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Disney Roleplay?


Magic Eight Ball
So recently I've been thinking how cool it would be to do a 1:1 Disney roleplay with someone, based on any of the following:

Peter Pan

Beauty and the Beast

The Little Mermaid

Obviously the plots don't need to be the same as the movies. I'm thinking along the lines of either having the RP take place in the middle of the film and add more to the story, or just make up our own story altogether but keep the general idea.

These 3 ideas will include romance, so if that isn't your thing I'm sorry :(

PM or post if interested :D
I like the peter pan and the little mermaid
Peter Pan! <33

Also, have to be on the site for 24 hours and 10 posts to PM. Same boat.
I suppose but that is an odd Cross-Over. Considering he is thirteen and she is sixteen.
I-I would like to j-join as well.... I enjoy Disney quite a bit... I like baymax and roger rabbit...... I'm o-open for a role-play with disney movies e-especially those three

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