dont be late!~ ( pumkin_san and behind the mask )


New Member
'Today is the day!' Samui thought excitedly pulling on and tying his worn out black hightops and pulling on his dark denim jacket "holy crap! Im gonna be late!" He said as he glanced at the wall clock, he couldnt be late! It would make him look bad! So with that he grabbed his satchel and ran out of his apartment making sure to lock the door... once out on the sidewalk he tried calling for a taxi but not one would stop! "Darn it!..time to take the subway..." he said looking down and then back up a new found determination in his eye's" yeah! Let's go!" The girlish framed boy said to himself taking of towards the direction of the subway. After he ran there and caught a train right before it left he leaned back against the door catching his breath. "C-come on...faster.." he muttered the train seemingly going slower than usual when suddenly he was pressed up against the door face squished by the glass "o-ow! Hey!" He whined then as the doors opened suddenly he was pushed out of the train car catching himself with a sof squeal then checking the time he squealed again and took of into a sprint.... "I-IM HERE!" he shouted burating through the (insert business here) he blushed realizing how loud he was and how many stares he had caught then after a few words with a receptionist he walked towards the entrance of his bosses ( office?) and knocked softly sof sweet and innocent voice, contrast from his earlier outburst said through the door. "He-hello? your new...your new assistant.." having no idea that he was about to be reunited with an old ( freind, crush, or bully? )<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/PicsArt_1382218855236.jpg.35bebc75d109d117107b093817a16a7c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8473" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/PicsArt_1382218855236.jpg.35bebc75d109d117107b093817a16a7c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(lol I guess we should've went over these details in pms.. I guess Julius can be a lawyer or something lie that where he'd need an assistant..And so..any of those options, friend/crush/bully, work in this situation I guess..I like the crush or bully ideas better)

Julius sat in his office going through some of the files on his desk. Looking up and seeing the time he sighed and shook his head. His new assistant was supposed to be here already and the fact he wasn't was rather irritating to him. "Does he even really want this job?" Julius muttered as he glanced down at his paperwork. It was even more bothersome that now this was distracting him from his work. Every minute that passed was more and more bothersome to him but still Julius tried to focus on his work. He signed a few papers and organized the files he had. Suddenly there was some sort of commotion outside in the reception area and a quick moment later, before Julius could even get up to see what was going on, there was a light knock on his door and the soft voice that said, "He-hello? your new...your new assistant.." Finally he's here. Julius thought, annoyed yet relieved he could now be at ease about the situation. "Come in," He called back to the person on the other side of the door, his new assistant.
Samui took a breath and slowly pushed the door open looking down and biting his pale pink lip he slowly walked forward eyes casted down, that is..until he reached his desk. Thats when the boy that could be mistsken as a girl about..all the time, looked up and into the eye's of his highscool bully...'no. Nononono it cant be!' He cried in his head then allowed his eyes to wander over his face his own mouth opening and closing struggling for words. 'I-its him...relax sami...maybe he dosent remember you...just calm down' he then pulled his eyes back to his shoe's, why him? Out of all people it had to be his bully!?. Then he took a glance up he was waiting for sam to speak.. "i-im sorry for ariving late... but im h-here now, i promise it wont happen again!" His sweet soft voice said allong with a small determined nod to himself. But still he had to wonder..'does he remember me? he gonna bully me again?'...

((It's okay))

Julius barely glanced at him as he walked in, but from what he saw the guy looked sort of familiar. He decided not too pay to much attention to that though, since there was a lot of work to be done. He sighed. "It's fine, I'll let it go this once. Just don't let it happen again, I hate people who can't be punctual." Julius said then actually looked up from his work at the guy, which he could just barely tell was a guy. *So familiar* Julius thought then finally recognizing him he smiled. "So, Sami how have you been? Been a while right?" He said in a slightly taunting tone.
Sami shut his eyes and sighed a bit a small tremor went up his spine then as he nodded a bit and looked back up at his boss the words fumbled out of his mouth "y-yeah..its...nice to see you again j-julius" spoke the small boy who by now had lifted his eyes up once again to look at the man behind the desk long eyelashes framed the green orbs as he licked his now dry lips as he spoke the next words "it has been long.." but he couldnt help but be a bit confused by his taunting voice but seemingly freindly smile...was julius just playing him for a fool or was he actually being nice? He didnt know but, people can change..cant they?

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Julius smirked. He's the same as always. He thought to himself. Looking down at his desk, he organized some of the papers and files. "I don't have a lot for you to do today, just some simple stuff.." He mumbled and looked up again. This could be some fun. Julius decided. In high school, it had always been fun to pick on Sami, though as to why Julius didn't really know. To him, Sami sort of resembled a beaten puppy. Though he was cute and just made you just want to hug him and protect him, he was also easy prey for a bully like Julius. Julius stood up and walked over to Sami. "Come on, I'll show you around real quick."
Sami nodded and took in how changed he really was since highschool..well physicaly. Sam was still the same height since ninth grade 5'4 while julius was much much taller. He litterally had to look up at him, as he was doing now he also noticed that he was still as handsome as ever...he always did think julius was handsome but when you get picked on so is kind of a turn of, but still he couldnt deny that the older julius was indeed very handsome 'st-stop!' Thought sam to himself as he blushed softly... "Alright..thanks" he went for a smile, though he was still blushing a bit and it was semi forced his smile still held genuine thanks for the help, sami tried to see the good in everything it was just the way he was. As sami looked back down at his hands that were folded infront of him he nervously braught them up and tugged at the beanie on his head, he rememberd how julius and his freinds used to always take his his hat then waited for julius to lead the way, trying to get his mind to focus on work and not of the past. was hard what with julius standing there

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(Sorry ^^Thought I replied...)

"Come on," Julius said walking past him, not even looking back to make sure he followed. He walked out the door and gestured to the room. "This is the reception area, obviously. I may have you bring papers, notes or files to and from here sometimes or other things like that." He said and glanced back at Sami to make sure he understood. "That's Mina, the receptionist. She pretty much knows just as muh as I do around here so feel free to ask her for help if you need it." He paused and walked a little further into the room near some file cabinets. "Here's where most of our paperwork and files are, or at least mine. Some of the others' files are in here as well so be careful not to mix things up."
Sami scurried behind them nodding at everything he said sometimes muttering a yes making sure to write all this down later "g-got it." He said with a nod looking around the room with the filing cabinets roaming around him making sure to still pay mind to his boss incase he left or spoke

(( s'ok! ))
Julius looked around wondering if there was anything left to show Sami. "The printer and copier are both downstairs..It's kind of irritating but that's just how it is." He told him. Not finding anything else to show Sami at the moment Julius turned to head back to his office when Mina came up to him. "Here's the files you needed for your client.." She said handing him a bunch of papers. Julius smiled and nodded. "Thanks.." He said and then Mina walked off. Turning to Sami he smirked a bit, "Here, carry these for me.." He said handing them over Sami and then turned and walked back to his office.
Sami gave a little squeak and held them like he did his books in highschool scurrying behind him again a soft blush on his cheeks. "S-senpai..i mean wait up!" He said blushing at the old honorary he used on julius trying to keep up with his steps looking down at his shoes

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Julius glanced behind him at Sami, a small smile on his lips. Yep, Sami was the same as he remembered. He had to admit, Sami was really cute and it made it a little hard to have things like they were, since he didn't really want to pick on him. "Hurry up," He said as he walked inside his office and went and sat at his desk. "You can set those on the table over there.." Julius gestured to the small table in the corner of the room.
As they got into the room and his new boss gave him the order he nodded scurrying of to the small table and carefully setting the papers down on it, one single page though fell on the floor and he had to bend over to pick it up causing his waterbottle and perscription pills to fall out of his bag and with a sigh he squatted down to pick those up too. Once he had his things and put the paper back he turned back to his boss and stood not really sure what to do fidgeting a bit. " there anything else you need sen- i mean j-julius?"

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Julius thought for a moment then shrugged his shoulders a bit. "Not at the moment..." He mumbled and got up and pulled a chair up next to his desk. "Just sit here for right now, and I'll tell you when I have something for you to do" He said. The quietness in the room bothered him though. He glanced over at Sami occasionally as he worked, unable to really focus. "So, what have you been up to since I last saw you?" He asked, just trying to make conversation. "It's seems like it's been forever but yet your still the same as I remember you." He added with a bit of a smirk.
Sami blushed at the glances and that smirk of his looking away hands on his lap "well my..conditions.. are still the same", said he shivering a bit, "but my father has been helping me out more and im working on getting better" he perked a bit taking his water bottle and taking a sip giggling to himself tugging his hat down. "I see you've become a very successful man yourself s-julius" he said catching himself and looking up at him cheeks still tinted a soft pink

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Julius smiled a bit and nodded. "Yeah," He said. Although he couldn't help but think of how adorable Sami was. He was starting to consider making Sami his, not necessarily as in dating but more of like an object that one could have since that's just how Julius's mind worked. Julius focused back on his work for a moment before thinking of something. "You can still call me senpai if you want, I don't really care and it doesn't really matter even if we are at work." He said.
Sami nodded and giggled once more "alright..sen~ pa~ i~" he said in a slightly sing songed voice but then bit his lip trying to keep quiet figuring that wasnt really mature. "Sorry" he giggled out looking down hand raising up to cover his mouth as he giggled softly hair framing his face covering it slightly. Senpai was being much nicer wasnt he?

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Julius smiled a bit and tried to focus on his work. It was quiet for quite a few minutes then Julius turned to Sami. "I need you to go make a copy of these two documents." He said and handed the two papers to Sami. "The copier's downstairs, remember."
Sami nodded and stood up excitedly. "Alright senpai!" Than he smiled and scurried of to the door stopping and looking back at him "Ill be right back!". After that he went to the copying machine and started making the copies, doing it easily because he had to do it often when in college what with missing so many classes and doing extra credit and work for his teachers. But he was taking a little long. Not because of the copier but because someone kept attempting to flirt with him

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Julius sighed, tapping his fingers on his desk as he waited for Sami to come back. What was taking him so long? Surely he didn't get lost right? The copier was only just downstairs, and he could've asked Mina is he couldn't find it. He waited a few more minutes before getting up to go see what was taking so long.
He was leaning against a copy machine, copies done but a man blocking his way "hey~ whats a cutie like you workin here for?" The man seemingly in his thirties spoke in a low voice "m-my dad g-got me this j-job.." muttered sami's soft voice looking down but face just being pulled back up. "I see...why dont you come to my office for lunch then hmm?" He smirked making sami blush. " not sure senpai would like that though.." said he trying to pull away failing as the man grabbed his hip "oh..i think your senpai will understand.."

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Julius headed downstairs to the copy room and was shocked, yet furious by what he saw. He narrowed his eyes into a glare. "What the hell do you think you're doing Eric?" It was one of the other lawyers from the firm. Eric merely looked at him.

"What's your problem?" He said, irritated. "Just mind your own business."

Okay, that was it. Julius had a short temper and kind of just reached his limit. He walked over pulling Eric away from Sami. "He is my business. And personally I really don't like other people touching my things but I'll let you off easy this time." He said, doing his best to stay calm, since they were at work after all.
" yours? Last time i checked he was a person not a doll" eric snapped back. Walking real close to him procoking him. That is until sami stepped between both of them standing a bit closer to. Julius "e-eric-kun..please go away" he whispered at him looking up at him eric just looled a bit suprised backing up a bit "but.."

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"Listen here-" Julius started, to angry to really care if they were at work or not. If Eric kept it up he'd get hurt. But then Sami stepped in between them. Julius smirked a bit and Eric glared at him. "Whatever.." He muttered and walked out of the room. Julius smiled, satisfied but still extremely irritated.

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