Other Do you miss rp friends?

I made a ton of RP friends back in the day and I miss having them around but it's easier because I like to imagine that they found newer and better hobbies. Yet, here I am >_>
Most of the people I used to RP with lost interest, though to be fair we were all quite young and did it for the heck of it
Yes I miss them I am sorry I ghosted you Emily aka Kristen . I wish I could go back in time and change that . Used to rp on Crunchyroll back in the day . I was so much fun .

i've been very lucky to keep most of my close roleplaying friends over the years, but there are a few i no longer speak to or that disappeared into the void, never to be seen again. there are two in particular that come to mind and both of them just disappeared from the internet one day and never came back, luke and krad. don't know what happened to them, but i hope they're still doing well. i also miss my old chatango group from the early 2000s, since i don't really know what happened to them and i'd like to catch up with them, but i'm not sure if i'd want to write with them again, tbh. hope they're also all doing well.
ive gone through a lot of rp friends over the many years of shuffling around communities. i do miss them a lot! i wish i could talk to them again. sometimes i remember how cringe i was though, and, well, sometimes maybe its best to start fresh, yk?
No. Not at all. I don't miss my ex rp partner at all. Held me back alot.
Yes, yes I do. Very much. Some people are just online roleplaying friends, others I know them personally. For some reason, the online losses hurt more-because you'll never understand why. There was this one person who I found roleplaying with was great! I called her F4ULTY all the time, as that was her nickname. We mainly stayed up late at night giving posts back and forth (this was not when I came to rpn). But eventually I took a 2-3 months hiatus. Everything broke-I lost her, she left the group chat, and I felt alone. After my break, I couldn't remember who's username was who-much less who they played. Scrolling through history, everyone noticed my disappearance but after a while it all died. 'F4ULTY' contacted me recently, and she joined back, but still. No sign of her chatting with me hours late in the AMs as before.

I changed, yeah, because back then I stayed up. But I wanted to prevent that, and so schedules never aligned. There was few more, I also recall calling someone 'Waterwood', for a character they used. We were the typical flirting-friends, but we wouldn't do anything like that. Sad to see it go. It felt like years, just from my hiatus, and now I feel bad and want to know what I could've done to stop it.

EDIT: This thread was made in 2020....5 years is now? Gasp.
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I miss a lot of my role play friends.

I shared a lot of memories with a lot of wonderful people, and I always think, whatever happened to the people that just left? And how they’re doing right now?

Joining here, my greatest hope was to find a close friend.
That hope came true, and I now have a wonderful friend who I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with everyday on here. We role play so much, and talk about cool things. And it’s so fun being able to talk to him. And I’m so overjoyed were buddies <3 <3
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I rarely make very close friends with people I RP with online, but I do sometimes wonder how they’re doing — and I do sometimes miss the RP, especially if it cut out at a really good part!
usually, i miss the roleplay more than the person? i haven't really lost contact with a rp partner that i've gotten close to
Yes, yes I do. Very much. Some people are just online roleplaying friends, others I know them personally. For some reason, the online losses hurt more-because you'll never understand why. There was this one person who I found roleplaying with was great! I called her F4ULTY all the time, as that was her nickname. We mainly stayed up late at night giving posts back and forth (this was not when I came to rpn). But eventually I took a 2-3 months hiatus. Everything broke-I lost her, she left the group chat, and I felt alone. After my break, I couldn't remember who's username was who-much less who they played. Scrolling through history, everyone noticed my disappearance but after a while it all died. 'F4ULTY' contacted me recently, and she joined back, but still. No sign of her chatting with me hours late in the AMs as before.

I changed, yeah, because back then I stayed up. But I wanted to prevent that, and so schedules never aligned. There was few more, I also recall calling someone 'Waterwood', for a character they used. We were the typical flirting-friends, but we wouldn't do anything like that. Sad to see it go. It felt like years, just from my hiatus, and now I feel bad and want to know what I could've done to stop it.

EDIT: This thread was made in 2020....5 years is now? Gasp.
I feel so bad right now
I think I might've ended up deleting a contact I had with 2 ppl today
Replying to the original post but yeah, I used to spend so much time on this website like almost 10 years ago. I think 2016-2017 was peak RPNation. I had so many friends and I didn't intend on leaving the site, but it happened intentionally due to the unfortunate reality of "real life". Decided to come back and check in with the hopes of coming back to roleplay but there doesn't seem to be much activity here...

Even if there is, Realistic Fiction/Modern seems to be phased out and there are a lot of other interests which I'm not sure I'd be capable of fitting into. Maybe I'll give it a shot.

Anyway, that's my strange little venting piece. I think I took it all for granted when it was so good. T_T word of advice; if you manage to find someone who you're good friends with on this site, steal some sort of contact information. Doesn't need to be super personal, but somewhere where you can reach out to them if you ever stop logging onto RPN. :P
Sometimes when I remember them. It can be missing the person themself because of the friendship we forged. Or missing the stories written, sometimes both.
This is so true, to this day every time I RP, I still think of those that helped me become the person I am today.
Whether it's the awesome people I met, even the mentors that helped me, or the RP's that still sit with me today.

Unfortunately the platform I used back then has since closed, so they will forever more remain a memory to me.

Good luck in your search!
I do alot, i got into rp back a decade ago on roblox, me and my friend group were all around 10-12 ish at the time. Now we've all grown up and have full time jobs/college, and they've either grown out of it, or don't have aligning schedules.
I miss plenty of them. I hope they're all doing well. Sometimes interests change and we grow apart or lose contact. It's very unfortunate.
I miss them so much, I do wonder what happened to them, and I hope they’re doing good today. <3

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