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Fantasy Divine Games in the Playground IC Thread (Always wanting new players!)

The Maelstrom

----Poppy || Kamasil || Orvus/Adelai --------

"She has such glee as i examined her! do you question now how i find that one so interesting!? The one with her as well! how i wish i could decorate this darkened space in her colors!"

"I!... Will not deny that they have quite a presence but it is not up to us to say! we are not them and they are not us and how we see them can never be how they see us!"

"You speak as if you know what they are.. Perhaps you need to unfurl your... E Y E S !"

Orvus planted his wrists near the sockets where his eyeballs should be , smiling wryly at his sister as he un-clenched his fists towards her showing two large eyeballs and several small eyeballs blinking and almost smiling a sneer back at her golden Light. Amused by this Orvus turned to Poppy for confirmation on his "Joke", wriggling his fingers and snapping back to Adelai who promptly snorted a bit and smacked the white god on his crest

"Hush now they speak to us!"

and with that both of them gave proper audience to the visitors

"You who are Poppy and you who are Uraya, mayhaps we welcome you to this home of ours...."
" is that how it proceeds?"

She whispered to her brother
"You ask me?"

Orvus retorted back to her
Adelai gave a small cough

" Both of us are the same but different, a piece of what once was and now is, we both formed from the darkness and the darkness sparked light. My spark to find light in the dark.."

Adelai took a few cosmic stars in the sky formed from her hands constructs and elements that melded and shifted into various forms

"..and my spark to find Dark in the light"

Orvus took Adelai's construct and remade it into something several times more

"I am called Adelai by my brother.."

"..and I am Orvus to my sister.."
"from our hands are something from nothing..

"..and something from everything..."
"..We are source, and, creation.."
"..end, and, Oblivion..."

And in single unison they spoke

"..We are.. Magic.."

with each word they spin the walked around the two visitors, and from those words came an odd eldritch light that sung from their crests. It was if the validity of their existence itself was happiness enough for both of them.
Kamasil an Uraya

Kamasil an Uraya laughed. How quaint! How amusing! How entertaining! How delirious! How resplendent! How non sequitir! How Tasty! How imaginative!

It just makes her want to douse everything in this land with her winds.

But that's not a good thing. No, no, no, no, not yet anyway. First, decorum follows.

"Kamasil an Uraya." She merely said before laughing at the idea of dyeing this world in her colors. "Charmed." She merely said before she watched Young Poppy expectantly, as if she were giving a punchline for a joke. After all, the little demigoddess was able to walk through the lands they had created. Perhaps she would learn something from this little excursion.

That being said, it was time for her to fill her islands with creatures who are self-aware....but what to do...what to do...

Zer0 Zer0 Orpheus Orpheus
The First-The Cage-Damnation (Part 1):

Oh how the souls of a few have slipped into the grasp of the First. Only a handful from most races, those too arrogant to take the blessings of their god seriously. The humans however, they have been steadily falling more and more to damnation. Not out of any sort of ill-will on their part, just that they give their devotion to two gods instead of one, and one of them has no realm to send them to. Why send a demon, thought the Fist, when you can get an angle to do the work of one?

They screamed, they begged, and suffered horribly crossing into the Underworld. A fate that was unjust, cruel, and most horrible of all: lacking hope for the pain to end. The First played with these things, to see the limits he could push them onto. Some found the sweet release of oblivion, but many became horrid things. Abominations they were, no longer the same as before, their very being violated to the core. Most were no longer even humanoid, but putrid piles of soul stuff with all sorts of appendages that are weak and pathetic. A rare few grew stronger from this process, those that truly gave in but were strong willed in life against the evil in their hearts had the essence of what they were conjoined to a nightmare; to allow the great inner dark held back for so long to be released and become a true martyr to all the soul once fought against.

The First laughed, a bellowing laugh bordering on a roar, so loud that the World shook for a few moments. Truly, Joy was something that the First soaked in.

Sucube-The (small) City of Yir-Finding a Fancy (Interlude 2):

The people of Yir continued to experience an explosion of growth, with other villages submitting to the will of Yir. While done peacefully so far, the future might not be so gentle. A new organization of men came to the for-front of Yir, guardsmen, soldiers, the warrior caste of Yir. While it existed before, it's become more important these days with populations growing and the value of land rising.

The First: 10 AP -3 -3 -2 -1

-3 Gain Domain: Corruption (Nightmare)

1 from creating nightmares
3 Rebellatrix, the ultimate nightmare
1 Whispers to the Heart pestilence

-3 Rise Divine Rank (to 7):

2 for creating the Heart of All Flames
3 Creating Sucube

-2 Create Populace-Abominations: Those that are dammed to the Underworld are transformed into abominations by the First. Their forms vary greatly, but most are not humanoid. They are extremely weak, with the only advantage they have being the "blessing" to mend their bodies (with a horribly painful scar) from nearly any wound given about a week at most. They are sentient creatures, but the conditions they live in most of the time leave them both semi-feral and traumatized. Never trust a abomination, for they are both mad and want to make everyone else suffer.

-1 Create Subrace-True Abominations: Those few souls both noble and brought into damnation are forced to show the darkest parts of them, making them a mockery to what they once were. They are both almost immortal and extremely hard to bind/find (since the blessing that affects nightmares 95% of the times affects true abominations around 50% of the time), and are far more independent than a true nightmare. They, unlike a true nightmare, can actually affect the world around them the majority of the time when they wish to; making them valuable in a different way than nightmares. As they age they grow stronger, but the limits of their power will only be truly seen in time.

Sucube 5 AP-2-1=2

-1 Nourishment-Bursting Love: Sucube's presence has infused the people of Yir with a similar passion that Sucube has. This most notably leads to both a growth in creativity and population. While minor, it is obvious to non-yirian's who socialize with one for just a few minutes. Some can call it nosy and say they don't give enough personal space, but it's how they are.

-2 Create Organization-The Warrior Caste: A official wing of the Yirian government, this aspect of the government tries to keep order and enforces the laws of Yir in the villages that have decided to integrate.
Haros & The Twins
The Twins? where they the sons of other gods, but he had vague memories of them from the war, he couldn't be truly certain. But aside from that, Haros was beyond amused as he watched The Twins Pitiful attempt at comprehending his Kingdom in its beautiful entirety, it drew forth laughter from the King Of Madness. Which sounded like the cry of a raven mixed with sounds of shattering glass, when his laughter died down, looked at the Twins "What brings you two to my beautiful kingdom?" He questioned while turning back and began walking in the direction of his throne, he expected them to follow him while also answering his questions

Stark and Asher and Haros
The Kingdom Of Eternal Autumn

At the sound of laughter, the two looked back to Haros as one. It was an.... interesting laugh. One that sounded broken, intimidating in an unpredictable sort of way. As the king of madness spoke and walked away, the two shared a look of mild offense at his demeanor. Did he find them below him? Perhaps they misunderstood his intention. That could be, though they barely thought so.
"We didn't intend to come and visit,"
"No offense intended,"
"But we wanted to meet you, and explore this plane,"
"It's fascinating, we'd heard rumors."
"It's lovely, by the way. Your work is certainly admirable, the best we've seen so far infact"

The twins spoke back and forth, their voices sounded so similar, however, that without looking at them it was somewhat difficult to tell that it hadn't been a single speaker. As they walked, the twins noticed the leaves were seemingly... sentient? With this observation, they began halfheartedly trying to avoid stepping on the things.

The Mire - Talolin
Ashera lead the moon elves now, she'd gathered many of those who traveled throughout the Mire. After the few years that she'd spent joining her people into one large nomadic tribe, she finally found the tree that she'd been looking for. It had been so long, she'd nearly forgotten the details, but here was the tree. The radius was larger than she could fathom, and the trunk was large enough to build in. To build the city she'd dreamed of.

The day they found the tree, the two young women who were charged with child care chased the young, who didn't know how to be careful. This land was dangerous, but as the young ones darted off, Allura and Kyst'thana realised the ground here was the most solid ground that they'd ever set foot upon.

"Look!" One of the children called out pushing through the drooping veil that a low willow tree provided before running off. Allura cried out running to catch the child, and after pushing through the veil she saw the grand tree in front of her, as the child crawled in and out of the roots at the foot of the tree.

And that was how the nomadic tribe found the tree. Once they made it to the tree, Ashera ordered camp be made at the foot of the tree. This is where they would call home. This is where they would stay. They'd never met anyone who wasn't a moon elf, but they had met elves who had no interest in joining the tribe in forming a city. So Ashera knew that there had to be some precautions taken.

As the others set up camp, she began a ritual of her own, intending to hide the city from those who'd wish to do them harm. Whether due to her prayer to the Twins or due to her own - albeit unknown - divinity, the concealment was much stronger than she'd hoped as the mists around the dry land thickened, and any who looked into them saw different things. The mists hid traps that the elves laid, leaving only one clear path to the city - one fairly well guarded path.

After protection had been conjured, the elves turned their attention to the tree. They didn't want to hurt the beautiful, seemingly ancient tree, but Ashera had her heart set on building her city into the tree. Construction began, construction that would continue for centuries. This city would never be finished being build, it would continue upwards as more and more people came to join them, for now, they made enough shelters for those who'd chosen to call Ashera their queen, their 'tari'.

These were the beginnings of the first elven city: Talolin. They named it "The City of Secrets".
1+1 AP from roll over -1 = 1

Create Manifest Zone
Ashera blended the boundries between the Veil of Illusions and the area around Talolin, making a fair amount of defense for those who'd wish to harm the city.

Stark and Asher:
3+3 AP from roll over = 6
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- Poppy, Kamasil, Orvus, & Adelai -
" The Maelstrom "

Poppy marveled at Orvus and Adelai's light which felt quite different from her own. Their light was . . . boundless and she yearned for it. Unwittingly she stretched out her hand and the power in her awoke. Unbidden she gathered a spark of the light that finds the dark, and a spark of the dark that finds the light.

The two primordial force twisted through the air in an arc, and seemed to take a life of their own. And there flowed out two graceful bodies of a snake, the piercing talons of an eagle, and the regal heads of lions, roaring with voices of thunder and brimming with the might of magic. The first dragons.

"Wow . . . " said Poppy in wonder, but then her awed sigh turned into a, "Whoa!", of alarm. The two seemed uncontrollable, hungry for magic sharing Poppy's desire, but unbounded. They bolted away and began to eat the sun in the Maelstrom.

"Stop! Stop!" yelled Poppy. Why is it that some of the things she creates doesn't go the way she planned? --- well, this one wasn't planned at all, but still! "Children, stop!" she tried to yank them away by the tails.

But they would not listen. And it seemed that two more pairs of creatures blossomed out and parted from their essence, roaring hungrily: one was like a lion, but with a head too big a mouth to wide, and eyes to large; the other was like the very first pair, except it was streamlined like an eel and had sleek fins instead of talons, and its tail ended in a swishy fin.

"Um, Uraya?!" she called to the goddess for help.

CoconutLeaves CoconutLeaves Orpheus Orpheus
AP0 +3 +3 -2 = AP4

+3 Roll over last week
+3 Roll over last last week
-2 Create Populace: Oriental dragons, Oriental lion dragon, sea serpent

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