fuck all 5 of y'all
That said, I've always wanted to play the SCUMMIEST, most DISGUSTING, TWO-FACED, CHAOTIC EVIL snake to ever exist in an rp. Unrepentantly evil, self-serving, and just slimy in general, the character is a walking, talking slimeball that makes everyone uncomfortable by just existing in the vicinity, not because of how they look, but how they behave in general.
However, most RPs do not enjoy this sort of thing, because everyone wants to be friends, and eventually all supposed 'evil' characters end up on the shipping/flanderisation block, where their vile behaviour is turned into a parody.
Next to that, I do enjoy morally grey characters. Even then, not much discussion on that end because unless it's spelled out letter-for-letter or the character literally yelling out 'I'M MORALLY GREY I'M SITTING ON THE FENCE ABOUT donating a dollar to the homeless shelter OR KILLING INNOCENT BABIES, WITNESS MY ANGUISH AAAAAAAAAA', that grey behaviour is going to be lost between the glaring shades of black and white. RP really isn't a place for subtlety.
I KNOWOWWWWW I made an arrogant intelligent girl and she was just thrown aside in a 1x1 because she was arrogant but I JUST WANNA HURT PPL FEELINGSDHHDHD
And ikr? All I could do was make morally grey backstories because it's either good or bad in roleplay.