Don't Go Out After Dark.

Jelly x Filled x Donut

Two Thousand Club
Setting: It's late at night now, you have been in your new home for at least a week. You couldn't hold back your curiosity anymore and wandered into the woods.

Peyton looked out her window, well not her window, it was the window of a room she wished she didn't have to be in. The reason she was here, was one she hated to think about. One that killed her inside. Sighing, she decided that she would try to do something to keep her mind off of her woes. Go into the woods. Throwing on a pea coat and scarf, Peyton brushed her long blush colored hair and slipped out the window. She probably could have gotten away with going down the stairs because her grandmother was 89 and completely deaf, but she decided to make this feel more like an adventure. Quietly she glided along the empty streets, avoiding the light of the occasional street lamp. The people in town seemed to be very close, and if they saw her, everyone would know that she had gone out and into the woods. In this town, that was a problem. No one goes out after dark.
Shadow was standing outside looking around,this place actually wasn't as bad as he pictured.He loved the woods but he still,missed his own even after it's been a week since he got here. Shadow hated the fact you couldn't go out after dark though,and he never listened to it. He started walking as he hummed to himself a song he loved,hearing footsteps being taken not to far off from where he was.
Wrex moved around in the shadows. His black coat was shining in the light from the blood that was splattered on it from a midnight bite. He looked for his clothes and changed back to his human form. He looked around and got dressed. He then headed for his cabin to get cleaned up.

Kaleo moved outside. She shivered some as she moved her way around her cabin and out to the trees. She was thirsty and it didn't look like she could have a bite of human so animal will have to do for now. She looked over her shoulder and watched one of the others named Shadow move from his cabin. She lightly shook her head and bounded up a tree. Maybe she could get a bite of him. "I won't kill him" she thought "Just a taste".
Shadow stopped walking and listened,he heard didn't heard just one person. He wondered what he should do for a second there,then just started walking again as he did before. Humming his tune again as he did,he liked this quiet,dark,motionless night.It was very nice and better then the loud yelling and shooting that constantly went on at his old place,he wondered if people here were just as annoying.
Wrex moved into his cabin and smiled. He striped down his clothes and got in the shower letting the hot water run down his body. When he was done he got out and got dressed in nonbloody clothes.

Kaleo jumped down a few trees away and walked where she would meet his path. She smiles faintly and she took off running and accidently ran into Shadow causing them both to fall to the ground. She looked over at him and rubbed her shoulder then stopped. "Uhhh.... Uhhh..." She couldn't speak
Shadow stared at her confused,and even more confused about what she was saying.Who was this and how'd she just up and come out of no where like that?Shadow though this was one of the people he had head and stood up,then grabbed her arm and lightly pulled her up on her feet."Sorry might be the word your looking for."He chuckled and he crossed his arms looking at the girl,though something was off and he was sure to be ready for anything.After all many men thought sending there daughters to kill him was full proof since no one would hurt such a innocent child,to bad they were wrong.
Wrex moved from his cabin and out to the woods hiding in the shadows watching the male and female talk. He laughed and bounded up a tree and watched them from up there. he listened to the conversation.

Kaleo shook off the fear as he helped her up. "I...I was uhhh..." she looked at him. She looked pale from the lack of blood and her eyes where sunken in. She looked at the ground thinking some. He wasn't human but he looked like a good bite. Then again she don't like running people off. She shook her head "I don't know. I arrived here a week ago and I'm just wandering around even thought I'm not suppose to." she talked quickly with a nervous stutter. If he found out what she was and what she wanted he might try to kill her.
"Ah...I see."Maybe she was brain dead at the moment?he thought to himself,trying to figure this girl out.And once again heard movement,why were so many people out at this time? All he knew was there went his peace and quiet,since he ether had this girl or the ones around which seemed to constantly be there no matter where he went."Anyway,I'm Shadow.I came here a week ago too,"He smiled."You?"
She blinked her eyes some and thought if he aint trying now might as well get to know the kid. She huffed at herself and smiled at Shadow. "Im Kaleo" She looked around. "Sorry if i interrupted you." she stepped back some and nodded. She heard leaves and looked up. Red dots looked at her and she shivered. "Its creepy at here" She looked back to Shadow.

Wrex watched as the woman looked up at him and he silently moved from tree to tree until he was on top of his cabin. He watched for a unsuspected woman to appear so he could have a bite.
Shadow shook his head as he looked around,"It reminds me of home so I like it."He heard something move through the trees ad wondered if it was the one he heard before,he sighed and looked back at Kaleo."Do you know why were here?"He asked out of the blue,he figured he was here because the people around his woods hated him for some reason. But he wasn't sure if that was the true reason,maybe this was about something else.
Kaleo sighed and looked to Shadow "Im here because i couldn't control my self back home." Her eyes grew hungry as she talked about it. Her gaze locks on his neck and she shakes it off. She looks back up to his face hoping he didn't see that little episode. She frowned some and spoke again "I was hurting important people..."
Shadow nodded,"Oh...I guess I'm here for killing others too I guess...Though no one important,just ones who wouldn't stop hunting me..."Just thinking about it made him irritated,the ones he hated most were those bow hunters.It was always so hard to get those arrows out and reach them when they hit him from behind,but bullets weren't any easier.
She frowned and looked at him "Well I'm sorry" she look behind her, deeper into the forest. "Wanna go for a walk?" she smiled and turned from him taking a few steps forward.
Shadow smiled,"Sure,i was anyway."Shadow started walking where she started,he really didn't know why she wanted to stay with him but he said nothing of it. He didn't really have anything to talk about ether so,he wondered what they'd do.
She smiled and moved into the darkness of the trees as they walked. She licked her lips and gulped. As they moved deeper into the woods her eyes grew red and she looked over to him. "Shadow.... R.... Run" she took a step toward him.
Shadow looked at her and smiled,"Why."He said,he figured this'd happen from when she talked about why she was here. But he had no intention of harming this girl since she seemed to not want to harm him,though he was going to defend himself.He was sure of that.
Kaleo's body shook as she took another step to him. "P.... Please..." her hand softly grabs his wrist as she took another step to him. "I dont wanna hurt you" her mouth opened some as she leaned up to him. She ran her tongue over her sharp teeth. "Just go!" she leaned for his throat.
Shadow grabbed her neck with his free hand and brought his face right in front of hers,"You won't,trust me."He lightly smiled showing his long canine,he wasn't going to be so easy on her."And if you really want me to leave I will."He had no problem with that,though if the reason was just because she didn't want to harm him then he had no reason it.
Kaleo's eyes turn back to purple as she looked at him. Her body shook as she let go of his wrist and grabbed the one that had a hold of her neck. Her eyes where pleading as she spoke softly. "I... Im sorry... I havent eaten in 4 days."
"Ah,"he chuckled as he let go of her neck."That's it?"Was that all she was worried about?He could help with that,He held his wrist out and lightly cut it with his nail."Here,please.So there's no more danger."He smiled at her as he held his wrist out,which bled.
Kaleo's eyes turn red as she looks at his wrist. She licks her lips and lightly grabbed his wrist. She sunk her teeth into his wrist as she drank his blood. It wasnt the best she tasted due to the fact he was a wolf but she drank anyways. Shen she was done she licked over the wound and it healed with in seconds. She looked up at him with her purple eyes feeling the blood on her lips and a small stream on her chin. She whispers "Thank you..." as she leans on a tree.
Shadow rubbed his wrist as he looked at her with a smile."You only need to ask,got it?"He crossed his arms and began walking again. The way he was going before and he wondered what she will do,he didn't care if she followed or not since he'd probably see her again.
She moved his way as they moved through the forest. She slowly walked behind him as he made his way into the forest. She looked behind them to the cabins, now barely in site. She looked back to him and wanted to ask where they where going but she leaved it and did not speak. For awhile as they walked it was quiet until Kaleo stopped dead in her tracks and raised her head.

Wrex sighed and moved into his cabin. "Might as well sleep tonight" he flopped on to his bed and slept soundly.
Shadow heard her follow,then a sudden stop and he turned back to her."Hmm?"He wondered what was up,was something wrong with her again or something else. He was sure he'd find out sooner or later,like all the other times. Was she scared? That could be a possibility as well,he never thought about it since he couldn't see how someone would be scared out here.
She looks to him with a confused look on her face. "Theres something out here..." she looked side to side then behind her. She moved closer to him not liking the feeling she was getting. She looked to him "Its like you but.... evil....." A small growl would exit her throat as she looked around.

Wrex awoke suddenly and was pulled outside by his own feet. He changed into a black wolf and began to stalk The male and female who where out in the woods. He was hungry and nothing was stoping him.

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