• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Doctor Who RPG?

If you guys are comfortable making characters "in a void", let me know. If the majority of you would prefer more upfront OOC info on the adventure and it's setting, I'll oblige.

I kind of prefer a little more setting info before creating a character.
Goddammit - I eyed this thread way too often since I responded. Think I'll throw my imaginary hat in the ring as well, at least if there's still room and noone objects. :)

As for the background information: I kind of like the idea to start with no clue at all, but I'd be fine either way.
So, all the cool kids are doing their own Discord in their interest checks these days. Is that something you guys are into? If so, I can set one up. If not, no worries.
It seems to kinda take the place of an OOC chat? Personally I'd rather keep it all in the forums myself.
More than once a day would be ambitious - at least for my style of rping, certainly nothing I could keep up with.

As for Discord: Thus far, I haven't really seen the advantages it brings, only technical difficulties for basically the same as an ooc chat. I'd prefer staying on the site, if only to not have two places where I have to look for things.
I like something like Discord or IRC for chatting about small stuff that doesn't need a forum post. Just getting to know each other and such, but I understand not wanting to track down important information in more places than strictly necessary.
I like the idea of Discord for things like character creation because it allows folks to rapidly bounce ideas off of one another, plus folks tend to bond a bit better as they do in MMORPGs. However, my preference remains here in OOC channel (at least for me). Text is terrific because the words and ideas stay. That is not the case with the spoken word. So, I recommend folks who like Discord to use that, but please update the rest of us here in OOC chat when something significant or fun comes up! =)
Oh, I should specify that I was only talking about the written part of Discord. Speaking would be too demanding.
Too late to join?

First time writing in a few years, and can probably only write once a day. Is this acceptable?

Welcome aboard!

Kaerri Kaerri Silanon Silanon
I don't plan on having a formal posting requirement. I work 40-50 hours a week, sometimes more, and I've got a spouse and a demanding kid on top of that. I won't necessarily be posting every day myself, though I'll try. I can't promise a lightning fast pace for those into that, but I can say I've been using this site for years and as long as player interest remains in the game, I'll keep moving the plot forward.

Esbilon Esbilon Purr Purr
I think I'll set up a Discord as an entirely optional tool for quick conversation, character building and general chatter. Anything significant, I'll repost into the OOC forum. If folks want to use the thing to talk, more power to you, but 95% of my internet time is during work when I'm usually already on the phone so I will be using it for text-only communication.

I'm at the airport at the moment and I have most of a formal Interest Check worked up, along with the beginnings of what I'll need for other threads. I've also applied for a Hosted Project (fingers crossed, never done that before) so depending on turnaround I'll have something set up for us in the near future. In the next 5 days or so, I hope to at least have a draft character sheet up for people to look at and plan with, as well as some solution for character building for those of you who don't have the rulebook. Other than that, I still have another onsite next week from Tuesday-Thursday that I'm chiefly responsible for running so I'll be pretty tanked during that time. Hopefully by the time I'm past both of these business trips, I'll have news on the Hosted Project front, I can set things up and we can get sheets posted up and this RP kicked off.

Thanks for everyone's patience in the meantime! And as always, if you have questions, stick 'em here or PM me and we'll talk it out.
Alright, for anyone who doesn't have access to the rules, shoot me a PM and let me see what I can work out with you for character creation.

I'll be putting up a proper interest check, roleplay, character, etc. pages shortly.

Although I've gone through some effort to make the RP 'pretty', I won't be doing so for character sheets. Largely because using the template I've adapted is time consuming and I don't enjoy making things a pain in the ass for my players. :)

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