'Don't force me to speak.'


New Member
A private roleplay between Meru and Vita Nuova. Please do not post. 
“Come back here you little punk!” A shout was heard from behind him. 'Shit!' He clung onto jewelery he snatched away from the jewelry store. He took a deep breath before trying to pull himself over-neath a fence, and succeed. He let himself fall down on the ground and kept on running. Mason fastened his pace as he turned around the corner. This was it. Today he would surely be in detention Great. He stopped running when he lost sight of the men. He rested his back against a wall and after taking a couple of breaths he kept on walking. Sliding his phone out of his pocket the male checked the time. He then went ahead and rushed to the bus stop.

It was then that he suddenly saw a person in front of him and bumped against her, causing both of them to fall down on the ground. “Damn! Watch where you are going!” Mason growled. He didn't made any eye-contact with the other who fell down and instead just grabbed his things and ran off.


An older female gasped at the sight of her daughter laying on the concrete ground. “Sweetie! Are you alright?” Her mother came rushing out of their new home and helped her daughter up. “You are bleeding, come on, let's get you a bandage.” The woman glanced around the street, noticing a couple of people walking by but she then decided to ask her daughter what happened. “Did you fell?” She asked her before handing her a notebook and pen. Which was how she usually communicated with her daughter or through the tablet her husband had gifted her.

They went inside and the mother got the first-aid kit. “Your father and I have a nice surprise for you.” She hoped that this would cheer her daughter up. Do you remember the young boy that you used to play with aaaall the time?” She smiled at the memory. “You two were inseparable..remember when Mason asked you to marry him? You two were so cute!” She then continued. “Anyway. We are going to have dinner at their place later. You can meet mason again! I am sure he will be happy to see you!”

[[sorry for the bad post u_u]]


While using her hand to support her chin, the red haired girl swung her legs back and forth while seating on the dining room's chair. She was eyeing a magazine, quite absently so, and was only snapped out of it when her father spoke to her "What are you reading?" He asked her, and Clarissa simply tilted her head to the side so as to allow him to take a look and see it himself. The dark haired man with streaks of silvery grey running through it, whose name was Valentine Campbell, leaned in over his daughter's shoulder, his warm hazel eyes - which were the same as his daughter's - set on the page Clarissa had supposedly been reading. "This is your mom's, right?" He finally declared, straightening his back. Clarissa looked up at him before nodding. All her books were still inside some boxes, so her mother's magazines were the only things she could find.

Valentine looked at her for a moment, before a smile crept over his lips "How about you go out for a bit? Get familiarised with the neighbourhood" He suggested. Clarissa's brow raised ever so slightly in a bit of a sarcastic gesture. Get familiarised with the neighbourhood? She had spend most of her childhood there! Sure, they hadn't return to their old house, but the new one was pretty much like that one and even more was located a few houses away from it. "You know what I mean. It has been a couple of years since we last visited this place. Who knows? Perhaps a few things have changed ever since" He patted her shoulder before he disappeared behind the door that led to the kitchen.

Sighing, the young girl hopped off the chair she had been sitting at, and, while stuffing her hands into her jacket pockets, she made her way over to the entrance. The sun shone brightly up on the sky, which caused for Clarissa to put a hand over her eyes to protect them from the momentary blinding light. Her hair, under such a light, resembled a waterfall of sunsets. She had taken a couple of steps away from her new home when someone bumped into her with such strength, that both she and whoever had crashed against her fell to the ground. Clarissa winced while opening her mouth to let a mute complain leave her lips, apart form that she made no sound whatsoever.

“Damn! Watch where you are going!” Stunned still, the young girl managed to get a good look of the guy who had made her fall, before he stood up and ran off. She scowled, and her lips pursed together as she could only reply to the stranger on her head. Great, people were not any better over here. She shook her head and shifted to get on her feet. However, she was surprised by a sudden painful twinge that shot from her hand to her spinal cord. Surprised, she lowered her eyes just to see the back of her hand swollen and bleeding lightly. She must have fallen on it. Clarissa sighed before she heard her mother's worried voice, which caused for her to look up and meet her mother's eyes. At first sight, people told her she resembled her mother more than her father, but it wasn't like that, the only visible trait she shared with her mother was her hair colour; fiery red. However, her eyes, and most of her features were that of her father's.

She accepted the offered notebook and pen willingly and was rather grateful when her mother helped her up. Truth was, Clarissa had learnt sign language, which she preferred over writing her thoughts down, however, she was soon to realise not many people would know it and therefore understand her. Upon being asked if she had fell, she shook her head, scrunching her nose. Someone had pushed her, but before she could write it down, her mother delivered her the good news. Clarissa blinked, before the corners of her mouth raised into a smile. Mason ... she hadn't seen him in ages! Hadn't spoken to him in quite a while too. "
That's great" She was soon to write.

(Don't worry about it, it's not! :3)
“Let's see..” She spoke softly to herself before taking a disinfection spray and some bandage from the box. Martha then turned to Clarissa and after applying the spray and wrapping the bandage around her hand, the mother was happy to see her daughter smile at the surprise her and her father had arranged. “Isn't it?” The mother agreed. “I am so glad we could find them. “She put the first aid kit back into the cupboard and looked at her daughter. “How about we go to the shops and buy them some flowers?” Martha suggested.

Martha and Clarissa decided to buy a bouquet with a variety of yellow flowers. “I am sure that they will like this one.” She smiled as she glanced at the bouquet again. The bright color of the bouquet reminded her of the weather today, warm and bright.
Clarissa flashed her mother a grateful look before she turned around to put the first aid kit away. While she did so, the red haired girl looked back down to her hand. The bandaged stuck carefully to the palm of her hand, and the redness had been perfectly hidden beneath the white layers of gauze. The imagine of being pushed down into the ground by the stranger a couple of minutes ago, was soon followed by some others which varied from mild harassment to completely aggressive and violent abuse. A silent sigh left her lips and she closed her eyes, while trying to push away the images that danced by her very own lids. “How about we go to the shops and buy them some flowers?” Her mother's voice brought her back to reality, and Clarissa's hazel eyes were pried open. With a smile, a tad fainter than she had meant to portray, she nodded at her mother's suggestion.

Soon, after having bid farewell to her father - as he had chosen to stay on the house to unpack a few things - mother and daughter had dropped by the flower shop, and had decided on a beautiful bouquet of yellow flowers before they made their way back to their home just a couple of minutes after they had left. Her mother commented on Mason's family liking the bouquet and Clarissa couldn't agree more. It was mainly composed of a variety of daffodils, asiatic lilies, marigold and primroses, that the young girl had came to like a lot. Surely, anyone would like it.

She noticed their house not so far from where they were, as they had chosen not to take the car and had gone by foot, before she opened her notebook and used her pen to speak to her mom. Valentine had decided to learn the sign language his daughter had so stubbornly wanted to use, and so Clarissa didn't need to use the notebook or tablet when speaking to him, but her mother was a whole different story. "
At what time are we leaving?" She asked her mother while raising the notebook to let her see her question.
The mother looked down at the daughter's question before answering. “I was thinking about 5:30.” She suggested. “Its not too early or too late. I figured we could chat before sitting down and eating.” Martha looked around as the two of them walked back home. This area was nice from what she could tell. It looked safe, and there was an wide variety of people in this neighborhood.


It wasn't a surprise to Mason when the teacher declared that he would be in detention after school. So after an hour of detention he was happy to be heading home. He was tired from the running he did earlier in the morning, the long school day and ofcourse the extra hour he was forced to stay. The 17-year old reached to his pocket to get his keys and after clicking the lock open and walking in, he was surprised by a group of people that didn't looked familiar to him.

“Hi Mason. We got you a surprise. Remember Clarissa? You two used to play together all the time as kids. She moved back into town!” The father excitedly explained before stepping aside and ponting to the family of three.

Mason frowned and took a quick glance towards the three guests before kicking off his shoes in the hallway. “I don't remember.” He shortly said before taking off his jacket, not giving his father nor the guests another glance. His father could sense the unpleasant mood his son seemed to be in, and he tried to shake it off with a chuckle. “You really don't remember? You two were together non-stop!” He tried. “I played with many kids.” He huffed. “I am kinda busy.” He commented before scooping up his school bag and passing Clarissa before heading upstairs to his room.

Ofcourse he had remembered her. As a kid they were always together, they had sleep-overs, tea parties, water balloon fights, went to theme parks with their parents and he had always protected her against bullies. They were living like brother and sister. People often gushed about how adorable they were together. However, she had to move to a different town, and both of them were pretty young at that time. They were too young to write letters, and they lived too far apart to visit each other. Besides, Mason's life changed around that time as well. His parents divorcing, friends who had a bad influence on him and his father remarrying.

He ditched his school bag in the corner of the room and after opening the window, and putting some music on, he laid down on his bed.
"Is something wrong, sweetheart?" Valentine asked while he glanced back at his daughter while him, his wife and Clarissa waited patiently for the front door to be opened. The redhead looked up at him before shaking her head. Of course there was something wrong! Her iPod's screen was broken. Must have been when she fell to the ground previously that day, surely she had landed on top of it. However, the young girl hadn't noticed the damage until she had pulled her device out of her pocket while they were on the car. Even if she was happy to see her childhood friend, her mood had been spoiled by that fact. Nevertheless, she tried to stop herself from frowning.

"Valentine, Martha. It's so good to see you" The front door was opened, and Mason't father stepped out with a welcoming smile spread across his face. "Likewise Michael. It's been ages" Her father replied while the two men shared a brief, friendly hug. Clarissa remembered her parents being good friends with Mason's way back when she was a little girl. When Michael was done greeting her mother, his eyes found their way to Clarissa, who was still standing behind her parents "Indeed. Look at your baby girl! She's a young lady now, how do you do, Clarissa? Remember me?" The young girl nodded once before she welcomed the man's hug. "You've grown up a lot. Wait until Mason sees you. He'll be thrilled. All of you, please come inside"

And with that, a nice conversation begun. Mason's mother didn't seem to be back from work yet, but it wasn't a problem. The three adults seemed to be getting along quite well, as if they had never stopped seeing each other, as if it was a get together they did once every week. Clarissa listened attentively, nodding or shaking her head whenever she was spoke to and just smiling and silently laughing most of the time. When the front door opened and Michael stood up, her family did the same, including her, who had to turn her head back to face the corridor. A smile had started to form on her lips when she heard the man's first words "
Hi Mason" However, it never turned into a smile when the young girl saw who was he referring to.

The guy was rude and cutting, but it didn't hurt Clarissa. Truth to be told, what actually 'hurt' her was that she recognised that face. Not as her dear friend, but the face of the guy who had not only bumped into her and had caused her wound, but also as the one who had broken her iPod. "Teenagers" Michael sighed before he turned his head to the side to look at his guests "I'm sorry. He must be having a rough day" His apologetic look was enough for them to forgive his son's attitude "It's okay. Teenagers are not always easy to deal with" Clarissa's mother was quick to reply. Valentine, however, glanced at his daughter "It's okay" He muttered her as he rubbed her arm lightly. They thought she was feeling bad because of the way he had declared not to remember her, but she couldn't care less. She used to care very deeply for Mason her friend, but right now, she was mad at Mason the rude guy who had practically shoved her into the ground and hadn't even apologised.

They all sat down again, and soon the relatively awkward conversation was back to a lively chat. Clarissa, who could almost
feel her poor broken iPod in her pocket, was angrier than ever. So, after a couple of seconds or so, she pulled out her notebook, wrote down a couple of words and stuffed the paper into her pocket before she tugged on her father's shirt. He turned to look at her and quickly, Clarissa communicated with him through sign language, feeling impatient. "Are you sure?" He asked her out loud, to which the redhead simply nodded. "What is it?" Michael asked. "Clarissa wants to go and talk to your son, Michael" Valentine declared. The man shifted a bit "Maybe it's not a good idea ..." But the young girl looked at him with pleading eyes " ... Or perhaps it is. Sure, he's upstairs. First room to the right" Clarissa nodded and while scrambling to her feet, she trotted upstairs.

She didn't even knock on the boy's room, nor asked for permission. Well she couldn't do the latter even if she wanted. The frown was evident in her features. With a few strides, she stopped by his bed before she tossed the crumpled paper and something small to his legs. The small thing was her broken iPod nano, and the paper said "
You broke my iPod earlier this afternoon when you pushed me on the streets. Pay the damage" She crossed her arms across her chest.

(I'm sorry
@Meru v.v I went on vacations and couldn't use the hotel's internet due to the extra charge it meant :/ )
“What do you want?” Mason asked when he heard his bedroom door open. “I'm not hungry, leave me alone.” He muttered as he laid on his back, browsing through some internet websites on his phone. “Just go.” He pushed, not bothering to look up. He then felt something fall onto his bed and he looked up and saw Clarissa. “You? What do you want?” He asked before looking at the piece of paper and then reading it. “Ah so you are the one who was in the way earlier..” He mumbled before looking at the iPod. He admitted that the damage was more serious than he thought. Despite his cold approach, he was an honest young man and he would get it fixed for her considering it was his fault for bumping her over.

He sat up on the bed, a smirk playing on his lips before he got up from the bed and grabbed the girl. “Don't you know how dangerous it is to enter a boy's room if you are not able to talk?” He asked before pushing her down on the bed and getting on top of her, pinning her arms down on the mattress and blocking her legs with his knee. “How would you warn anyone?” He chuckled shortly. “You look like you would be a lot of fun..”

[[its not a problem at all!]]
“Ah so you are the one who was in the way earlier..” Clarissa rolled her eyes. "It was you! You jerk!" She declared by sign language. Of course he wouldn't understand her, but she didn't have any paper with her at the moment. She didn't like this Mason. He was just like those people she had left behind on her old school. They were horrible, horrible people. The redhead narrowed her eyes before glaring at him and pointing again at the crumpled piece of paper she had threw him, as if insisting.

When he sat up, Clarissa stepped back automatically. The look on his eyes caused for her body to naturally reject his proximity. She had a bad, bad feeling about him. However, she still burnt holes into his skull with her glare. When he suddenly grabbed her, her eyes went wide in surprise, however, she tried to pull free from his grip, her mouth letting escape silent complains.

Soon, she felt something soft beneath her, and gasping quietly she stayed still for a moment. Her hair was scattered all around her, and her hazel eyes showed just how stunned she was. She looked up at him, before she looked to the side so as to get a look of her arms.
No, no, no! The mute scream resonated on her head. Flashbacks of events that were better off left forgotten flashed in front of her eyes and she gave a violent shook beneath the guy's grip. A horrified silent scream escaped her and she writhed. Her eyes were wide open in terror and her whole body irradiated desperation and dread. Something like that shouldn't have shaken her, but the memories made her whole body afraid.

(Thanks for understanding c:)
Of-course Mason was just messing around with her. He had no intention of hurting her or doing anything to her. He just wanted to scare her a little bit. She looked shocked or better said terrified, so he wouldn't keep on doing this for too long. “No one can hear you downstairs..” He pushed her just a bit more before leaning in and kissing her forehead, before weakening his grip on her. “Stop looking like that..I was just messing around.” He said before rolling his eyes and getting off her and then taking the iPod. “I'll get it fixed for you.” He told her. “So stop being angry and stop whining..” He got off his bed and placed it on the desk, giving himself a mental note to get it fixed by his friend tomorrow. He wouldn't do it for free but Mason knew it would be much cheaper if he would let his friend fix it. “I hope you don't have anything embarrassing on it.” He teased.

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