Other do you ever get mistaken for another age?

back in high school people always thought i was older than i was. like they'd assume i was a new senior and not a freshman. was kinda nice bcs i didn't look old but was just pretty mature
all the timee 😭
I'm thirty-three and lots of people assume I'm younger than twenty-five.

Everything looks young about me except for metabolism. I packed on a lot of weight... But I think I inherited my mom's skin. We look young as hell for our age. I'll be capitalizing on that asset by having a skincare routine at some point, lol.

Lol all the time. Until they see my ink, a lot of people still think Im around 20. I don't mind it until I get carded for EVERYTHING . Grrrrr...
Yeah, it happens now and then! People often think I’m younger than I actually am, which I guess comes from staying active and not looking my age. I try to keep up with hobbies that keep me busy, like biking or working on my Manta, so maybe that helps. It's definitely a nice surprise when someone guesses younger, though!
I get mistaken for being younger a lot of the time. I work as a high school teacher and every time we have outside visitors I get asked if I am a student at the school/they ask for a teacher/staff member. More often than not I also get asked for an ID when I buy anything that has an age limit...even if that age limit is 15...I guess I'll come to appreciate it one day but right now it just bothers me lol.
People seem to assume I'm whatever near-ish age that's relevant to them. When I was 16 my co-workers thought I was 20. Now that I'm in my 20's my college classmates thought I was 18. When I turned drinking age the clerk tried to argue with me that I was younger than I was, even with my IDs present lol.
I'm twenty-six and my classmates often mistake me for fresh out of high school. It's probably just my baby face, but I can't help but die a little inside every time it happens. At least it's better than being mistaken for still being in high school, but not by very much.
me and my sister (who is four years younger than me) often get mistaken for one another, so either i look younger than i am or she looks older 😔 ✊
me and my sister (who is four years younger than me) often get mistaken for one another, so either i look younger than i am or she looks older 😔 ✊
This happens with me and my sister too! I'm the younger one by about a year, not to mention shorter, yet people assume I'm the older one for some reason. No idea why. And yes, we're both mistaken as high schoolers because of our height and faces even though we're both nearing our thirties at this point. 😭
Constantly. Whole family is always mistaken as being younger than we are. Nice to embrace vanity and be happy about that now and then.
Happens all the time, and it’s always that I look younger than I really am. As a teen I used to hate it because I didn’t appreciate people treating me like a small child within their assumption that I was the younger age I appeared to convey. Now, as a woman in her 30’s, I definitely appreciate it so much more! 😁😆

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