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do u like art. i like art. free art

Yes I was hoping for something I can use for a character profile eventually because your art is stunning

I'm so sorry you're so busy with these requests right now omg

Bael, though. Um, he's this guy


Doesn't have to be full color or anything, whatever works for you; in fact more often than not the only color I visualize him with is his eyes x-x
So beautiful................


Can you give some tips for a rookie illustrator?

(in case you were wondering, yes, that's my only request)
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Darkmaster006 said:
Hi!! And welcome. Your art is spectacular!!! If you are still open for requests, I'd love if you could do my OC!



But, the descriptions goes as it follows:

She has short orange hair, stylize it as you wish! She has a multi-colored quiver and and orange arrows. Her bow is light green. She carries a dagger on her belt, red sheath. As in the picture, she has light blue-ish boots that end in a triangle, and green pants. Her shirt would be a pale yellow, and she wears shoulder plates, as in the picture also. She is an elf, so she has elven ears (not super pointy! more like in the second pic I guess). She is quite muscular, though she is also quite slim. She's flat-chested. The colors are more like the third image. And that's about it!
If you accept, take as much time as you need, obviously there is no rush :D . And have fun!!



and the colors are so wonky because i didn't intend to color it, but then the hair happened and i felt committed. i'm so sorry

[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]
So beautiful................

Can you give some tips for a rookie illustrator?

(in case you were wondering, yes, that's my only request)

i don't think i've got anything to say that you haven't heard before haha. practice doesn't make perfect, but you won't get anywhere without it. keep drawing! and don't waste your eyes; while my style isn't particularly realistic, i like looking to real people as reference.

Now, I have a quick question: are you comfortable with drawing extreme facial scarring such as Glasgow smiles?Maybe a messed up ear? The traditional animu "hero scar slashing down the eye" thang?
mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35617-helblindi/ said:
Now, I have a quick question: are you comfortable with drawing extreme facial scarring such as Glasgow smiles?Maybe a messed up ear? The traditional animu "hero scar slashing down the eye" thang?
oh hell yeah
helblindi said:



and the colors are so wonky because i didn't intend to color it, but then the hair happened and i felt committed. i'm so sorry
aaaaaa OMG i love the drawing i just. <3. her hair is flawless (that clip, and how its stylized!!), her expression is perfect!!! just as it should b. and the ear turned out spectacular. so glad you colored it, i love the orange hair and how its done!!

Screw it.
xD I think I’ll start with this guy since he LITERALLY has no face to go with this. Meet Jacques Bishop. He’s a Cockney piece of shit and a lovely bastard that only has written description of what his actual face looks like. I have close examples of what his face would look like if he hadn’t had a bad time at the hair salon. He has all of that pretty boy flawlessness… if you can subtract the fucked up scars. Alright! This is the following facial scars he has in full description:

  • A part of the top right ear has been slashed off, leaving the bits of the remains curling down and touching the rest of the ear (due to how poorly it was handled in treatment)
  • The right eyebrow has a thick slash near the end of it and comes down the right eye, ending just above his right cheek bone. It is kind of jagged and has left his right eye partially blind
  • The right eye is slightly discolored (lighter) due to the damage dealt to it
  • The right side of his mouth is fucked to high hell and back. The top lip (towards the corner of the mouth) is split and ends halfway towards his nose
  • The corner of his right mouth is gone. Instead, he has an incomplete Glasglow smile. It ends near the scar down his eyebrow and eye. The scar itself is mauled and twisted. Without forcing himself to pinch the “smile” together, some teeth are visible. Altogether, it gives Jacques a permanent toothy grin

Jacques is about average height (5’8-5’9) and has a somewhat muscular physique due to how physically demanding his line of work is. He has a penchant for wearing the most flamboyant of suits with green being his color of choice. His eye color is a standard blue, but wears red eye contacts due to the partially blind eye. Hair’s white because it’s animu as fuck… but really it’s because he has the same luck as Steve Martin.

Mostly, I’d just like to have the actual face (without it covered up) more so than chest or full body. Color would be nice but I’m not picky. I hope this isn’t too crazy with the scars.
Darkmaster006 said:
aaaaaa OMG i love the drawing i just. <3. her hair is flawless (that clip, and how its stylized!!), her expression is perfect!!! just as it should b. and the ear turned out spectacular. so glad you colored it, i love the orange hair and how its done!!
aaaaah i'm glad you like it! again i'm so sorry i messed up the colors haha, i saw the ref images and... didn't scroll down... welp.
helblindi said:
aaaaah i'm glad you like it! again i'm so sorry i messed up the colors haha, i saw the ref images and... didn't scroll down... welp.
it's fine!! i actually like that she always has different designs.
[QUOTE="mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y]He’s a Cockney piece of shit and a lovely bastard

I don't really know exactly why, but that line made me giggle.
<p><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16627-mayhem-tr4nqu1l17y/" data-mentionid="16627">@mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y</a></p>


Seriously <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png" alt=" xD " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> There's just way too many scars for me to imagine what happened to him. He reminds me of a common "scarred badass", but he is still pretty unique. Now I'm actually waiting for <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35617-helblindi/" data-mentionid="35617">@helblindi</a> 's drawing of him.</p>

How he actually got those scars is pretty eh... but I always liked the idea of having the "pretty boy" ego and mentality when it's the complete opposite altogether. Sort of like... Handsome Jack (I think? I'm kinda eh on my Borderlands knowledge). Just full of themselves and prideful... and all it takes to shake that up is right in front of their

EDIT: WHOOPS! I am tired. x 3 x Thought this was skype/discord for a second with those underscores. And.... I can't wait to see what Bindi comes up with.
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@mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y

Eh, I don't even know much about Borderlands either. But it seems like a really unique character. Is that an OC or something? Although I don't know what type of story would be fitting for him.

Yep. :U He's my OC and one of my babies. He was originally created from one of those "Wolf Among Us" threads.
xD Turned into a gangster and into a super villain criminal.

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