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Does Anyone want to be my Link? (Zelda RP)


Endless Witch
Hihi, Valkyrie here, Rose if you're a friend

I''m looking for someone who might be intrested in a 1x1 Legend of Zelda RP. Specifaclly, I'm looking for someone willing to play Link, or his reincarnation that can be named whatever you feel like. I prefer someone who will actually talk to me, or not begin setting a story up then up and leave for no particular reason, or even without telling me. I can do anything from single to multiple paragraphs, so length isn't too big of an issue.

I have multiple plots in mind, and I don't mind doing both of them if multiple people are interested in them.

War of the Gods =Rather then directly try to kidnap the princess and failing like he always has, our good friend Ganondorf has decided to use a more...tactical approach, and declared war on Hyrule. Taken by surprise, most of the kingdom fell in a short time, and the Gerudo Tribe only gained momentum. Their occupying and forcing the conquered races into servitude, and while they are busy, Ganondorf is searching for a way into Sacred Realm. This would be half adventure, have war game, as our hero (read: you) will both be trying to enter the Sacred Realm before Ganondorf does, but also working to liberate the cities fro Ganondorf's thumb.

Zelda's role in this would be Commander in chief of the army, as well as accompanying Link on dungeon raids, because there are some pathways only avaliable to those of her bloodline. Maybe eventually she'll get kidnapped in true Zelda fashion.

Royal Guard

In this Rp, Link would be someone in training under the Hylian Knights. While sent on a scoutin mission, an ancient portal to another dimension (Termina, or perhaps created by us) When Zelda comes to inspect it, it reacts to her power, sucking her and Link in. Now the two need to find a way home...but things are never as easy as that, are they? Dark Magic, different space-times, together, Zelda and the now appointed-because-no=one-else-is-there-to-do-the-job Royal Guard, Link, has to work with Zelda to unravel this world's mysteries, beat the evil, and get out.

3. But I'm just a farm girl /

Hyrule has been without a King or Queen for a long time, and tha't because the last princess was kidnapped by Gannondorf. Years have passed, and a child was born, but thanks to a spell and some good luck, the baby found her way to some humble farmers in a poor villiage. Se grows up with her good friend Link. One day, on a playful adventure, they discover the Forest Temple, Where Zelda's power reacts.

In tis Rp, Link must save Hyrule, while helping Zelda come to terms with ehr power- as a half goo- half evil hybrid, Zelda must learn to accept both sides of her, accept the reality that is her heritage, and work to make Hyrule prosper.

As I mentioned, I'm very flexible with the characters. You can be Link, a reincarnation with a different name, or even a Female Link (I would love to see this, actually) I'm also up for ideas you come up with, and am open to changes in the ideas, so dont be shy!

Please message me or PM to show your interest! But please, only respond if you actually want to do something like this.
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I'm actually very interested in this. Message me back, if you're still looking.
I'm very interested in this one, and I'd love to RP as Link. I can make an OC too, if you want.

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