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Fandom Do you wanna be the very best.... like no one ever was?

r.edrequiem r.edrequiem Quick question as I work on my character. Would Budew or Gible be accepted as a partner? I'm perfectly content with using one of the normal starters- but out of curiosity I decided to ask.
If I need to change anything just @ me.

Traditions of Old

"You Dare Face a Dragons Fury?"Name:
Connor Pendragon
Partner Pokemon:
Pokemon Trainer as of current.
Heterosexual (Straight)
Dragon-type Pokemon
Hot baths... A bit too warm for most
Onigiri (Rice Balls) or in Dubbed Pokemon terms "Donuts"
Disrespect of One's Elders
Cruelty to Pokemon
Organizations seeking to "Harness the Power of a Legendary Pokemon"
Black Coffee
Connor's personality, like most, is heavily influenced by the society that he grew up in. Because of the older ways of teaching in his town, he gravitated towards being kind to people- if an older woman was carrying groceries home and her machamp's hands were full he did his best to help any time he could. The same upbringing drove him to live by a code- a code of chivalry. But as expected he wasn't, and still isn't, perfect when it comes to obeying that code. He tends to be a fairly sociable individual, his main skill in conversation comes from listening more than anything- something allot of people don't do very well. Because of this he hears allot of things that people don't mean for him to hear, thick-skin would definetely help out in a situation like that but it is, sadly, another thing he lacks. The insults and criticism soak into him like a sponge and you wouldn't even know how saturated he was with them until you went to wring him out. Most he takes as judgement for how he should change to make himself a better person for others to deal with, but whether or not that's entirely true is somewhat unknown.

There's undoubtedly more pages to this book, but I can't seem to pry them apar- Oww. Papercut...
Connor was born into the Sinnoh region, specifically his family lived in Celestic town. His life wasn't too difficult- his mother had been a Pokemon breeder and his father worked as an authoritative figure of the police force and as such he was raised to follow one of their footsteps someday. But he had also learned traditions of the ancestors who had come eons before himself, those who had been the first to befriend the Pokemon. One day they had discovered a strange egg that had been abandoned by it's parents, a typical case for most eggs, so Connor decided to take it in and keep it as his own. After some time passed the egg hatched into a plump little set of jaws, with something like jet boosters attached to them. This became his very first Pokemon, a Gible, and when it grew enough his desire to leave the town grew. He and his family had been known for a blunder his father had left on their name when he had just been a child, he'd gone to the elite four an asked for permission to run a gym- they sent him to challenge the ice-user Candice. His father had been a dragon-type master, one who had grown up with a Bagon at his side. Due to his father failing in that regard he continued his work for the police force and his family had minor rumors spread about them, specifically one that had been known as "The Great Serpent from Celestic."

When his parents finally permitted him to leave home he came to the decision that sticking around here wouldn't yield him much in the way of experience. So he and Gible had packed their bags and began into the journey of a Pokemon trainer. This would be the first step towards accomplishing the true goal he was after, he wanted to do what his father hadn't been able to do before- he wanted to win against gym leaders around the world and then set up a gym himself. He wanted to bring honor to his family and even allow for his father and mother to retire peacefully... maybe even bring home a girl for them to meet in the future. But he couldn't get ahead of himself just yet, before he could conquer the gym leaders he'd need to train himself up- Now was the time for him to take his first step forward!
Anything Extra:

Trained in sword-fighting, carries an actual sword because of tradition; Is rather fond of Dragon-type Pokemon due to upbringing; Has a necklace with a spherical stone contained in the center, given to him by his father after Gible hatched.​
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If I need to change anything just @ me.

Traditions of Old

"You Dare Face a Dragons Fury?"Name:
Connor Pendragon
Partner Pokemon:
Pokemon Trainer as of current.
Heterosexual (Straight)
Dragon-type Pokemon
Hot baths... A bit too warm for most
Onigiri (Rice Balls) or in Dubbed Pokemon terms "Donuts"
Disrespect of One's Elders
Cruelty to Pokemon
Organizations seeking to "Harness the Power of a Legendary Pokemon"
Black Coffee
Connor's personality, like most, is heavily influenced by the society that he grew up in. Because of the older ways of teaching in his town, he gravitated towards being kind to people- if an older woman was carrying groceries home and her machamp's hands were full he did his best to help any time he could. The same upbringing drove him to live by a code- a code of chivalry. But as expected he wasn't, and still isn't, perfect when it comes to obeying that code. He tends to be a fairly sociable individual, his main skill in conversation comes from listening more than anything- something allot of people don't do very well. Because of this he hears allot of things that people don't mean for him to hear, thick-skin would definetely help out in a situation like that but it is, sadly, another thing he lacks. The insults and criticism soak into him like a sponge and you wouldn't even know how saturated he was with them until you went to wring him out. Most he takes as judgement for how he should change to make himself a better person for others to deal with, but whether or not that's entirely true is somewhat unknown.

There's undoubtedly more pages to this book, but I can't seem to pry them apar- Oww. Papercut...
Connor was born into the Sinnoh region, specifically his family lived in Celestic town. His life wasn't too difficult- his mother had been a Pokemon breeder and his father worked as an authoritative figure of the police force and as such he was raised to follow one of their footsteps someday. But he had also learned traditions of the ancestors who had come eons before himself, those who had been the first to befriend the Pokemon. One day they had discovered a strange egg that had been abandoned by it's parents, a typical case for most eggs, so Connor decided to take it in and keep it as his own. After some time passed the egg hatched into a plump little set of jaws, with something like jet boosters attached to them. This became his very first Pokemon, a Gible, and when it grew enough his desire to leave the town grew. He and his family had been known for a blunder his father had left on their name when he had just been a child, he'd gone to the elite four an asked for permission to run a gym- they sent him to challenge the ice-user Candice. His father had been a dragon-type master, one who had grown up with a Bagon at his side. Due to his father failing in that regard he continued his work for the police force and his family had minor rumors spread about them, specifically one that had been known as "The Great Serpent from Celestic."

When his parents finally permitted him to leave home he came to the decision that sticking around here wouldn't yield him much in the way of experience. So he and Gible had packed their bags and began into the journey of a Pokemon trainer. This would be the first step towards accomplishing the true goal he was after, he wanted to do what his father hadn't been able to do before- he wanted to win against gym leaders around the world and then set up a gym himself. He wanted to bring honor to his family and even allow for his father and mother to retire peacefully... maybe even bring home a girl for them to meet in the future. But he couldn't get ahead of himself just yet, before he could conquer the gym leaders he'd need to train himself up- Now was the time for him to take his first step forward!
Anything Extra:

Trained in sword-fighting, carries an actual sword because of tradition; Is rather fond of Dragon-type Pokemon due to upbringing; Has a necklace with a spherical stone contained in the center, given to him by his father after Gible hatched.​

I just used a code that i've had for a few years now and changed some images lol. If you'd like I can try and put yours into something similar
oh no no that's a lot of work! haha, I am going to try and make mine more professional looking though lol, thanks for the idea!
oh no no that's a lot of work! haha, I am going to try and make mine more professional looking though lol, thanks for the idea!
It's not nearly as taxing as some of the other codes i've messed around with. I just spiced mine up since I like keeping my code up to date and all.
  • Name;; Mackenzie Allen Phillips
  • Gender;; male
  • Age;; 18
  • Partner Pokemon;; cubone
  • Occupation;; Trainer
  • A short bio about your character's background;; he was a orphan who was ignored and forgotten, he lived in loneliness for the majority of his life. When he found cubone he set off to make a name for himself and change his life forever.
  • Anything Extra;; his personality is distant and socially awkward, not having friends made him somewhat cold and not knowing how to socialize. His cubone is almost never in his pokeball and follows him. His personality is clingy to Mack and untrusting to everyone else. He also likes to fight.
  • 6D30EAA8-FCBD-417A-B117-7ECD143013FF.jpeg
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Age: 19
Gender: Female
Occupation: PokeMart Associate; Aspiring Pokemon Trainer

Maxine was born the oldest of five children in the deserts of the Orre region. Her parents were simple, average but good people who worked the days away to provide for their children. Maxine was of course left in charge of the great responsibility of raising her siblings─and raise them well, she did.

They were fortunate enough for such a big family; their parents were kind and their home was comfortable and they rarely went to bed hungry. They even had family pets such as a Meowth and a Tailow and even an exotic Lillipup. The Blakes were average as average could be. Maxine remained either home or in school in order to take care of her brothers and sisters and she was content enough to do so. The younger ones, however, were not so well pleased. When they reached the age to pursue a Pokemon journey, all of them accepted and set off to far-away regions with their new partners. The second eldest became a renowned Pokemon Ranger at only sixteen; the middle child achieved Top Coordinator status at fourteen; the two youngest conquered the Kalos and Unova Leagues at only twelve and eleven years old.

Maxine was far too busy bagging Potions and Antidotes at the Phenac City PokeMart to worry about any ol' average adventure for herself.

Much too busy.

. . . Honest.

The dedicated associate was flipping through Mart's television channels one day and, according to her coworkers, she simply snapped.

"...And there you have it, folks, the first ever Alola League Champion crowned and awaiting challengers at only ten years old! You saw it here first on The Scoop! Tune in next time for an exclusive interview with━"

"--trus berry a day really does keep the doctor away! Next up, all natural moisturizer to help you keep that youthful glow━"

"Champion Red and his long-time rival, the Viridian Gym Leader Blue were spotted in Alo━"

"Follow these five easy workouts to raise that butt and accomplish your daily goals━"

"You're old!━"

Witnesses reported the woman making attempts to throw the cash register through the nearest window. When that failed, she proceeded to rip her uniform off, throw it on the ground, and stomp on it many, many times, all the while babbling incomprehensible obscenities. After the involvement of the local authorities and a night behind bars, her anger receded into a single firm decision: she would become a trainer. A Pokemon trainer. But not just any Pokemon trainer, oh no, she had to be a good trainer, a great trainer, the greatest trainer who ever lived, a master trainer!!

Maxine packed a change of clothes and the family pet into a duffle bag and stowed away on the next ferry out of Orre to chase her newfound dreams!

She probably should have though this through a bit more. . .

Maxine is, in two words, awkward and timid. However, working in retail has its perks and she has learned how to step out of her shell every so often. She tends to hold herself small, shoulders hunched over, head bowed, eyes to the grounds, hands almost always clasped together and anxiously twiddling her thumbs. When she's paying attention to her posture, she straightens up and tries to offer at least a smile, though it shakes, and one could easily notice her white-knuckled grip on the sides of her clothes if they bothered to look.

After raising her four siblings, Maxine is a wonderful caregiver and confidante. But after watching her siblings leave her in dust for their fame and fortune, she knows the bite of resentment all to well and can let grudges get the best of her.

Since plucking her parents' latest pet─a Snubbull named Frufru─and beginning the switch from retail worker to master trainer, she has decided to adopt a new persona: Pokemon Trainer Max, the tomboyish, cute-but-totally-super-strong soon-to-be Champion of the Pokemon world! It's still a work in progress, of course, so there may be a few slip-ups. . . But Max knows everything there is to know about Pokemon. Max is a lovable expert, a role model, a great trainer for all to look up to! All she has to do is play the part!

How hard could this trainer thing really be, huh?

♀ Snubbull


18 y/o

PokéMart Associate

Aspiring Trainer

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[/script][div class=tabs][div class=tab style="border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;"]Biography
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[div class="tabsContent tabsContentBio"]
Maxine was born the oldest of five children in the deserts of the Orre region. Her parents were simple, average but good people who worked the days away to provide for their children. Maxine was of course left in charge of the great responsibility of raising her siblings─and raise them well, she did.

They were fortunate enough for such a big family; their parents were kind and their home was comfortable and they rarely went to bed hungry. They even had family pets such as a Meowth and a Tailow and even an exotic Lillipup. The Blakes were average as average could be. Maxine remained either home or in school in order to take care of her brothers and sisters and she was content enough to do so. The younger ones, however, were not so well pleased. When they reached the age to pursue a Pokemon journey, all of them accepted and set off to far-away regions with their new partners. The second eldest became a renowned Pokemon Ranger at only sixteen; the middle child achieved Top Coordinator status at fourteen; the two youngest conquered the Kalos and Unova Leagues at only twelve and eleven years old.

Maxine was far too busy bagging Potions and Antidotes at the Phenac City PokeMart to worry about any ol' average adventure for herself.

Much too busy.

. . . Honest.

The dedicated associate was flipping through Mart's television channels one day and, according to her coworkers, she simply snapped.

"...And there you have it, folks, the first ever Alola League Champion crowned and awaiting challengers at only ten years old! You saw it here first on The Scoop! Tune in next time for an exclusive interview with━"

"--trus berry a day really does keep the doctor away! Next up, all natural moisturizer to help you keep that youthful glow━"

"Champion Red and his long-time rival, the Viridian Gym Leader Blue were spotted in Alo━"

"Follow these five easy workouts to raise that butt and accomplish your daily goals━"

"You're old!━"

Witnesses reported the woman making attempts to throw the cash register through the nearest window. When that failed, she proceeded to rip her uniform off, throw it on the ground, and stomp on it many, many times, all the while babbling incomprehensible obscenities. After the involvement of the local authorities and a night behind bars, her anger receded into a single firm decision: she would become a trainer. A Pokemon trainer. But not just any Pokemon trainer, oh no, she had to be a good trainer, a great trainer, the greatest trainer who ever lived, a master trainer!!

Maxine packed a change of clothes and the family pet into a duffle bag and stowed away on the next ferry out of Orre to chase her newfound dreams!

She probably should have though this through a bit more. . .

[div class="tabsContent tabsContentPerson" style="display: none;"]
Maxine is, in two words, awkward and timid. However, working in retail has its perks and she has learned how to step out of her shell every so often. She tends to hold herself small, shoulders hunched over, head bowed, eyes to the grounds, hands almost always clasped together and anxiously twiddling her thumbs. When she's paying attention to her posture, she straightens up and tries to offer at least a smile, though it shakes, and one could easily notice her white-knuckled grip on the sides of her clothes if they bothered to look.

After raising her four siblings, Maxine is a wonderful caregiver and confidante. But after watching her siblings leave her in dust for their fame and fortune, she knows the bite of resentment all to well and can let grudges get the best of her.

Since plucking her parents' latest pet─a Snubbull named Frufru─and beginning the switch from retail worker to master trainer, she has decided to adopt a new persona: Pokemon Trainer Max, the tomboyish, cute-but-totally-super-strong soon-to-be Champion of the Pokemon world! It's still a work in progress, of course, so there may be a few slip-ups. . . But Max knows everything there is to know about Pokemon. Max is a lovable expert, a role model, a great trainer for all to look up to! All she has to do is play the part!

How hard could this trainer thing really be, huh?
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentPokemon" style="display: none;"]

♀ Snubbull


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