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Fandom Doctor Who Roleplay


Whovian, Roleplayer sorta, I cry alot







Endangerment Rank:

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Name: Amaya

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Personality: I am not afraid of anything, except losing whats important to me. People like me easily. I'm really shy. I have been traveling with the Doctor for years. I have escaped many dangers. But I have survived.

History: I met the Doctor when I noticed a strange tattoo on my left wrist. It was a strange symbol and under it was a number. I called it.

Height:5' 6''

Endangerment Rank: Not Endangered

Misc: I love traveling with the Doctor.
Name: Ruri Kurosaki

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Personality: Ruri is known for coming across as naรฏve and inexperienced, acting like a child excited to see new worlds and foreign places. She is neither pretentious nor selfish and reacts to situations rather than starting them, with her humanity making her panicky and indecisive under pressure, but she will use dissembling and deceit in order to avert a crisis or defeat an adversary.

History: Ruri was kidnapped by the Master for genetic experimentation when she was saved by the Doctor and Amaya, she travels with them as she has no home.

Height: 5'4

Endangerment Rank: High Risk

Misc: Is very outspoken and can be violent.


(OOC - Which Doctor are we RPing with here?)
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Name: Daniel




Personality: Daniel is a very calm and collected person, not usually talkative. He mostly replies nonchalantly, other than when his sister coaxes him out of his shell.

He is very reliable to his twin, Danielle or Danny, as she prefers. He is very skilled in the art of hiding emotions.

History: Daniel and Danny were cornered by weeping angels. With Danny backing away holding his hand he felt a tug as she tripped backward into the TARDIS. Daniel didn't hesitate to dart into the box and shut the door. When he looked at Danny she was staring in awe at three people staring at them. And so it began

Height: 6 ft

Endangerment risk: Not endangered

Other: very protective of Danny

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/de64ae2912cc6760092fc44dcf72a5bb.jpg.14a78c59f9c5e13997f2185346f4840a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90465" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/de64ae2912cc6760092fc44dcf72a5bb.jpg.14a78c59f9c5e13997f2185346f4840a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/teeanaged-anime-girl.jpg.439efd6f7d6d4c3335c4e868319cbebb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90466" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/teeanaged-anime-girl.jpg.439efd6f7d6d4c3335c4e868319cbebb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Danielle 'Danny'



Age: 19

Personality: Danny is the complete opposite of her brother. Hyper, talkative and smart(ish).

History:Daniel and Danny were cornered by weeping angels. With Danny backing away holding his hand he felt a tug as she tripped backward into the TARDIS. Daniel didn't hesitate to dart into the box and shut the door. When he looked at Danny she was staring in awe at three people staring at them. And so it began.

Height:6 ft

Endangerment risk: High

Other: Loves traveling with the doctor



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Name: N

Race: Unkown Humanoid

Gender: Male

Age: Unkown possibly mid 30's

Personality: Serious, Strict, Cautious

History: Unkown

Height: 6'3"

Endangerment Rank: Unkown

Misc: the Mystery of who he is

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