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His breath was coming fast and hard, fast and hard, as he made it onto the train. He had actually been among the first, a dashing smile and a crazed exhilaration washing through him as he leapt on, grabbing the handle by the side of the open door.

And then, as his car towards the front of the train left the safety of the platform, and went out over a bridge, a sudden, vast, probably lethal (judging by the apparent distance to the floor almost certainly lethal - especially given that the factionless do not receive medical aid even in emergencies) space beneath him.

And he slipped.

But he was caught.

A tall, muscular looking, dark skinned woman pulled him back in.

"Brave, coming at the front like that, you being a transfer and all." She complimented him. "We can teach you your hand-eye coordination in time. But you have the guts you need, young one. That's the one thing I've never seen taught." He smiled at her, shaking her hand vigorously.

"Good to know you got yours ready to go." She patted his butt in... well, it was an interesting form of camaraderie. Quite... hearty, for camaraderie.

Still, she was hardly unattractive, and scarce older than him, it didn't look like. Perhaps he'd get to know her better later.

"You're out of erudite, right? What's your name?"

He grinned. Maybe he could do that now - and get to know her even more intimately later. The Dauntless were hardly shy about that kind of thing, he'd found. He could use that to his advantage in more ways than one.

"The name is Rickard, and yes. Straight out of the Erudite. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He winked.

"Oh my." She chuckled to her friends. "That Erudite charm, though. My name is Helena. It's gonna be fun watching you train, Rickard."

"It's gonna be fun being watched - depending on how closely I see you watching, that is."

She laughed good and proper then. One of the boys towards the back gave a hoot, and in the air of the fast moving Dauntless Express, it felt like a million people all cheering for him. Right Choice. They were saying. Logically, of course, you've fucked up. But that's just logic, and it doesn't matter any more.

Right Choice.

Right Choice.


"Helena's found a boyfriend!" Someone shouted, and Helena punched them jokingly - though other than that she hardly seemed about to protest. Rickard wasn't about to say no to... whatever the hell they were on about either.

All of a sudden, he found himself being pulled up close to her, arm around his shoulders, and... body awfully close. He wasn't used to this at Erudite. You'd get reprimanded for this at Erudite. Nobody did this at Erudite, friendly or otherwise.

"Rickard here is gonna be one of us!"

Right fucking choice, mate!

Once her breathing calmed, and was about to get up until she heard a voice. *


* She had heard of that term before when she was sitting at the stands of the dauntless in the choosing ceremony to the girl next to her. *

...Do they call all the abnegation kids that?

* She concluded. Looking around she saw no one with gray clothes, meaning the guy had been talking to her. Standing up by herself, she dusted off the debris on her dress, and only nodded. Judging by his attire he was a dauntless. Though she had accepted his introduction, she didn't feel the need to give out her name and said nothing, awkwardly staring at him.

Well then, thought Zephyr, somebody doesn't like you.... Nevertheless Zephyr kept a smile on his face, undaunted by this girl's cold shoulder. "So... Uh... I guess... Hi." He fumbled trying to think of something that would get a reaction out of this kid. He had shit social skills so he doubted she would want to talk to him anyway but it was worth a try.
Having canoodled with his new Dauntless friends, Rickard had elected to stroll about the train, checking out the other Dauntless initiates, and the other transfers.

He saw at least four who would never make it. Even his pampered Erudite self could see that. They were scared and green and one of them was crying already - my god, have some dignity.

And then he saw the others he assumed would be the characters he accompanied through training. They were the ones who looked like they could survive. They were the toughies. They would be his fellow cast members on the great stage of the world. Whether he supported them, or they were backup to him, of course, was yet to be revealed. After all, the curtains had only just gone up, the orchestra only just finished testing their delicate strings.

Things had only just begun.

He found two in particular, having something of a confrontation by the looks of it.

Rickard was also taller than both of them, and must have looked older too. Oddly enough, they seemed to be the only two who looked even remotely like a 16 year old should do - like a child, that is, ladies and gentlemen - and they might just be having the most realistic encounter of the lot of the transfers.

"Oh? Our dear friend from Abnegation - which is a really odd faction title, by the way, the word doesn't really mean what your faction seems to think it does - has something of an objection to the word 'stiff'." He smarmed, coming up to the side of the Dauntless kid.

"And our Dauntless friend here - Dauntless born, that is, I can't imagine we're any of us classes as officially anything just yet - seems to have something of a predilection for that very same word. No matter, my friends. I may not be a Candor, but I like to think I'm something of a wise guy, and I'm sure I can play the mediator to your little squabble, no?"

He stood between the two, and a little to the side. This would be entertaining, even if it wasn't an opportunity to smile and make friends among the other transfers.

"So what is the problem?"
June Saunders had sprinted with the others, not really saying anything to anyone else. They didn't need to know who she was, just what she looked like, because she was likely to scoot herself into their nightmares soon enough. She did to her family, and everyone she'd ever met. She was just kind of a blunt person and difficult to get comfortable with. She jumped onto the train with perfect form, then looked around at the others, studying them with seemingly robotic eyes. What kind of people were she going to meet? Would they insist on making friends with her? Would she drive them away like everyone else who tried? She'd just have to find out.


Um...aren't you being a little too close.

* Vee had thought uncomfortably, as a strange guy had just called her his friend. She had never seen him before. But judging from the way he had spoken he was most likely erudite. Though his blue clothes had said it all too. Instinctively she took a small step away from him. Changing her target of her awkward stare he looked at the Erudite. *

...Squabble? But we weren't really talking much less quarreling...This is stupid.

* Without giving the guy much of an answer she decided to leave to the next car.


She had made it to the first car and was followed by her friends, it seems the only ones making to the first car were dauntless born. In another moment another one of them had joined. Lending the girl a hand she said

"It's all good, Opal, we were expecting you anyways. Quite an entrance you made there though."

The screech of the train on the tracks, the exciting click clack as it made its way towards them. It wasn't particularly fast, but it felt like it. He turned and faced the other Dauntless as the train started to pass, they started to run. Adrenaline peaked and the boy started to chase them, it was like a game he used to play when he was younger, where they chased each other around until they were exhausted. Now however, he saw them jump and latch onto the side, grabbing the tiny metal handles and being yanked up with the train. Several of them pushed the yellow buttons on the side of the metal monstrosity, the doors slid open with a hiss and in they went.

Still running, Micheal followed, jumping up and grabbing onto the metal handle with ease. He wasn't very fast but he wasn't winded either. Sliding into the opening, he braced himself inside and turned, reaching out for anyone who needed another lift.

"Hurry!" he smiled wildly, hands grasping someones forearm as they jumped, barely missing the edge of the platform, he pulled them in. As he pulled the last person in, he leaned out the side, looking left and right, his vest whipping in the wind. Pulling himself in quickly, avoiding a tunnel, he stepped back towards a wall and chuckled lightly to himself, not the least bit tired.
Henry watched the train speeding towards the group of initiates. He stood only for a moment but then began sprinting again, only this time instead of going towards the train, he was running in the same direction of the train's travel. The initiates were beginning to thin out already, several of them jumped just a second before he ran through the space they had been standing in. The train was passing him by without so much as a hint of slowing. And there it was, the end of the platform.

His eyes were fixed on the end of the platform as he neared it at full speed, the train on his left. Henry quickly looked left and saw his door. It wasn't any door, it was the last door. Henry's legs pumped hard as he pushed himself towards the end of the platform, and he finally jumped. The jump was awkward at best, and later than he'd planned it to be. His right foot landed with a hard thud on the floor of the train, and he managed to get both hands on the handrail to the left of the door. His right foot slid forward on the floor of the train, and for a very scary moment he was out of control of himself as the momentum he'd built up stuffed the rest of him into the train and onto the floor in a heap.

I think I made it, he thought to himself.

Its seemed very appropriate in Henry's mind to just enjoy looking at the ceiling of the train while he processed everything going on.
Already, June could see people fighting... or, what looked like something that might have equated a fight, though stupid as it was. She let out a small sigh,. Were all of her comrades going to be this emotional? She pulled a music player out of her coat's pocket and plugged the earbuds in, playing some death metal. It made her feel calm, for some odd reason.


"Nice going, Nose. You scared her off with all your fancy words.... I didn't even get her name" he accused the blue clad lad just before getting pulled backwards by the back of shirt, letting out a surprised noise as he went. The same person that pulled at Zephyr was also the hand that pushed Rickard to the side. And all Zephyr could do was let it happen until he could see the one he knew had grabbed him.



He pulled his adoptive brother off to the side of the car, at the same time pushing the Nose in the other direction "I thought I-" the bigger boy was cut off by Zephyr's fist. "Thought you told me not to talk to the transfers? Go die in a ditch. I don't care what Sirius or Damon says about you, you are not a part of my family. You are the reason your mother jumped after your father died. And I bet you had something to do with your sister's disappearance too, didn't you. I don't have to listen to you anymore so you stay the hell away from me." Zephyr told the bigger boy all in one hushed rush. It was obvious the smaller boy didn't like being pushed around.... But the thing that no one knew, Zephyr was right about Jace. His father was the only one that could handle him growing up and his mother couldn't stand him, favoring his little sister. When Jace's father died holding back a group of factionless his mother knew she couldn't handle the boy. So partly out of fear and partly out of grief, she jumped in the Chasm leaving her little girl to fend for her self. It wasn't long after that the girl disappeared. And Zephyr knowing that only made him a target in Jace's mind, though the bigger boy blew the other off with a whatever and left. Jace was already planing what he would do to silence the other for good.
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"What can I say? I'm a showy girl." Opal took Amber's hand gratefully and made it back to her feet. She was happy to see that most of her Dauntless acquaintances hadn't picked a different Faction, and her happiness radiated off of her in waves. She couldn't wipe a smile from her face, everything about what was happening was filling her to the brim with excitement. She hadn't been this happy since the time she caused an explosion, although that happiness faded quickly when the fire scorched her back bloody raw. "It's good to see some Dauntless born in here. At least a few of us won't break down in tears anytime soon." She ran a hand through her wavy auburn hair. It was a rare occurrence, but at the moment her locks hung low, down to the middle of her butt. Running had sent her loose bun into disaster, and she lost her hair tie back below the tracks, for now she would just have to deal with it. "What about you Amber? Are you feeling as pumped as I am?" Amber's presence was a relief to Opal, though she wouldn't admit it. Who would want to be alone at a time like this? How awkward would it have been to stand alone while everyone finds or makes friends? For now Opal would cling to their hopefully blossoming friendship for dear life, but no one was friends when it came securing a spot on the leader board, especially if you were close to being eliminated, which Opal wished that neither Amber or she came close to.

June's eyes widened as her earbuds short-circuited and popped, exploding out of her ears. She looked around. Was somebody releasing happiness waves in her immediate vicinity? Disgusting...
Standing off in a less crowded area she heard the announcement that "those who don't get on will be factionles"

This idea terrified Sen, all her ideals, all her plans for her future could be gone before the ever started.

Snapping from her frozen fear, she sprinted for everything she was worth.

Shoving and pushing anyone who got in her way.

She wasn't the only one doing this, and she cursed to herself about how this had devolved into madness.

Fortunately she was so far along the platform from her walk from before that she was able to get on a train car in the back third.

gagging to catch her breath, she sat down on the nearest seat and slumped against a window.
I walk to the next car gentle moving people out of the way as I walk trying to found a less cowered car but realizing that was not going to happen I sit back on the metal wall of the train look out one of the windows rubbing my dreamcatcher

Chuckling, she put an arm around Opal's shoulder.

"Yes girl, Work it."

Since many of the others had decided to leave as the only a few would be able to get in and the rest factionless. *

Well I guess it's there choice.

* She thought, she was glad that some of them stuck around, after all she knew they would all be fun and crazy, like her. Being born into this faction, it's not an exaggeration that those who decided to transfer will miss the excitement that had happened in the faction. All the parties, explosions, fights. And now it was her chance to become a real member forever. She had felt the same as Opal, being with these friends all her life, she didn't need to tone down anytime soon.

"Haha, true that. Seeing the newbies I don't know if they can handle my kind of fun. And Opal, what is there not to be pumped? More than pumped I'm ecstatic!"

She couldn't wait to figure out what it'd be like to be a real member, and to continue all these fun, flashing moments.
Sen could barely hear anything over the sounds of the train, and her still heavy breathing.

however she did notice Smith enter the car.

he was standing very close to her, but it wasn't his fault.

there was very little room on the small train car, but she still felt an invasion of her personal space.

her claustrophobic anxiety made her very short tempered.

seeing him rub this strange web thing annoyed and slightly fascinated her into asking.

"What the Hell are you doing? "


Viola barely heard the other girl's call over the roar of the others and the approaching train. The girl who had called her looked interesting, and for Viola, interesting was definitely good.

She was about to call her reply reply when the train came whistling around the bend. She resigned herself to catch up with the girl later and took off running with the crowd. Her dress and skirt made the run a bit difficult, but - pausing for a moment - Viola paused, leaned down, and ripped the side of her skirt up the seam, making it much easier to run.

Yet another smile appearing on her face - she had never smiled this much in her entire life - she rejoined the quickly moving group as they pursued the train.

Viola watched the others, curious as to how they were going to jump onto the still rapidly moving train. She sized the train up. Luckily for her, she was a lot more fit than many of the other Abnegation members, and she was definitely stronger. That being said, she had to get on the train.

She waited for the people in front of her - the people at the front of the middle of the group - to jump on, then braced herself and leaped, grabbing towards the handhold.

While she succeeded in grabbing the train, she also succeeded in smashing her hand painfully into the side of the train. For a moment she found herself swinging, holding on with only one hand. Adrenaline ripped through her, and yet, once again she found herself smiling.

She swung herself into the train and landed, taking a moment to recover. Breathing hard and shaking her sore hand after her arrival on the train - a bit more awkward than she had initially hoped for - she looked up, trying to get her bearings and deciding to try to find the girl who had shouted to her.

Finally laying eyes on the girl, Viola quickly headed over. For a moment before arriving at the girl and her new companion, Viola found herself hesitating. She wasn't used to being the one to initiate conversation. She didn't know how the Dauntless spoke to each other, or if there were social rules she shouldn't over step. Also, Viola herself was not the most outgoing person ever, adding to this moment of discomfort.

Then she once again found herself thinking Screw it and she walked over.

"Hey. You yelled at me before right?" Giving the girl an even stare. "To answer your question..." She broke out in a grin. "Yes, I couldn't wait to get the hell out of Abnegation!"

Hunter Dominique

Hunter joked around with his friends, loping along with ease as he ran with the pack of energetic running towards the train. Unlike the new initiates, Hunter had no fear of the train. In fact, he had practiced a number of techniques to get on the train. Each had their own flourish, and each were significantly more impressive - at least in Hunters mind. And all his mind was currently focused on was impressing the girls. He was looking forward to this.

He didn't have to wait long as Damon made his little intro speech meant to warn - and scare - the newbies. Hunter paid this little speech no mind as he joined the front of the Dauntless pack. Timing his jump just right - an action he had practiced a number of times - he jumped effortlessly into the train, making a show of how easy he found the action.

Once successfully - and quite gracefully - aboard, he leaned out of the train door and grinned at those still running. He leaned back into the train and gave Jace a meaningful shrug. "Well, looks like more newbies are gonna make it onto the train this year. I never should have taken that bet!"
I turn around and look at her confusingly and say 'I'm sorry if I was to close to you' I look at the dreamcatcher 'And as for this it's a dreamcatcher my little sister made it for me would you like to hold it'
Looking at the dream catcher, a sort of jealousy to root in her.

she never had a sibling, or anything special made for her.

She snapped back " I was raised Candor, we don't hold faith in superstitious trinkets."

Realizing she was being cruel, she sighed and apologized. "... Sorry.. I guess I'm a little on edge. . I'm Sen.. The proctor called me Satu."

Running her fingers through her short hair she scooted closer to the wall with the window and added "Anyway, if you want a seat, you can sit next to me..If you want."

Trying to act disinterested she nursed her hand, that she had over cut
'I see well its still nice to meet you Sen I'm Nightingale or you can call me Smith' I accept the seat next to you I look at your hand and point 'Would you like me to wrap that for you' I tear a piece of my shirts shoulder

With the other dauntless born and Opal they were chatting about some little things, some big things, heck they were already planning on what they were going to do after they got back. Her attention soon turned towards the girl who had joined the first car in a very noticeable dress. It wasn't like it stood out in color, but among the black leather, and red clothes, it was the only one out of place. A gray dress. After taking a better look at her face she remembered who it was. *

Ah, it's the stiff from earlier

* She was about to mind her own business thinking nothing of her until she walked up in front of her. Raising an eyebrow, she held both her arms together deciding to see what this Stiff had to say. Upon hearing her answer, she smiled. *

Oh she's got some guts into her. Not that I hate it*

she thought. She then swift fully held out her fist in front of the girl.

"Hoo, I guess I was right, you're pretty cool...for a stiff"

She added.

"What's your name?"
Sen eyed him up and down with a distrusting sneer, but the bleeding was becoming annoying, and it didn't look like it would stop on its own; so she agreed.

reluctantly letting him wrap it, she mumbled out an embarrassed "Thank you.."

As Smith bandaged it, she looked around with a nervous glances.

The last thing she wanted was to been seen as weak by the Dauntless born.

Heaving a sigh she jeered " I guess I really over did it..I'll have to avoid stupid mistakes in the future.. "
June watched as Smith tore a piece of his own cloth, offering it to the girl. A voice raged inside her head as she squinted her crimson eyes and stared at him hatefully. He chose the path of Dauntless, yet here he was, his Abnegation blatantly showing. IT'S DIVERGENT!!! KILL IT!! KILL IT!! She ignored the voice for the time being. She'd rather not cause a scene on the train, although she'd be more than happy to throw him off the train right there.

Jace made his way over to the group of dauntless borns after his confrontation with Zephyr only to see a perfect opportunity. He winded his way through the group until he was right next to Hunter. "I'll let you keep your money.. If you help me with something either tonight or tomorrow night." He told the other in a hushed tone so no nearby transfers, he hoped, would hear him. "I want to weed out the weak links, get rid of some competition."
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