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Dice Divergent

@CookieMexx If you look at the top of the site there should be a DICE on the right of GALLERY, click that and just make sure to choose to roll once on a die with 15 sides name roll it for fears
Yunn said:
@CookieMexx If you look at the top of the site there should be a DICE on the right of GALLERY, click that and just make sure to choose to roll once on a die with 15 sides name roll it for fears
Thank you, I found it!

[QUOTE="Faction Before Blood]Yes we are still accepting just post your character in the sign up section and I'll look it over. After that just jump in where you can
Character sheet:

Birth name

Chosen name

Faction of origin



Other important information


*number of fears will be determined by one role of a 15 faced dice,

then come back and YOU make up the fears that equal the number rolled*

I posted my character in the Character Sign-up.
*claps* I was gonna change Clary's CS pic to the original brown-haired pic but that'd ruin the whole Clary thing.
Quick Q. Do we have to fight eachother or will we fight an npc? And does it matter who wins if we do fight eachother?
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Orihara said:
Quick Q. Do we have to fight eachother or will we fight an npc? And does it matter who wins if we do fight eachother?
Each other. I'll explain it when we get there


Orihara said:
Quick Q. Do we have to fight eachother or will we fight an npc? And does it matter who wins if we do fight eachother?
Each other. I'll explain it when we get there
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Also @Orihara as much as I love your imagination can we tone it down with the divergent thing? At this moment in the game I didn't really plan on that being a big. It will become more important during the second part of initiation, for the sake of those people playing divergent characters, but for now can we play nicely for a bit? And try to interact with the others maybe?
They have cake... I don't see why not

@Bazmund jace isn't a transfer, he is not with that group he is in the mess hall already. Edit your post and I'll reply to it
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June is antisocial because she has a fear of friendship. I thought other ppl would try to break the ice but nope she's just gonna be a lonely freak who plays with her food. And her parents taught her to make her life about the hatred of divergent. She eats and breathes hate. If I made her start making friends I would be deviating from the character.
I will get on a post soon @Bazmund

@Orihara well she is kinda intimating. If you want to interact with the others it might be a good idea to tone her down a bit. I didn't realize you were going to so openly hate all things divergent when I approved her... Just sayin. I don't want to control you but I also don't want this to be about finding the divergent just yet. I want people to make friends and enemies so that when we do start really getting into finding divergents those things will automatically come into play. At the least piss people off...

@Musicomar4 two things sweetheart. First can you copy and paste your character in the character section here please? So everyone's characters are in the same place? And I believe you made yours dauntless born so you wouldn't get a tour anyway... Just saying. I posted eairler that dauntless born kids go straight to the mess hall with Damon.

Sorry y'all I'm a little OCD

One last thing I have a feeling one of our divergent characters may have dropped out. I will talk to him and if that is the case I will pick a new one
@Faction Before Blood

Sorry :P if you really want me to tone her down a little, I will, but I'm not gonna change her personality lol. I'm usually pretty serious about staying in character. And dauntless is about fighting your fears right? Even if she's intimidating someone will break the ice, or she'll get over it in phase 2
I said nothing about changeling her personality. Dauntless is about a lot of things. Bravery is what they stand for and facing their fears is part of that, but that doesn't mean everyone has to talk to a person that scares them (character wise to whoever is applicable) most people will avoid what scares them the only true time anyone faces all their fears is in the fear landscape. I'm not trying to be an ass and I am aware I probably sound like one but most normal people don't play with their food. I'm trying to look out for your character, the more you don't interact with other characters the more likely it is that's how it's going to stay

Don't expect people to come to you
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Most normal people, well she does lol.

Sen is gonna maybe be friend #1 of this awkward psycho chick
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you know at first its a little sad how June is acting but you realize its crazy too I don't know what to think about her ( :P )
Dtlee31 said:
you know at first its a little sad how June is acting but you realize its crazy too I don't know what to think about her ( :P )
I view all of my RP characters as my children. June is one of the awkward murderous ones that I still love regardless.
@Faction Before Blood my character is Eriudite well, was. Her mother used to bring her to the dauntless compound on weekends when there was no school and her parents had to work. Her mother was an architect working on the fear simulator.

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