trying to distract the rest of the group. Ignoring the harrowing feeling he had in his stomach about this place tonight.
“Did anyone bring flashlights or working phones..?” Will shuffled around in the most inconspicuous way. “Or are we gonna muscle memory this shit?”

She started off toward their spot, hoping someone with a flashlight would come up front with her. She absolutely noticed Zim’s lack of commentary and it totally shocked her.. but somewhere in her little teenage mind she had a little bit of a squeal moment.
She'd sit and fumble with her hands as she glances out the window to figure out where we were going before turning to Miles. "U-uhm.. Where are we again?" She'd mumble as she glanced at the others for an answer as she looked to them hopping out of the car clutching her bag close to her as she took her bag of course, she brought it everywhere it was just easier to her.
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Annie pulled out her phone when she heard Willow. "Boom." She said, turning on the flashlight. She moved the light around, to get a full scope of the area. She wasn't worried about anything happening. It was just a trip outside, there was no reason to worry.
Hi guys! Because of school, a recent injury of mine and since it’ll be easier for me to organize and keep up with since I’m on discord on a daily basis we will be moving the rp to discord! :)

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