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Realistic or Modern Don't Die; A Zombie Apocalypse

Ninja Warrior

I'm God Damn Superhero
Character SheetCharacter Sign Ups are officially closed for this RP, sorry.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/hello-my-name-is-sticker.jpg.a4d80103d5077db63d420dee147dfab9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145182" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/hello-my-name-is-sticker.jpg.a4d80103d5077db63d420dee147dfab9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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My Characters

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Russel Kendrick

Russel Bran Kendrick
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/the-bourne-legacy-jeremy-renner-movie-image.jpg.21ed2920ef749905c80417e81a81eea0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/the-bourne-legacy-jeremy-renner-movie-image.jpg.21ed2920ef749905c80417e81a81eea0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Russel Bran Kendrick

Nickname: Russ but only to his sister.

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hair: Dirty blond

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 165 lbs

Tattoos/Scars: Marine Insignia on his left shoulder


Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Optimist

Likes : His rifle, coffee, and his med kit.

Dislikes : Zombies, teenage boys, and annoying SOBs.

Good Traits: Strong, intelligent, strong willed, and brave.

Bad Traits : Stubborn, intimidating, and gruff.

Attitude Description: He's a bit cold and he may seem like he doesn't always care, but he does. He's a big softy under his hard shell.


Strengths: He's been trained in field medicine and he was a sniper in the marines.

Weaknesses: He had a brain injury which damaged part of his brain. Now, randomly his fingers will twitch which is bad for medical care and shooting.

Old Occupation: He was a sniper for the marines but after his brain injury they decided a medical career was a better idea.

Team Position: Team Leader (with med experience)

History: Russel joined the marines straight out of high school and had two tours in Afghanistan before he met his wife. A few years after he met his wife they had a daughter, her name was Kristen. When Kristen was 5, Russel was sent back to Afghanistan. While he was there his unit was capture and held for ransom. They escaped after ten years, but Russel had bullet graze his head, that lead to his brain injury. When he came back his daughter was sixteen and his wife had died of cancer. Russel didn't know his daughter very well but he was horrified that he hadn't gotten to watch her grow up. He found out about two months after he got home that the group that had held his unit hostage was coming after the survivors and their family. So, he taught his daughter how to fight, it wasn't hard since she had been taking Karate, Jui Jitsu, and Aikido classes since she was six. But, he taught her how to shoot a SR-25 sniper rifle, so he felt he had helped her in some capacity.
Kristen Smirnov
Kristen Natasha Smirnov

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/isabelle_fuhrman_.jpg.cbbc229237a2778f749b47e93ab020a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145192" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/isabelle_fuhrman_.jpg.cbbc229237a2778f749b47e93ab020a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Kristen Natasha Smirnov

Nickname: Kris

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Blue, but they look grey.

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 108 lbs

Tattoos/Scars: She has a scar on her left temple from where she fell on a counter, after trying to do the karate kid kick off a stool.


Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Realist

Likes: Martial arts, a SR-25 sniper rifle, coffee, pineapple, and the smell of burning wood.

Dislikes: Zombies, hospitals, needles, restraints of any kind, and school.

Good Traits :Perceptive, quick-witted, smart, and calculating.

Bad Traits : Sarcastic, stubborn, somewhat conniving, and a very good liar.

Attitude Description: Kristen is almost always sarcastic or sassy. She doesn't like being serious or talking about herself. She can come off as being sweet, but she's very much out for her own survival.... and her dad's.


Strengths: Fighting, shooting (she's the daughter of a marine), lying, and memorizing things quickly.

Weaknesses: She's small and normally is at a weight disadvantage, she's stubborn and will run herself into the ground trying to get something done.

Old Occupation: She worked at her old Dojo teaching younger kids Karate.

Team Position: Fighter

History: Kristen had a dad for the first five years of her life, and for those five years she was a regular kid. She had play dates with kids just like her. But when her dad left things changed, her mom was more paranoid about being home alone. Kristen's mom signed her up for multiple martial arts classes when she was six so if anyone ever offered her candy she could kick their butts. Kristen loved martial arts, from her very first class she wanted to be there everyday. So, she went everyday. She got to be better and better at Aikido, Karate, and Jui Jitsu. When she turned nine she was old enough to compete in competitions.

Kristen was talented in the competitions, she went all the way to the National tournament. That was when her mom found out that she was sick. So, Kristen had to give up competing for a while. That resulted in Kristen getting into fights at school and misbehaving in general. Not long after getting the news that she was sick, Kristen's mom passed away. Kristen was then put into the foster system She was passed through families, picking fights with the other kids, she would win the fights and get sent to another home.

This became a continuing cycle until she met a woman named Alexandra Smirnov. Alexandra Smirnov, was a Muay Thai instructor. She understood that being away from the mats was driving Kristen crazy. So, she took Kristen to her gym. Even at the age of eleven, Kristen was able to take down guys three times her size. Eventually, Alexandra adopted Kristen. Kristen then took Alexandra's last name. Life was good for a long time, well until her dad came back.

When Kristen's dad "came back from the dead" she was excited at first. She wanted her dad back. But the man she met wasn't the same man that had left eleven years ago. He was more serious now, he didn't smile or joke. While Kristen still lived with Alexandra she spent a good amount of time with her dad. It was with her dad that she learned to shoot. He taught her how to shoot a pistol, a semi automatic, an automatic, and then her personal favorite, a sniper rifle. It was one day on the range practicing with the sniper rifle that they saw their first zombies. Then everything went to hell.



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Full Name: Charles William Faulkner

Nickname (if applicable): Chie

Age (please don't make them too ridiculously young): 42

Gender: male

Sexuality: both goes



Tall and thin, not muscular anymore but it is quite apparent he had a bigger frame before. Usually wears simple clothing, and a coat strengthened with duct tape.

Hair: greying brown

Eyes: blue

Height: 184 cm

Weight: 67 kg

Tattoos/Scars: his entire face and body is scarred by chemical burns, he was in a work accident before the end, and most of the reconstructive surgeries were not yet completed. The ones on his face are not so bad, but still looks like he has a mask on.


Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Pessimist. Occupational hazard.

Likes (+3): warm weather, being with other people, tales, cooking.

Dislikes (+3): rain, loneliness, the color red, silence.

Good Traits (+3): calm, collected, helpful.

Bad Traits (+3): lawful stupid, keeps secrets, won’t stand up for himself, way too straightforward sometimes, afraid of the darkness.

Attitude Description: Usually Chie is very silent, and while he keeps close to other people, preferring company, he not always joins in on conversations. He is self-conscious of his slightly slurred speech and appearance since the accident. But he is more than complacent and since he is somehow experienced, he can actually obey orders and used to teamwork.


Strengths: organization skills, good planner, experienced in urban survival and has some hunting skills, knows how to handle himself in a fight, has some basic med skills, can cook a mean stew and generally good in handling people. He can handle firearms, but still better with an axe.

Weaknesses: while he definitely had appropriate training, his strength is gone and he doesn’t always mind it, afraid of the darkness lately, and his health is kind of fragile. His sight is somehow damaged from the accident and he never had a chance to get glasses.

Old Occupation: catastrophe management services (and if this world was akin to ours, this means ex-military).

Team Position: supplies collector.

History (optional): Before the end, Chie was a CM commander, serving his town the best way he can, happily divorced with a handsome boyfriend and a two-years-old little girl. Then, not too long before the end, while doing his job a chemical tank ruptured while he was handling it, and the chemical burned through his equipment. The damage was quite serious, but since help was near, he survived. He was recuperating in the hospital when the infection broke out, and while he was rescued and taken to a camp, his ex-wife, current boyfriend and daughter disappeared in the chaos. Chie is not hoping anymore for their lives, since it was quite a long time ago, and neither of them had any training, besides, his ex-wife and daughter were in the heart of an infected zone. He still keeps their photos with him, close to his heart.

aand here it goes:

Surantum said:
Full Name: Charles William Faulkner

Nickname (if applicable): Chie

Age (please don't make them too ridiculously young): 42

Gender: male

Sexuality: both goes



Tall and thin, not muscular anymore but it is quite apparent he had a bigger frame before. Usually wears simple clothing, and a coat strengthened with duct tape.

Hair: greying brown

Eyes: blue

Height: 184 cm

Weight: 67 kg

Tattoos/Scars: his entire face and body is scarred by chemical burns, he was in a work accident before the end, and most of the reconstructive surgeries were not yet completed. The ones on his face are not so bad, but still looks like he has a mask on.


Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Pessimist. Occupational hazard.

Likes (+3): warm weather, being with other people, tales, cooking.

Dislikes (+3): rain, loneliness, the color red, silence.

Good Traits (+3): calm, collected, helpful.

Bad Traits (+3): lawful stupid, keeps secrets, won’t stand up for himself, way too straightforward sometimes, afraid of the darkness.

Attitude Description: Usually Chie is very silent, and while he keeps close to other people, preferring company, he not always joins in on conversations. He is self-conscious of his slightly slurred speech and appearance since the accident. But he is more than complacent and since he is somehow experienced, he can actually obey orders and used to teamwork.


Strengths: organization skills, good planner, experienced in urban survival and has some hunting skills, knows how to handle himself in a fight, has some basic med skills, can cook a mean stew and generally good in handling people. He can handle firearms, but still better with an axe.

Weaknesses: while he definitely had appropriate training, his strength is gone and he doesn’t always mind it, afraid of the darkness lately, and his health is kind of fragile. His sight is somehow damaged from the accident and he never had a chance to get glasses.

Old Occupation: catastrophe management services (and if this world was akin to ours, this means ex-military).

Team Position: supplies collector.

History (optional): Before the end, Chie was a CM commander, serving his town the best way he can, happily divorced with a handsome boyfriend and a two-years-old little girl. Then, not too long before the end, while doing his job a chemical tank ruptured while he was handling it, and the chemical burned through his equipment. The damage was quite serious, but since help was near, he survived. He was recuperating in the hospital when the infection broke out, and while he was rescued and taken to a camp, his ex-wife, current boyfriend and daughter disappeared in the chaos. Chie is not hoping anymore for their lives, since it was quite a long time ago, and neither of them had any training, besides, his ex-wife and daughter were in the heart of an infected zone. He still keeps their photos with him, close to his heart.

aand here it goes:


Full Name: Armando Victor Nieves.

Nickname: Army.

Age: Thirty-Three.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.



Hair: Black.

Eyes: Hazel.

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 210lbs.

Tattoos/Scars: He has a scar on his left eyebrow and his only tattoo is on his left arm. Nine rows of triangles circling around his forearm, so far he hasn’t told anyone what it means.


Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Realist.

Likes: Red meat, hot sauce, fighting, knives, guns, motorcycles, comic books, and reading.

Dislikes: People telling him what to do (within reason), people who hurt or abuse animals, know-it-alls, and goody-two shoes.

Good Traits: Loyalty is a staple for him because loyalty builds a certain level of trust that he thinks is needed to survive in the current state of the world. People can group and team up all they want but they will crumble of the phalanx is weak. You have to be able to trust the person on either side of you even if all you can trust is their sense of self-preservation. / Cowardice is not a part of his vocabulary. He has dealt with tougher things than a bunch of shambling corpses so if there’s ever any job that the group needs done that considered dangerous then he’s usually up for it. / He is very compassionate towards animals and children which has gotten other people to help him for his kindness.

Bad Traits: His solution to most problems is retaliation and violence. Someone steals from you? Beat them, someone tries to kill you? Kill them, someone looks at you wrong? Make sure they don’t look in your general direction again. He’s slowly trying to work himself out of this habit. / Until you get to know him well enough his default is set to sarcasm with the amp turned to eleven. / He likes shotguns. Shotguns are loud.

Attitude Description: Army is a quiet and laid-back man who doesn't speak much, talking only when he feels that it's necessary or directly spoken to. He typically prefers to just do is job and be left alone but he's not above helping other people with the things that they need to get done. He is wise beyond his years, surprisingly well spoken, and he has also seen and done a lot of things during his decade with his old MC so he is more than willing to offer advice to those seeking it.


Strengths: His position within his old MC basically made him a babysitter by making sure that all club bylaws and executive orders were followed to the letter. This essentially consisted of telling a bunch of criminal bikers, plenty older than him, what to do. The point here is that he’s tougher than a coffin nail and he can fight like the devil. / He is a tall imposing tower of muscle which can often come in handy when someone tries to shake down the group. / He is physically strong in general, working out regularly, and has no issue carrying extra. / He has a great sense of direction and can plan routes through most major cities and highways provided they’re still somewhat the same because he’s ridden through them all at least a handful of times. / His quote on quote day job was a mechanic so he’s not only good at fixing and working on bikes but cars as well. Give him the tools and a vehicle with potential and he’ll get it running. / He can shoot well enough and he can hit a moving target.

Weaknesses: He was part of an outlaw motorcycle club so it goes without saying that he is extremely prideful. He still wears his kutte and is protective of it to an irrational degree and has risked his life more than once to save it. / People often mistake his quiet demeanor for weakness but in reality he is a bit hotheaded and has a tendency to not only pick fights but finds it incredibly hard to back down from a fight even if it is for the good of the group. / Despite his willingness to help the group, he has a dog eat dog view of the world. He will go to hell and back twice for the people he’s grown to care about but he will let someone die or kill someone himself if it means not having an extra mouth to feed or getting more food for himself. The only exceptions are animals and children who he feels, that unlike adults, can’t help their current situation and has often given up his share of food to feed them.

Old Occupation: Sgt.-at-Arms for the War Boys Motorcycle Club.

Team Position: Fighter.

History: -
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Narcissy said:
Full Name:
Armando Victor Nieves.

Nickname: Army.

Age: Thirty-Two.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.



Hair: Black.

Eyes: Hazel.

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 210lbs.

Tattoos/Scars: He's got a scar on his left eyebrow and his only tattoo is nine rows of triangles circling around his forearm.


Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist:

Likes (+3): Red meat, hot sauce, fighting, knives, guns, motorcycles, comic books, and reading.

Dislikes (+3): People telling him what to do (within reason), people who hurt or abuse animals, know-it-alls, and goody-two shoes.

Good Traits (+3): Loyal to hell and back, he can be surprisingly careful and compassionate to children, he can also be very intimidating which can help his group work through raider gangs.

Bad Traits (+3): Prideful, has a tendency to not want to back down from a fight, he's hot headed and quick to fight as a whole, and while being intimidating can help the group it can also make other groups skittish and quick to attack before he does.

Attitude Description: Army is a quiet and laid-back man who doesn't speak much, talking only when he feels that it's necessary or directly spoken to. He typically prefers to just do is job and be left alone but he's not above helping other people with the things that they need to get done. He's also wise beyond his years and has seen his many things in his decade with his MC and an often offer good advice which he is happy to give.


Talented fighter, a tough and durable guy as a whole, he can plan trips and routes through most major nearby cities since he's ridden through most of them, he is also physically strong which can come in handy for carrying equipment. He is talented with not only motorcycles but cars as well so if he finds a car in decent enough condition with with gas to run it and the tools to fix it then he can probably get it working.

Weaknesses: He has a dog eat dog view of the world. He will protect the people in his group with a vengeance but he is wary of taking in others and would sooner leave someone to die than have an extra mouth to feed. This excludes animals and children who he feels are unable to help their situation.

Old Occupation: Sgt.-at-Arms for the War Boys Motorcycle Club.

Team Position: Fighter.

History (optional): (Working on it)
You're accepted!!! Don't worry about the history you don't want to write it. Backstories can be revealed through the course of the RP.
bambivalence said:



I'v e T a k e n A R i d e
Main Traits In general, he's blunt. Most consider it rude, and he doesn't mind being an arse. Blake is snide and manipulative, though on the down low. Rather, he doesn't give a damn about others, finding pleasure in their cute little downfalls, probably the best example of a sadist you'll come across. He's cold and likes it that way. On the plus side, he is extremely protective about those who manage to mean something to him. His tongue is witty, and due to a lack of wanting to make a good impression, he uses it in the most offensive of manners. It's entertaining to say the least.

Personality The man before you isn't one you'd want to meet if you were sane. He isn't a fan of people and won't hesitate to let that be known. He grew up in the land of kill or be killed, quite literally in fact. He cares for one person, loves one other, and that's about it. There are two in this world that mean something to him, and that won't likely change. Spare yourself the trouble and don't try to be anything other than just another annoying fly that he has to deal with. He's going to hate you, deal with it. Blake handles everything with a iron first and an attitude that you don't want to mess with. Because what's worse than somebody with a die hard mind set? A man that has absolutely nothing in this damn world to loose.


I n T h e D e v i l's C a d i l l a c
Appearance Blake stands at exactly six foot, fairly lean but that doesn't tell you anything about his ability to kick your arse. He's perfected his punch with the toned muscles beneath his clothing. His hair is a typical brown, as are his eyes. They're dark and look at the world with a non stop glare.

Age Twenty four years

Skills Of the many he has, drinking is the one you'll experience most often. There are few times he'll be without a glass in his hand. Blake also has a knack for cars, specifically the older models of Mustangs, Fords, and any sports cars. He's able to tear apart an engine and rebuild it with ease, piece of cake. He knows a small amount of medicine, but only because of his brother's constant push to make him learn it. Basic survival, that was it. Blake's personal favorite skill, would be his perfected ability to fight. Street fighting, mostly, but underestimating this guy would just be your first mistake.

Strengths He's a fantastic fighter, if that hasn't yet been established. Hand to hand combat is his favorite, but he is also quite skilled with assault riffles and automatics.

Weaknesses Blake has very little social skills. Well, more like he just doesn't give a shit. He doesn't do well in a group but knows its the best way to survive.

Quirks Even the biggest assholes have the things that make them unique. Blake lives off of pizza. Not literally but he wouldn't mind doing so. It's his favorite food, hands down, right ahead of Chinese takeout. His favorite liquor is Jack Daniels. Soda wise, he goes for Dr Pepper. You won't see him smile, not kindly anyways. If you're not one of the two he favors, and Blake smiles at you? Just run.

A L i f e t i m e F u l l O f S i n s
Family He will never speak of it. He has a mother, he had a father. That's it. His brother is the only person he actually feels as family. The two are peas in a pod, unusually with polar opposite personalities.

Sexuality The females are quite lovely.

Love Life Though the ladies are a temptation he doesn't mind following, but relationships aren't his cup of tea.

Turn Ons Somebody that cares, a masochist at that. Malleable, and quiet to an extent.

Turn Offs Giggly, naive, careless. Most personalities.

Team Position Fighter

Other #pietrolives

You're accepted. BTW I like the way you used the BBCode.



Dawn Free | 20 | Female | Demisexual

  • Hair: Natural blonde, brown roots

    Eyes: Azure blue

    Height: 5'5"

    Weight: 121lbs

    Tattoos/Scars: N/A

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Astrid Esmée Ash

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Royce.jpg.c82b0edb19656a93056ef4a922068c84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145255" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Royce.jpg.c82b0edb19656a93056ef4a922068c84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I Will


Full Name: Astrid Esmée Ash

Age: 25


Sexuality: Bisexual




Eyes:Light Blue


Weight:117 lbs

Tattoos/Scars: Tattoo of a ring of thorns around her left ring finger.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbfc0f0fe_Katiesmile.jpg.5a8cef656c65c0aa4a5cd78e5c2dbe9c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbfc0f0fe_Katiesmile.jpg.5a8cef656c65c0aa4a5cd78e5c2dbe9c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist:Realist

Likes: Dogs, reading, herbal tea, languages, and swimming.

Dislikes: Parsnips, nail files, flannel sheets, and video games.

Good Traits: Intelligent, confident, compassionate, logical, and cool-headed.

Bad Traits: Methodical, detached, and rebellious.

Attitude Description:She's an amazing surgeon, and she knows it, which makes her confident. She's cool-headed and thinks of things in a logical order. She doesn't allow herself to get emotionally involved in the cases she takes.

Because of


Strengths: Anything medical

Weaknesses: Fighting, she still finds it hard to break her oath as a doctor to do no harm. Astrid was in an abusive marriage and has acute PTSD from it, she's fine unless she smells strong wine, then she kind of freaks out.

Old Occupation: Neurosurgeon

Team Position:Medic

History: Astrid was born to a poor family. She worked her butt off to get into a good college. She skipped two grades in elementary school, another in middle school and then another year in college. She was considered to be something of a child prodigy. But when she was finally out of law school she wasn't very well-respected as a doctor. Other doctors resented her young age and spotless surgical record. She gained fame quickly, she was one of the most sought out doctors in the world. When she was twenty three she married William Trent, a lawyer. Two months into the marriage, Will turned abusive and sent Astrid to the hospital numerous times. She covered it up saying that she was clumsy. But one day, when he was slapping her around she pushed him down the stairs and he snapped his neck. After that, Astrid was cold and treated patients less emotionally.





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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc03e1b9a_aidenshaw.jpg.28935519739c5672c8fe2914f30c082d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc03e1b9a_aidenshaw.jpg.28935519739c5672c8fe2914f30c082d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faceclaim: Aiden Shaw (Let's ignore the fact that he's a gay porn star, 'kay?)


Full Name: Gabriel Miles

Nickname: Gabe

Age: 50

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual - Straight



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/6wZbQnBe.jpg.cb156ada401d8f749ff3f54f54d5c396.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145516" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/6wZbQnBe.jpg.cb156ada401d8f749ff3f54f54d5c396.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hair: Grey and white with hints of blonde.

Eyes: Grey.

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 200lbs

Tattoos/Scars: Gabriel has no tattos but quite a few scars along his body. His most noticeable one is the small scar across his lip, but it is not his largest.


Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Pessimist



Cherry Cigars

Old War Movies





Doing Work he Doesn't Want to Do

Whiny People

Bitchy Women

Women Who Can't Cook

Good Traits:



Great With Names

Bad Traits:


Easily Angered



Attitude Description: Gabriel is a handsome man and he knows this, but his attitude ruins his pretty face. He's a rude person in general- somebody may do something completely innocent to him and he'll react in the rudest way possible. Flipping the birds, verbal curses, the occasional backhand are usual responses from him. He seems heartless and cares for nobody except himself.



Gabriel knows a lot about weapons and their different abilities.

He's great at teaching people how to use their weapons- despite his attitude being sucky.


Gabriel is drunk a lot of the time.

Gabriel doesn't play well with others.

Pretty women.

Old Occupation: Bartender

Team Position: Weapons Master

History: To be revealed.



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Riley Fisher

  • Age: 27

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual


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Faceclaim: Kodi Smit-McPhee


Full Name: Memphis Gray

Nickname: Gray

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual - Straight



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/f670afdb77f9b869b3113b5f760a16bb.jpg.3d89aea5223c18c0a906d826a97ad15f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145524" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/f670afdb77f9b869b3113b5f760a16bb.jpg.3d89aea5223c18c0a906d826a97ad15f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hair: Dark Brown | Black

Eyes: Light Blue

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 120lbs

Tattoos/Scars: Gray has no tattoos and a few childhood scars due to his former clumsiness.


Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Optimist



The Smell of Cigars




Trying New Things


Combat Boots


White Sunglasses

Most Country Music

The Sound Sneakers Make Against Hard Floors

Abusive People

People Taking Advantage of Others


Good Traits:





Bad Traits:

Bottles up Emotion

Rude When He Wants to Be


Attitude Description: Gray tends to be positive about everything, preferring to see people smiling over than anything else. He comes off as boyish and immature, but he's quite serious when he needs to be. As well as rude. He'll be nice to you at first, but the second you make him mad, he's a new person.



Gray is very sneaky and flexible, able to jump around and fit through tight spaces like it's nobody's business.

Gray is rather handy with his signature weapon- a Philip's screwdriver.

Gray knows about all of the local stores and buildings. He knows the location well.


Gray will never, EVER disrepect a lady. It's always them before himself- and honestly, that could get him in some trouble.

It is near impossible for him to say no to people who have more authority.

He's very bad with ranged weapons.

Old Occupation: Mail Boy

Team Position: Supply Collector

History: To be revealed.



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  • Full Name: Alyssa Barnes

    Nickname(if applicable): Aly

    Age(please don't make them too ridiculously young): 24

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

Full Name: unknown

Nickname : Bullseye

Age: 30

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight


Bio: Mercanary and leader of group red stars he is bad (but can be paid to change his mind on something)
Tristan Booker

  • Age: 29

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

(I'm not gonna use this character now. I'm only creating him ahead of time.)
Last edited by a moderator:
-Name: Daniel White

-Age: 23

-Gender: Male

-Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

-Appearance: (Honestly hope a picture isn't necessary. I've never been into the whole face claiming thing)

-Hair: His black hair is often neatly trimmed into a flat top, fading from the midsection of his earlobe to the top of his head. He never keeps it long enough where it would cover his ears or obscure his vision, preferring to shave it all off rather than let it grow to that height.

-Eyes: Irises a murky brown, the whites of his eyes are nearly always bloodshot from his lack of sleep and exhaustion.

-Height: 6'2

-Weight: 184lbs

-Clothing: Often in khaki cargo trousers and a black wife-beater, it's his preferred clothing considering his previous occupation. When wandering about the streets, he dons a leather jacket with the inside padded in a few layers of newspaper. It's hot, but it serves as extra protection against minor injuries.

-Scars/Marks: Over his left eye is a long jagged scar that runs an inch in either vertical direction. It's a wonder he didn't lose an eye when he had received the injury.

-Personality: Optimist, though usually expressed through sarcasm

-Likes: Strong believer in a stable sense of security, alcohol, a sense of humor.

-Dislikes: Absolutely controlling leaders, high risks, and noises that make bumps in the night (He's afraid of the dark)

-Good Traits: Strength, sense of protectiveness over others, good fight-or-flight instincts

-Bad Traits: When against other survivors he is more bark than bite, horrible initial timing when it comes to fighting and will often hit out of instinct rather than good judgement, afraid of the dark

-Attitude: Often sarcastic with a team he is comfortable with, he'll joke around to try and lighten the mood. He will often be the one reminding others where and when it may be a good time to rest up, most often before the sun falls. Along with his jokes, he may come off as unintentionally flirty, meaning to only raise the spirits of his companions. When facing strangers, his sarcasm stays but in a more cold demeanor. He will often try and stray from trying to give strangers information, wary about ambush from looters.

-Strengths: Knows how to fight, can do minor repairs on vehicles and tools when provided the necessary resources

-Weaknesses: Susceptible to alcohol, seeing as how he only was granted the privilege a few years prior.

-Old Occupation: Was training as an automotive mechanic

-Team Position: Primarily a fighter, may also take up the mechanic position when required of him

-History: TBR

(Sorry I'm late for the posting. Internet went slow, while I was writing. Finally checked in now to see it working fine. Hope my lack of a picture isn't too hard of a hit.)

Full Name: unknown

Nickname: Bullseye

Age(please don't make them too ridiculously young):30

Gender: male







Weight: 213

Tattoos/Scars: scar beside his left eye


Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist:

Likes (+3):money,suffering,games

Dislikes (+3):back talk,pepole killing his men,unfair triads

Good Traits (+3): good shot,leader of group red star,stubern

Bad Traits (+3):not good in fast situations

Attitude Description:very stubern,mean,nice



Weaknesses:he takes his time talking to his victims

Old Occupation: assassin

Team Position:villan

History (optional): unknown

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