Doctor Who [Inactive]

Roger Greyson

I can Smell you
Roger Greyson submitted a new role play:

Doctor Who - When the Doctor's in trouble, what hope does the rest of the world have?

"Um.. hello?" A mailman arrives at your door one day, "I was told to give this directly to the one who opened this door... I don't know why, I just follow orders.
You open the letter, and inside is a strange symbol on the top of a paper that has about a paragraph of writing on it.

"Hello," the letter reads, "I am the Doctor, not just A doctor, THE Doctor. In short, I am a time traveling alien with two hearts. Through my travels, I met you at some point in both of our futures, don't ask...
Read more about this role play...
Jeanine wandered through Disneyland, waiting for any others to show up... How would she know them when she saw them? Would they be wearing big name tags that said "Hello, I'm looking for the Doctor"? She chuckled at the thought. She rubbed her neck. She was still stiff from the plane ride. She hoped this was real. If this was another red herring... No. This was real. It had to be.
Mayden tapped the letter against her hand and she aimlessly walked through Disney. She has always hated crowds, people pushing and shoving was never her thing. She hopes this isn't all a big joke, going to be punked by Ashton. The letter didn't even have an exact place. Disney land is huge plus -like what was mentioned- there are people everywhere. Was she suppose to look for someone who stands out? She doesn't stand out so that must not be it. Frustrated, Mayden sits on a bench and let's out a sigh, which cause some hair that was in her face to fly out in front of her, whipping in the breeze of her breath.


Sorry if this isn't good. New to this. :P
Look at this lady wandering eagerly but aimlessly. Letter in hand, backpack worn, glasses on, confident look on her face. Nine linear years on earth, four hundred and three years of her life, and today is the day that she gets the news she has been waiting for. She has thought wrong, and she is not alone! Being a time lady and all, this task is important. She doesn't want a paradox to happen. In fact she CAN'T let that happen. Cause a paradox that will bring about destructive aliens (Reapers) and ruin her chances of meeting the only other one of her kind? This "Doctor" seems to be a man of importance while the Vagabond is, well, forgotten. Forgotten amongst the universe and now is her time to shine! It's been a while since she had a real adventure.

Vaga has to look for three specific people. Most likely they will be holding the same letter in his or her hands. To increase her chances, she holds hers in front of her in both hands. To other people, she may be looking at a map or something similar. To her and the other three, it's something of importance. Especially to Vaga. I mean, she practically freaked out in glorious victory and happiness when she read the whole letter. On her doorstep. In public. Out. In. The. Open.

Forget the past, let's focus on the present and future!
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Jeanine decided to pull out one of the devices that UNIT had given her out of a lead-lined pocket of her jacket, one that scanned someone and could tell whether they were human or not, in case this was a trap by some alien race. She held it in front of her, as if she were merely texting, as it was disguised as just a regular phone. She looked around the crowd, scanning as she went. Then she came upon a woman with glasses, holding a piece of paper in front of her.


Her device's screen said. She tapped the button to identify species, and got


Unknown! This was worse than she'd thought. She pressed the button to show internal scan of the alien. Two hearts... multiple DNA signatures inside of one cell... She'd never seen anything like it. Her hand went inside of her jacket to her blaster, a laser weapon... "appropriated" by UNIT from some alien race.
Vaga then stopped after a few minutes of walking and no luck. She looked around a bit due to it being easier when she is still. But it is easier if she had something else. Her sonic pen! She took it out of her backpack strap's pocket and turned it on. Pointing it around, trying to make sure the buzzing is not really noticeable, she scanned the crowd, hoping she could find at least a person with the same letter. Speak of the devil, she found one! The buzzing was beginning to sound higher pitched the closer she got the scan. Once the pitch got too high, she looked up. her sonic pen was now pointed at a young human girl...

"Oh!", she kinda muttered before going back to normal voice volume. "Hello there..."
Jeanine stiffened, realizing that the alien was talking to her. "Hi..." She said, not wanting to reveal that she knew of the woman's extra-terrestrial nature. "Who are you?"
"I'm the Vagabond..." she began. "You... Also got this letter, right?" Vaga then kinda waved the paper a bit before putting her sonic pen back in the strap pocket. She even had a nervous smile on her face.
Ah, so this wasn't a trap. Probably. Jeanine kept her hand on her blaster, just in case.

"Yes, I did." She pulled out her copy of the letter and showed it to Vaga as proof. "Here it is."
Vaga gave a better smile. "Brilliant." She then folded up her letter and put it in her shorts pocket. "Sorry about the buzzing." She began to explain. "Little device that helps me. Complicated for others to understand." Vaga then nervously laughed and shrugged.
Vaga then looked around with a courageous look on her face. "Seeing that I use the device to find you, known as the sonic pen, I can use it again to find the other." She once again took it out of her strap-pocket and set the setting to letter. Well, letter meaning that it should scan for the others that have the same letter.
"Okay then. Let's do that." Jeanine said, relieved that this wasn't a trap. Probably "Oh, and by the way, er... I know you're not human..."
"Pretty expected. Was it my name? The sonic pen? Maybe you had a scanner?" Vaga kinda smiled as she scanned the crowds around the two.
"You look time lord, actually. Species of time travelers. Almost all of them got wiped out in a massive war between my people and a really indestructible race known as the Daleks. One-hit-kill death ray and suffocation plunger. REALLY tough armored exoskeleton which almost looks like a salt/pepper shaker or a trash can. If you hear a cry of 'EXTERMINATE' then that's them. Well, I was able to escape my home planet, Gallifrey, before the war's supposed end. And it turns out..." Vaga once again holds the letter. "I'm not alone!"
"Alright. Let's go." As the two walk around, Vaga keeps scanning the area with her sonic pen. The buzzing was at a low pitch, meaning there was no result.
Getting fed up, she stands up to go get a drink and she scans the audience as she walks. "One diet coke please." The person nods and replies, "8.50." Mayden's eyes nearly pop out of her head. She hands over the money when she hears a high pitch noise. She turns to look for it. She sees two people, one with a pen, glowing at the end. "Here." The snobby girl at the booth said. She grabs the coke and walks towards them. But doesn't get too close, she watches them carefully.
The buzzing becomes high pitched. They were close! "I'm getting something. Letter bearer nearby." She then spun around slowly, keeping the sonic pen pointed in front of her. Soon, the pitch was high enough and there was another young human girl walking towards the two. "Hello."
Mayden stops dead in her tracks as the two said hello. "Hi" she says fast and short. They both are girls, quite pretty actually. She looks at there outfits, one is part of a business. Blazers are a thing in businesses. The other, she can't tell; something about her is off. She sees in their hands a letter, just like hers. She smiles and goes to her pocket to pull out hers. Mayden smirks, "found you."
She nods and looks at the other, then back to the blazer girl. "Names?" She states, taking a sip of her drink. The cold soda feels good while the sun beats down.
Excited, Vaga the shakes her hands, both are fists and close to herself. "We're making progress!" Her smile was like a child's. Once she was done being silly, she puts her hands down. "Right, there are three of us together so far, and the letter stated four people received the same letter. That means us and one more person. Oh! Right, names. I'm the Vagabond. Yes, THE. Though you can call me Vaga."
"So you wonder from place to place without a home? That must be the name you chose. Nice." Mayden says nodding. "I'm Mayden. Name I was born with." She smiles. "Nice to meet you." She turns to the girl in the blazer, "and you are?"

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