Other Do you miss rp friends?

Yeah, lost my rp partner of 5 years. It took forever to fix my characters back to being their original selves. :(
Yeah, lost my rp partner of 5 years. It took forever to fix my characters back to being their original selves. :(
any advice? I'm gen struggling bc I have this OC I love to death but he's so interwoven w their stories. It was literally non-romantic but somehow they impacted him so much LOL ... If I write him, they're always there — and they're not even my characters! It's kinda creepy and I want it to stop lmao ;(
any advice? I'm gen struggling bc I have this OC I love to death but he's so interwoven w their stories. It was literally non-romantic but somehow they impacted him so much LOL ... If I write him, they're always there — and they're not even my characters! It's kinda creepy and I want it to stop lmao ;(
Unfortunately I don't think I have much to help. As I struggle with the same thing. Though, what I do try to do if it's something very important or big, I make it vague, reference it as a past thing. For example, my characters father was my ex rp partner. And I built this character around them. Now I use something like a death, either he was murdered or she caused his death.
I find it helps to still show the impact I want to keep but, make it history. I know it's hard, but slowly and over time to gets easier and you'll find a new plot or idea and won't need to lean on something like that. I know it's not much but I hope this helps.
Unfortunately I don't think I have much to help. As I struggle with the same thing. Though, what I do try to do if it's something very important or big, I make it vague, reference it as a past thing. For example, my characters father was my ex rp partner. And I built this character around them. Now I use something like a death, either he was murdered or she caused his death.
I find it helps to still show the impact I want to keep but, make it history. I know it's hard, but slowly and over time to gets easier and you'll find a new plot or idea and won't need to lean on something like that. I know it's not much but I hope this helps.
ty anyway! I've thought abt doing the same but even just unattaching my char from theirs so soon is a sad thought LOL .. think I need to give it more time
I miss so many of my roleplay friends. I had one for eons on another website and we roleplayed for literal years, then one day, she just never logged in again. Luckily, she logged in before the servers shut down and we managed to reconnect on fb before that entire community ceased to exist, but we haven't reconnected to rp since and I've been debating whether or not to message her to start up the rp we once had again.

I actually have a lot of old roleplays I've saved from my years on omegle and roleplays I've done through emails that I'll just read through every now and then because, damn, some of them were so good and, somedays, i miss the fun times that were once had with them. I guess that's why I'm here now looking for people who still do long-form roleplaying.
There was one rp I had years and years ago. It first started on an app, then moved to kik (lol back when kik was all the rage...) I had lost contact with I miss that RP a lot. I remember that it was your standard "king x rival queen" thing. I remember our characters having a lot of chemistry and I enjoyed getting replies. This person, all I remember was that they used GoT's Dany as a face claim, accompanied with some aesthetic images of the show with their replies.
Don't even remember their username, unfortunately
Some, yes. Others I’d be very relieved not to meet again. Many I just don’t remember, or, if I do, I don’t miss them even if we got on well. You get all types eventually if you RP long enough, I suppose.
I'm still in contact with like 3/4ths of people that I rp'd with in high school
Those I'm not in contact with, some I miss, some I don't. One I really want to talk to again is one that I badly burnt because of my own stupidity.
That being said, I don't rp with the ones I am in contact with, and tbh, I miss it
Absolutely. I have a few on discord and steam still from my ancient times. But it would be so strange to talk to them now. Probably. I don't know. Still it's good to know they are still out there and such.
There's one on here, for me at least, actually.

we met here Almost a year ago, where they came to me for a roleplay interaction. After our rp interaction, we actually messaged A LOT back and forth and became pretty close, and helped each other through some IRL shit by talking it out, and then, just suddenly, out of nowhere.....Didn't reply. Not a week after, then a month. Then it became three.

I miss them a lot, they were super sweet, and I'm CONSTANTLY checking my Private messages everyday to see that just maybe, They'll come back and talk to me again. I still send them updates from time to time, like about small updates of life, or new interest I have.

I miss them so much man :[ I wanna talk to them again...
Hey uh..this is probably awkward and I’m so sorry I left you but guess who it is? I’m back and I’ve thought about you every day. I miss you a lot dude and would love to talk again just start a conversation with me. -Mizz_Maria_Reynolds (or something like that I don’t remember my old name)
Hey uh..this is probably awkward and I’m so sorry I left you but guess who it is? I’m back and I’ve thought about you every day. I miss you a lot dude and would love to talk again just start a conversation with me. -Mizz_Maria_Reynolds (or something like that I don’t remember my old name)

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