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Fantasy Divine Games in the Playground Recruitment Thread (Always Accepting!)

Nameless Author Nameless Author Thank you very much for your feedback, it was very helpful! I agree that Luck would be better. And to answer your question, yes, I would like Yorukami to work with the humans; I was actually hoping to do something with them if I was approved to join. Well, I made the changes and finished it, is he okay now?
Yes, Yorukami is approved. I'll say it now even though it should be obvious: technically by the rules you should lose AP if you do not spend 10 tonight because of the rollover. However, that is stupid, and I give you till next rollover to have your character's AP be brought down to it's normal maximum. With normal loss for not doing so only applying then.
Name: Fánaí "The Wandering Cripple"

Played by: Jorgar

Divine Rank: 5 (demigod)
Holy/Unholy Symbol: Holy Symbol of Fánaí

Primary Domain (and Portfolio): Travel (aid)

Domains (and Portfolios): Trickery (thieves)

Alignment Domain: Neutral

Favored Weapon: Twin hidden daggers

Combat Rating: 14

Paradigm & DCM: Striker

{C} A Knife Between the Ribs-This is Fánaí favorite move due to the fact that he likes to pretend to aid someone and then stab them in the back.

{O} Don't Underestimate An Old Man-Fánaí likes to pretend he is an old man but he is actually very limber and athletic.

{A} It's Simply a Favor-Fánaí does offer aid to those who he believes will benefit him later. When he does this it binds a contract to the soul of the mortal in question.

Brief Description: Fánaí accepts all who come to him for aid. His followers consist primarily of highwaymen, thieves and travelers who have not chosen a god/goddess to follow. He walks the open road aiding or tricking stranded mortals just for the personal enjoyment and to gain favors from mortals so they owe him later on in their lives. He doesn't align himself to anyone for he trusts no one. He appears as an old cloaked man walking on the road. He will sit beside his chosen victims and make them comfortable before either giving them something to help them along the way which then makes a contract or simply killing them for the precious items.

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