dont be late!~ ( pumkin_san and behind the mask )

Sami then turned to his boss and looked up at him "s-sorry for all the trouble senpai.." he said softly holding the copies and originals to his chest "uhn..i think he was trying to be nice to me though, but you dont like him huh?"

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Julius rolled his eyes. He's so naive...He thought and gave an annoyed sigh. "Yeah, I don't.." He muttered and turned and walked towards the door, "Come on and don't stray too far behind, because I need to get back to work." Julius said and didn't even look back as he continued walking.
Sami nodded and ran to stand next to him gingerly holding on to the hem of his sleeve other hand holding the papers as he looked down at there shoes as they walked

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They went back upstairs to Julius's office. "Just set the originals and copies on my desk." Julius said as he went and sat own and got to work. His mood was ruined now, so he didn't even really want to talk to Sami and rather just focused on his work.
Sami sat back on his chair and looked down at his hands biting his lip softly, chewing it actually. it was a habit to him now. as he encouraged his rather bad habit further he thought to himself 'why did Julius get so mad....I mean..I would be mad too but not as mad as he had been...' then he trailed onto another thought tilting his head slightly 'a-and.. what did senpai mean by 'touching his things'... did he mean me?" thought the clueless boy not knowing what Julius has in store for him exactly... this is Julius after all.
After a couple of hours, it was time to go home. Julius picked up some files to take with him because even when he was at home he still worked. Turning to face Sami he smiled a bit, his mood finally starting to improve a bit. "Normally there would've been a lot more for you to do, but it was a pretty easy day today so I'm sorry if you were a bit bored just sitting around." He said. Julius knew there were only two ways to make Sami his, either bully him into it like he used to or be nice and charm him into it. He figured he would try to be nice at first and if that didn't work there was always plan b. They walked out into the reception and Mina walked over, also leaving for the day. "Julius, we should go out to celebrate. Since we have Sami here with us now, ya know." She said gesturing to Sami. Julius smiled, that was a brilliant idea. "Sure," He said then glancing at Sami. "It'll be fun, you want to right?"
Im back!))

Sami blinked a bit at the sudden offer, they want to celebrate his coming to work here?.. "o-oh, uhm yes!" He smiled up at his senpai, he was being so nice. " i would love to" he said composing himself looking down and letting out a giggle then letting his eyes to go to mina as well "thank you" he said as he tucked a piece of his hair behind his ear shyly.

He didn't go out allot, what with his odd condition and was a burden to people but, he was too happy to think about that right now.

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YAY :D )

"That's great, let's go then!" Julius said casually placing his arm around Sami and leading him over to the elevator. "There's this great place not to far from here. Let's go there." He said. Mina followed along behind them, curious as to Julius's feelings towards Sami but not saying anything. She simply nodded in agreement saying, "Okay,"
The small and femininely curved teen blushed and giggled softly at his senpai's action "alright, im okay with that!" he said happily holding his bag with both hands infront of him. He tried hard to hide his excitement but he obviously couldn't what with the grin on his face and the rocking back and forth on his feet

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Julius kept his arm around Sami's shoulders though he didn't really need to. "I guess I'll drive then." He said and press the button to take the elevator to the parking garage. He smiled at Sami, glad he seemed to be liking this.
Sami giggled softly again not minding that senpai's arm was around him and as he glanced at the numbers above the door he waited for the elevator to ding and the doors to open, and when they did his smile only grewwaiting for his senpai to take the lead

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When the doors open Julius led Sami over to his car and opened the passenger side door for him. Mina took her own car, so Julius got in on the drivers side. He buckled his seat belt and started the car. He smiled looking over at Sami. "It's really great you came to work for me. It'll be just like old times, huh?"
Sam slid into the seat and watched as julius got in on the other side "old times? Hmm, yeah i guess~" he said recalling that though most of their time spent back then was ill humored there were some times he would be at least decent towards him.

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Julius smiled and drove out on to the street towards the restaurant. "So..Are you dating anyone?" He asked casually, but he was actually curious to know.
Sam shook his head " senpai.." why was he asking this question? The boy wondered tilting "i havent dated in a while.." its true, his last relationship ended a bit bitterly, there's only so much patience someone could have with sam and his conditions..not to mention he could be a bit clingy at times..but its understandable when you have so many people abandon you

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Julius smiled a bit, glad to be hearing that Sami was single. This just made things even easier for him after all. "Why not? Have you not met anyone to you liking?" He continued, again just trying to make conversation but also curious as to the reason why.
Sami shook his head " had one didnt work out well though" he said blushing a bit looking away and tucking a strand of hair behind his ear biting and nibbling on his bottom lip softly

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"Oh, that's too bad." Julius said as he continued to drive them to the restaurant. "You haven't found anyone else your interested in?" He supposed maybe he seemed a little pushy with the questions now but he wasn't to focused on that.

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