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Fantasy Do They Know?

Max sighed softly but nodded giving a small nod "Alright, thank you for everything Jackson." She said softly before letting him go. She walked around the house making sure everything was in order and smiled softly when she saw Ivar padding her way "Hello my love." She murmured. He was nearly as tall as her 5'6 frame and towered over almost all other wolves aside from his brothers.

EZ went on through his day giving a heavy sigh starting to gather a search party for tomorrow to check the woods. He frowned as his phone rang and picked up seeing Carmen's name "Hey....no I had no idea. Shit...alright I'll check it out tonight." He said softly before hanging up after giving his 'I love you's'
She spoke with him a couple minutes longer before hangning up and finishing up for the afternoon shift, starting to make her way home, her senses on high alert as she had promised EZ they would be, just wanting to make it home in time to get some dinner sorted.

He pressed his head against her as a form of greeting, flopping over onto his side by her feet and watched everything going on around them, keeping an eye on the youngsters to take notes for later. He noticed a couple of them missing and looked up at his mate curiously, trying to work out how he would manage to ask. that question
Eric looked around with two other youngsters as they went to scout the town like Sven said. He walked past a woman and smirked when he caught onto her scent, she may have tried to mask it but he knew a wolf in heat anywhere. Nudging the others he motioned to follow her and soon turned around lagging a ways behimd her but keeping his eyes set.

Max smiled softly as her mate and watched the youngsters with him. She gave a small laugh as he looked up at her with a tilted head "Scouting the actual town....Sven sent them not too long ago. Mainly needed to find a grocery store or butcher shop. We can't always hunt the animals if its not in season, people could catch on." She explained
She was almost home as the street lights started turning on, winter truly set in for a few weeks now but she’s noticed she was being followed when one of them kicked a can by accident, making a quick glance over her shoulder but never pausing for a moment, trying to get back to the safety of their house when she felt the first one pounce , shifting quickly to be in the best position for fighting back.

Ivar grunted in approval and rolled to lay his head on her legs, staring up at her and just trying to not go crazy with being stuck inside his own head. It wasn’t long until he heard the howling from about a mile away though, jumping up when he recognised it as his own boys, taking off out of there to go help them.
Eric cursed one of them when they kicked a can and quickly pounced the woman. He shift and growled trying to hold her down with the help. He frowned and yelped though when he felt a sharp pain in his neck as he was ripped off of her.

EZ was walking home to the house having decided to leave a bit early tonight. He frowned though when he smelt Carmen's pharamones. He quickly rushed and growled seeing wolves ontop of his mate. He couldn't even control his wolf as he shifted and attacked ripping the first off by their neck

Max ran her fingers through his hair and laughed lightly "Its going to be okay baby." She murmured softly. She frowned though as she heard the howl and quickly shifted running behind him to check on their boys
All he saw was a smaller wolf tearing into his pack members and he tried to go back at him, grabbing the strangers attention, thinking with the size difference there would be no issue but within seconds Ivar was pinned to the ground and felt the smaller wolf tearing into him as well, trying to get him off desperately.

carmen managed to stand again, working out her surroundings for a second before turning to see EZ ripping a large black wolf to pieces, snapping at his tail and pulled him away to grab his attention, taking off with him once she had managed to pull him off the other wolf. So many times others had mistakenly thought because of their size they would be easy targets but it just wasn’t the case.
Max watched knowning Ivar would have at her if she got involved. He never liked her fighting or hunting much, mostly because when she faught she could never seem to hold back no matter how hard she tried. Though when she saw the smaller wolf attacking her mate she saw red and rushed to Ivar's side snapping at the two smaller wolved before they ran off. She turned her attention to Ivar after and whimpered quietly nudging him a bit looking for some kind of response.

EZ growled when he felt something tug at his tale after he had gotten the black wolf down but relaxed only a little when he saw Carmen. Quickly he ran off with her and made sure to take the long way just in case they were followed. Once home he shifted quickly and went to Carmen's side to check her over "Are you okay?! Where did they hurt you?"
He lay there, starting to bleed out, his head flopping back down when Max tried to push it up, barely able to get up with the help of both her and one of the youngsters, having to limp home like that, leaving a trail of blood as they went that only got cut off by having to go across the creek. Even then he almost collapsed into it.

She nodded and cupped his face a little, looking him over to see the couple of scratches already healing except for a large claw mark down his back. “I’m okay. They barely had a chance to touch me…. EZ it’s okay, I’m okay.” She coaxed gently “sit down let me clean that up.” She frowned.
Max whimpered some and helped him up taking a deep breath getting him home as quickly as possible. Once they got their she quickly shifted rushing inside and screaming for Jackson to come help him feeling Ivar starting to slip away.

EZ was still running on adrenaline and in high gear. He kept looking her over and frowned as he caught wind of her scent "Are you in heat?" He asked softly cupping her face as he watched her worriedly shaking his head some "I'm going to murder them all for touching you."
Carmen frowned and noddeed "God you're as oblivious as you've ver been.... Babe sit down. Let me clean that up for you." She murmured, kissing his nose, "Your back is torn up." She told him, getting him to sit on a chair backwards so she could gvet to it "At least we know we were right." She told him frowning. "It must be the new people that moved into the cabins.

He was struggling to hold the pain back as it was from her but now he had no control and the flodgates opened as he tried to shift back so they could help him better, groaning quietly and making as much effort as he could, eventually hearing Max's voice and just about managed to push through.
EZ took a deep breath wincing as she touched the wound "Carmen this not good, why are they here? Why would they be on this side? Norse wolves....I can't take a pack of them Carmen...I'm fast but not that fast."

Max whimpered again and rushed to his side once he let the barrier down. She cried softly and held him tight to her "Shhh its okay." She whispered letting Jackson and Sven take him up
She shook her head and moved to look at him once she was done, "No one said anything about taking them on. That was their alpha I am sure of it. If he's down as badly as he looked then now is the perfect time to go confront them. They probably thought this place was unreserved." She told him frowning. "We go tomorrow." She told him seriously.

It took a while but eventually he was laying there out of his wolf form, the panic of the life or death situation allowing his wolf to retreat for now. "I didn't... I didn't think this... this place was taken." He told her shakily, spitting up blood into the bowl one of the youngsters was holding near his head, "They weren't like us." He grunted "They... What were you thinking?!" He managed to snap at Eric who was sat across the room holding an ice pack to his junk where the other female had landed a bite
EZ took a deep breath and groaned quietly "Yeah....alright." he mumbled shaking his head some "We...they have to leave Carmen. I can't take a pack." He said quietly

Max shook her head some and stroked his cheek gently "We'll figure this out. I know this place wasn't claimed by the council.." she murmured before turning her attention to Eric giving him a death glare "You are lucky to still be alive." She told him in a deathly calm voice. She got up ignoring Ivar's protests before grabbing Eric's throat and lifting him against the wall "If you step out again I will tear you to shreds." She growled her wolf flashing through her eyes and claws digging into his neck before she dropped him.
She shook her head "I'm not asking you to.... Leave the negotiating to me." She murmured, getting him turned around and straddling his lap, pressing her face up to his. "I love you." She murmured quietly. "We will stay safe I promise." She told him quietly.

"Maxine! Get over here!" Jackson yelled to her as Ivar started slipping again the moment she left his side "Eric you will be dealt with later. Right now your mate needs you here!" He snapped at her, glaring at the younger wolf who was now curled up in the chair
Max frowned more and went to Ivar's side laying next to him making sure to stay close "Will my wolf form help him any faster?" She asked softly before giving a heavy sigh

EZ wrapped his arms around her and nodded softly before he kissed her lovingly "I love you too.." he said quietly before he picked her up and took her to their room
He shook his head and just got him on a boatload of painkillers once they had him stable enough, his barriers starting to come back up but he could still barely lift his head. “I love you.” He wheezed out quietly, gripping at her hand.

Carmen smiled tiredly and kissed his nose, going through her nightly routine before getting into bed with him, watching him carefully.
Max gave a small nod and sighed heavily as she watched her mate "I love you too Ivar." She said quietly before closing her eyes

EZ took a deep breath and pulled her close to him "I go in early tomorrow, then when I get back we go speak with them. You are not going there alone."
He shook his head and just got him on a boatload of painkillers once they had him stable enough, his barriers starting to come back up but he could still barely lift his head. “I love you.” He wheezed out quietly, gripping at her hand.

she nodded in agreement and kissed his cheek, going to lay down in bed, turning away from him for the night until she felt an arm sneak under her neck and another around her waist. “Mmm touchy felt now are you?”
Max sighed heavily as she felt his barrier start to go back up "I love you too Ivar.." shw whispered before yawning softly "Just rest for me okay?"

EZ pulled her close as they laid in bed and gave a small nod "Maybe..." he murmured quietly in her ear before placing soft gentle kisses on her exposed neck
He just grunted a little and passed out holding onto her arms, breathing fast and shallow the whole night.

she smiled and rolled to lean back against him more, tilting her head to help him….. she leaned over once they were done and turned the lights off. “Mmm I love you.”
Max woke up the next morning to Ivar's whimpering. She frowned softly and got up to be able to fully check him over placing a cool towel on his head whem she felt how hot he was "Ivar? Ivar baby can you hear me?"

EZ smiled some and cuddled close to her after they had finished "I love you too." He mumvbled before drifitng to sleep.
He managed a quiet grunt but through the night the largest wound had begun to fester around his lungs and he was only able now to take fast shaky breaths, opening his eyes halfway to look at her.

Carmen smiled and snuggled in close, sleeping better than she had for a long time.
Max took a deep breath letting tears fall as she watched him "I'll be right back okay? I'm gonna go get Jackson, he is right next door." She murmured before rushing to the next room and shaking Jackson awake

EZ woke up and grunted softly quickly turning off his alarm. He got up and dressed giving Carmen a quick kiss on the forehead before he left out
Eddie was already at the station by the time EZ got there and looked up watching his boss walk in. “The families are here. You okay? You’re limping.” He frowned. He knew of EZ’s background after an incident where they had both been working one night and ez lost control during a full moon shift. He had sworn to take the secret to the grave though.

Jackson groaned a little and shook his head. “What’s going on?” He grunted, sitting up when he saw the panic on her face. “He not doing so good?”
Max nodded quickly at him and then rushed back to Ivar's room. She sat next to him again as she padded his forehead with a cool rag trying to help his fever the best she could

EZ frowned some as he got in and met his deputy Eddie up front "Yeah I'm fine, tell you about it later. Where are the families?" He asked wanting to get this over and done with quickly. He never liked having to do this part of his job, and having to tell them it was a wild animal and they couldn't do much made things even worse because the closure was barely there.

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