Don't go out after dark. [Sign Up]

Jelly x Filled x Donut

Two Thousand Club

You were forced to move to a small town, because of something dark in your past. This small community is completely encased in forest. Everyone in town goes home before dark and stays there. You were warned to do the same on your arrival, but your curiosity gets the best of you one night and you sneak out.

In thee forest wait wolves, packs of them. Huge man wolves. They watch over the forest and what ever steps foot inside belongs to them. Doesn't matter if you're a person, or something else. Once inside they choose to do with you as they please.

Character Requirement:

Photo of looks:



Type: (Human, Wolf, Other.)

Story: Somethings about them, and their 'dark' past. This including a brief statement of why you moved to the town.


  • Men are wolves, girls are human (or anything other than wolves)
  • No god modding
  • Romance is much appreciated
  • up to 2 characters only
  • Must post at least three sentences per post. No one liners!
  • LITERAL WRITERS ONLY (Please be fluent in English)

I will post a direct link once I'm ready to start the RP. Please keep an eye out for that.

My character:

Name: Peyton Jewel Bircarde

Age: 21

Type: Other. (she hides this)

Story: For a long time, she has been the way she is now. Her parents were murdered right in front of her eyes because of what she is, and now, she tries to shut out the world. She doesn't want to open up to anyone, or to be comfortable because she knows the moment she does HE will find her and kill those she loves before he tries to kill her. So, on the outside she may seem rude, and cold, but really she is fighting hard to protect. Peyton is also someone who will tell you how it is, and when she sees something happening she think's shouldn't she will say or do something. This attribute has gotten her in trouble quite a lot.
Photo of looks:View attachment 9026

Name: Wrex Holloway

Age: 20

Type: Wolf

Story: He knows what he is, he don't like it, but he knows. Wrex was born in a small town in texas. His mother was a werewolf. A wolf unable to change back to human form, but for him he had great luck. He is a lycan... Able to change back to his human form. Most times he blacks out when he attacks some one but it still haunts him. His father made him come to this town... It was different and he hated it.

hoto of looks:View attachment 9008

Name: Kaleo Raien

Age: 17

Type: Other--hybrid... Wolf and vampire

Story: She grew up as a normal child.... In a normal home.... With normal parents.... Until she turned 17. She was bitten... by a wolf... about 2 weeks after that she was attacked by a woman... she ripped flesh from Kaleo's throat.. Now she's like this.... a hybrid...Kaleo now has a thirst for flesh.... She can usually control it but it gets the best of her sometimes. The people that where falling pray to her where very important people. One more kill and she would me in prison. Someone... A man mad her move to this town... She's not afraid of anything.... and most things she can out run.
Photo of looks: View attachment 8956

Name: Serena Raelynn

Age: Seventeen.

Type: Vampire, Wolf, Shape-Shifter.

Story: Serena is known as the shy but wild girl from her old home town in Pasadena, Texas. She was shy around new people but if you get her around her friend she is a loud and hyper. Serena has beautiful brown eyes that hide her past very well.. She was forced to move by her adopted parents because she turned to drugs and self harm to cope with her pain. Once Serena gets set off, her eyes zero in and she doesn't stop until she feels calm. She was born and raised in Texas, so she has a spicy personality. She is known to break the rules, so of course she would end up going out after dark.
Photo of looks:,r:2,s:0,i:158&tx=167&ty=92

Name: Natri Wae fiare

Pronounciation: fiare - fire / Wae - way

Age: 20

Type: Shape-Shifter

Story: The day she was born he parents were killed and the she and the docter barely made it out alive. He tooka care of her until she was 10 years old and began to take care of herself, she is known for being shy at times and angrey but she is wild , sometimes crazy and is fun . She is a trouble maker and breaks every rule put her way. She has one friend and that is Reris (a street dog she named) she gives him food and saves him countless times. She loves the mysteries of the dark and won;t take orders from any one or any thing

(i will make another character for a guy if i can but i wanna keep the girl it took forever to get that together for her info)
Photo of looks:,r:71,s:400,i:217

Name: Jay Ressi Natu

Age: 17

Type: Shape-Shifter

Story: The day he was born his parents were killed and he barely made it out alive. He took care of herself, he is known for being edgy at times and angrey but he is wild , lots of times crazy and is fun . he is a trouble maker and breaks every rule that he hears. he has no friends yet and he doesn't take no for an answer. he doesn't take orders and wond up in the darkness

_Thanks_ :)

(can you give me the link to the real RP i lost it)

( meant my boy character was a wolf not a shape shifter)
Photo of looks:

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Name: Cain Johnston

Age: 20

Type: Wolf

Story: He was only a young boy - shy and easily ignored - when his mother died. He father took to abusing him to make up for his own pain and guilt. Cain's father was a wolf, so it's not hard to understand how he became one. He was born one. Though he never had the temper of a true wolf. He was...different. A sweet boy, wanting to escape his dark secret. His father continued to abuse him. The stress, anger, guilt, and sadness built up inside of Cain until he could stand it no longer. One night, his father started to abuse him again but this time Cain fought back. A bloody, unexpected mess was what became of their dispute. That, and a murder. Cain's father was killed in the fight. Frightened, Cain fled to this town hoping to escape his dark past.
Photo of looks: View attachment 8965

Name: Sangus James

Age: 17

Type: Wolf

Story: He followed his best friend, Serena Raelynn, to the new town she was forced to move to because he is her protector. They have known each other since their parents had put them into day care together when they were too young for school. He had always been protective of her from the beginning an made sure she was never in too much danger while he was around. They used to be attached at the hip when Serena and him were in middle school and junior high, but as they got older Serena got deeper into drugs and he distanced himself from her while still keeping tabs on her. His mother raised him to always respect woman and do what he felt was best. His father was a drunk and used to beat his mom, which Sangus had to step in and save his mother more than a few times, and he promised himself to never be like his father. Sangus was the silent and respectful type. He rarely spoke, but when he did it was always something intelligent. He doesn't really tell much about his past, the only person who knows it is Serena. Sangus does like to break rules and hates being stuck inside at night.
Photo of looks: Does not wear the gloves or boots,just bare feet


Name: Shadow Collen

Age: 19


Story: Shadow was left all alone when he was little and had lived in a forest most of his life anyway,and he knew what he was. He'd always get hurt by hunters who mistaken him for game, He always got away but not always unharmed. He lived through it though and started being known as the forest's nightmare because he started attacking back,the people who lived around forced him to go to the town and he slightly agreed with it but never wanted to leave his forest.

(Is this okay?)
[MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] He is interesting I like him.... but I'm not the creator of this thread :P
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Name: Alayna Summers.

Age: 19 years old.

Type: Human.

Story: Headstrong and fiery, Alayna's pretty appearance fools most people. She is not the sweet girl she portrays to people, and can be quite stubborn. She was raised in New York city with her family and two brothers. She has one of those families you see in reality TV shows. Loud, goofy, and dramatic. Since she was raised by them, she was used to it and ignores there craziness.

Alayna was out with a couple friends, walking them back to there houses. It was getting dark very quickly, but instead of going home like she had planned, she wandered towards the woods. She knew she wasn't supposed to go out after dark, but she was getting tired of her family, and decided to take a break from them for a while. But little did she know that she would not be returning home that night..
All of the new characters were accepted, all but Alayna Summers, only because we have so many girls. I'm sorry. I will be posting the new thread if anyone cares still! Haha

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