Other do you ever get mistaken for another age?

I was carded until I was 25 for anything, even just buying soda at a liquor store. I didn't question it though because I didn't really look like I was aging much for years.

This was THE MOST horrible experience I ever had with being mistaken in age.....

My mom's 50 and definitely looks older. You can totally tell she's old. We were eating and all the sudden when it was time to check out. The waitress thought we were SISTERS!!!!!

I felt like crying cuz do I really look that old or am I just naturally ugly that you can't tell how old I am??? I forced it back and stayed calm cuz I didn't wanna be rude to my mom but.... I'm now very self conscious about what I'll look like the older I get. And I'm only 20!
Your mother was the older one and was probably getting buttered up for a tip. Don't be too worried about it.

I know people have no ill will against me when mistaking my age or carding me for certain items but:

I’ve been ID’ed for Deadpool (When I was 23)

Energy drinks (This is still happening at 28)

Once, for women’s razors (happened at 27)

I have been given the “child’s ticket” when boarding any bus or when requesting tickets.

It’s a wonderful compliment, but sometimes I’d like to go about my business without people commenting I look young or challenge me. Happens way too frequently when I am carding other people. :angryfrown:
Online, never
IRL, Most people assume I'm older as I'm 6f2 broad, bearded etc.

Although I did laugh as once when I was 26 I got IDed buying paracetamol (you have to be 16). It took me by complete surprise, I almost asked if they were joking 🤣
People see me as a teenager, 15-17, and I'm constantly assumed to be one when I'm traveling alone.
I'm 33 years old and I get mistaken for so much younger. I guess I should take it as a compliment but it's awfully annoying when men (especially older) say snotty and condescending things to me because they think I'm much younger than I actually am.

The most recent interaction was at work when this guy, older than me, started going off on this most random political tangent and he said to me "You're way too young to remember when Obama was president" and I'm said to him, "Uh, no I completely remember. I voted for him." and he still continued to talk to me in a condescending tone. Sir, all I want is for you to pay your bill, thanks. -__-

The worst of it, is when people treat me like I'm stupid cause I look young. Which is baffling to me. Looking young or old, the last I checked, had nothing to do with your intelligence level.
I've never encountered a stranger who mistook my age, though I suspect as I get out of high school and into the world more, it'll begin happening more frequently. I'm short, though I do make a habit of walking confidently - so perhaps that might offset it somewhat. Who knows? My friends have always said that I act older than I am, but I don't think that counts, since they know me, and they've never said I look older / younger.
Bro I get mistaken for a high school student sometimes, and I don't know if I should be flattered or not 🥺
It used to really bother me, but people always think I am between 16 - 18. I am in my 30s... Hasn't bothered me since I turned around 25 tho 😅
For the longest time, folks would think I was like 2-4 years younger than I was, even back when I was a teen.

I was not happy that my 18-year-old/19-year-old self was told they looked 16, and even less happy to note that I had to pull out my passport as ID in order to buy a DVD rated 12+.

To be fair, though, I suppose I still fit in a 13-14-year-old shirt, even now, so... I guess maybe it's the fact that I'm short and don't wear make-up.
yeah, all the time lol. people think i'm like 15-16. i'm 22.
I'm a trans guy, short (5'2), have a baby face, and still don't "pass" as male even after being on testosterone for 3 years.

Even though I'm 28, a lot of people I meet for the first time say they thought I was in my late teens or early 20s.
I don't know what age people assume I am. They usually ask directly if its of interest or importance. But what I had happen online more often was I was mistaken for a guy quite a few times.
i'm a substitute teacher and mistaken for a student all the time, especially since i mostly sub for high school lol
I am mistaken for being older than I actually am quite often. Sometimes it'll be back and forth between "I thought you where 20 !" and "I thought you where 14 !", but it's the general assumption people make of me when they first interact with me online or face-to-face if my age isn't listed anywhere that I'm older.

The one time I asked why though, it was apparently my mannerisms ? Which I still don't get but I guess I see it a little more now, being attentive to other people's way of doing things.

I'd also like to note that, since I've got a "can't do stuff for very long unless you're exhausted for the rest of the day" issue, I can't stand for very long, so people I don't realize I'm short as hell until I stand up lol.
When I had short hair I was always mistaken as being younger than I was by multiple years. Now that it's longer it happens less so I guess it makes me look older (might also be that I wear glasses now?), but I've also gone from being assumed male to assumed female. So I'm pretty divisive on what I look like I guess.

Funniest story I have would be when I was visiting some family and I was hanging out with my cousin/best friend. So for context she's tall, and people for some reason like to equate 'tall' with 'old', so she's always been mistaken as like in her 20s. Her little brother (5 years younger) was constantly mistaken for her son. She was asked multiple times what college she was going to while still in high school.

So we were used to us both being mistaken, we'd usually always laugh it off, it happened a lot. What we DIDN'T expect, though, was for me (16) to be mistaken as her child. I'm only four months younger than her. We were the same age. We were so dumbfounded that we didn't even correct the woman who made the assumption, she just finished whatever she was saying and we walked off.

The funniest thing is we have no idea why/how she thought that. Like I'm short but I've never thought I was THAT short, but either the woman thought my cousin was SIGNIFICANTLY older than she was, or she thought I was a child. Or perhaps both at the same time. I dunno which is worse/funnier, honestly.

I'm in my 20s now and aside from my hair growing out and getting glasses I haven't changed much physically since then (exact same height even), so I dunno, maybe I still look like a child, lol.

EDIT: also, online, when there's only my voice to go off of, I'm ALWAYS mistaken as a kid/teen and have had to clarify constantly. So maybe my voice has something to do with it too
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I often get told I look my age or slightly younger, but recently was told I definitely look younger with a full face of makeup.
Not sure if that's a good or bad thing? At any rate, better to look younger than older imo lol.
gahh. all the time. i've got a baby face and a high voice so people often think i'm a 14 year old boy instead of in my 20s...
I got mistaken for like 14 when I shaved, it's a decade off.

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