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Fantasy Divided by 11

Elsa strode into the leaping fox, taking a seat gracefully at a table by herself. Whispers and glances filled the room. Everyone had heard the legend of the Frost Spirit. The waiter asked her what she wanted to drink. She smiled kindly and answering with a kind and smooth voice, innocent and soothing.

"Just water, thank you." She says grinning. The waiter goes to get her drink, while she watches the performers.
Discordia watched with disinterest as the neutral human fell dead. She looked up and cocked her eyebrows as numerous bar patrons fled the area to seek out the town guard. A fair number of suddenly-interested figures from across the Kingdoms fell silent as they all stared at Halit.

"You have killed someone in neutral territory. You are going to pay reparations to the community for this transgression, I assume? Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll endanger the hospitality this fine establishment has allowed us."
"Oh, bitch-bitch-moan-bitcch-whine-whine-bitch." said the demon, walking through the blood figure as it evaporated on contact with his skin. He reached out to give the little vampire a noogie. "You're not exactly proving anything by picking on drunken mortals, kid. You didn't even hit puberty before you got turned, so your judgement's kind of... lacking."
Discordia watched as a demon approached. Sighing deeply, she gently rebuked him.

"It does not surprise me that a fallen brother has graced our presence. Please stay out of this conversation, sir. You are not helping the negotiations."
Elsa's attention was caught by a group of people, surrounding a small vampire. She stood up, wanting to introduce herself, since no one usually stayed around to say hello. They all thought she was a spirit. She stood and walked over to them, gracefully and happily.

"Hello." She says bowing slightly.
"I say, it sure was a long way here," NightShade thought aloud. "It probably wasn't the best idea to go out in the rain." The wet blades of grass brushed against her bare feet, along with the mud, which swept over her toes with each step. She brushed her soaked hair from her face. "The Leaping Fox, was it? That must be it up ahead..."
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Halit was surprised by the crowd he had attracted. He, however, directed his focus to the insolent remarks of the demon. "Turned?" He scoffed, "I wasn't turned. I am pureblood. Bred from a long line of true vampires, who don't have bestial affairs with other species. I wasn't looking to prove anything. I just wanted to see the angel dance. If anything, she was the one with something to prove. And yes, hello, spirit girl with the horns." He didn't even look at her. "I meant no ill will killing the man. I merely needed the blood." Halit smirked.
"Hehehehe. HAHAHAHA!" the demon laughed, drowning out the band's music. "You're missing the point here, kid. You shanked a man on neutral ground so you could play dollies with his blood." The demon wiped a tear from his eye, chuckling for a moment before his face went dead serious. "That's an act of war."
Decillia sat there listening to the conversation. She knew it wasn't going to end well. She rolled her eyes annoyed. She turned to the other demon. "It doesn't matter if its an act of war. He'll just burn in hell like the rest of his kind that were as stupid as him." Saying that Decillia finished her drink. Turning around she started to walk out the door.
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"War?" Halit giggled, "An act of war? Open your eyes, demon! We're already at war! And in all honesty, I don't give a damn about neutrality. I don't see how you can have neutral ground in the depths of an eleven-way war. I've fought wars. I've won wars. I know wars, and in modern warfare, rules go out of the window and into the river. Now, I'd like to see that dance." He reformed the person from the condensed blood, now with arms crossed and foot tapping.
Discordia shook her head. This flagrant disregard for the rules of warfare would not stand!

"It surprises me that someone who has supposedly won wars does not understand the concept of neutral ground. By demonstrating your hostility to noncombatants in a neutral area, you have confirmed yourself as a viable target to anyone with the ability to capture you. As an enemy lord, your status would make you a very lucrative prisoner. The townspeople demand justice, and I'm sure even the unjust would be happy to deliver it. Come quietly into custody, and I will ensure that your stay is pleasant and short."

The myriad other monsters from all across the kingdom of the bar were standing up. Some were from the Ogre Kingdom, some were from the Elf Kingdom, some enterprising Outsiders were stepping up, there was even a Vampire Lord in the mix, apparently looking for a chance to demonstrate Halit's actions to the king!
Halit saw no difficulty. He clenched his fist and the blood person crystallised in front of them. He then jerked his hand open into a splayed-fingers position and bolted for the door as razor-sharp shards of red crystal flew across the room in every direction.
NightShade walked into the Leaping Fox, and wasn't surprised by the commotion going on within it. What she noticed more than that was Halit. She knew who he was; his father had died defending the Undead kingdom. She would have helped him out of the situation, but she knew well that he could handle it all on his own. He had a good amount of power in him. She leaned against the wall to see how this would end.
The crystals of blood fanned out across the room, striking an Ogre drummer in the prodigious gut, an elf plant-singer in the trachea, five human villagers in various areas, and the vampire lord in the heart. Each of them fell dead, as the blood stuck in them rapidly melted. A scream that only a mother who lost her child could make rang out, as she cradled her wounded son.

This concert had become a bloodbath, and now the bar patrons were howling for justice!
The demon resumed cackling, tackling the vampire child to the ground.


The demon then began putting his arm arm around the boy's neck, his body temperature rising. Scorchmarks appeared in the floor as he began to give the vampire child the worst, most painful, most volcanic noogie of his life.
Taking advantage of Halit's preoccupation, Discordia surged forward. Drawing forth a spare pillar from her Garuda's Towers, she brandished it and began speaking to Halit in an authoritative voice.

"Duke Halit Osmolskae, you are hereby placed under the custody of the..."

She glanced at Grulgothron the Merciless, who was currently scalding the scalp of his vampiric victim.

"Ugh... you are hereby placed under the custody of the Demon Kingdom, until such time that you are released by them. Please refrain from struggling, I understand that my... less pious brothers are not one to treat their prisoners nicely. Rest assured, you will be surely kept safe so long as your ransom is paid."
NightShade raised an eyebrow. This was something she wasn't expecting. And who were these people? She certainly hasn't seen them around here, but that might just be because she missed them...

"Excuse me," she stepped up a bit. "You seem to have serious business with one of my race, one who resides in the same kingdom as I. What has he done to receive this... er... punishment...?" She couldn't find the proper word, for she had only just arrived and did not witness the entire thing.
The noogie intensified. Smoke was beginning to rise from the kid's head.

"This little brat murdered, like, nine dudes here on neutral ground. Including a child. And don't give me any of that 'BUT WE MUST FEED' horseshit either, he just straight up shanked one of them and killed the rest by turning blood into a frag grenade."
Discordia glared at Grugolthon, then turned to NightShade.

"What he says is true. As of right now, Duke Hatil Osmolskae has committed several war crimes, and..."

Discordia glanced around the room. The telltale dusty skeleton of a killed vampire stood out amongst the carnage.

"Has also inadvertently committed high treason. You will be free to ransom for his release and, of course, trial in the confines of the Vampire Kingdom as soon as the Demon Kingdom is willing."
NightShade nodded. "That seems fair enough. After committing such crimes, I can see why you would do this sort of thing."

She looked at Grugolthon, but decided not to say anything. She didn't want to end up the same way, nor did she want to needlessly walk into problems bigger than the current situation.
A hunched figure no taller than about four and a half feet, cloaked in strange, discolored leather, shuffled into the bar and sat down. Yes, this was none other than one of the Priests Capellan, the most blessed of Orgnash's children, bonded with a parcel of Orgnash's own flesh to do as they saw fit. It raised a lumpy, mitten-clad hand- but as the bartender was currently hiding underneath the bar, no drink came.

It watched the creatures fighting, and licked its many lips. SOON, it thought.
"Ya! Olaf like a tuba!" the head that was Olaf of the great and mighty dragon said. The terrifying creature continued to fly towards a rather large and jagged series of peaks. A spooky set of natural formations to be sure. Not the spookiest thing the dragon held sway over, but a piece nonetheless.

Aleksander growled out in fury. "GAAAAAAAAAH OLAF VOULD YOU CUT IT OUT!?" He said twisting his neck to glance at the Olaf. As a reptile, he had no tear-ducts to cry, but Olaf began bawling. Manfred shook his head from side to side. "Jus' chill Alek. Almos' there." Draga simply grumbled, "Ja I think ve know vhat me must do."

Stanimir solemnly nodded. "Indeed, in our break, we must be prepared. Luckily we have what we need right here." The dragon landed upon the jagged peaks, and entered a large carved out cave complex. The cave. The dragon landed down as it entered the cavern.

"Ja time for dancings." Draga noted out, as she stared at a pair of mahogany clogs. It was time... It was time for the Dragon to return the gift of music to the world. "But vhere?" Vesna mused, pondering on a place where much mischief could happen.
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"The sentence for his crimes adds up 666 years in the acid mines, by the way. I'm not even kidding. That's not a demon stretching for the 666 thing. I mean, 36 years per victim gives you 324, and then 38 years for each of the nine victims for committing the crime on neutral ground for 342. 666, seriously."

The acid mines of the demon kingdom were a cruel, cruel place to end up. Regular releases of rats into the tunnels to inconvenience the miners, the stench of built-up gasses that prevent the use of light, and of course the constant chemical burns. It was, the demons believed, a merciful alternative to lifetime imprisonment or execution. After all, theoretically, a long-lived race could serve their time and go on with their lives.

"I mean, it's a special occasion when someone commits enough crimes to break 665 years of sentencing. That calls for a reward! I'm thinking another century in the acid mines. Fitting for killing a child on neutral ground, really."

The demon then proceeded to sit on the child, lighting a cigar with his thumb.

"Bail is set at three billion hellbucks, by the by. Unfortunately, the First National Bank of Hell is closed at the moment, so we can't do currency exchange. Of course, there's also the extradition treaty we've got, so maybe he can work it off by servitude to his betters in his native kingdom."
Halit could barely breathe under the demon's weight. So he did the only thing he could. He leaned forward and sank his teeth deep into the beast's leg. Hilarity ensued. In the commotion, Halit darted out of the doors and leaped onto the saddle of Ubmot, his shadow-bat. Pulling on the reins, he shouted, "Up!" And they took off.

So, Halit thought, A fugitive, a murderer, a traitor and an underage drinker. Not bad seeing as I just wanted a drink.

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