Viewpoint Do you read the public RPs?


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I've actually been really curious about this for quite a few years. Do very many people ever go through the 1x1 or group IC forums and read other peoples' RPs? If you do, have you ever considered messaging someone whose writing you really enjoy to ask if they're open for more stories? Or would that be weird?
I've never done it, but I've had people reach out to me before to write with them. I don't think it's weird as long as your intentions aren't weird. I say this because I dealt with someone who was inherently creepy, but otherwise, I was flattered by folks reaching out to me. Some may not be, of course, but, like anything, it depends on the person, really.
Not directly from 1x1 per say but I have had people reach out to me regarding my posts and we have started our own stories together.

I enjoy reading some of the more in depth group roleplays. Getting to read over lore, seeing how people build the story and their characters is inspiring. Plus, I think it's a great way to study the craft to get better at it.
I rarely read them unless I'm trying to look into a potential RP partner or reading one of my own. I don't think it's weird to reach out to someone because you liked what they wrote though (in fact knowing people enjoy what I write is something that makes me quite happy. A major reason for me to roleplay is to share the things I come up with after all). If someone does, however, I would recommend checking if the person made an interest thread as those will often communicate the person's preferences. Partner compatibility is important.
There used to be a time where me and my friends would read one as a group it was pretty fun
Not really but I know some people do. I remember I was very flattered to learn a while back someone was reading and was a fan of one of my public 1x1 RPs. It put a smile on my face for sure. (:
I've actually been really curious about this for quite a few years. Do very many people ever go through the 1x1 or group IC forums and read other peoples' RPs? If you do, have you ever considered messaging someone whose writing you really enjoy to ask if they're open for more stories? Or would that be weird?
occasionally I do but not often/ I'm not against doing it, I guess I never really think about. I've always written privately so it doesn't occur to me to go and read others I guess.

I certainly don't think it's weird (unless you do it in a creepy way!) I would love it, if someone messaged me saying how much they enjoyed, it would be a lovely compliment and very encouraging
I like to read RPs almost as much as I like to write them. I also like to check out other people's writing styles because it helps me improve. So yes, if I'm on here and not writing chances are I'm reading.
I read rp’s that people that wish to RP with me, like if X wants to rp with me, I stalk their profile to try and get a sense of how X RPs and how long my posts should be.
I've actually been really curious about this for quite a few years. Do very many people ever go through the 1x1 or group IC forums and read other peoples' RPs? If you do, have you ever considered messaging someone whose writing you really enjoy to ask if they're open for more stories? Or would that be weird?
lol yes i did that once
I actually joined a RP by reading the beginning first and then DMing the owners to ask if I could join
I read the public 1x1 late at night when I have nothing to do. Sometimes, I would make myself a nice hot coffee, sit down and read them like it's a New York #1 book you'll find at libraries (and it's actually good)
Not really. If I'm curious about a potential partner, I will check out some of their writing a bit.
I like reading public RPs! It's fascinating how each person responds to one another in almost any given 1x1. Sometimes, I will read a post and guess how the partner will react.
And some threads just look aesthetically pleasing with how they're formatted.

Lastly, I like to see how long a given RP lasted. I would skim from the first post to the last and consider how long it took to make the RP.
If it's a fandom I enjoy, I do. It's kind of like reading a fanfic for me.
I'd read OC one on ones on the basis I was curious about the individual/s writing, mostly. I'm so particular when it comes to original content that if it isn't immediately relevant to me, the likelihood I would partake in something that doesn't involve a friend or someone I admire greatly already is pretty low.
I've on occasion clicked onto a thread out of curiosity (and being impressed if there's 20+ pages, so I HAVE to see how long it's been going on lol), but I've never really read other group RPs or 1x1s. Again, mostly just curiosity clicking, but I'm too shy to read other people's work, I feel somehow like I'm intruding on a space even if it's a publicly available thread haha.

That said, I've definitely had someone message me before saying they wanted to write with me and enjoyed my writing (this being said to me after I hadn't posted anything in about a month), and I was pretty flattered. Unfortunately, I was super busy and I'm very anxious, so that didn't go anywhere, but it did make me feel good about my writing for a good bit.
Sometimes! There’s so many good and creative writers on here and I love reading the stories they create. Usually it’s group rps since I feel like 1x1s are more “private” even if they’re not in pms lol.
I don't. I have a limited amount of time to invest in my hobbies, and unless I'm trying to see whether a new partner and I are compatible via their specific posts I'd rather use my time more productively for my other partners/interests.
Never read the 1x1's as I have no interest in it, only read/glance over group RP's I might want to join if I see it ongoing and in interest check. Time is limited enough, though I'm a speed reader.
I do! As english is not rly my first language, i learned so much from them.

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