Other Do you miss rp friends?

For sure. There's a few that I became friends with even though we lived in entirely different continents. Ultimately lost touch with them because of irl things and still think about them from time to time.
I first got into rping on DeviantArt over a decade ago. Everyone I rp'd with were in their mid teens so was this period where I would write and talk with the same group of 4-7 people every day for hours at a time.

I miss those days so much. Sadly I haven't talked to most of them in years. Only one of them is still a friend, and one I'll talk to maybe once a year, but neither are rp buddies anymore.

I've yet to find that kind of community again.
So frikkin much.

Got two in particular I'd want to try and track down if it wouldn't be a bit too much like a shitty ex doing the drunk-dial x_x''
Absolutely, I have someone who only recently disappeared and I'm still holding onto that faint hope that they may return some day to write again :,o
Yes! I haven't been on in yearsss and I it seems surprisingly hard finding RP partners who stick these days!
There was a girl I used to roleplay with about 8 or 9 years ago. :') She was one of the first few I found myself genuinely enjoying a roleplay with. I still remember her name on the site we used to roleplay, crimsontiger. One day her account was just gone, but I still find myself wishing for her to somehow return, though it's highly unlikely that it will happen. :C But wherever you are, crimsontiger, I hope you're happy! <3
Definitely. The original group of people I began roleplaying with more than a decade ago will have forever changed my writing; and while I no longer have contact with any of them, there is always a little bit of nostalgia when I think about them 💙
There is one I remember that I still miss everyday. We met through rp maybe 2 or 3 years ago and used to write together all the time. Sometimes we'd even call and play games together. They still have my contact information but we don't talk as much as we did. This happened once before but we reconnected. Its been too long now, but I miss talking to them everyday
I miss a few of the original groups I was with. I wished they stuck around or I stuck around, but circumstances happen and I moved on.

They were cool people and helped pass the time as well as easy my boredom. I miss them, but not terribly. Not like friends or family.
Absolutely. I remember when I was active on Tumblr, I had two friends who also had the same OTP as me, and we talked all the time. We added each other on Facebook, on Line, Skype, had voice calls, sent each other little things in the mail... It was really cool and fun because I live in Japan, one of them lives in Brazil, and another in America, so we had a whole diversity of us and ideas and things to share. I think it was around the time that I started working a full time job that things got quiet, and now... well, I still have them on Facebook and Instagram, but it's been years since we've talked. I do miss them, but now it would be a question of what we'd talk about if we're still in the same fandom or if they're in any fandoms at all. I miss them for sure, us all getting excited over a plot for me to write a fanfic for or another to create art for. It really was fun.
I spent years with my friend roleplaying. We explored Undertale and Deltarune to death together, found obscure things like Twokinds to rp and introduced me to a lot of fandoms I'd not naturally find on my own. All atop of generally being there, even if they struggle to talk with personal problems. Usually still talking every day or odd day. Even playing and talking in games.

But it's been a year+ now since we ever got immersed right into a plot together as they've lost interest. I appreciate everything we did but know now it'll never be the same as it once was. I miss that connection with partners and hope to find such once again.
Yes. Terribly so, and I hope they're doing well.
This truly depends. I started out roleplaying on a plat form I will not mention last year. And things went fine until the first roleplay I was in began causing unneeded stress and if people weren’t being kicked from it for no reason. I do have some people from that one that I miss (I’m using the first letter of their users to refer to them) O, P and V, B and C. As far as I know P and V left but at some point B got kicked and O was discriminated against. I do miss these people…

Then was another roleplay that I still debate with myself over. This was on that very same plat form. Everything went fine I was even friend’s with it’s host B, we all got along well…B at some point suddenly gave me and some others in the group positions (without our permissions simply cause they trust us) and no issue with that! I even got to have some friendly competition with one of my peers. Things still went ok until eventually I started stressing out over my position. This went on for a few weeks before I left that plat form entirely and for another reason as well. I do miss some of the people from that roleplay as well. Like my ‘competitor’ someone I roleplayed with who’s character basically acted like a father figure to mine.

Regardless of where you come from missing people will be a part of it when it’s time to leave. And one of my reasons for leaving that plat form was because of how toxic it was becoming. But a few months later I joined this website and it’s felt good being back into roleplay! I hope everyone on that plat form is doing well.

I miss some of the people. But I do not miss the toxicity.
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Yes!! I think about them all often, and that comradery is part of what brought me back. Plus it was just a good creative outlet, which I've been really missing as of late.
It's hard not to miss friends, especially when what takes you apart isn't any actual problem between you but just life or a disinterest in the hobby.
lol i miss people who responded to me a week ago
14 years?? I miss people after like 2 minutes
im very impatient if you couldn't tell
i do everyday! I am also guilty of being "the one that got away" at times too. its a part of life, i think. I am still grateful for all the lifelong friends and big impacts made on me from my rp friends <3 Im even in healthcare now in loving memory of a passed friend of mine I met rping <3<3 she had such a big impact on me!!
Yes. To be honest, what I miss most is the ability to remember to tell my Roleplay partners that I was dealing with Mental Issues. And that I wasn't ghosting them on purpose.
Absolutely. I stopped RPing these past few months for the most part and miss everyone I left.
Then there's the older roleplays from years ago.

I keep playlists for them (compiled with the music I used to listen to while replying) and enjoy the memories of those roleplays.
Quite often.

I used to roleplay a lot of Second Life many moons ago (15+ years), which was interesting to keep up with as someone on a GMT timezone in predominantly American sims

Then again, having roleplayed heavily on Discord on and off over the last 7 years or so as a means of comfort following a couple of family bereavements and COVID

Now, I find myself somewhat adrift. I haven't been able to find a strong community on Discord or elsewhere, anyone I still speak to is fleeting because they've moved on with RL
there' some people on old sites I was genuinely friends with. Sometimes we'd stop roleplays just to have someone to vent too somewhere else, or just general life events going on for us, joke, etc. I lost that account due to smth, and, I haven't been able to find theirs sense, since I obviously still enjoy roleplaying: It's not uncommon for me to stop and wonder how they are doing.
on occasion. the people i used to interact with were so long ago now that they don't feel like people, and they feel more like "emotions" or "feelings"? idk if that makes sense.
oh gods, yes. i recently found myself messaging an old friend who abandoned/deleted all their roleplaying accounts, just wishing them well. they were my best online friend throughout high school, and i just hope that life is treating them better now.

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