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"If there was any chance you'd really sacrifice that girl just to get a swing at me? Then at least two more." Sienna answered coolly before she turned around.

"But we both know that's not how this is going to work. For as indestructible as you can be, as impossible as you are to kill, there's still one part of you that's always been easy to cut at. So go put that soft heart to work something useful for once and either put Taurus out of her misery or in my custody. Or both these girls will be corpses before the night is out."

She started for the door on the other end of the room. "Hound, Tiger, go with her. Make sure this gets done."

"...…" Her hands hovered in the air just by the hilts of the two blades on her back, eyes flickering around the room at all of them. Sienna, Bear, Hound, Tiger, Snake. Some quick mental maths played out in her head, trying to calculate if the use of her semblance would be enough time...if she could do it before one of them put the poor girl down, permanently. Temporary complete immunity to damage, it could let her strain her body beyond what it usually could do. Push every muscle beyond their ordinary limits. Go faster, hit harder, endure more without regard for the pain that would inflict on herself...but after that minute was up, she would feel it in spades. Bad thing to deal with in the middle of a fight. She'd be easy prey then. And without her semblance...there were too many.

"..........Fuck. FUCK!" She growled in pure frustration, hands lowering back to her sides and away from the hilts of Chronos and Meridian. She couldn't do it. Not with the chameleon at risk like that. Not against five of them. Not by herself. The croc reluctantly started for the door. As tough as her scaled hide was, as hard as she tried to be, as many times as she seamlessly blended in with the scum of the criminal underworld to learn what information she could...Sienna was ultimately right. The tiger knew exactly where to hit her to make it really hurt.​

Sienna paused at the door to shoot him a subtle glare before she gave one last order. "Bear, Snake, take this Ilia to the dungeon. If Miss Jade hasn't done her part in ten minutes... kill her."

Ten minutes. That gave her a timeframe at least. And with their numbers reduced to two...more mental scenarios played out in her head as she did her best to try and figure out how fast Eve and her together could take out Hound and Tiger in a 2v2 fight. The Talons were no joke, but neither was she and neither was the former White Fang leader. How much time would be left after that to get to Ilia?

Tock didn't let any of those thoughts be super obvious to Sienna, her stony gaze lingering on the High Leader. ".......You used to have a soul." She hissed out in equal parts sorrow and frustration. She hated that the tiger could so easily exploit her like that, but she couldn't keep herself from feeling sad at the loss of something that she once admired about Khan. She felt even sadder that she knew someone had to take her out.

To put a stop to this madness...and she feared it would have to be her to do it.​

Sienna finally glanced back at Tock with one narrowed eye and a slight tilt of her head, expression inscrutable at the angle.

"...I know you've always had a fondness for clocks, Liadan. You do your best work under the pressure. So tick tock."

With that weighing on her mind, even as Sienna pointed out the dwindling time she had...the croc couldn't help herself. She stepped closer in an instant, her face moving in for a quick and forceful kiss. It lasted for only a few seconds, if that, but it was enough. When Tock pulled away, or Sienna shoved her off, there was an audacious grin on the crocodile faunus' face that betrayed nothing of what she actually felt inside. "Huh. Not as bitter tasting as I imagined." She commented.

If it did end up having to be her to take out Sienna, or even watching someone else do it...at least she'd have that. A reminder of better times...and something to hold over Sienna if the High Leader still lived after all was said and done.​

"40%. Taurus won't go down easy."

Still, as unimpressive as she thought her semblance to be? She made due with it regardless.

Neither will I.

She kept the thought to herself as she pushed on to lead them further and further away from the rest to find Taurus.​
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"Oh hey there, little fella." Cinder said quietly, the decidedly not bound teenager reaching out(if allowed) to pet the creature. Animals were the only life other than her fellow maiden that she'd seen for some time and this one was too adorable to not try petting.​

Were it any other person that had attempted to reach out for Brosel, he would have been like:


But he'd crossed her path before, stowed away within Gretchen's scarf, understanding this girl was his friend's brother's teammate. He didn't quite exactly establish that hierarchy in his mind, it more an instinctual grasp on a concept much closer to a family/pack member. So when Cinder reached to pet him, the little weasel contoured his body in a way to maximize the surface area of the incoming scritches just where he liked it, he looked more like:


After a few seconds of bliss, Gretchen's missive returned to his mind and his little murder-paws would grasp Cinder's own hand as he stared upwards to her. Before he clambered onto the length of her forearm, slowly climbing up and onto the shoulder. A nuzzle first, he began to traverse the collar around as if he were a frenetic child on a carousel, looping several times before careening off the shoulder in a winding way as if he were likening to something specific, in way of garments perhaps.

Completed with the indication of a tiny paw towards the gate of the camp, an insistent energy in the appendage.
After a few seconds of bliss, Gretchen's missive returned to his mind and his little murder-paws would grasp Cinder's own hand as he stared upwards to her. Before he clambered onto the length of her forearm, slowly climbing up and onto the shoulder. A nuzzle first, he began to traverse the collar around as if he were a frenetic child on a carousel, looping several times before careening off the shoulder in a winding way as if he were likening to something specific, in way of garments perhaps.

Completed with the indication of a tiny paw towards the gate of the camp, an insistent energy in the appendage.

That was when he got suddenly grabbed from behind by another hand that wrapped tightly around the creature and pulled it off of and away from Cinder.


".....What the hell was that pointing supposed to mean, huh?" Even as she glared at Brosel, she felt the vaguest sense of familiarity...but she couldn't quite place it.

….....................Great, I'm demanding information out of random rodents now. What is my life anymore?

The thing about the Talons, about Tock, about the courageous young faunus at the door and just about everyone else in this miserable fortress was Eve didn't care about any of them in the slightest.

She was here for an audience with one person and one person only.

And she was sitting in her chair.


Throne rooms were always easy to find, and what better way to skip the preamble and bring her target directly to her? Besides, as much as it warred with the part of her most devoted to the faunus, to their liberation, the deep self-sacrificial streak that overpowered all else even as she slipped further and further into the depths of rage and mania just as another her from another world once had, she couldn't deny it.

Something about this felt right.
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That was when he got suddenly grabbed from behind by another hand that wrapped tightly around the creature and pulled it off of and away from Cinder.


".....What the hell was that pointing supposed to mean, huh?" Even as she glared at Brosel, she felt the vaguest sense of familiarity...but she couldn't quite place it.

….....................Great, I'm demanding information out of random rodents now. What is my life anymore?

He did what any reasonable weasel would do in dire circumstances like these, whenever he found himself under great duress or encroached upon by a predator. If you thought his first instinct was to mount an offensive, leveraging the aura-infused fury of inherent to all weasels, wolverines and honey badgers alike, you might have been right another time. He could have very well have entered a frenzy of biting and clawing.


He played dead, going slack in her hand. A brilliant maneuver, biding his time until Vernal made a mistake he'd take advantage of... then he'd pounce.

He played dead, going slack in her hand. A brilliant maneuver, biding his time until Vernal made a mistake he'd take advantage of... then he'd pounce.

"Oh." She decided she didn't really care what the thing had been trying to point out or where she vaguely recalled it from and just threw the limp body roughly to the ground. At which point Cinder let out a loud "no!" as she rushed over to the poor thing, finger lightly tapping to determine life. Vernal rolled her eyes.​
Watts' face scrunched up in a frown as Gretchen passed the avian intel along, not yet looking up from where he was kneeling on the hill and observing the camp. In fact, he seemed even more focused, scanning the trees carefully for some unknown variable.

"That's really them? I only expected her to stay here a few days, and for us to pick up the trail from here, I didn't..."

He didn't finish the thought, instead standing up to his feet and dusting off his slacks.

"No matter. If we can avoid a wild goose chase, so much the better. Now-" he started, turning around to face the group at large with a curt tone and his hands clasped behind his back. "-We've already tried fighting her once, and there's a good chance she'll hold Cinder hostage. Hazel, Tyrian and I will talk to her first and attempt to convince her to simply let Cinder go. MTEN, you three should use Neo's semblance to get close and wait; if things go south, then it doesn't matter if we lost last time; a fight is our only option."

He turned back towards the camp with a grim frown and started the trek towards it.

"Lets hope it doesn't come to that."

Gretchen swung an arm towards her chest, pointer finger extended rather pointedly as if to say what about me?

When it became abundantly apparent Watts didn't actually forget her but ignored her presence for whatever reason following all that, the frown shifted to a petulant pout as her arms crossed disconsolately. A meaty arm reached around for her shoulder, pulling her out of her fuming as she blinked and stared up towards Hazel, expecting a reproachful stare from her brother.

Instead it was a subtle nod towards MTEN, a silent suggestion for her to follow behind.

"I'll make sure Brosel's safe." He added as a promise. In an instant, Gretchen's attitude turned for the better and she was off padding towards Mercury. If Gretchen was allowed to strut her stuff, she would eagerly demonstrate she was very good at sequestering herself within the background of the woodsy area in conjunction with finding a vantage point for her crossbow.

The older Rainart fell in line behind Watts, allowing a moment's silence to hang before he suggested something. "I can negotiate with Vernal if you'd prefer I do the talking."
"Oh." She decided she didn't really care what the thing had been trying to point out or where she vaguely recalled it from and just threw the limp body roughly to the ground. At which point Cinder let out a loud "no!" as she rushed over to the poor thing, finger lightly tapping to determine life. Vernal rolled her eyes.​

The birds were right to call her scary but they forgot another adjective... mean. The tiniest shimmer of his aura flared as he bounded off the dirt from Spring's rough toss, rolling over several times before he came to a rest. Still playing dead. It wasn't until the fifth tap from Cinder he suddenly sprang to life, as if Fall was his savior.

And he ran like hell.

Brosel Escapes.gif

A soft thud could be barely heard on the gate's opposite side.
She was here for an audience with one person and one person only.

And she was sitting in her chair.

Throne rooms were always easy to find, and what better way to skip the preamble and bring her target directly to her? Besides, as much as it warred with the part of her most devoted to the faunus, to their liberation, the deep self-sacrificial streak that overpowered all else even as she slipped further and further into the depths of rage and mania just as another her from another world once had, she couldn't deny it.

Something about this felt right.

"Hey. You mind surrendering? That'd be great." Tock kept it really super brief, every second of those ten minutes being counted away in her mind. Despite the fact that her head was facing towards the throne and the bull sitting in it, the gaze of her eyes was angled to the side as she kept one of the two faunus flanking behind her squarely in her peripheral vision. The look and the raised eyebrow both trying their utmost to urgently suggest/borderline beg Eve attack that one, in sharp contrast to her words that she had just spoken.​
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Emerald languidly reached over to poke Neo, half expecting her to shatter into glass. She was totally positive she used her semblance to avoid this line of questioning. Otherwise, why was she so quiet. Quiet than her usual self anyway. She wouldn't have batted an eye if that were the case.

Unless she poked the genuine article... then oops. She'd play that off immediately by maneuvering the conversation towards the brandishing of a wallet flush with lien.

Stole Lien.gif

"This much lien should get us out of Mistral without issue. So whatcha say, pipsqueak?"

"Hey. You mind surrendering? That'd be great." Tock kept it really super brief, every second of those ten minutes being counted away in her mind. Despite the fact that her head was facing towards the throne and the bull sitting in it, the gaze of her eyes was angled to the side as she kept one of the two faunus flanking behind her squarely in her peripheral vision. The look and the raised eyebrow both trying their utmost to urgently suggest/borderline beg Eve attack that one, in sharp contrast to her words that she had just spoken.

If Eve noticed the nonverbal cue from the other faunus, she didn't show it. She didn't show much of any reaction as the trio entered the throneroom, eyes transfixed on the tip of her sword behind her mask as she held it up to let the light glint off admiringly.

"Just get down here, Sienna."

She didn't so much as acknowledge the tigress's enforcers as individuals themselves, instead speaking to the comm link she knew Hound and Tiger had integrated in their masks.

"Nice as it is to see my name still carries some weight around here, you and I have things to discuss. You're more than welcome to keep your attack dogs on standby if it makes you feel better. See, I'm in your seat, and cowardice is an interesting look to be showing your followers right about now."

Her smirk wasn't even the slightest bit strained, voice taunting and commanding as she issued missives from the chair as easily and naturally as if it really was her own. She lazily extended Wilt up towards the rafters, wrapped in shadow as they were.

"You wouldn't believe how many eyes are on me."
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Tiger figured this would end with someone on the floor. She actually looked forward to that even if she didn’t say it.

Regardless, she had to admit one thing.

Taurus had moxy in spades.​

If Eve noticed the nonverbal cue from the other faunus, she didn't show it. She didn't show much of any reaction as the trio entered the throneroom, eyes transfixed on the tip of her sword behind her mask as she held it up to let the light glint off admiringly.

"Just get down here, Sienna."

She didn't so much as acknowledge the tigress's enforcers as individuals themselves, instead speaking to the comm link she knew Hound and Tiger had integrated in their masks.

"Nice as it is to see my name still carries some weight around here, you and I have things to discuss. You're more than welcome to keep your attack dogs on standby if it makes you feel better. See, I'm in your seat, and cowardice is an interesting look to be showing your followers right about now."

Her smirk wasn't even the slightest bit strained, voice taunting and commanding as she issued missives from the chair as easily and naturally as if it really was her own. She lazily extended Wilt up towards the rafters, wrapped in shadow as they were.

"You wouldn't believe how many eyes are watching me."
"Bahahahaaa! Damn Taurus, the last few years haven't dulled your edge or your ego, have they?"

The voice that came after the guffaw was vaguely familiar to Eve, though to what degree depended on how much attention she paid to the other young up and comers in the White Fang before the split. Hound stood a few feet behind and to the left of Tock and he spun the blood red spear off his shoulders to plant it into the floor just so between the tiles to give himself something to lean on as they talked, his arms crossed. No longer slouched halfway across the table, he was easier to observe. He’d forgone the robes of the shadow fang entirely; the mask was enough of an indicator of who he was. Instead, he wore a dark blue long coat with a v cut in the back and the sleeves rolled up, the buttons undone and bare to show he was bare chested underneath, partially revealing some sort of elaborate tattoo design upon him, and his simple slacks were tucked into a pair of boots that went most of the way up his lower legs. He was decently built, but a far cry from cutting a truly imposing figure compared to likes of Tiger or Bear, and even Tock edged him out slightly in actual height. The mask itself was only a half mask, his teeth on full display, and a pair of short, slightly floppy black ears jutted out over the top of it.

“Sorry, but the boss is busy. Oh sure, once she saw where you were she wanted to march back down herself, but she’d already made a deal with this one, yea? Not a good look for the High Leader, goin back on her word with a faunus.” He continued with a lazy smirk of his own. “Which, speakin of, as much as I'd like to handle this myself…”

He made a show of glancing down at a non-existent watch on one of his arms.

“You don’t seem pretty keen on startin that fight, Croc. Can’t help but feel like you’re underestimating the Eve Taurus if you don’t make full use of the time given. Anything about that conversation make you think Sienna's getting more patient as the years go on?” He asked as he glanced up from his not-watch.

"...Or do you think this audience was only for her benefit?" he asked, slowly tilting head towards Eve without looking away from Tock.
"Bahahahaaa! Damn Taurus, the last few years haven't dulled your edge or your ego, have they?"

The voice that came after the guffaw was vaguely familiar to Eve, though to what degree depended on how much attention she paid to the other young up and comers in the White Fang before the split. Hound stood a few feet behind and to the left of Tock and he spun the blood red spear off his shoulders to plant it into the floor just so between the tiles to give himself something to lean on as they talked, his arms crossed. No longer slouched halfway across the table, he was easier to observe. He’d forgone the robes of the shadow fang entirely; the mask was enough of an indicator of who he was. Instead, he wore a dark blue long coat with a v cut in the back and the sleeves rolled up, the buttons undone and bare to show he was bare chested underneath, partially revealing some sort of elaborate tattoo design upon him, and his simple slacks were tucked into a pair of boots that went most of the way up his lower legs. He was decently built, but a far cry from cutting a truly imposing figure compared to likes of Tiger or Bear, and even Tock edged him out slightly in actual height. The mask itself was only a half mask, his teeth on full display, and a pair of short, slightly floppy black ears jutted out over the top of it.

“Sorry, but the boss is busy. Oh sure, once she saw where you were she wanted to march back down herself, but she’d already made a deal with this one, yea? Not a good look for the High Leader, goin back on her word with a faunus.” He continued with a lazy smirk of his own. “Which, speakin of, as much as I'd like to handle this myself…”

He made a show of glancing down at a non-existent watch on one of his arms.

“You don’t seem pretty keen on startin that fight, Croc. Can’t help but feel like you’re underestimating the Eve Taurus if you don’t make full use of the time given. Anything about that conversation make you think Sienna's getting more patient as the years go on?” He asked as he glanced up from his not-watch.

"...Or do you think this audience was only for her benefit?" he asked, slowly tilting head towards Eve without looking away from Tock.

Oh, she knew him.

She hated the bastard.

And she never did him the courtesy of giving a reason why, though it honestly couldn't have been more simple. These smug little blood knights could sue her for thinking the importance of what they did, the gravity of it, the ramifications every last mission had for every single faunus life involved warranted just a little bit more in the way of respect than all that loudmouth bravado. Either those types were all talk, in which case they were never her problem for very long, or they could actually back up their volume with action. In which case she still found them super annoying. Either way, the impression Eve got was that they were in it for the bloodshed, which was something she had no respect for.

"Shut the fuck up, Hound."

That was all Eve said to the yappy little terrier as she stood up, stretching her neck with a couple of light cracks and pops whilst descending the first step. Wilt's tip was held aloft, waved across the trio in a cautioning gesture.

"You're all gonna feel pretty stupid for wasting the time and effort once I do what I came here to do."

Her lips parted in a morbid, sneering grin.

"Not that it'll place very high on your list of regrets."

She finally gave Tock her attention then, eyes that would've been inscrutable even behind the mask narrowed as they settled on the crocodile.

"What is he talking about?"
Gretchen swung an arm towards her chest, pointer finger extended rather pointedly as if to say what about me?

When it became abundantly apparent Watts didn't actually forget her but ignored her presence for whatever reason following all that, the frown shifted to a petulant pout as her arms crossed disconsolately. A meaty arm reached around for her shoulder, pulling her out of her fuming as she blinked and stared up towards Hazel, expecting a reproachful stare from her brother.

Instead it was a subtle nod towards MTEN, a silent suggestion for her to follow behind.

"I'll make sure Brosel's safe." He added as a promise. In an instant, Gretchen's attitude turned for the better and she was off padding towards Mercury. If Gretchen was allowed to strut her stuff, she would eagerly demonstrate she was very good at sequestering herself within the background of the woodsy area in conjunction with finding a vantage point for her crossbow.

The older Rainart fell in line behind Watts, allowing a moment's silence to hang before he suggested something. "I can negotiate with Vernal if you'd prefer I do the talking."
There was a very good reason Watts hadn't told Gretchen to follow. He had no doubts that she was a worthy combatant; she'd aqcuitted herself better than he had at Haven, frankly, and she'd been in Beacon just as long as the rest of them. Nor was it a lack of respect; she was a far cry from her stoic brother, yet she seemed more grounded than most of the others on his team or in the seemingly shattered remains of MTEN. No, it was two things;

One, she wasn't a part of his team. He honestly wasn't entirely comfortable giving orders to someone who hadn't been made his responsibility. What that said about what Arthur thought the power dynamic between his team and MTEN was exactly was up for debate.

Two, was the stoic brother in question. Hazel was one of the very few people who was normally spared Watts sharp tongue. He was calm, thoughtful, and surprisingly levelheaded for a man who's method of combat was jamming giant dust crystals directly into his skin and screaming with a sound not dissimilar to hundreds of damned souls letting out their rage all at the same time. If Watts made the wrong call, and Gretchen was hurt...

...He didn't need to see Neo's pain replayed all over again on an even closer friend. He didn't want to see in the first time.

And it seemed like the only calls he'd been making since Beacon was attacked were the wrong ones.

He glanced up at Hazel as he spoke and gave him a curt shake of the head. "I appreciate it, but I'll open negotiations. Cinder is my responsibility, and its my duty to see her safe. Though don't be afraid to chime in should I flounder" he added with a dry frown as they neared the gate. He stopped just in front of it with his hands clasped behind his back, and gave Hazel a slight raise of his brow in nonverbal request. Assuming it was complied, he strode through the ensuing slam of the gates with his hands slowly raising, his voice calm but authorative as he called out.

"Just get down here, Sienna."

She didn't so much as acknowledge the tigress's enforcers as individuals themselves, instead speaking to the comm link she knew Hound and Tiger had integrated in their masks.

"Nice as it is to see my name still carries some weight around here, you and I have things to discuss. You're more than welcome to keep your attack dogs on standby if it makes you feel better. See, I'm in your seat, and cowardice is an interesting look to be showing your followers right about now."

"..." Tock's confusion was noticeable, at least for a second or two as she tried to put together how exactly Eve thought Sienna could hear her...until the croc realized. Oh, right. The comms. In the heat of the moment back there, she'd overlooked those in her ideas. That just...it meant her whole plan had to be thrown away. A fight with these two Talon enforcers, the search through this big place...it would take too long. More than enough time for anybody watching to tell Bear to finish the job. Shit.

He made a show of glancing down at a non-existent watch on one of his arms.

“You don’t seem pretty keen on startin that fight, Croc. Can’t help but feel like you’re underestimating the Eve Taurus if you don’t make full use of the time given. Anything about that conversation make you think Sienna's getting more patient as the years go on?” He asked as he glanced up from his not-watch.

"...…" The time wasn't lost on her, still counting in her own head but the remark about Sienna cut deep, largely because how true it seemed. If she didn't do this...what Sienna might have her thugs do to the young Ilia...the traitor, as the High Leader called her. It wasn't a pretty mental picture.​

She finally gave Tock her attention then, eyes that would've been inscrutable even behind the mask narrowed as they settled on the crocodile.

"What is he talking about?"

"They, two of the Talons have your...friend? Ally? Whichever you call her. Ilia. They locked her away in their dungeon in this place, and threatened to kill her if I didn't stop you personally. They're crazy and cowardly. Didn't want to risk any of their own against you, so Sienna decided to force me against you. Better somebody that she.........doesn't care about, than any of her own. Either to take you down or to take you into her custody."
"They, two of the Talons have your...friend? Ally? Whichever you call her. Ilia. They locked her away in their dungeon in this place, and threatened to kill her if I didn't stop you personally. They're crazy and cowardly. Didn't want to risk any of their own against you, so Sienna decided to force me against you. Better somebody that she.........doesn't care about, than any of her own. Either to take you down or to take you into her custody."


It was a resigned, bitter snort that accompanied the word. Frankly, her mind sort of pieced it together when Tock walked in here flanked by a couple of talons and started making demands.

"You're an idiot, by the way. How exactly did you plan on keeping her safe if things went south during your little diplomatic mission? Or have you forgotten not all your faunus brothers and sisters get to walk away from death?"

Despite the venom laced in the words themselves, the way she spoke them... mostly lacked any sort of a bite. Eve reached the bottom step and dropped down to eye level with the trio nonchalantly, making sure her gaze swiveled just faintly towards Hound with a taunting smirk as she spoke the words that denied him the scrap he was clearly itching for.

"Well... Good job. Another successful mission for the Talons. I see why they say you're the best." She made no effort to disguise the flat, mocking tone she addressed the two with, nor was there any reluctance in the way she slowly raised both hands.

"Consider me in Sienna's custody. Provided the old woman gets to take Ilia and walk away, right now."
He glanced up at Hazel as he spoke and gave him a curt shake of the head. "I appreciate it, but I'll open negotiations. Cinder is my responsibility, and its my duty to see her safe. Though don't be afraid to chime in should I flounder" he added with a dry frown as they neared the gate. He stopped just in front of it with his hands clasped behind his back, and gave Hazel a slight raise of his brow in nonverbal request. Assuming it was complied, he strode through the ensuing slam of the gates with his hands slowly raising, his voice calm but authorative as he called out.


Both their heads shot up and looked over in that direction after the sharp cracking sound of the gate being forced open in that manner. For a half-second, Vernal's face expressed alarm, wondering who or more honestly, what could have done that. A grimm attack was really not something she wanted to deal with now or anytime soon. But that expression was gone as soon as she heard that voice yelling out, recognizing the voice and the sight of them. With their entrance, it finally dawned on her where she had seen that animal before. "...Looks like you were right." The Spring Maiden commented, not sounding particularly enthused. All this time and they were the only ones to show up. Her gaze turned to the ground for a few moments.


When she looked back up, there was a little while of silence while she waited for them to get closer before she spoke up again. "About your friend, right?" Said friend who was extremely glad to see them again. After being taken, her scroll broken and a few escape attempts ending poorly...it was honestly heartening to be face to face with her team once more.


"...Well go on then. Let's hear it."
When she looked back up, there was a little while of silence while she waited for them to get closer before she spoke up again. "About your friend, right?" Said friend who was extremely glad to see them again. After being taken, her scroll broken and a few escape attempts ending poorly...it was honestly heartening to be face to face with her team once more.

Hazel suddenly exploded, drenching Vernal in blood and guts as Emerald snickered in hiding


It was a resigned, bitter snort that accompanied the word. Frankly, her mind sort of pieced it together when Tock walked in here flanked by a couple of talons and started making demands.

"You're an idiot, by the way. How exactly did you plan on keeping her safe if things went south during your little diplomatic mission? Or have you forgotten not all your faunus brothers and sisters get to walk away from death?"

Despite the venom laced in the words themselves, the way she spoke them... mostly lacked any sort of a bite. Eve reached the bottom step and dropped down to eye level with the trio nonchalantly, making sure her gaze swiveled just faintly towards Hound with a taunting smirk as she spoke the words that denied him the scrap he was clearly itching for.

"Well... Good job. Another successful mission for the Talons. I see why they say you're the best." She made no effort to disguise the flat, mocking tone she addressed the two with, nor was there any reluctance in the way she slowly raised both hands.

"Consider me in Sienna's custody. Provided the old woman gets to take Ilia and walk away, right now."

Of all the things Hound and the rest of the Shadow Fang gathered around and above, blending into the shadows so well that even faunus eyes had trouble picking them out, expected, that had never been on the list. Eve Taurus, the raging bull of the White Fang, often regarded as the sole instigator of the ideological split that hew the organization in two just as Sienna consolidated her power... turning herself in.

Hound's eye twitched behind the mask, and he yanked his weapon from the floor and spun it into his hands as he started to stalk forward with a aura of terrible violence building around him-

He stopped mid step, and his face contorted into a furious snarl, only for it to slowly break out into a rueful grin as he chuckled.

"...Alright, Taurus, alright. Against my better judgement, It sounds like we'll play this game."

He put two fingers into his mouth to whistle as he stuck his spear into the air, and a pair of aura dampening cuffs were slung from somewhere in the shadows, caught just in the tip and spinning a few times before a gentle flick sent them tumbling into his hands as he walked forward.

"Sienna plays fair, after all. Snake and Bear are bringing the girl up to your airship, Croc. Better move quick before this one does somethin stubborn and this little game falls apart."
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Both their heads shot up and looked over in that direction after the sharp cracking sound of the gate being forced open in that manner. For a half-second, Vernal's face expressed alarm, wondering who or more honestly, what could have done that. A grimm attack was really not something she wanted to deal with now or anytime soon. But that expression was gone as soon as she heard that voice yelling out, recognizing the voice and the sight of them. With their entrance, it finally dawned on her where she had seen that animal before. "...Looks like you were right." The Spring Maiden commented, not sounding particularly enthused. All this time and they were the only ones to show up. Her gaze turned to the ground for a few moments.


When she looked back up, there was a little while of silence while she waited for them to get closer before she spoke up again. "About your friend, right?" Said friend who was extremely glad to see them again. After being taken, her scroll broken and a few escape attempts ending poorly...it was honestly heartening to be face to face with her team once more.


"...Well go on then. Let's hear it."

All of Watts calm authority, stoic, grim, and unflinching as he marched forward to face down a magical threat far outside any training or experience he had, instantly cracked as he saw Cinder. His hands slowly lowered to ball up at his chest as his face curled up in confusion, before he slowly pointed a finger at her.

"...You're... not a hostage."

it was more statement than question, yet Watts didn't sound any less confused as the words left his mouth.

Frankly, her mind sort of pieced it together when Tock walked in here flanked by a couple of talons and started making demands.

"You're an idiot, by the way. How exactly did you plan on keeping her safe if things went south during your little diplomatic mission? Or have you forgotten not all your faunus brothers and sisters get to walk away from death?"

There was no disguising the shame she felt, it was written all over her face. It had been a mistake to allow the chameleon to tag along, she knew that much now in hindsight. But...even knowing that the Shadow Fang had taken part in the attack on Beacon, led a more successful assault on her old stomping grounds of Haven and obliterated the CCT with all the disastrous results that brought...she hadn't expected to see Sienna had fallen so far. Disillusionment with Salem was one thing, but to cross these lines, to work with Ozpin, for the High Leader to order her to do what she wanted or have another faunus suffer in her place if she refused...it was hard to accept.

"...Yeah." She agreed with Eve there. Idiot was putting it mildly.
He put two fingers into his mouth to whistle as he stuck his spear into the air, and a pair of aura dampening cuffs were slung from somewhere in the shadows, caught just in the tip and spinning a few times before a gentle flick sent them tumbling into his hands as he walked forward.

"Sienna plays fair, after all. Snake and Bear are bringing the girl up to your airship, Croc. Better move quick before this one does somethin stubborn and this little game falls apart."

"No need." Tock replied. "I'm not going anywhere. If Sienna's gonna take her-" She jerked her head at Eve. "-she's gonna have to take me too." Ilia knew how to fly the ship, she'd seen her do so. She knew where to bring it back, and Tock trusted she would do so long as she was still relatively unharmed. Besides, there were still things that she felt she had to say to Sienna, whether it was in a conference room or from behind a cell. Plus...it was her fault for dragging them both into this mess, since it was her ship they both rode/stowed away on.

It didn't feel right to not take the fall for that.​
He glanced up at Hazel as he spoke and gave him a curt shake of the head. "I appreciate it, but I'll open negotiations. Cinder is my responsibility, and its my duty to see her safe. Though don't be afraid to chime in should I flounder" he added with a dry frown as they neared the gate. He stopped just in front of it with his hands clasped behind his back, and gave Hazel a slight raise of his brow in nonverbal request. Assuming it was complied, he strode through the ensuing slam of the gates with his hands slowly raising, his voice calm but authorative as he called out.


He obliged, yeeting the door open.

Both their heads shot up and looked over in that direction after the sharp cracking sound of the gate being forced open in that manner. For a half-second, Vernal's face expressed alarm, wondering who or more honestly, what could have done that. A grimm attack was really not something she wanted to deal with now or anytime soon. But that expression was gone as soon as she heard that voice yelling out, recognizing the voice and the sight of them. With their entrance, it finally dawned on her where she had seen that animal before. "...Looks like you were right." The Spring Maiden commented, not sounding particularly enthused. All this time and they were the only ones to show up. Her gaze turned to the ground for a few moments.


When she looked back up, there was a little while of silence while she waited for them to get closer before she spoke up again. "About your friend, right?" Said friend who was extremely glad to see them again. After being taken, her scroll broken and a few escape attempts ending poorly...it was honestly heartening to be face to face with her team once more.


"...Well go on then. Let's hear it."

There weren't words sufficient to describe the relief that was strewn across Hazel's face. He would have said something, inquire as to her well-being, asked if she had eaten anything. But he kept his words, leaving the rest to his leader.

Though he did react to the creeping sensation of something clambering up his side, realizing it to be Brosel as the stoat perched itself on his shoulder. Which was to say, was the equivalent of Mt. Everest compared to Gretchen's Mount Wycheproof. Before he made a point to savor the difference in his vantage, he forwent it in favor of waving towards Cinder simply just to let her know he was fine and hey, the good guys were here.

All of Watts calm authority, stoic, grim, and unflinching as he marched forward to face down a magical threat far outside any training or experience he had, instantly cracked as he saw Cinder. His hands slowly lowered to ball up at his chest as his face curled up in confusion, before he slowly pointed a finger at her.

"...You're... not a hostage."

it was more statement than question, yet Watts didn't sound any less confused as the words left his mouth.

Hazel took that as Watts flagging, though reasonably. "... What's changed here? Your mind or heart?" He asked.
"...Alright, Taurus, alright. Against my better judgement, It sounds like we'll play this game."

He put two fingers into his mouth to whistle as he stuck his spear into the air, and a pair of aura dampening cuffs were slung from somewhere in the shadows, caught just in the tip and spinning a few times before a gentle flick sent them tumbling into his hands as he walked forward.

"Sienna plays fair, after all. Snake and Bear are bringing the girl up to your airship, Croc. Better move quick before this one does somethin stubborn and this little game falls apart."

Eve just watched the lancer every step of his approach, a stare that felt as raptorial as the wolf eyeballing the hound even in spite of her apparent compliance. When he was close enough, she put her wrists together with a wordless tilt of the head in askance, as if to inquire what was taking so long. As if to imply he was scared.

"No need." Tock replied. "I'm not going anywhere. If Sienna's gonna take her-" She jerked her head at Eve. "-she's gonna have to take me too." Ilia knew how to fly the ship, she'd seen her do so. She knew where to bring it back, and Tock trusted she would do so long as she was still relatively unharmed. Besides, there were still things that she felt she had to say to Sienna, whether it was in a conference room or from behind a cell. Plus...it was her fault for dragging them both into this mess, since it was her ship they both rode/stowed away on.

It didn't feel right to not take the fall for that.


Eve didn't resist no matter how harshly the Talon ensured she was restrained, but let her anger and frustration at the situation vent through her vocal cords as she glared Tock down and delivered a one-word, seething command, so much fire and decisiveness to her words it was as if she were a leader from the faunus revolution reincarnate.

"If you do... I promise you you'll regret it."

It wasn't a threat; it genuinely was a promise, spoken with the gravity of a solemn oath being undertaken.
There was no disguising the shame she felt, it was written all over her face. It had been a mistake to allow the chameleon to tag along, she knew that much now in hindsight. But...even knowing that the Shadow Fang had taken part in the attack on Beacon, led a more successful assault on her old stomping grounds of Haven and obliterated the CCT with all the disastrous results that brought...she hadn't expected to see Sienna had fallen so far. Disillusionment with Salem was one thing, but to cross these lines, to work with Ozpin, for the High Leader to order her to do what she wanted or have another faunus suffer in her place if she refused...it was hard to accept.

"...Yeah." She agreed with Eve there. Idiot was putting it mildly.

"No need." Tock replied. "I'm not going anywhere. If Sienna's gonna take her-" She jerked her head at Eve. "-she's gonna have to take me too." Ilia knew how to fly the ship, she'd seen her do so. She knew where to bring it back, and Tock trusted she would do so long as she was still relatively unharmed. Besides, there were still things that she felt she had to say to Sienna, whether it was in a conference room or from behind a cell. Plus...it was her fault for dragging them both into this mess, since it was her ship they both rode/stowed away on.

It didn't feel right to not take the fall for that.​
Hound slowly reached up to press something on the side of his mask from where he'd turned to stare at Tock.

"...you get that boss?"

He shook his head and waved his hand backwards at Tiger. "Whatever. You get that one, I'll get this one. Guess the little lizard's going home by herself."


Eve didn't resist no matter how harshly the Talon ensured she was restrained, but let her anger and frustration at the situation vent through her vocal cords as she glared Tock down and delivered a one-word, seething command, so much fire and decisiveness to her words it was as if she were a leader from the faunus revolution reincarnate.

"If you do... I promise you you'll regret it."

It wasn't a threat; it genuinely was a promise, spoken with the gravity of a solemn oath being undertaken.


When Ilia roused, she felt surprisingly rested, if groggy, a full REM sleep dumped into her brain. She was in a chair, leaning against the armrest, and her first sight was of Bear's hand withdrawing away from her head. Seated a few feet across from her was Snake, a look a quiet concern on her face, and standing behind her with a dull look of irritation was the other Ilia. As soon as she started to rouse, the other her turned on her heel to stalk out. Snake shot her a wan smile over her shoulder, and gave bear a short nod.

"I can take it from here, Bear, thank you."

Bear slowly crossed his arms from where he was standing, very clearly not content to 'let her take it from here', and his gravelly, ancient voice was somewhere between a reprimand and scolding

"She's a copy of Ilia. Forgive my bluntness, Young Snake, but Ilia would dump you on your ass on her worst day."

She gave him a quirk of a grin and a light shrug of her shoulders, her foot bouncing from where it hung from her crossed leg.

"I'll just have to ensure it doesn't come to that."


"Trust me?"


For as unsure as he sounded, he nonetheless turned to walk away, and Snake shot him a thankful nod before she turned to Ilia with an apologetic frown.

"I'm sorry about all this. You're free to go. I'll lead you back to your friend's airship if you'd like, ooor if you'd rather I can simply give you directions. I'd understand."

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