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Futuristic Dome OOC

Okay, I definitely have some questions.

I saw the CS template and the lore, and I'm trying to figure out what the different aliens are supposed to look like. You didn't have any examples, so are the players determining the physiology of the differing aliens from their respective planets? What if two PCs are from the same planet but are different aliens?

Fake Name: (Human sounding name)
Expression/ Pronouns:
(Androgynous, masculine, feminine)
Race: (Alien or Human)
Role: (Is your alien a citizen? Or a soldier, royalty, maybe even a rebal or criminal)
Home planet:
Apperance description:
Apperance: (Optional for artist or maker games, face claims)
Likes and dislikes: (Three for each)
Aesthetic: (Optional, for template users)
Why did your character accept the broadcast and go to the atmosphere dome?

Outfit: (Optional)

Highlighted in yellow... would I be able to RP as an alien that is a criminal? Just wondering how that would fit into the setting and plot. Because why would a criminal answer a call of altruism?

Character creation aside, what are the requirements for the RP? As in the posting frequency that you expect and the writing style you look for.
Are the players determining the physiology of the differing aliens from their respective planets?
Yes and no, I had visual trait ideas for certain planets, but I hadn't really created them for all of the planets. I don't know, I just thought the aliens from Venus would have long lashes like camels to block out dust or Neptune's would be fishlike.
What if two PCs are from the same planet but are different aliens?
This does bring up a good point and once I get the time, I'll try finding some examples, but I had thought more of the visuals of the aliens more so just their clothing and culture.
Would I be able to RP as an alien that is a criminal? Just wondering how that would fit into the setting and plot. Because why would a criminal answer a call of altruism?
Since the planet is a wasteland and the only remaining lifeforms are three humans and an android, I thought it would be a great way to bring in perhaps aliens that want to expand and thus attempts to take over the empty planet or criminals hear the broadcast and escape to the planet to hide.
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Are the players determining the physiology of the differing aliens from their respective planets?
Yes and no, I had visual trait ideas for certain planets, but I hadn't really created them for all of the planets. I don't know, I just thought the aliens from Venus would have long lashes like camels to block out dust or Neptune's would be fishlike.
What if two PCs are from the same planet but are different aliens?
This does bring up a good point and once I get the time, I'll try finding some examples, but I had thought more of the visuals of the aliens more so just their clothing and culture.
The reason I ask is because if there are predetermined physiologies for the aliens, then we as the players are going to need to find something that matches it for a faceclaim. So having examples really helps in that case. And...unless you are basing the aliens on some easily searched for aesthetic, it will be very difficult for the PCs to replicate the image for their own claim.

Would I be able to RP as an alien that is a criminal? Just wondering how that would fit into the setting and plot. Because why would a criminal answer a call of altruism?
Since the planet is a wasteland and the only remaining lifeforms are three humans and an android, I thought it would be a great way to bring in perhaps aliens that want to expand and thus attempts to take over the empty planet or criminals hear the broadcast and escape to the planet to hide.
How would you feel about an alien that is looking to catch one or more of the humans as a rare species for an exotic collector? Kinda like a private zoo owned by an intergalactic collector. And the alien is basically like a poacher on a galaxy-spanning level.
The reason I ask is because if there are predetermined physiologies for the aliens, then we as the players are going to need to find something that matches it for a faceclaim.
After looking up some alien races within popular shows, I've decided having a 'base' of idea for the aliens would help the aliens from not only looking different from each planet but to avoid the two different aliens, same planet problem. I've currently put in a handful of images I liked that best matched my description in the lore. Thank you for asking that question, I didn't think about it until now and I hope it gives a better visual idea.

How would you feel about an alien that is looking to catch one or more of the humans as a rare species for an exotic collector? Kinda like a private zoo owned by an intergalactic collector. And the alien is basically like a poacher on a galaxy-spanning level.
I find it a really cool idea and if that is the character you'd like to create then go ahead.
I have a character that I can try to adapt to the setting, if you'll have her. The notion I had given example of is a rough idea of who/what she is.
Khaz Galka x poses-turnaround.gif
Yeah, you can play her I don't mind.
cool. so would I submit a CS here for approval, or is all that going to be done in the characters thread? I dunno if the CS thread was only for after they are approved or not.
okie dokie. I'll work on it later tonight

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