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Distance was a friend of mine! (private)



Daichi awoke from the prison of unconsciousness, his limbs and eyelids still sore from the long slumber. Reluctantly, he pulled his hands from under his pillow and rose to a sitting position, his exposed skin being bombarded with the sudden bitter cold. Stretching his limbs and letting out a groan, Daichi sprung out of his bed with a newly-found vigor. Sure, but what's there to be happy about? You might ask. Well, that's where you are critically wrong. There was something to be excited about... Tamotsu!

The high-school second-year hummed a tune as he threw on a plain white tee before topping it with a light purple dress shirt that complimented his pale blond hair. To add to that, he threw on some deep blue jeans and some black dress shoes. Always had to look pleasing for his little Tamotsu.

After dressing, he slid down the stairs leading to his room and swung on his backpack. He would've bid his parent goodbye, but unfortunately they were always asleep by the time he left. Exiting the door, Daichi hopped down his steps and began whistling.

Oh, how he hoped Tamotsu--his next door neighbor--would accompany him on the way to school.

Tamotsu stood outside in front of Daichi's house. Pulling out his phone he leaned against the gate waiting for Daichi to finish whatever he does in the morning "My god its like waiting for a woman to finish getting ready." He muttered under his breath. He looked up to find Daichi exuberantly bounding down the steps "Its about time." he sighed. A third-year with a big attitude was not in the mood to wait on someone younger then he. He had only been friends with Daichi for a year entirely unaware of the things that went on under his nose. Often ignoring Daichi like he wasn't there was normal but he still valued him, after all Daichi was his only friend.

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Arriving next to the stunning babe himself, Daichi placed his hands on the large iron gate that lied before him and pulled it to the side as a grinding, harsh sound was omitted from it. Closing it as soon as he stepped out onto the sidewalk, he made sure to close it before focusing his brown eyes on his friend
even though he wanted it to be more and parted his jaws. "Tamo-senpai, I can't help that you're always here so early." he let a large smile fill his face as the rising sun cast a glow onto his skin and hair, illuminating it to a vibrant orange.

Following the awkward silence that began, Daichi walked down the cement walkway and looked to the third-year, a blush coming across his face before he quickly focused his attention back onto the ground. "Senpai, I haven't seen you for a while, where have you been?" Daichi began, a childish look coming across his face. "Though, I think I have a fairly good idea." he remarked. The second-year had to suppress a rising chuckle that threatened to take control. He was pretty sure he would be signing a death contract if he let it slip by.

He glared down at his Kouhai. "What's that supposed to mean? I was busy with more important things then school." Which in his opinion was true because whats better then skipping school for four days in a row? "And I'm not here early," He smirked "Your just late." Laughing with victory he pushed onward toward the school's direction

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"So what you're saying is that you are seeing someone! Ha! I knew it!" he chanted blissfully and reared his head back to let out a bout of laughter. What polar opposites the two were. However, that was the reason why Daichi felt so strongly about his friend. "Hey, Tamotsu-senpai, you've never introduced me to your friends," he began, ignorant about the fact that Tamo didn't have many relations. "Why don't you introduce them to me later?" he suggested, cocking his head like a dog would to receive a treat.

He snorted, perhaps it should have bothered him but he didn't care. Flicking him in the forehead he continued on to say "The reason you don't meet my friends is because I have none." Its not like he wanted any he preferred solitude but Daichi had grown on him so he accepted it, even showing small signs of emotion towards him.

To Daichi, even the tiniest bit of emotion showed was quite a big step in his opinion. When he first met the upperclassmen, he had acted cold and mean-spirited towards him. The first time he had made an attempt to reach out to him, it resulted in nothing but being ignored. After a couple weeks though, Tamo had finally glanced towards him. However, that bitterness was what locked the real Tamotsu far away inside himself, and he knew that one day he would help bring out the happy Tamotsu he knew existed. It was a daunting task, yes, but he was willing to make great sacrifices to make sure that his senpai opened up to him. And now that he had achieved the status of a friend, he knew it was only time until he finally showed that the world that he wasn't so bad.

The duo soon arrived at the large brick building. It was rather old--chipped bricks, erosion along the top of the structure, rusted railings--but it was overall normal on the inside. As the blond looked up to the large, maroon walls, he noticed a few of his friends load off the bus and into the doors that resembled those of an insane asylum. Turning to the grumpy third-year, he let a sheepish smile cross his face. "Well, this is where we part for the day. Make sure not to get too frisky with the ladies!" he reminded as he began jogging into the building, his face turning red as soon as he disappeared from Tamotsu's sight.

"Frisky with the ladies?" His face contorted in to what could possibly have been amusement--but no probably not. He sighed walking towards his favorite tree, the one that hid him in plain sight from all of the people passing below, climbing in he positioned himself comfortably putting in his ear-buds and closing his eyes.


Daichi had a rather normal day at school--cracking jokes; ladies falling all over him, which he found kind of awkward; teachers scolding him for chatting in class--the usual. At the time that lunch came rolling around, he was more than ready. In fact, he nearly bowled half the class over when the bell chimed its wonderful serenade.

On school days, he usually had to bring lunch from home for Tamotsu, since that rebel always refused to buy his own crap. Brown paper bag beside him, he walked out of the entrance and sat at the base of the tree that his friend had previously climbed up. It was their usual routine to meet up here and split the meal, so that's exactly what he did. "Tamo-senpai, here." he thrusted the bag upwards after picking out his share. It was a wonder what lengths he went to for his senpai--splitting his own food into meager portions just to keep his friend satisfied. However, he was glad to do it if it meant getting closer to him.

Tamotsu looked down and yawned "Ah do you cook this yourself Daichi?" He received the package ready to eat whatever was inside. This was a good tradition that pulled Tamotsu out of starvation. Someone might think I'm were using Daichi but he does this all by himself. Tamotsu thought mildly, "Wait have I been here all day? I must have fallen asleep." He shrugged obviously not caring for the fact that he just skipped half the day.

Just then a First-Year with horrible slicked back hair and spectacle glasses came stomping up, this was the Class Representative. "Tamotsu Fukui I will tolerate your loitering no longer! You are to come to class on time or be expelled!" he yelled pointing a finger in his face he spoke ridiculously with an air of wannabe royalty. "Ah how nice to see you CR." He yawned and offered the class rep. some of his lunch. He assumed a haughty position denying his mock offering. He may be class rep. but he was more mad then enforcing the rules. His girlfriend had a crush on Tamotsui for a long time but since he was rather unattainable she settled ... for the class rep.


As they exchanged a few moments of taciturn silence, the second-year leaned his head back on the bark. "Yeah, I do. My parents are horrible cooks." he cringed at the horrific memories of food they had cooked for him when he was younger. He was sure Tamotsu remembered the awful cooking back then as well. Abruptly interrupted by the pompous teenager that slunk over, he raised his brown gaze and listened to his senpai begin his spiel.

Snickering slightly at the scene that was unfolding, Daichi took extra care in lingering in the back while they quarreled. "Hello, Class Rep! I assure you, Tamotsu-senpai will return as soon as lunch is over--he's been sick these past few days and just arrived." he insisted, a charming smile working it's way onto his face as he tried his best to ignore the ugly hairstyle the first-year wore. Lying was usually against his policies, but he didn't want to risk Tamotsu getting in trouble with the authorities. Again.

Tamotsu shrugged haphazardly "Why don't you come and bother me when I'm actually skipping class CR?" Now this was slightly getting on his nerves ... he wanted to eat his food and sleep. And this was keeping him from doing so looking up he glared at the class rep. something that he normally didn't do to strangers but he was irritated.

https://www.rpnation.com/threads/satans-academy.91472/ THERE RILEY CAN YOU SEE IT NOW

Noticing the teenager's glare, Daichi nudged him in warning and looked up at the Class Representative, adopting an uncommonly serious demeanor. "Hey, I have it all under control." he told the black-haired nerd, his aura of authority slowly growing as well as a casual grin appearing on his face. As he stood up, he looked over to Tamotsu. "Senpai, we should probably go in to get ready for
class now." the second-year suggested, adding a hidden wink before offering him a hand out of the tree in which he dwelled in. Daichi really didn't want him to get in trouble; that's not what friends did to each other, and of course he wanted to impress his senpai in his deft charismatic skills.

(Im seriously losing my so called "muse")

Tamotsu sighed, getting up and walking in the direction of the school where he intended to sleep in the library untill classes were over. (Ill add more)

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