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Fantasy Dominions: The Middle Ages

Xochitl nods and laughs as he takes the coins. "Thank you, friend! Did I not say I was capable? When I put my mind to it, anything is possible."
"Ha! I will not doubt you again, comrade!"

Yervitch gives you two pats to the back, both significantly less forceful than the one he gave you earlier, and then returns to the mercenary troop to join in on the feasting once again. Before you can do the same, however, the mage you met earlier approaches you.

"Might I have a word, my companion?"
While Xochitl is putting the coins into his pouch, he hears a familiar voice. "Yes, of course! Sit down." He places the pouch back in its place.
While Xochitl is putting the coins into his pouch, he hears a familiar voice. "Yes, of course! Sit down." He places the pouch back in its place.

"Quite the performance, my friend. Tell me, if you're able to eat like that, why is it you're so thin?"

The mage's questioning tone is off putting, and he seems to be scanning you up and down. He patiently awaits your answer.
"Oh, well, actually..." Xochitl feigns nausea with expertise. "I'm not able to eat like that.."
"Oh, well, actually..." Xochitl feigns nausea with expertise. "I'm not able to eat like that.."
"I imagine any normal person would be a lot more than nauseous after eating a whole pig."

The mage crosses his legs, and puts his chin in his hand.
"I am very nauseous, sir. Extremely. Now, if you'll excuse me-" He tries to push past the mage.
"I am very nauseous, sir. Extremely. Now, if you'll excuse me-" He tries to push past the mage.
"Not too fast, my lad, or everyone will hear your bones clacking."

The mage smiles, clearly visible even through his thick beard.
Jemmeh was unfazed by the groans of the undead, pushing in front of the party with his cudgel resting on his shoulder. "JEMMEH KILL! JEMMEH KILL GOODEST!" Jemmeh declared, marching onward toward the groans.
"Not too fast, my lad, or everyone will hear your bones clacking."

The mage smiles, clearly visible even through his thick beard.

"Keep quiet!", hisses Xochitl. "Tell them all, why don't you?" The skeleton speaks in hushed tones. "So what do you want?"
"Keep quiet!", hisses Xochitl. "Tell them all, why don't you?" The skeleton speaks in hushed tones. "So what do you want?"
"Nothing in particular, I'm just remarking at how poorly you've hidden it. You could at least cast some sort of stone skin spell on yourself."

The mage chuckles. He doesn't appear to have any malicious intentions, but it's always hard to tell through such a magnificent beard.
Jemmeh was unfazed by the groans of the undead, pushing in front of the party with his cudgel resting on his shoulder. "JEMMEH KILL! JEMMEH KILL GOODEST!" Jemmeh declared, marching onward toward the groans.
The troop arrives at the village, with you at the helm. The screaming and moaning had grown loader and loader in your ear until you had nearly become deaf. You could see the shambling undead, strewn out before you. They wandered about the hazy misty, broken ruins of the village with no motivation or intent, but you could sense their murderous instinct from a mile away. The captain asks, in a hushed tone, that everyone stay calm and get into formation. They quickly do so. hoping the clinking of their weapons wont alert the monstrosities around them. They form a loose box formation, having those with melee weapons form a tight shield around the archers and the mage. The two Halberdiers stood just behind the main line, their Halberds poking out so as to stick any of the horrid creatures that attempt to charge the line.

You, having not been briefed on any formation, are free to form up or charge as you'd like.
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"Nothing in particular, I'm just remarking at how poorly you've hidden it. You could at least cast some sort of stone skin spell on yourself."

The mage chuckles. He doesn't appear to have any malicious intentions, but it's always hard to tell through such a magnificent beard.

Xochitl huffed and puffed. "It's worked so far. Why fix it if it isn't broken?" He crosses his arms.
Xochitl huffed and puffed. "It's worked so far. Why fix it if it isn't broken?" He crosses his arms.
"It's worked against the stupid, and the unobservant. I am neither. Inquisitors especially so. I do not fear your kind, skeleton. I know you are not the way you are by your own choice, but my attitude is few and far between. Now, I am a fair man. I won't let a kind skeleton such as yourself go without aid. I will help you future travels by giving you a trinket of mine that will hide your appearance, but, as with anything, you must do something for me in return."
The skeleton goes silent for a few seconds, looking at the ground, then looks up at the mage. "Alright. What is it you want me to do?" He says as he wraps his cloak around himself.
Jemmeh watched the troop form up with a curious look plastered on his disfigured face. He had no idea what they were doing, but it didn't seem to involve him, so who cares? Seeing the undead made his blood rush with anticipation and he couldn't hold in the desire to crush the frail bodies of the undead and longer. So, with a blood-curtling screech like a bat out-of-hell, Jemmeh charged with his iron cudgel at the ready, prepared face any number of undead that opposed him.
The skeleton goes silent for a few seconds, looking at the ground, then looks up at the mage. "Alright. What is it you want me to do?" He says as he wraps his cloak around himself.
"It's quite simple, my boney friend. I want you to bring me a specimen. One of the 'Illithids', as scholars have taken to calling them. They are the legendary denizens of the island of R'lyeh. No mortal man has been able to bring back one of those damn things, as they've always had their head fried by the creature's mind blasts. But you, my companion, are in a very unique circumstance. Your body is held together by black magic, without any need for a brain. These creatures have no power over you!"
"Should be a piece of cake!", says Xochitl, grinning. Wait, no, skeletons can't grin. He'd grin if he could. "I'll do it, friend."
"Good to know, friend! I Hope we can count on you in this coming battle."

The captain returns to the front of the troop, leaving you with your own demented thoughts for the remainder of this walk. Luckily, that period isn't long, as you come up over a hill and spot the town in question not more than two miles walk away. Of course, that brings no solace to anyone. The town and the fields around it wrought with the smell of death and decay, so much so that you can smell it from where you stand. A horrid miasma spreads out around the premise, and you can hear the screams of the damned as if they were just next to you. The troop seems naught too excited about what is to come, but the captain leads them forward regardless.

"ONCE MORE WE RIDE!" Screaming, raising mace, starting out on the killing fields once again.
"Should be a piece of cake!", says Xochitl, grinning. Wait, no, skeletons can't grin. He'd grin if he could. "I'll do it, friend."
"Good, good... You'll be helping advance magical research more than you'll ever know, friend.
Jemmeh watched the troop form up with a curious look plastered on his disfigured face. He had no idea what they were doing, but it didn't seem to involve him, so who cares? Seeing the undead made his blood rush with anticipation and he couldn't hold in the desire to crush the frail bodies of the undead and longer. So, with a blood-curtling screech like a bat out-of-hell, Jemmeh charged with his iron cudgel at the ready, prepared face any number of undead that opposed him.
You smash into the first ghoul you see, sending it flying with one swing of your mighty club. As was expected, these actions alert all the undead around you, their unholy blood lust sending them into a frenzy against you. The mercs stay in formation, seemingly ready to let you take the fall, or help you if the situation absolutely calls for it.
"Should be a piece of cake!", says Xochitl, grinning. Wait, no, skeletons can't grin. He'd grin if he could. "I'll do it, friend."
"Good, good... If you can pull this off, you'll be helping arcane and bestiary research more than you could ever know. On top of your reward, you'll be lauded as a hero among the studied world. Just don't go getting devoured by any void beasts."
"ONCE MORE WE RIDE!" Screaming, raising mace, starting out on the killing fields once again.
You plunge towards the hellish sight before you, leading just ahead of the mercs you've only just met. They don't seem all too happy about the task at hand, but they seem to be sucking up their fear decently enough. With your brisk pace, your arrive at the town after not more than thirty minutes. The horrid hamlet is even worse up close, as the stench of death threatens to turn your nose inside out, and moaning and groaning of unholy abominations would make weaker men rip their ears off. The miasma that stood over the town now lurks just in front of you, impairing your vision and making it difficult too see the village clearly.

The mercenary captain does a few hand signs, and the troop begins to form up into a lose box. The main melee force forms lines all around the archers and the mage, while the two Halberdiers stand just behind the main line, sticking their halberds out in an effort to poke any creature that charges the line. You, having not been briefed on any formation, are free to form up or charge as you please.
Jemmeh was practically convulsing with excitement at the sound of the crack the ghoul made before flying across the clearing, but he wanted more, so much more. However, something urged him to wait a moment for the ghouls to get close and surrounnd him before swinging his club 360 degrees with great force, crouching down to get level with the oncoming ghouls.
"It will go swimmingly," he answered confidently. It would probably not go swimmingly.
Jemmeh was practically convulsing with excitement at the sound of the crack the ghoul made before flying across the clearing, but he wanted more, so much more. However, something urged him to wait a moment for the ghouls to get close and surrounnd him before swinging his club 360 degrees with great force, crouching down to get level with the oncoming ghouls.
Like a whirlwind of mayhem, you smash into the attacking ghouls, crushing them or sending them flying with your great strength. The air around you became thick with the release of necromantic energy, but in your battle frenzy, it did little to effect you.

You finish off what grunts you could see, and you club tornado comes to a halt. Suddenly, you hear a horrible screech. You can hear the distinct clinking and clanging of weapons and armor as the mercs ready themselves for whatever it may be. The screech rings forth once more, and you can hear the sound of wood being smashed apart coming from your left.
Jemmeh turns to face the woods to his left, a wave of euphoria rushing over him after such a brutal attack, making him tingle with pleasure.

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