Divided by 11


Six Thousand Club
Character Structure








Type of Creature:



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Name: Rajani

Age: 19

Gender: Female



Werewolf Form


Clothing: Shown in picture

Kingdom: Halfblood

Powers: strong sense of smell, Speed, Strength, keen eyes.

Type of Creature: Werewolf

Personality: Quiet, Serious, Nimble, Dangerous.

Bio: TBR

Extra: "..."
Name: Discordia

Age: 72

Gender: Androgyne

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Dis.jpg.f0ae1a125b733c9af44445b93cd7c46c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44113" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Dis.jpg.f0ae1a125b733c9af44445b93cd7c46c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothing: Blanketed with nothing but its fishmaille leotard and cloak, Discordia relies on its powers to defend itself

Kingdom: Angels


  • Garuda's Towers - The tools of Discordia's trade, the Towers are capable of conducting and projecting electricity with immense force and heat. Discordia prefers to use them as instruments for beautiful music that no earthly tools can replicate.

  • Freedom From Earthly Bindings - Without anything to hold Discordia down but their wish to spread their music, Discordia is light as a feather yet as hard for others to move as an Ogre.

  • Vapor Control - Though Discordia is not so much of an artist, all Angels of the Choir can control water vapor, slinging it through the air as if they were beautiful ribbons.

  • Beautiful Singing Voice - Angels of the Choir have wonderful voices. Discordia has quite a way with words, and can reach both amazingly high and low tones naturally.

Type of Creature: Angel of the Choir

Personality: Friendly, Magnanimous, Resplendent, Serendipitous, Loquacious

Bio: The Angels are a race of majestic beings, whose mental thirsts are no longer quenched by mere media of mortal-make. Rather, all Angel art is water vapor and electric charges eased into tangible forms. Copper of impossible designs are used as towers where lightning is free to frolic, emitting pleasing tones that coalesce into beautifully eldritch symphonies. Discordia is but one of the Heavenly Kingdom's premier Choir Angels, and is well-known for her fast-paced and frantic music, and has caught the eye of her district's Seraph, Lamington, for her joyously chaotic music. Discordia has been given a mission: to spread the wonders of Angelic tones throughout the world, so that the Kingdom of the LORD may unite all living beings under a single joyous roof for a celebration that will last for all eternity.



  • Dis.jpg
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Name: Decilla

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Clothing: She wears mostly a black dress with a hood.
When in battle she wears this.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-3_20-45-55.jpeg.df897dcbb2591d13f789a308bcd2479e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44159" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-3_20-45-55.jpeg.df897dcbb2591d13f789a308bcd2479e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kingdom: Demons

Powers: She can posses people, walk through walls, she has wings, and she can disappear.

Type of Creature: Demon

Personality: Angry, loves revenge, sometimes flirts, hates happiness and all things nice,warm and sunny, and she can be sometimes nice in her own little way.





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Name: Orgnash the Unsilenced

Age: It is a mystery

Gender: It is a mystery


Clothing: N/A

Kingdom: Others


  • Music of the Spheres: Orgnash sings the music of the spheres unceasingly, a song which drives mortal creatures to madness and brings them under its thrall.
  • The Stars are Right: Orgnash is a being from outside of the bounds of normal time and space, a constantly shifting and arbitrarily-large mass of ur-matter that can reconfigure itself at will down to a subatomic level.
  • A Whisper in the Darkness: Orgnash has the ability to warp its servants into horrible mutants whose bodies are as warped as their minds
  • A Shadow Out of Time: Orgnash is not bound to the linear flow of time as we percieve it, and is in fact experiencing every moment of its "life" simultaneously.

Type of Creature: Old One

Personality: Orgnash is largely apathetic to the world around it seeing as it is experiencing every point in time simultaneously. Really, it's more a force of nature than an individual entity capable of rational thought.

Bio: Orgnash is a being from outside the normal bounds of existence brought into this dimension by cosmic radiation and complex astrophysics that aren't really important enough to go into. It arrived on a meteorite about 500 years ago and has been gradually growing and terrorizing an ever-larger area around the impact site ever since.
Name: Grulgothron the Merciless

Age: 600

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://telepics.net/uploads/pictures/big_images/Heavy_Metal_Devil.jpg

Clothing: Despite the picture, usually wears a suit when on the boring part of his job.

Kingdom: Devils


> Fire and Brimstone: Gulgothron, like most demons, reeks of volcanic ash and sulfur. His body's internal temperature is high enough that water which comes into contact with his skin starts to steam. This can be further increased, so that attacking a demon is like trying to stab a volcanic vent with a sword made of butter.

> Keeps Coming Back: Hell is where the world's wicked souls end up. Demons, being wicked souls, show up back in hell soon after dying.

> Speak of the Devil: When someone says a demon's name, that demon knows who and where- and can choose to appear next to them.

> Child of the Inferno: Being from a realm that varies between arctic cold and sun-surface heat, temperature-based magic does not affect him. Additionally, he can see in pitch black or blinding light.

> Sonic Cannons: These echo chambers are designed to amplify the screams of the damned into a sonic weapon whose frequency can be adjusted. Also used as a mining tool.

> I know what you did last summer: Demons know EXACTLY what evil you've wrought. It just takes a lot of reading to find it out.

Type of Creature: Demon

Personality: Growing up in hell gives you a unique outlook. Demon politics are filled with family alliances, betrayal, incompetence, and corruption, and they wouldn't have it any other way. It's their job to make sure hell is as miserable for the damned as possible. Because of this, Demons automatically assume the worst from everyone. It's not that they distrust people- it's just that they're looking for betrayal at every turn. Gulgothron is a prime example of this: as head of Infernal Affairs, he's got numerous family members and complete strangers moving for his head at any given moment. They don't actually want to succeed, but they have to keep him sharp- if he dies, then he's a poor choice for head of Infernal Affairs. Infernal Affairs is, in fact, the only part of hell's politics where incompetence is not tolerated- it also deals with expanding the hell-pit.

Bio: Torturing the souls of the damned is a Devil's job. Indeed, Demons have an innate streak of schadenfreude which causes them to REALLY enjoy their job. But many Devils got bored. Sure, racks, spinning wheels, iron maidens, pits of acid, and sulfur mines were hilarious. But they got old pretty fast. So Gulgothron developed an additional layer of torture. A never-ending mosh pit which the damned could not join. Demons got their hedonism and the sounds of tortured screaming, and the damned got to see their torturers having the time of their life with no chance of ever joining in. Because of the sudden spike in employee morale, Gurlgothron was promoted to the head of the Infernal Affairs department- a position he's held for centuries.

Name: Head 1. Aleksander Gustaw the Bloodthirsty

Head 2. Manfred Malinoski

Head 3. Draga Kasun III

Head 4. 'Iron Lungs' Olaf

Head 5. Stanimir Stevan Zupan

Head 6. Vesna Crencvic aka Trickster Viktor

Age: Head 1. claims older than age itself

Head 2. claims to be 550 years of age

Head 3. claims to be 27 years of age

Head 4. doesn't keep track of it

Head 5. claims to be ten thousand years of age

Head 6. claims to be 889 years of age. And also claimed to be younger, and older. Doesn't keep it straight.

(In all regards it is probably between somewhere of those claims.)

Gender: Male (Though Head 3s and 6s have an insistence otherwise. Draga is positive they are female. Viktor only recently joined along after Draga continued insisting it. Presumably he did it to mess with the other heads.)


Clothing: The only clothing they have is a pair of massive mahogany clogs for their six limbs.

Kingdom: Dragon

Powers: [*]Svarog's Hardened Hide: These dragon scales, are far thicker than normal dragon-scales (which tends to be incredibly hard, as many bards would attest to.). It is an impregnable defense, bane of physical (melee/ranged what have you) weaponry and resistant to magics.

[*]Breath Weaponry: As to be expected of a dragon, each head has its own particular breath attack

Head 1: Fire

Head 2: Lightning

Head 3: Frost

Head 4: Wind

Head 5: Disease

Head 6: Metal

[*]Dazbog's Fortune: Every dragon needs wealth, as such the very scales of this dragon work as an alchemist stone, able to convert pieces of matter to things it values.

[*]Bardic Beauty: Their songs are not worshiped by countless fleeing and terrified masses for no reason. Its music and songs are unnaturally compelling in making creatures worship/fear/love the mighty dragon.

Type of Creature: Multiple-headed Dragon

Personality: Head 1. Perpetually angry, vain, arrogant

Head 2. Tranquil, affable

Head 3. Cold, professional, seeker of romance

Head 4. Loud, foolish, perpetually excitable

Head 5. Studious, Righteous, Benevolent

Head 6. Devious, Malevolent, Quick to Humor

Bio: They can't agree on a single back-story, other than that over the years they have spread their prowess of the art of folk music to the masses, mainly turning people into bards to sing of their glories. Besides that, they have been known to defeat and capture many heroes/nobility. Sometimes they get put as members of the concubine, other times just for a snack. And they take over many sources of arcane knowledge, and keep and gather massive hoards of treasure, bickering all the while. So typical dragon stuff really.

Extra: They have a massive collection of instruments that they play with, as bardic song is not enough to satisfy them.
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DrBones said:
Name: Discordia
Age: 72

Gender: Androgyne

View attachment 104943

Clothing: Blanketed with nothing but its fishmaille leotard and cloak, Discordia relies on its powers to defend itself

Kingdom: Angels


  • Garuda's Towers - The tools of Discordia's trade, the Towers are capable of conducting and projecting electricity with immense force and heat. Discordia prefers to use them as instruments for beautiful music that no earthly tools can replicate.

  • Freedom From Earthly Bindings - Without anything to hold Discordia down but their wish to spread their music, Discordia is light as a feather yet as hard for others to move as an Ogre.

  • Vapor Control - Though Discordia is not so much of an artist, all Angels of the Choir can control water vapor, slinging it through the air as if they were beautiful ribbons.

  • Beautiful Singing Voice - Angels of the Choir have wonderful voices. Discordia has quite a way with words, and can reach both amazingly high and low tones naturally.

Type of Creature: Angel of the Choir

Personality: Friendly, Magnanimous, Resplendent, Serendipitous, Loquacious

Bio: The Angels are a race of majestic beings, whose mental thirsts are no longer quenched by mere media of mortal-make. Rather, all Angel art is water vapor and electric charges eased into tangible forms. Copper of impossible designs are used as towers where lightning is free to frolic, emitting pleasing tones that coalesce into beautifully eldritch symphonies. Discordia is but one of the Heavenly Kingdom's premier Choir Angels, and is well-known for her fast-paced and frantic music, and has caught the eye of her district's Seraph, Lamington, for her joyously chaotic music. Discordia has been given a mission: to spread the wonders of Angelic tones throughout the world, so that the Kingdom of the LORD may unite all living beings under a single joyous roof for a celebration that will last for all eternity.

MagicalFlower said:
Name: Decilla
Age: 17

Gender: Female


Clothing: She wears mostly a black dress with a hood.
When in battle she wears this.

View attachment 105002

Kingdom: Demons

Powers: She can posses people, walk through walls, she has wings, and she can disappear.

Type of Creature: Demon

Personality: Angry, loves revenge, sometimes flirts, hates happiness and all things nice,warm and sunny, and she can be sometimes nice in her own little way.


Nautilus said:
Name: Orgnash the Unsilenced
Age: It is a mystery

Gender: It is a mystery


spandez said:
Name: Grulgothron the Merciless
Age: 600

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://telepics.net/uploads/pictures/big_images/Heavy_Metal_Devil.jpg

Clothing: Despite the picture, usually wears a suit when on the boring part of his job.

Kingdom: Devils


> Fire and Brimstone: Gulgothron, like most demons, reeks of volcanic ash and sulfur. His body's internal temperature is high enough that water which comes into contact with his skin starts to steam. This can be further increased, so that attacking a demon is like trying to stab a volcanic vent with a sword made of butter.

> Keeps Coming Back: Hell is where the world's wicked souls end up. Demons, being wicked souls, show up back in hell soon after dying.

> Speak of the Devil: When someone says a demon's name, that demon knows who and where- and can choose to appear next to them.

> Child of the Inferno: Being from a realm that varies between arctic cold and sun-surface heat, temperature-based magic does not affect him. Additionally, he can see in pitch black or blinding light.

> Sonic Cannons: These echo chambers are designed to amplify the screams of the damned into a sonic weapon whose frequency can be adjusted. Also used as a mining tool.

> I know what you did last summer: Demons know EXACTLY what evil you've wrought. It just takes a lot of reading to find it out.

Type of Creature: Demon

Personality: Growing up in hell gives you a unique outlook. Demon politics are filled with family alliances, betrayal, incompetence, and corruption, and they wouldn't have it any other way. It's their job to make sure hell is as miserable for the damned as possible. Because of this, Demons automatically assume the worst from everyone. It's not that they distrust people- it's just that they're looking for betrayal at every turn. Gulgothron is a prime example of this: as head of Infernal Affairs, he's got numerous family members and complete strangers moving for his head at any given moment. They don't actually want to succeed, but they have to keep him sharp- if he dies, then he's a poor choice for head of Infernal Affairs. Infernal Affairs is, in fact, the only part of hell's politics where incompetence is not tolerated- it also deals with expanding the hell-pit.

Bio: Torturing the souls of the damned is a Devil's job. Indeed, Demons have an innate streak of schadenfreude which causes them to REALLY enjoy their job. But many Devils got bored. Sure, racks, spinning wheels, iron maidens, pits of acid, and sulfur mines were hilarious. But they got old pretty fast. So Gulgothron developed an additional layer of torture. A never-ending mosh pit which the damned could not join. Demons got their hedonism and the sounds of tortured screaming, and the damned got to see their torturers having the time of their life with no chance of ever joining in. Because of the sudden spike in employee morale, Gurlgothron was promoted to the head of the Infernal Affairs department- a position he's held for centuries.

MechaGhoul said:
Name: Head 1. Aleksander Gustaw the Bloodthirsty
Head 2. Manfred Malinoski

Head 3. Draga Kasun III

Head 4. 'Iron Lungs' Olaf

Head 5. Stanimir Stevan Zupan

Head 6. Vesna Crencvic aka Trickster Viktor

Age: Head 1. claims older than age itself

Head 2. claims to be 550 years of age

Head 3. claims to be 27 years of age

Head 4. doesn't keep track of it

Head 5. claims to be ten thousand years of age

Head 6. claims to be 889 years of age. And also claimed to be younger, and older. Doesn't keep it straight.

(In all regards it is probably between somewhere of those claims.)

Gender: Male (Though Head 3s and 6s have an insistence otherwise. Draga is positive they are female. Viktor only recently joined along after Draga continued insisting it. Presumably he did it to mess with the other heads.)

All Accepted.
Nautilus said:
MechaGhoul said:

Clothing: The only clothing they have is a pair of massive mahogany clogs for their six limbs.

Kingdom: Dragon

Powers: [*]Svarog's Hardened Hide: These dragon scales, are far thicker than normal dragon-scales (which tends to be incredibly hard, as many bards would attest to.). It is an impregnable defense, bane of physical (melee/ranged what have you) weaponry and resistant to magics.

[*]Breath Weaponry: As to be expected of a dragon, each head has its own particular breath attack

Head 1: Fire

Head 2: Lightning

Head 3: Frost

Head 4: Wind

Head 5: Disease

Head 6: Metal

[*]Dazbog's Fortune: Every dragon needs wealth, as such the very scales of this dragon work as an alchemist stone, able to convert pieces of matter to things it values.

[*]Bardic Beauty: Their songs are not worshiped by countless fleeing and terrified masses for no reason. Its music and songs are unnaturally compelling in making creatures worship/fear/love the mighty dragon.

Type of Creature: Multiple-headed Dragon

Personality: Head 1. Perpetually angry, vain, arrogant

Head 2. Tranquil, affable

Head 3. Cold, professional, seeker of romance

Head 4. Loud, foolish, perpetually excitable

Head 5. Studious, Righteous, Benevolent

Head 6. Devious, Malevolent, Quick to Humor

Bio: They can't agree on a single back-story, other than that over the years they have spread their prowess of the art of folk music to the masses, mainly turning people into bards to sing of their glories. Besides that, they have been known to defeat and capture many heroes/nobility. Sometimes they get put as members of the concubine, other times just for a snack. And they take over many sources of arcane knowledge, and keep and gather massive hoards of treasure, bickering all the while. So typical dragon stuff really.

Extra: They have a massive collection of instruments that they play with, as bardic song is not enough to satisfy them.

Clothing: N/A

Kingdom: Others


  • Music of the Spheres: Orgnash sings the music of the spheres unceasingly, a song which drives mortal creatures to madness and brings them under its thrall.
  • The Stars are Right: Orgnash is a being from outside of the bounds of normal time and space, a constantly shifting and arbitrarily-large mass of ur-matter that can reconfigure itself at will down to a subatomic level.
  • A Whisper in the Darkness: Orgnash has the ability to warp its servants into horrible mutants whose bodies are as warped as their minds
  • A Shadow Out of Time: Orgnash is not bound to the linear flow of time as we percieve it, and is in fact experiencing every moment of its "life" simultaneously.

Type of Creature: Old One

Personality: Orgnash is largely apathetic to the world around it seeing as it is experiencing every point in time simultaneously. Really, it's more a force of nature than an individual entity capable of rational thought.

Bio: Orgnash is a being from outside the normal bounds of existence brought into this dimension by cosmic radiation and complex astrophysics that aren't really important enough to go into. It arrived on a meteorite about 500 years ago and has been gradually growing and terrorizing an ever-larger area around the impact site ever since.
name: masao


gender: male

appearance:human form


werewolf form


clothes: shown in pic

kingdom: half-blood

powers: good eye sight, speed, good smell

creature: werewolf

personality: calm and shy


jakobtatee said:
name: masao

gender: male

appearance:human form


werewolf form


clothes: shown in pic

kingdom: half-blood

powers: good eye sight, speed, good smell

creature: werewolf

personality: calm and shy



Character Structure

Name: Duke Halit Osmolskae

Age: 216 (looks twelve)

Gender: Male

Appearance: short, longish blond hair, permanent holier-than-thou look about him, pale skin, all sharp teeth, youthful features.

Clothing: what this guy's wearing: (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/59/ba/0a/59ba0aa088ee9066f655144b6c332ddd.jpg)

Kingdom: Undead

Powers: Haemokinesis, super agility, can walk on walls and ceilings.

Type of Creature: Pureblood vampire.

Personality: Arrogance incarnate, Halit is extremely up himself and has a superiority complex, especially towards the Halfbloods (being both purebred and a duke). He is naturally warlike and revels in whichever bloodbath he's caught in.

Bio: Halit's mother died in childbirth, and his father died in battle when he was twenty-five. He was raised by his Aunt Regan until he was 198, when he inherited his father's mansion. Halit's aunt taught him how to fight and helped him practise Haemokinesis. She also taught him about the other kingdoms and the war going on, and how he would one day crush them all. This idea went straight to Halit's head and he developed a superiority complex. He is now hell-bent on winning the war for his kingdom, but primarily for himself.

Extra: His steed is a giant, black shadow bat which he flies into battle. Halit carries his cutlass and selection of knives with him at all times.
ThatsAPaddling said:
Character Structure

Name: Duke Halit Osmolskae

Age: 216 (looks twelve)

Gender: Male

Appearance: short, longish blond hair, permanent holier-than-thou look about him, pale skin, all sharp teeth, youthful features.

Clothing: what this guy's wearing: (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/59/ba/0a/59ba0aa088ee9066f655144b6c332ddd.jpg)

Kingdom: Undead

Powers: Haemokinesis, super agility, can walk on walls and ceilings.

Type of Creature: Pureblood vampire.

Personality: Arrogance incarnate, Halit is extremely up himself and has a superiority complex, especially towards the Halfbloods (being both purebred and a duke). He is naturally warlike and revels in whichever bloodbath he's caught in.

Bio: Halit's mother died in childbirth, and his father died in battle when he was twenty-five. He was raised by his Aunt Regan until he was 198, when he inherited his father's mansion. Halit's aunt taught him how to fight and helped him practise Haemokinesis. She also taught him about the other kingdoms and the war going on, and how he would one day crush them all. This idea went straight to Halit's head and he developed a superiority complex. He is now hell-bent on winning the war for his kingdom, but primarily for himself.

Extra: His steed is a giant, black shadow bat which he flies into battle. Halit carries his cutlass and selection of knives with him at all times.
Name: Mia

Age: 15

Gender: female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.8fb51acab9b2baa9d4c5587af3b91e5a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44372" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.8fb51acab9b2baa9d4c5587af3b91e5a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothing: shown in picture

Kingdom: human

Powers: none

Type of Creature:human

Personality: sweet kind but tough.

Bio: . . .

Extra: none



  • image.jpg
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shiloh7664 said:
Name: Mia
Age: 15

Gender: female

Appearance: View attachment 105377

Clothing: shown in picture

Kingdom: human

Powers: elemental: fire, water, air, and earth

Type of Creature:human

Personality: sweet kind but tough.

Bio: . . .

Extra: none
Humans cannot have powers, please change to none or to a witch.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Humans cannot have powers, please change to none or to a witch.

Ok i did
shiloh7664 said:
How can I come in?
Currently, most players are either off on their own or in the Leaping Fox, conducting a concert.

Queen of Fantasy's character is being attacked by some knights from out of nowhere, so you can probably help her out with that.

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