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Fantasy [DM RP/Closed] A Heart of Ice

Venom Adhamm

No one is ever going to want me
Note: This is a DMed RP. You will make one character and control only your character. I will control the world around your character, the outcomes of your character's actions, and NPCs in the world. You will not meet other players. I posted this RP before on another site, and am deciding to bring it here since I moved away from that site (and because I want some street-cred around here). I made an account on this site awhile ago, but I'm only now starting to post here. Please forgive my formatting issues. Also, forgive me if I picked the wrong subforum for this. It's sort of like a one-on-one RP, except not really because I'm handling multiple of these. With that said...

"Have you read about the stone-faced criminal in all the papers? He's wanted for murdering his mother, his father, his two brothers, and every single person in his extended family. He disappeared soon after the murders. Now he's the only one that remains with his family's blood. It flows through him and stains his hands."
"Why'd he do it?"
"No reason."
"Then why bother telling me about it?"
"To make a point. There are people out there who have frost flowing through their veins. An angry man coming at you with a knife is not nearly as frightening as one who comes at you with an uncaring, unfettered look on his face. There are very few men that can be so cruel and lacking of emotion. But... finding a cold, cold heart is not so difficult when you look to the Elder Gods. When you have all the power you want, when you've lived for eternities and watched the death of past Universes, you stop taking an interest in life. You stop caring."
"Then what do you gods do for fun?"
"Sometimes we like to make lame jokes. That's actually how your planet came about."
"How hurtful. You're no different from the other Elder Gods."
"I know. We all have a heart of ice."

A Heart of Ice
Mildly comedic, mildly depressing, and set in a somewhat modern fantasy world.

Table of Contents
1) World
2) Gods
3) Races
4) Starting Weapons
5) Rules and Character Sheet

1) World
There have been several Universes, each one created by the Elder Gods. These beings drift carelessly, bringing both destruction and creation to the places they go. Some care not about the fates of mortals. Others actively meddle in these lesser affairs, forming pacts or simply driving people insane. As each Universe dies, either by the sting of time or the wrath of the Gods, another eventually takes its place. Each Universe is vastly different from the last, but there is always one constant: the planet Zephyr and the races that eventually inhabit it.

The land of Restora, beneath its exterior of wondrous architecture, beautiful natural scenes, and freedom from international conflict, hides a brewing conspiracy. Over the past years, Queen Madeline has grown indifferent to, and neglected the poor of her country. While her husband was still alive, she was the voice of the downtrodden. She worked day and night to make sure even those in poverty could have enough bread to survive. Now though, her heart has become like ice, and her previous profound acts of charity have been forgotten. Those who once loved her for her kindness now seek to overthrow her for her neglect.

And yet, the newfound troubles of Restora do not end there. With large-scale conflicts starting in the surrounding nations, horrible creatures have been forced out of their natural habitats and have managed to find new homes in this kingdom. These monsters prey on the intelligent races that inhabit Restora and have given rise to monster hunters who track down and kill these beasts. Perhaps it's right they do this. After all, these monsters all seem to act like savage animals. Or, perhaps, these monsters are simply a reflection of ourselves.

Restora is your home, or maybe it's just one of many destinations on your journey through life. Regardless, Restora is where you're currently spending your days. It's the summer now. The sun is always high and shining down on this nation, illuminating the troubles that were once barely perceptible. Whether you're a conspirator working to overthrow the queen, a hunter of monsters, a mercenary for hire, or a simple farmer, Restora is full of danger these days. If you aren't careful, you may come face-to-face with death. Or, even worse, you may cease to care about life itself.

2) Gods
These are not the Elder Gods that created the Universe. Rather, these gods were once regular people or animals who, by some method or another, ascended to godhood. They are more often worshiped in regular and official capacities, as opposed to the Elder Gods which are usually worshiped by strange cults that enjoy bloodsports, but with talismans. Though these are not all of the gods, these are the most well-known and widely worshiped.

The Dead Monarch: A colossal, unmoving skeletal being, shrouded in darkness and seated in an equally massive throne in the catacombs of a castle somewhere. The Monarch speaks through telepathy and subconscious suggestion. The Monarch will give you tasks in return for strange and unique gifts. The story of this strange lumbering being has been lost to time, and nobody has ever been brave enough to ask.

Malcolm: Ancient scripts write of a certain god of fertility and love known only as 'Malcolm'. Shrines to this ancient entity range back hundreds of thousands of years, crafted entirely of smooth carved stone and thatch. Those who follow this god are often seen trying to indoctrinate others by encouraging them to change their names and having them assist in feeding small pieces of rock and mineral to the various statues of Malcolm.

Father: Also known as The Allfather, The Giving Father, or The Deity. He is a vast and mysterious being, heavily worshiped in many circles, that gives power to those who don't seek it and none to those who do. He is often depicted as a vague muscular man with a beard, a sword, or both. He is said to have given birth himself to The Son, his equally powerful yet vastly angst ridden kid who threw himself in a furnace to protest his dad or something. The scriptures are very poorly translated. Yet it's said that his screams of "I never asked to be born!" can still be heard to this day.

Aryssa: A sapient goldfish that lives in a small fishbowl in an aquarium. There's a sign directly outside her bowl that reads "display only." This sign has been there for over one thousand years. Aryssa offers life advice to all who come to her, in exchange for fish flakes being shaken into her bowl.

Moogle: Also known as Mark or Addled. He looks like an ordinary man and very few are able to recognize him for who he is. He possesses an extreme amount of power, but rarely ever uses it because he thinks he might be burned at the stake by the followers of other deities. It's believed that he's currently working at a store, trying to pay off his student debts. His following is strictly limited to people on the Gridnet, where he uploads videos of himself playing old video games, his face never being seen but his voice always being heard.

3) Races

Human: The first race to be born onto Zephyr, and the most prominent and common race. Humans make up the top 1% and own most of the money and land. Some believe they evolved from primates, while others believe that an Elder God smashed two rocks together, threw dust at the result, and then Humans popped up.

+Found everywhere.
+Base health of 100
+Considered by all races to be attractive
+Rarely face any kind of prejudice
-The vast majority of monsters prefer the taste of Human blood
-Certain Gridnet forums really, really don't like Humans

Eldrin: They are the offspring of a group of Humans who were corrupted by the darkness of a particular Elder God. They typically have horn(s), though some were not born with them or removed them to hide their race.

+You have access to one dark-magical ability at the start (describe it, nothing overpowered)
+Base health of 120
+Doesn't require mana to use magic
-Has a natural attraction to evil
-Sometimes feared by others
-Each spell-cast drains health

Dorf: Small, plump creatures, often with extremely long beards, an oversized gun in one hand, and a near-empty bottle in the other. They came into being after a particular Human settlement on Zephyr drank too much of some really strong alcohol, mated, and gave that same alc0hol to their children instead of formula milk. The height growth of their children were stunted (though their weight gain remained the same) and the resulting anger from ingesting too much alcohol made them fight each other and eventually become the stronk dorfs they are today.

+Base health of 150
+Heightened alcohol resistance.
+Good with heavy melee and ranged weapons
+Does not suffer any movement penalty when using heavy weapons

Troll: A large, hulking, humanoid with goat-like horns that's more brawn than brain. They were created when demon blood was mixed with the blood of some now-extinct animal, put over a flame and allowed to simmer for 2-3 hours, then sprinkled with kosher salt and cinnamon. The creation of Trolls is said to be one of the more interesting episodes of Platinum Chef.

+Base health of 200
+Extremely physically strong
-No magic potential

Androids: Robots created by the advanced technology of Zephyr. A mixture of robotics, mechanical engineering, and fossil fuels extracted from countries with names most people cannot pronounce. They come in various shapes and sizes, but are often humanoid. Nowadays, many Androids look like one of the other races, but there are still a few Androids around that look like walking tincans.

+Can access the Gridnet at any point in time
+Base health of 125
+Can upgrade themselves
+Immortal (with good maintenance and care)
-Runs on a fragile power source that can be destroyed if exposed
-Prone to computing errors
-They still feel pain (emotional and physical)
-Some people are freaked out by Androids

Goblins: Smaller, dumber trolls with pointed ears and no horns. They come in a variety of colors, though they're usually green. They were created when a very lonely person tried to make their own Troll friend, but only allowed the blood to simmer for five minutes, supposedly because they were really excited about making a friend.

+Base health of 50
+Small size
+Considered adorable by some
+Able to use limited magic
-Small size
-Tend to be dumb
-Live in caves
-Scared of almost everything

Grey: Nobody knows how they came to be, but it's suspected that a strange far-off place known as the Valley of Time has something to do with it. They are slender grey men and women that appear in crowds, never blinking and never speaking. They communicate using telepathy, and have strange, surreal powers.

+Space magic
+Base health of 100
+Access to Grey technology and areas
-Feared by most races
-Lack any physical strength or prowess

4) Starting Weapon
Your choice of starting weapon does not limit what you can do. For example, a swordsman can still learn to wield magic or fire a gun. Note: I do not keep track of maximum ammo. That is, you don't have to worry about buying or finding ammunition for your weapons (unless it's some special powerful weapon), you only have to worry about reloading (if you're using a gun).

Worn Greatsword: A large, two-handed blade. Deals great damage and has great range, but takes time and energy to swing and is not fast enough to parry or block faster attacks. Being a heavy weapon, it also slows down your own movement when it's drawn.

Weathered Longsword: A one-handed blade that has good range and attacks swiftly. It's a very versatile melee weapon that can be used to block, parry, slash, and stab. It doesn't limit your movement very much.

Rusty War Axe: A brutal one-handed axe. Not so good for stabbing or performing any defensive maneuvers, but its slashing attacks often lead to it becoming lodged into the enemy and causing bleeding. Its lighter weight allows you to move quickly, your movement not being hindered at all. It may also be used to cause tetanus in poor people who can't afford medical aid.

Dusty Rifle: A semi-automatic rifle that holds a 6-round magazine. It doesn't fire or reload too quickly, its bullets aren't of a particularly powerful caliber, and it's not too accurate (especially considering its rather shoddy iron sights). Regardless, it's a gun and is enough to kill a man from range.

Rotting Bow: A basic longbow made from a piece that came from a tree and some string that came from a store. Though it's not as powerful as a firearm, it doesn't require long pauses to reload, arrows can be used as melee weapons, and it's completely silent.

Tattered Spellbook: A magical item that acts as a conduit for spells. It usually hangs off the user's belt and doesn't actually need to be pulled out or opened to use. It transfers its spells and magical properties from its front and back cover to the user's hands, where the spells may then be casted. The power of spells relies on both the caster and the quality of the spellbook. Spells may be cast without the spellbook, but they're often weaker as a result. The pages are actually blank, since the magic is stored in the covers. Many mages use the pages for doodles or journal entries. This spellbook comes with three spells loaded into it.
-Magic Missile
-Weak Heal
-Minor Shield

5) Rules and Character Sheet
-You control only your character and their actions, nothing else.
-Please put some effort into your posts. I don't want to deal with one-liners and not much else.
-If you die, you may choose to create a new character.

-Don't godmod, make a perfect character, so on and so forth.

-I highly recommend you pick an interesting occupation for your character (like a mercenary or something).

-Post your character sheet here: 

Starting Weapon:
Biography (optional but encouraged)
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Fredrick Weslow

200/200 Health

100/100 Stamina


Charge! (20 stamina) - Charge forward towards a target, lessening any damage taken and attacking at the end of the charge.

Sweeping Strike (15 stamina) - Spin in place, using the momentum of your heavy weapon to aid you and striking any nearby enemies, while discouraging others from coming close.

Seismic Shock (15 stamina) - Slam your weapon into the ground and send the kinetic energy through towards one target, stunning them for two turns.

The wheels of the horse-drawn carriage roll behind you, along the dusty and deserted road. Few people ever come this way, and the sides of the road are decorated only by a bit of brush. Your client today is a Human woman, with long purple hair and thick black glasses. Her destination was the town of Kraven, which you had only ever heard about but never visited

"I don't use a car," your client informs you, "They're bad for the environment, and buying them only helps to increase the stranglehold that the corporate fatcats have on our world. I don't support capitalism, I think it's very important to try to resist it when possible. I'm only a trader because I'm using the capitalist system to bring down the capitalist system. I think they're onto me though."

The woman goes on to explain how she does her best every day to fight the capitalist system. She also delves into some rather strange conspiracy theories that you don't fully understand and don't want to fully understand. As she talks on and on, you hear a rustling in the brush near the road.

Andewyn Roberts

100/100 Health

100/100 Stamina


Lunge (15 stamina) - Dash forward and stab with your weapon. It closes the gap quickly, but you can still be damaged if you lunge into an enemy's attack. Lunge does more damage when used on an enemy with their back turned to you.

Parry (15 stamina) - Enter a defensive state for one turn. Damage taken during this turn will be lessened. On the next turn, release an attack that does more damage based on how much you took while in the defensive state.

Precision Slash (20 stamina) - Strike at an enemy's artery, dealing damage and causing them to bleed for two turns.

The wind rustled through the trees of the forest. You had traveled some distance from your hometown of Sharen to this forest where your target is supposedly hiding out. He's wanted for being linked to multiple "disappearances," particularly of young girls. The person who hired you is a fairly rich man, who believes his daughter was kidnapped or murdered by the target. He's offering you a nice sum of Credits, but is offering even more if you manage to bring the target to him alive. You tread carefully through the darkened forest, and soon arrive at a clearing, where the moon shines down on a log cabin. The lights are off inside the cabin, but you're certain that your target is in there.
Deep breaths, I keep telling myself; in through the nose out through the mouth. Quiet. Hush.  Taking small steps, rolling my feet to prevent too much noise. Wind blew past, sending my braid swinging from side to side on my back. Don't make any unnecessary movements. The grip I have on my longsword grows as my nerves get going; I have to get this right, the right entrance, the right cut. Suddenly, I go into a crouch, sneaking around the side of the cabin and peeking through a window once. This has to be the place. I draw the sword I've had for many years from it's sheath and ready it at my side, preparing myself for whatever may happen next. My free hand slips around the back door's knob and slowly, carefully, twists it.
Andewyn Roberts

Peeking through one of the windows, you find yourself unable to see clearly inside, on account of the lights being off. You do manage to make out some movement though. You draw your blade from its home and walk to the back of the cabin and attempt to take hold of the door knob. You find yourself surprised when your hand ends up just slapping the back of the cabin. You step back and notice that the door on the back of the cabin is actually just a painting, probably to help visualize a door that the owner plans to install in the future. It doesn't really matter what door you take though, by the looks of it. So, you head around to the front and slowly open the door, the creaking noise painfully audible to you, but apparently not to whoever lies within the house.

Upon entering the house, you find you can't see anything very clearly. It is quite dark. However, there is a dim nightlight at the back of the one-room cabin, with a large bed next to it. You can see the illuminated face of a young girl in the bed, and the weathered face of a man sat on a stool beside the bed, reading from a storybook.

"And so... believing the scorpion would not attack, the frog let him on his back. As they reached the center of the river, the scorpion stung the frog and they both began to drown. The frog asked the scorpion why he doomed them both. And the scorpion answered with vague noises that indicated it was drowning. So, the moral of the story is that the nature of some cannot be changed."

"Can you read us another story?" the girl asks.

"Oh alright, but you have to go to sleep after this one, okay?"


The man begins flipping through pages in his storybook. He doesn't seem to have noticed you entering the house.
Listening, I start having doubts, maybe this is the wrong place... I have to keep telling myself it isn't and this is it. Deception? Maybe the guy hid his... wrong-doings well, or his daughter didn't care. If that was his daughter.  I move closer, towards the back of the room and crouch in a dark place, watching them closely. The hand on my sword grips tighter and then relaxes. I try my best not to make a sound, biting the inside of my left cheek to remind myself as well. What if I've wandered into some stranger's house by sheer accident? What if this guy is armed? Thoughts swam in my head, clouding my objective momentarily.
Andewyn Roberts

You move to a spot further into the dark. The wooden floor creaks ever so slightly beneath your step, but nobody seems to notice. As you get a bit closer, you notice that there are actually quite a few girls in the large bed, all listening intently to the man.

"Ah... this one's a poem, it's called 'This is a Cry for Help.'

I am very short and don't have many friends

I am in great pain, my heart won't mend

And periodically, I slip into deep existential depressions where the light of life flickers and dims before me so I go to sleep to try to escape the pain, but I just wake up feeling worse about myself."

"Oh, and there's an illustration here," the man says, showing the book's illustration to the children, who make audible "ooh's" and "ahh's". You can't tell what the illustration is from here though.

"Now will you children go to bed? It's getting late."

"Okay! We'll go to bed!" the girl in the light chirps as the man tucks everyone in.

"Good. Sleep tight, wake me up if you need anything," the man tells the children as he slowly stands up and walks over to a much smaller and less comfortable-looking bed, not noticing you in the process.
Hainer Falkenrath

100/100 Health

100/100 Stamina


Lunge (15 stamina) - Dash forward and stab with your weapon. It closes the gap quickly, but you can still be damaged if you lunge into an enemy's attack. Lunge does more damage when used on an enemy with their back turned to you.

Parry (15 stamina) - Enter a defensive state for one turn. Damage taken during this turn will be lessened. On the next turn, release an attack that does more damage based on how much you took while in the defensive state.

Precision Slash (20 stamina) - Strike at an enemy's artery, dealing damage and causing them to bleed for two turns.

There are very few places in the world with a cast of character as varied as a bar. Some come to drink for fun, some come to drink to escape their pain, and some come to try to find a girl who will love them for one night. This is an establishment known only as The Broken Spirit. There were the usual bargoers doing bar things here. Something that caught your eye was a group of males trying to get an Eldrin to join their drinking game.

"Come on, why don't you wanna see how much you can drink?"

"Because I know no matter how fast I drink, I'll never outpace the self-loathing."


You had come to this particular den of sad people and muscular people because there was a posting on a bounty board, requesting that you come to this bar around this time of night and seek a Eldrin with a red cloak for a job. And, already, you had managed to locate him. He was the one being bothered by those other guys who wanted to have a drinking game. The group of men had left him by this point, and your client is now sat alone.
As i stepped into the so-called Broken Spirit, a relatively popular bar, my eyes immediatly proceeded with scanning the area. I was looking for an Eldrin gentleman dressed in a red cloak. Said person was supposedly in need of a bounty hunter and requested that anyone interested was to meet him at around this time of night inside this establishment. Hmm... Ah, that might be him. My eyes locked onto an individual that fitted the description of my client. The Eldrin was currently sitting in the company of three men, though it didn't really seem like he was enjoying their presence. Seeing this triggered a slight sigh to escape my lips. I sure wasn't in the mood for a lot of people and having to go through the details of a job with three other guys sitting at the table was not a pleasant thought. Luckily, the trio soon decided to leave the supposed client to himself, much to my delight. I cleared my throat and walked towards the cloaked Eldrin, taking a seat in front of him without a word. "Let's skip the formalities. I'm here because of this." I said before pulling the other male's board posting out of my breast pocket and placing it onto the table in front of us.

@Venom Adhamm
How haven't they noticed me yet? Those small creaks and even the faint breathing I have going off should've alerted them... Even my presence! I grit my teeth a bit, try to go over different scenarios in my head.

1: Deception, they were being forced into this, like a play that no one wanted to do. They had to keep this up because the man knew she was here.

2: Wrong house. I may have wandered here by false direction and this guy is just a widow.

I shake my head carefully and watch the man move to the other side of the room, then stare at the group of girls. It's certainly difficult to make out any of their appearances from here, especially with how dark the cabin is. I attempt to get closer, wanting to see their faces and if they would really notice me or not.
Hainer Falkenrath

He looks at you, then down at the board posting. 

"My house is haunted by the personification of my self-doubt and fear of the future," he informs you, "At least, that's what my therapist tells me when I tell him about the voices. If you don't need to get any equipment, or a drink, or anything like that, we can head to my place right now."

He leans over to a satchel of some sort that's on the seat beside him, and pulls out a pair of black-and-red striped boxers that have the words "Anti-Ghost Underwear" written on the front.

"Do you want these? For protection?" the Eldrin offers.

Andewyn Roberts

Slowly, you move a bit closer, stopping when you hear the breath of one of the girls. When you grow used to the sound, you move again, then suddenly stop in your tracks when you hear a voice.

"Did I leave that door open this whole time?" the man asks the air as he gets up, shuts the door, and goes back to bed, having not noticed you in the process. Staying still, frozen for a moment, you wait to make sure the man is back asleep. Once you're certain of it, you move again towards the little girls. They're all very young and very asleep. There are about... six of them all hugging together in the bed. It's a bit difficult to tell from the dim lighting, but you're fairly certain they have a variety of different hair and eye colors.
I slowly raised my eyebrow as the Eldrin revealed more and more information regarding the job at hand. As... interesting as his problem sounded, it didn't really seem like a simple bounty hunter could solve it. "Listen I-" But before i was able to voice my concern, my client leaned over to the satchel placed next to him and pulled out a pair of... striped boxers. Then, the male proceeded with holding said garnments up my face and offering me them for 'protection'. "Anti-... Ghost Underwear?" I blinked, my expression semmingly growing even more puzzled. "I... I think i'll pass on that one." Though it took me a bit, i eventually managed to take my eyes off of the piece of 'Anti-Ghost Gear' and reverted them back towards the Eldrin. "Honestly, i'm not entirely sure if i'm really qualified to uh... help you with your problem." I said,

@Venom Adhamm
I bite my lip slightly and look over the girls. They seemed different from this point of view... I can't just waltz out of here with all of them in tow without the guy noticing. I pondered for a moment and wandered towards where the guy was. He was the target, I have to either capture him or kill him. There was no in between, either he was half-dead or completely for this mission to succeed.
Hainer Falkenrath

"Oh, but you have to!" the man pleads, "I can't sleep well at night because my house is haunted. Well... truth be told I can never sleep well at night because whenever I try to quiet my mind, I end up thinking deep and painful existential thoughts and my entire being is consumed by the suffering that comes with existing in this world. B-but it's even worse with the ghost! Listen... you must be a bounty hunter? You like money? I... I have... one million credits in my house. If you help me, it's all yours. Tax-free!"

Andewyn Roberts

You move towards the man, but stop as you hear a sound.

"Hey... hey... are you awake Brianna?" a young girl's voice says.


"Do you ever miss your old home?"

"No... my old daddy was really mean to me, I'm glad Mr. Canterbury found us."

"Me too... Can we cuddle tonight?"


You hear a bit of tossing and turning in the children's bed, but the sound quietens soon enough. You continue to step across the old floorboards, until you're right above the sleeping form of your target.
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Upon hearing this, I hesitate, my hand fumbling for the weathered longsword stashed to my side. I gulp quietly and breathe in and out slowly, calming myself. This is your target, Andy. Don't mess up. I bite my lip again and try to figure out where the best place to stab him is. The stomach would cause pain and possibly screaming... there doesn't seem to be any extra cloth lying around to prevent that. His throat would be difficult. His heart? I bring the sword up, position it over the left side of the man's chest, and begin to bring it down.
Andewyn Roberts

Over the years, many philosophers, both religious and non-religious, have put forth their theories on what it is that makes Humans the way they are. Humans have the most political power and influence in the world, and yet, other races surpass them in either physical strength, intelligence, or both. How then, did Humans manage to place themselves at the top of the food chain? In the past, the leading theory was simply that Humans came first.

Blood and a gasp escape the target.

Yet, this theory seemed to be incorrect. Older civilizations could be overtaken by the newer ones, so too could an old race be beaten by another. The theory of evolution would also contribute to this. And so, that was scrapped, and philosophers continued to think. How could Humans possibly survive in a world of demons and otherworldly beings? It seemed to make no sense at all if you looked at the body and physical makeup of a Human.

"Mr. Canterbury?" a girl says.

Many, many theories and hypotheses were put forth. Eventually though, the answer was found, and this answer has not been challenged or refuted in over a hundred years. It seems the answer we have now is the answer that will stay for eternity.

Another gasp escapes. Warm blood coats a cold blade and a creaking floor.

"M-Mr. Canterbury!" you hear, along with the sound of a child flinging herself from the bed.

What was the answer? Humans possess no extraordinary physical ability, intelligence, or magical ability. None of those things truly mattered though. The reason Humans have always been at the top is due to their one particular ability, an ability that's spread to some other races, but remains strongest in Humanity.

"Mr. Canterbury! Are you okay?! Mr. Canterbury!"

This ability seemed to elude everyone for the longest time. It was a great secret, one that sat beneath our noses and thrones.

The body of Mr. Canterbury rolls and falls to the floor. The wind flings the door open, allowing moonlight to shine through and illuminate the truth about Humanity. There, among the entrails of your target was the answer to Humanity's dominance. Beneath the blood, you see the truth. The reason Humans dominate is because they possess the ability for the lives of the downtrodden and mistreated, to take people in out of pure selflessness... while also possessing the ability to take a life and turn the undeserving into empty husks. This is the secret, spilled out now by the pierced heart of your target. Man is only matter, and Man finds it easy to take a life, to remove anything in the way for a bit more coin, a bit more power. This is what separates Humanity from many the other races: pure, unfiltered ruthlessness... and a heart of ice.

Blood stains the floor. You glance over and see tears stain a quiet young face.

You'll be able to get your pay back in Sharen. Isn't that wonderful?
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I gaze at the mess I've made and cringe a bit. Each and every target I've ever eliminated... all of them... it's always the same feeling. I know I must carry the burden of killing another creature that is much like myself, and I know the consequences of my actions. At first, I had to, had to do it for the money. Now? What was my goal? My target? Coin, of course, right? My thoughts are too jumbled... I can't think straight. I spot the sobbing girl and crouch down, dropping my weapon. 

"He...He was a bad man. I couldn't allow this to go on."

I bite my lip again, force back tears. Why now, of all times, was it so difficult? It was just another person... nothing more to it. Yeah, keep telling yourself that. 

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