Divergent, A new Generation.


Junior Member
The society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue. These are: Abnegation, Erudite, Dauntless, Amity, and Candor. On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives after taking a placement test.

Abnegation (The Selfless)


I choose to turn away from my reflection, to rely not on myself but on my brothers and sisters, to project always outward until I disappear.

–Abnegation Manifesto

The faction that values selflessness in the service of others. These are ones who do community service

The dystopic society of Chicago is ruled by a council of fifty people, composed entirely of representatives from Abnegation because their faction is incorruptible, due to their commitment to selflessney feet. Abnegations color is grey. They must wear all grey loose fitting clothes to not attract attention to themselves. They can also wear a plain watch.

Erudite (The Intelligent)

  1. Bookcases line the walls on either side of me, but they seem to be decorative more than anything, because computers occupy the tables in the center of the room, and no one is reading. The Erudites stare at screens with tense eyes, focused.

According to the norms of the faction, it is dictated that a faction member must wear at least one blue article of clothing at a time, because blue causes the body to release calming chemicals which attest to their saying, a calm mind is a clear mind. It is also noted that Erudites are big on speeches and that Eloquence are for them.

Dauntless (The Brave)


We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another... We believe in shouting for those who can only whisper, in defending those who cannot defend themselves.

–Dauntless Manifesto

The faction who tests their bravery by attempting death defying feats. According to Tris’s father, he called them, “hellions.” They are pierced, tattooed, reckless and black-clothed. Their primary purpose is to guard the fence that surrounds the city. In the choosing ceremony, it is noted that Dauntless provides the city with protection from threats both within and without. Dauntless children are known for their noisy and unruly behavior. They are seen laughing, shouting and involved in various games and dares.

This faction lives at the “Pit”. An underground cavern that can cater to all of the families within the faction. Built into the uneven stone walls are places for food, clothing, supplies and leisure activities. Narrow paths and steps carved from rock connect them. There are no barriers or safety devices that prevents a poor soul from falling over the side and into their deaths at the bottom. Blue lanterns light the path of the passage ways and it grows stronger when the day ends.

Training takes place from eight to six then afterwards are free to do whatever they like after six. Initiates are then ranked to choose the top ten members who become a part of the Dauntless Faction while the remaining initiates become factionless and kicked out of the compound.

Amity (The Peaceful)


Give freely, trusting that you will be given what you need... Do not be angry. The opinions of others cannot damage you... The wrong is past. You must let it rest where it lies... You must no longer think cruel thoughts. Cruel thoughts lead to cruel words, and hurt you as much as they hurt their target.

–Amity Manifesto

The faction who values peace above else. The ones who try to make everything peaceful. Members of the Amity Faction are dressed in red or yellow. Every time Tris sees them, they look kind, loving and free. Amity children are seen playing hand slapping games and singing songs. They mostly have a laid back happy go lucky attitudes and are viewed as artists. Yet despite that, Amity has given Chicago understanding counselors and caretakers. Robert Black is known to have chosen this faction. He readily hugs Tris and notes of her bruises. He told her to go back to Abnegation and that they would make an exception of her but she refused. He says she should be happy. A trait of every Amity that he wanted for her but she rebuked him and says, “the goal of my life isn’t just... to be happy.”

Candor (The Honest)


Truth makes us transparent. Truth makes us strong. Truth makes us inextricable.

–Candor Manifesto

The faction that values honesty. The ones who can’t even tell one little lie. A member of the Candor faction can be recognized because of his black suit and white tie, a Candor standard uniform. They see the truth as black and white so that is what they wear. Through the years, the Candor Faction provided the people with trustworthy and sound leaders in law. Candor children are seen to make wide gestures with their hands and appear to be arguing. They are very truthful and would even frankly and tactlessly say what they feel. The candor initiation does not utilize simulation but utilize lie detectors tests and truth serum. An initiate sits in front of everyone and are asked a load of really personal questions. According to Christina, the theory is that if the person reveals all his secrets, he has no desire to lie about anything because the worst is already in the open.


There is one more group that is not part of the social classes or factions. These are the factionless. These are the people who failed to complete their initiation into whatever faction they chose and live in poverty, doing the work no one else wants to do. They are the janitors, construction workers and garbage collectors. They are the ones who make fabric, operate trains and drive buses. In return for their work they get food and clothing. They live in places in collapsed roads, empty subways full of trash and sewage.


  1. Make a character for each faction, try to even the genders! (Factionless not included)

  2. Be respectful, Some drama is allowed.

  3. Keep is Pg-13

  4. You must listen to the faction leaders.

  5. Have fun










Name: Lidia Rose Lane

Age: just turned 17

Gender: Female

Faction: Abnegation


Personality: She is sweet kind and selfless. She thinks of the well being of others and puts others feeling before her own. It is usually hard to tell what she is really feeling or what she really thinks because she either doesn't want to hurt your feeling or is just agreeing with you to be nice.

Crush: No one yet

Name: Ashlynn Nonan

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: My Profile picture

Personality: Smart funny can be sarcastic, she loves learning new things

Crush: Caleb

Other: Ashlynn has a temper but she fights with her words, she doesn't throw punches
this one wasn't a very good success so, i may make a new role play soon. You can join that one if you are interested.

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