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Disney: Realm of Illusion | D&D 5e


Lost Martian

Average Person
Time moved slowly within the Tower of Sorcery, various magics keeping its sole inhabitant from aging. Though it was located within the borders of a major nation, the Tower was unknown to most peoples of the Realm of Illusion, appearing simply a heavily covered part of a forest.

But great things would be going on in this Tower, powerful magics being woven in the fight for good. Long it has been since the owner of the Tower of Sorcery opposed Mizrabel, the witch ruler of the Realm of Illusion. One of the few still fighting back, the wizard Yen Sid had been looking for a way of undoing her magic for many years.


This search would be fruitless for countless years, that was until Yen Sid came across a seller of rare items in a small desert town in Agrabah. Not expecting to find anything of use, Yen Sid would be drawn to a small blue gem, clearly expensive looking, but otherwise unassuming. It would only be when he touched the gem would Yen Sid realize that he was holding a gem of the rainbow.


The innate magic in this gem of the rainbow would unlock sealed memories within Yen Sid, memories of a world separate from the Realm of Illusion. Just then realizing just how far Mizrabel had gone to enslave the Realm of Illusion, Yen Sid would give the seller all his gold in exchange for the gem.

Returning to the Tower of Sorcery, Yen Sid would study the gem of the rainbow, trying to find a way to use it to defeat Mizrabel. Pouring through all the spell books he owned, Yen Sid would find that he needs all seven gems of the rainbow to undo Mizrabel’s wish. But he knew he couldn’t do it alone.

Thankfully Yen Sid would find another spell of use in a book, one of hero summoning. A very powerful magic, this spell would draw together the heroes needed to save a world, bringing them to the caster.

To speed up the preparations needed to cast such a mighty spell, Yen Sid would call on the power of the blue gem of the rainbow. Rushing to cast his spell as fast as possible, Yen Sid would get a little sloppy. Instead of traveling to each potential hero and offering them a choice, Yen Sid would instead just cast the spell.

Standing in the room at the top of the Tower of Sorcery, blue gem in hand, Yen Sid would cast the spell. Blue energy would explode out of the gem, before leaving the tower and traveling all across the Realm of Illusion. Yen Sid would wait anxiously for the minute it took for the spell to work.

Then suddenly the blue energy would return, stopping right in front of Yen Sid. The various masses of blue energy would then transform into a humanoid shape, becoming an odd assortment of people from across the Realm of Illusion.

Once the spell finished, Yen Sid would look across those assembled, wondering if these truly were the heroes who could defeat Mizrabel. But he would welcome them anyways.

“I am the wizard Yen Sid, and this is my Tower of Sorcery,” he would explain, “You have been gathered for a quest of great importance, one that you are fated to participate in.”
The late afternoon sun cast long shadows through the Tulgey Wood as Alice carefully made her way along a path that probably wasn't there yesterday, cradling a basket containing the final pieces of Humpty Dumpty. She had spent the better part of three days tracking down all the fragments after his latest great fall – this time from the top of the Queen's favorite rose tree, where he'd been attempting to judge a croquet match.

"Honestly," Alice muttered to herself, adjusting the basket to keep a particularly smooth piece from sliding away, "you'd think after all this time he'd learn to sit on lower perches." Her words carried the fond exasperation of someone who had performed this particular task more than once she also took the time to pick a lingering leaf out of her hair.

The basket contained nearly thirty pieces of varying sizes, each wrapped carefully in soft moss to prevent further chipping. The final piece – a bit of shell bearing Humpty's left eyebrow – had been particularly tricky to locate, having bounced off a mushroom and landed in the pocket of a sleeping dormouse.

As she approached the border of Witzend, where the Mad Hatter kept a supply of specialty glue for just such occasions, a familiar sensation prickled at the back of her neck. The air shifted, and a grin materialized among the branches overhead.

"My dear Alice," purred the Cheshire Cat, his stripes slowly fading into view around his smile, "gathering broken things again, I see?"

"Someone has to,"
Alice replied, a slight smirk playing at her lips. "Though I don't suppose you'd care to make yourself useful and carry this basket the rest of the way?"

The Cat's grin widened impossibly. "Oh, but then you'd miss what comes next. And what comes next is..." he paused, tail curling around a branch, "quite the unexpected tea party."

Alice raised an eyebrow. "More unexpected than usual?"

"When the blue brings the new, and the old becomes true, where does Alice find herself?"
The Cat's form began to fade, starting with his tail. "A riddle with no time for solving, I'm afraid."

Before Alice could respond, she felt a strange tingling sensation throughout her body. The basket suddenly felt lighter – or perhaps she was the one becoming lighter. The last thing she saw was the Cheshire Cat's grin, wider than ever, as blue energy enveloped her.

"Do try to land on your feet," his voice echoed, and then the familiar chaos of Wonderland dissolved around her.

The basket of Humpty's pieces clattered to the ground where Alice had stood just moments before. A muffled voice emanated from within the moss-wrapped fragments: "Alice? Are we nearly there? My nose is beginning to itch something fierce." After a moment of silence, the voice called out again, more uncertainly, "...Anyone? Hello...? Not again..."

In a flash of blue light, Alice materialized several feet above the floor of an unfamiliar tower room, a small "Oh." could be heard before she promptly landed in the most ungraceful heap with her skirts at her ears. As she attempted to right herself, smoothing down her dress with as much dignity as she could muster, a stern voice rang out:

"I am the wizard Yen Sid, and this is my Tower of Sorcery. You have been gathered for a quest of great importance, one that you are fated to participate in."

Alice blinked, looking around at the strange assortment of people who had apparently arrived in a similar fashion. "Well," she said, brushing off her skirts, "I don't suppose you could have waited until after tea? Only I've got rather an important egg waiting to be put back together, and he gets terribly cross when his pieces are left scattered about."
In the castle far into the dark overgrown forest that held the most vicious wildlife, one no man would dare risk encountering in the dim evening hours, stood a tall, looming castle of gray stone. It's spires spelled doom for all who view it, because inside these walls lies a terrifying monster whose grizzly arms could tear a man in two. His teeth sharp as daggers and eyes full of such fury that a look into them would kill you in your tracks. Some of this is true, for there is such a beast who lurks the halls alone.

The Beast's feet thump against the carpeted floors without haste but with heft, like a sluggish grizzly bear, and nearly its' size too. By day he usually sleeps, only creeping around while the moon was high in the black sky it calls home. But no place is home to The Beast, he slumbers in sorrow to escape the rage for what lead to his fate.

On this fateful morning, he could no longer sleep. The one once called Prince Adam awoke as the light of dawn peered through his window. Where he laid his head was torn nearly to shreds and broken in places from his nightmare induced jostling. He slowly rose up, his silhouette outlined by his window, and the creaking of his feet against the floorboards could be heard if there was a soul left in the castle other than him.

"Perhaps today will be the day." He thought, but did not truly believe. The day where his curse could be lifted, his suffering could end and his life could be restored. He slowly approached the last mirror he owned that sat full of dust in the corner. He knew it would be the same as it had been every day before then and so many days it had been that he last saw his face the way it was intended to be. But as his sharp claws passed across it with his palm, his reflection revealed the same grotesque animal he had become. A long sigh left his lips soon after as he stood there with his internal pain burning at him. He clenched his fists and with a roar his sadness turned to hate, and he smashed the mirror to pieces, cursing the witch who did this to him.

"Damn you Mizrabel! Damn you!" His fists slammed into the floor sending large shards of glass flying across the room. "You will pay for this you horrible witch! When I find you I'll..." He gripped his hands around an invisible, imaginary neck, but his hands soon fell as the stewing hated died down, overtaken once again by his depressing. He knelt there for what felt like an hour as these thoughts for dismay and regret swirled around in his head. He once more looked at his reflection with a mirror shard picked from the floor and he stared into those horrible eyes, but once again he saw the same face. His eyebrows dropped low over his eyes as he dropped the shard of glass. He felt it only appropriate now to find some breakfast.

In the kitchen The Beast found a cooked leg from an animal that had yet gone spoiled. He ripped a large piece off of it and chewed it without any sort of manners. There would be no point to it. He was no longer a man and he was alone, deserted by his servants who now feared him. Things were quiet, peaceful in a way but more so somber. It was like a graveyard more than a home for a prince. But that's when the crackling of magic began to sound. It startled the beast at first, his head whipping towards the source that glowed cerulean. He was stunned, but soon placed the half eaten off bone of the animal back on the plate and approached. In a flash of light, The Beast was elsewhere, in a tower he had never seen before, and before him, a wizard.
“No touchy!”

Quichca’s staff smacked into the nose of a coyote as it attempted to pounce on an alpaca calf. It was spring and while the hills and mountains of Inkaq was rolling with grass there were also plenty of predators about. He heard a pained yelp as his “uncle” Pacha took one out with a spear.

“And that outta be the last of them…” The older man said as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

“Grrrrreaaaat! So does the mean we get to go home? Suns setting and I gotta feeling more of these mutts are gonna be by for a midnight snack.”

Pacha gave the red setting sun a long hard look.

“Hmmmmmmmm……I dunno…” he walked over to an alpaca and pressed his hands at its belly. “The calf’s are gonna need all food they can get…..”

Quichca groaned and slapped his face.
“Uncle Pacha please! You know what’s for dinner tonight!”

“But you’re right Quichca, the later it gets the more predators will be about.” He clapped his hands. “Let’s round them up and get out of here.”

Awhile later…….

“So I reared back my trusty quarterstaff I knocked that mutt to the next mountain over!”

In a modest but cozy home on picturesque hill Quichca entertained his “little cousins” during dinner. Quichna’s foot was on the table which earned him the immediate ire of the family matriarch Chicha. “Quichca, MANNERS!”

The young elf went pale and sat down trying to ignore the laughter of three children. “Y-yes Aunt Chicha!”

For almost a year now life had been like this, early to bed and early to rise. Goofing off with the kids and eating Aunt Chicha’s cooking. It was hard to believe he used to be the emperor of Inkaq. Until his untimely attempted assassination and deposement. But with Yzma thinking him dead, he could just live here with her none the wiser. Maybe meet a pretty girl and get a home of his own someday.

His musing was interrupted by the braying of Llma. “Ugh! Did old grayback get out again?” Pacha groaned as a moved to get up. “I-No no no don’t worry about it Uncle I’ll lock her back up.”

The ornery Llama had managed to squeeze its way through a gap in the fence to munch on an apparently scrumptious patch of grass. It had taken a lot to get her in back but Quichca had done it. But the second the gate was closed world became enveloped in blue light.


After what seemed like a forever of blue light he found himself on a cold marble look up at Wizard of all people!
Jim Hawkins
Artificer - 1
Blue Light in the Dark
Tower Of Sorcery

HP: 11/11

Fire kisses the golden hued skies, and chaos sings a symphony of adrenaline and survival. Across the Golden Isles a battle raged upon the azure sea. What might it be today--Pirates? Just a Monday skirmish. Storms? A walk in the park for Tuesday. Ship wide disease? Probable for a Wednesday. How about incomplete navigational charts? Certainly an issue on Thursday. Boredom and a possibility of mutiny? That is an affair for Friday. Is it Mizrabel? Well, it is Saturday..

"You're in trouble." His mother's voice prodded his thoughts as he shot past the cramped hall. He could still hear the tapping of her feet click against the wood flooring of their home. Could feel the stare of a mother dealing with a rebellious teenager.

"I know, but I've got a plan. I always got a plan." Jim responded to his inner conscience, while shrapnel of wood and embers exploded across his vision. The young man had built enough momentum to glide across the now breaking floor with ease, but the shadowy tendrils outside continued to tear through the ship and its defenses. Orders being shouted by brave officers willing to go down with a futile fight. Jim on the other hand, wasn't of the same allegiance.

Sunlight breaks the dark ambiance of below the deck, and Jim soaks up as much as he can while the dark cloud approaches just northbound. Sending tendrils of shadows to rip through the fleet of ships. Jim wastes no time in snagging his bag of belongings, as well as the new device he was tinkering with. A sort of surfboard that absorbs the energy from the sun and helps propel and levitate the machinery. Jim spent years on the design, even spent what little money he had to perfect the design. It was either gonna work now, or Jim was going to die here. Better to live another day, than spend the rest of his death contemplating why he ever decided to hitch a ride with some Navy losers.

"Oh no, no no, no no!" Jim could see a tendril of shadow raking across the sky to pierce through the ship completely. He had to activate the "solar surfer" now or never. But he wasn't confident in the trajectory or the strength of its own flight unless given enough acceleration. Run. Run! Faster!! Jim flew past all the chaos to get towards the bowsprit of the ship. Like a slingshot, Jim used as much of his strength to throw the solar surfer like a javelin outward into freedom.

Time felt like it slowed down as Jim ran across the bowsprit. Every step, his heart raced faster beating so hard out of his chest. Sweat slick across his forehead as he prepared the most daring experiment possible. Here goes nothing..

Flight, it felt almost impossible to achieve. The freedom of the sky was not yet considered to the masses, and with Jim's outlandish device, the impossible became possible.

Higher, and higher. Jim felt the solar surfer kick on under his feet, vibrations that seemed to stabilize Jim's footing while he soared through the sky, dodging and weaving across tendrils as they attacked without purpose. In the face of such dread and utter hopelessness, Jim could only belt out in unbridled excitement and pride.


Jim felt the sun burst across his wind-swept hair, felt it rejuvinate his senses. Liberation at its finest, and as the taste was so decadent, the consequences thereafter followed. The tendrils curved upward, decimating Jim's years of long nights and thrice-checked work. Submitting to his fate, Jim closed his eyes and entered free-fall. The pieces of his solar surfer raining down upon him while he fell. The next time he opened his eyes, he could see the tendrils were closing in all around him. Almost swallowing him whole until a blue light blisters off his skin.

All he could feel was his entire body suspended in what felt like a thick molasses. He could hardly breathe, but it felt like he didn't need to. Could hardly move, but still floated across an endless expanse of blue speckled stars across a pitch black sky. Jim felt at peace, and if this was the afterlife...So be it.

That was until he felt solid ground, and his breath caught in his throat. Eyes snapped open young Jim stifled a cough from rising to his chest, and could see a bunch of weirdos standing next to him. A tall, old, and quite frankly out of fashion man with a pointy hat stood over them like an authoritive figure.

“I am the wizard Yen Sid, and this is my Tower of Sorcery, You have been gathered for a quest of great importance, one that you are fated to participate in.”

Jim Hawkins could not help but raise an eyebrow at this old man. Had he gone crazy? How did he get here? Was this the afterlife? Not really what he envisioned when death came to mind. "Sorry to burst your bubble-" Jim started off, eyeing up the old man. "But I think you've missed the slumber party." Jim poked fun at Yen Sid's blue robes. But Jim realized something, the blue light... "Wait a minute, that blue light--that was you?" Jim pointed his finger at Yen Sid, narrowing his eyes.
Code by Serobliss
code by opaline
❛ The Fifth Spirit ❜
“I don’t know what you’re doing here… or what your intentions are, but this place is sacred,” Elsa’s piercing gaze never wavered as it fixed upon the dark figure standing ominously in the heart of Ahtohallan’s main chamber. Her voice, though calm, was indicative of someone who would not hesitate to protect this ancient place with everything she had. “State your name and your intentions.”

The Fifth Spirit stood tall, unwavering on the frozen platform, the cold of Ahtohallan flowing through her like an old friend. Her magic, which had once felt foreign, was now an extension of her very being—an unshakable force. Though she hesitated to judge prematurely, her instincts told her something was amiss. The miasma surrounding the Stranger felt wrong—dark, unsettling. She steeled herself for whatever came next, prepared to defend the sacred glacier should it come to that.

A low, sinister chuckle reverberated through the chamber, causing a faint shiver to crawl down Elsa’s spine. The cloaked figure slowly turned towards her, though their face remained hidden beneath a heavy cowl, their presence almost suffocating in its malevolence.

“My… intentions?” The figure drawled, the words hanging in the air like poison. “Dear Elsa, I can’t help but wonder… how different things might have been if you had been stronger. If you hadn’t been so weak-willed when it came to a certain Prince of the Southern Isles? You had him right where you wanted him. What could anyone have done against the power you held? And yet, how utterly wasted it was on you…”

Elsa’s breath hitched at the words, the memories they dredged up sharp and painful. Her jaw tightened involuntarily, the image of the man in question…of Anna’s near loss…flashing vividly before her eyes took her back to a time where, even with her great powers, she was completely powerless. It was one of the darkest moments of her life, the crushing weight of isolation nearly swallowing her whole were it not for those that loved her to remind her of the very power she wielded was not of ice…but of love itself. She could feel her pulse quicken, but she didn’t allow herself to be consumed by the past.

She would not let it control her now.

With a slow, deliberate movement, Elsa lifted her hand, her palm outstretched toward the cloaked figure. The air around her already held a biting chill, but it grew colder still— the frost crept from her fingertips and settled into the very bones of the chamber and the Stranger before her. The Stranger, still cloaked and unreadable, seemed to take in the temperature shift with eerie calm. Their breath condensed in the air, mingling as Elsa’s did as the temperature dropped to an unbearable degree.

“A bit...cold, isn’t it?” The Stranger’s voice lilted almost teasingly, as if they were savoring the tension in the air and this was all by design.

Although Elsa’s lips twitched with the faintest of smirks, her gaze narrowed dangerously, “The cold never bothered me.”

Suddenly, the two engaged in a battle of magic and will. Elsa’s powers, once a source of fear and confusion for her in the past, were now an integral part of who she was as a defender...a protector. Her time of discovery amongst the Northuldra had given her newfound confidence—a sense of purpose that grounded her as the Fifth Spirit, entrusted with the protection of her people. She would not falter now.

The clash of magic was swift and fierce, but despite Elsa’s strength, there was something unnerving about the figure before her. Their magic pulsed with an unnatural power, one that seemed to press against her own with similarly unyielding force as though it too were a sort of force of nature...but what? As Elsa focused on gaining the upper hand, a sudden wave of darkness began to tug at the edges of her vision—like an inky fog trying to consume her very senses.

She rubbed her eyes, attempting to clear the odd sensation, but the darkness only deepened. The air seemed to thicken, and a surge of power pulsed around them. Alarmed, Elsa instinctively called out for help.


She reached out with one trembling hand, desperate to summon her familiar to try and find another way through this. Her connection to the Nokk—a creature of water and spirit she met upon her journey of self discovery—was answered with a familiar neighing but before Elsa could fully make contact, everything around her exploded in a flash of blue light.


It was as though the very fabric of reality had torn open and she was pulled through. Elsa’s world spun wildly, her senses assaulted by a whirlwind of images and emotions. Strange visions flooded her mind—unfamiliar faces, distant lands, creatures she could barely comprehend. Gods. Monsters. Toys? It was an onslaught of confusion but Elsa held fast, drawing on the courage and resolve she shared with Anna to help her through whatever foreign magic had taken hold.

When the spinning finally ceased and her vision cleared, Elsa found herself standing in a vast, dimly lit room—a place unlike any she had seen before. An elderly man with a long, flowing beard and robes that seemed to shimmer with magic stood before her. His eyes, wise and ancient, regarded her carefully.

“I am the wizard Yen Sid, and this is my Tower of Sorcery. You have been gathered for a quest of great importance, one that you are fated to participate in.”

The word fated struck Elsa like a blow to the chest. She took in her surroundings, her gaze flitting to the others who had arrived alongside her, each surrounded by a similar bloom of blue light. Were they all bound by this same...fate?

Uncertainty gnawed at her. She had no answers. Who was this man…and what was this quest? She was still reeling from the events in Ahtohallan, unsure of what exactly had just transpired. A glance around at the other figures, who appeared just as confused as she was, brought no comfort. They, too, seemed like strangers to whatever orchestration of fate this was.

Elsa, ever the reserved observer, chose to remain silent for now, listening intently as the others began to speak as their questions similar to her own. She could feel the weight of their uncertainty in the air, but she wasn’t quick to make assumptions. There was far too much at play here, and not everyone in this strange gathering could be trusted. For now, she would listen, wait, and watch closely, keeping her instincts sharp.

As a Queen would.
With the blue gem of the rainbow in hand, Yen Sid could feel the ancient magics working around him, traveling across the entire Realm of Illusion, gathering people from all about, people who would apparently be heroes. Yen Sid briefly regretted casting such a fast spell, as it meant that the heroes transition to the Tower of Sorcery might not be the most pleasant experience.

Regardless, the blue energy would return to the Tower, now separated into five distinct parts. Each of these five blue lights would touch the floor of this top room of the Tower, turning into five different people.

Yen Sid would greet them each, though he noted the haphazard shape they were in after the teleportation spell. The first to emerge from the light was a girl in a blue dress, her skirt flailing up as she attempted to right her clothing. She would mention something about the Wizard not waiting for tea, and putting together some kind of egg. Yen Sid had no idea what she was talking about, and assumed that he had plucked her from wherever at perhaps not the best time.

The second apparent hero to emerge was a bit of a shock to Yen Sid, a massive beast of some kind, looking like a mix of a grizzly and a bugbear. In truth he looked more like something that a party of heroes would need to kill rather than a hero himself. But Yen Sid knew that the spell couldn’t have been wrong, so this creature was apparently fated to defeat Mizrabel.

The third hero to emerge was a man in a poncho, sitting down on the floor and looking bewildered at Yen Sid. The Wizard thought that perhaps he was a farmer of some kind, fitting better into the mold of the hero just starting out on their journey.

Fourth up was another young man, this one with a small ponytail. Initially mocking Yen Sid’s attire upon appearing in the Tower of Sorcery, his situation would dawn on him as he questioned if Yen Sid was the one who had brought him here. Yen Sid would give the young man a stern look, figuring that it should be obvious who brought the five of them here.

And speaking of the fifth hero, she would emerge from the blue light, standing tall and regal. Unlike the young man on the floor, she would say nothing to the Wizard, instead just staring him down. Yen Sid would stare back at her for a few seconds, only to then recognize her. She was Queen Elsa of Arendelle, regent of a land that had yet to be fully conquered by Mizrabel and her Masters of Illusion.

“Your majesty,” Yen Sid would say with a bow, before addressing the others, “And the other gathered heroes, I apologize for the abruptness of this summoning, but it was a critical issue that could not wait. As you all know, for too many years we have lived with the threat of the witch Mizrabel and her attempts to take over all of the Realm of Illusion. Well finally we can do something to fight back.”

Yen Sid would then hold the blue gem out, “This is a gem of the rainbow, one of a set of seven. These powerful magical artifacts is how Mizrabel gained the power she now possesses. If you were able to acquire all seven, I could cast a spell that would undo the witch’s magic. This is something that only the five of you can do, something that is fated to happen.”

Yen Sid paused to let his words sink in. While he knew some of them would probably not want to go on a quest, the Wizard thought that the idea of defeating Mizrabel would be pretty alluring. There was almost no one in the Realm of Illusion who wasn’t affected by the witch’s rule, so they probably would be more inclined to participate if it meant taking her down.

The Beast

There he stood now, a blue hue cast around him that soon faded as it did for the others in the room, all but Yen Sid. He was stunned, he glanced around frantically and soon laid eyes on the others in the room. He did not recognize even one of them, even the woman the wizard referred to as 'majesty'. As if that wasn't a dead give away, her appearance alone was enough. She was clearly royalty, but he did not know from where. But then it dawned on him and he left the daze he was in and a look of fear came across his expressive, bestial face.

As soon as he saw he was not alone, he turned away from the others and lifted one large hand to block his face. He did not want to be seen. It was his first instinct upon seeing others, to run and hide what he was. He wanted no one to see his hideousness that struck fear into the weakhearted. He was certain they would want to kill him, thinking he was a mindless creature that would tear anyone unfortunate enough in half. Something truly terrifying ripped out of a page of horror stories. It wasn't just that however, it was shame as well.

It was degrading to be thought of as an animal. Maybe in a sense he was. Too many times he had succumb to his anger, his rage, and other impulses. It was the reason he wound up in this state, had he just not left the castle that fateful night He would have never encountered that witch and he would still be him. "Ironic." He thought to himself, as he wallowed in the corner of Yen Sid's tower. The wizard mentioned fate. Was it fate that he be turned into a beast, fate to never find love again? But to think he could actually stop the woman who did this to him. No, he was far too deep into his doubts. To think he was cursing her name only so long ago, but now in a place where one man is counting on him to stop her, granting The Beast the opportunity he had been begging for, he can't fathom how he would even do it. Was he that much of a coward?

The Beast eventually paced away from the others as the wizard Yen Sid finished. He eventually found the metal surface of a decorative plate on the wall, seeing a warped reflection of himself that he stared into for a long while, pondering his new situation. He could feel it bumbling up again, a building rage. He tried to contain himself, but The Beast forced his fist against the wall causing the room to stir. The curse had only worsened this feeling and his control over it. He feared one day he would regress into the mindless creature many already thought he was.

"She will regret what she has done!" His booming voice roared out. A low drawn out growl soon followed his words while he slowly looked back to the Wizard. "If you say you can reverse her spells then I will agree, but how are we to acquire these rocks? I would gladly rip the woman apart, however I must know that you can indeed fix this like you say. My life... depends on it."
Alice watched with mild curiosity as the large, beast-like creature paced away, only to erupt in a fit of anger that would have made the Queen of Hearts herself offer polite applause. The room seemed to vibrate with his anger, and while others would've tensed, Alice merely adjusted a ribbon in her hair.

"Well," she said in the quiet that followed his outburst, her voice clear and steady, "it seems we're all in quite the predicament, aren't we? Some of us more visibly than others."

She stepped forward and addressed Yen Sid directly, hands folded neatly before her. "If I understand correctly, we're to hunt for seven magical gems across this 'Realm of Illusion' that none of us—except perhaps you and Her Majesty—seem particularly familiar with." She gestured vaguely toward Elsa. "And these gems will somehow undo this witch's magic that you mentioned."

Alice tapped her finger thoughtfully against her cheek. "Curiouser and curiouser. It's rather like a scavenger hunt, but with considerably higher stakes than finding the Mock Turtle's missing spectacles."

She glanced back at the Beast with a look of understanding rather than fear. "I do think our large friend raises a valid point about the reversal of spells. Ches—my somewhat cryptic feline acquaintance—always says that magic has rules, even when those rules seem completely mad. What guarantee do we have that finding these gems will break specific enchantments?"

For just a moment, Alice's eyes seemed to gleam with a hint of something otherworldly, and she tilted her head slightly as if listening to a distant voice. Her eyes ever slightly had a more purple-like hue only visible if you're paying extra attention.

"Come to think of it," she added, absently brushing at her ear, "there have been several odd occurrences in Wonderland lately that might be connected to this Mizrabel person. Just last month, Harey and I had to chase off these hooded figures from the Tulgey Wood who were bottling up time itself—more than is usual for tea parties, mind you."

"The Disciples of Illusion, I believe Ches called them,"
Alice added with a brief look of confusion, as if uncertain where that knowledge had come from. "And last winter, there was that peculiar incident with the looking-glass pond that started showing the wrong reflections. Rather than showing what was truly there, it displayed these strange shadowy versions of Wonderland—twisted and frightening. Ches was ever so pleased when I shattered it with a riddle that had no answer."

She smoothed her skirts and continued, her gaze occasionally flicking to an empty space beside her. "Then there was that peculiar adviser in the Queen's court who kept whispering about expanding her territory beyond Wonderland's borders. Had the strangest shadow that never quite matched his movements... almost as if it belonged to someone else entirely."

Alice blinked, then shook her head slightly. "He vanished rather suddenly after I accidentally-on-purpose spilled a REVEAL-ME potion on his robes during a trial." She smiled mischievously. "If these incidents were Mizrabel's doing, it seems I've been unwittingly interfering with her plans for some time now... Or maybe not!" She huffs, taking a moment after her rambling.

She turned to address the others now, including the still-seated man in the poncho and the young man with the ponytail. "I can't speak for the rest of you, but Wonderland has its share of unpleasantness beneath all the... wonder. If this witch has designs beyond even that, well... I suppose we ought to at least hear what the wizard has to say about where to begin our search."

Looking back to Yen Sid, she asked practically, "Do these gems have a habit of being in particularly dangerous places? And more importantly, do they serve tea where we're going? I was rather in the middle of an important appointment when I was so suddenly whisked away."

The faintest wisp of something—perhaps just a trick of the light—seemed to curl around her ankles before disappearing.
Blue Light

Old Man

Some kid, two hotties and WOAH!

Quichca had to restrain him self to not whip his magic out the man-thing bofore him. 'By the Great Sun!' He thought. 'Guys gotta be big enough to make mountain lions look like kittens!' He did his best to keep a cool head at the monsterous man roared and lamented. And mentioned a witch that ruined him.

Then there was the old wizards mentioning of reversing the power of some witch with a VERY familiar name. Quichca put to work a mind honed by the best (and most patient) tutors of Inkaq. Even if he did live in the hinterlands now, news from the capital did reach their. And not long after his "death" their was a big hubbub about Empress Yzma opening up their kingdom and breaking centuries of isolation.
Still that he had to do more than just sit on floor catching flies in his mouth. Staff in hand he rose to his feet and put a smile on worth a mou
ntian of gold. Even if he was Quichca now he had a hard time repressing the imperial swagger that was his birth right!

"Hey hot st-er! Miss! I think Sid's right when he says Mizrabels behind this. Inkaq had this amazing soon to be crown emperor who mysteriously disappeared. I'm think Mizrabel and the new empress had something to do with it."
He leaned casually on his staff. And if finding a few gems is what we need to stop an evil witch and bring villains to just I'm game."

He gave a deep bow before everyone (but especially towards Alice) taking off his cap with a flourish.
"Name's Quichca, and I'm one of best shepards in the Inkaq Highlands!"

code by opaline
❛ The Fifth Spirit ❜
The quiet exchange of unspoken understanding between Elsa and the Wizard was not one of challenge, but one of genuine respect. A subtle dip of her head acknowledged his authority in his domain—this was his space, not hers. The energy within the tower hummed with an almost tangible force as the other Fated gathered around her. When Yen Sid referred to her by title, Elsa’s stoic expression faltered, just for a moment. She gave a small shake of her head, a gesture that was both modest and humble. It was who she was— always more at ease as the Fifth Spirit than as a queen.

She listened intently as the Wizard explained why they had all been ripped from their homes and thrust into this strange place. But the moment he uttered the name "Mizrabel," Elsa's entire demeanor shifted.

‘So, THAT'S who invaded Ahtohallan…’ she thought, bristling with recognition. She should have known. The witch was a woman drunk on power, and power, once gained, was never easily relinquished. Elsa’s jaw clenched, her shoulders tense, back straight with newfound determination.

A shift in the air caught her attention. She turned slightly to meet the gaze of the Beast. Their eyes locked for the briefest of moments, and in that silent exchange, no words were needed. There was a flicker of a smile from the Regent, but she noticed as his own shifted to one of…fear? He hastily hid his expression, turning away before Elsa could reassure him. She hesitated, her hand lingering in the air, unsure whether her approach would ease his internal struggle or only deepen it.

I know how that feels, she thought, her heart heavy with empathy. I’ve been there...

In a sudden outburst, the Beast lashed out in anger, his frustration almost palpable. Elsa didn’t flinch. Instead, she gave him a quiet, understanding smile.

“Mizrabel has caused enough destruction to warrant stopping her,” Elsa spoke calmly, her voice firm. “If what you say is true, and only the five of us can stop her…” She excused herself from the circle with a polite dip of her head, slowly making her way toward the Beast-man. “Then there is no other choice. We have to stop her. We can’t let her hurt anyone else.”

Standing before the towering man, Elsa extended a hand toward him, her resolve clear. Though he had stepped away from the group, she did not retreat. She understood isolation all too well—she had been consumed by it when she first struggled to control her powers. She wouldn’t let him drown in self-doubt the way she once had.

‘Channeling you here, Anna... help me out…’

"WE... we are going to stop her, right?" she asked, locking eyes with the Beast, silently conveying her unwavering commitment to their mission.

She turned then, addressing the rest of the group. “I’m Elsa, of Arendelle and Northuldra. It’s a pleasure to meet you all, though I wish it were under better circumstances."
Jim Hawkins
Artificer - 1
A Call To Adventure
Tower Of Sorcery

HP: 11/11

Fate. What an interesting word to define what is happening here right now. The old man spoke, and Jim most certainly listened to his words. But Jim was not a fool. There was a glaring issue that everyone seemed to be skipping over. But before Jim could speak up, everyone had already begun to introduce themselves and what happened to them in their own world. Starting off with sasquatch

Sasquatch seemed to lash out at the wall in anger, and Jim Hawkins watched Beast with an inquisitive eye. It was no surprise that Mizrabel could do worse to other people, and it seemed to be a situation that branched out to the other members of the fated heroes now here today. Jim, kept quiet on matters in his own world. Not seeing a point in divulging any sort of information about his near death experience or the fact Mizrabel attacked the ship he had been hitching a ride on.

Queen Elsa had a point though, while consoling The Beast- Mizrabel had done enough damage, not just to their worlds but to them as people also.
Jim narrowed his eyes, hands balled up into the pockets of his black jacket as he finally decided to speak up.

"Listen, stopping Mizrabel is all well and fine, and I'd be all for it too." Jim started off, looking around the room, then to the old man.
"Those gems were used by Mizrabel to gain her powers you said, no?" Jim pointed at the blue gem in question. "Then there's no reason that you yourself wouldn't abuse the powers of those gems as well, old man." Jim looked up at him, having played this song and dance with many adults prior.

Who's to say that the old man Yen Sid wouldn't let the gems get the best of him? Who could keep this geezer in check? "If those gems are really as powerful as you say they are, there's no stopping you from doing what you want with them once you get them all. In the end, you could just turn out to be the very next Mizrabel, and I for one ain't interested in that."

Jim turned to the others, giving them a slight nod. "Name's Jim Hawkins. Just call me Jim."

Code by Serobliss
Yen Sid could easily see the beast like hero getting riled up by the mention of Mizrabel. As the creature slammed his fist against the wall, Yen Sid did his best not to flinch. Already this fated hero was showing his might, something that Yen Sid hoped he would focus on taking down the witch ruler of this world.

The beast man would then agree to the quest, seemingly having a personal stake in defeating Mizrabel based on his words. Yen Sid would be glad with this turn of events, as he knew that was one hero accepted the quest, the others were more likely to join in.

Second up to accept the quest would be the girl in the blue dress. She would begin speaking in a stream of consciousness, some of it being irrelevant, while others tying into Mizrabel’s possible machinations in the girl’s homeland. And that homeland would be revealed to be Wonderland, a long thought hidden land, one that even Yen Sid had never been to.

However Yen Sid had been to the next mentioned land, that being Inkaq. The wizard had not been aware that the Emperor disappeared until it was mentioned, as last time he was in the kingdom, a teenager was about to claim the throne. But that didn’t really affect this shepherd named Quichca in Yen Sid’s mind, instead he wondered what skills exactly would the man from Inkaq bring to the quest.

Next up the previously quiet royal Elsa would finally speak. Thankfully her words were full of determination of defeating the witch Mizrabel. Yen Sid had heard tales of Elsa’s magic and was hopeful that it would assist in the journey at hand for these fated heroes.

But the fifth and final summoned hero would surprise Yen Sid, questioning why the wizard should be given the Gems of the Rainbow. Yen Sid had expected some push back from whoever he ended up summoning, but he was still stung a little bit at the lack of trust that he would use the gems magic for good.

“I can assure you that if it was possible I would destroy the Gems of the Rainbow, so that their powerful magic could never be misused,” stated Yen Sid, “But all of my research has shown that the gems’ magic is too strong. So if they must exist, I see no reason to not use them for good. So once I cast the spell to undo Mizrabel’s magic, I intend to give each of the gems to a different trusted individual, hiding each of them across the corners of the Realm.”

In an effort to prove that he had no notions to claim the Gems of the Rainbow for his own, Yen Sid would place the blue gem on a table. The wizard would then gesture towards the fated heroes, a mage hand spell opening the door behind them, revealing a room full of weapons, armor, and other supplies.

“As I seem to have summoned you at perhaps an inopportune time as far as what you have on you, I have prepared gear to help you on your quest,” said Yen Sid, “Once you are prepared for your quest, you may depart the Tower of Sorcery. Unfortunately the only lead I have right now on the other gems is that a fellow wizard named Merlin might know of them. He can be found near the city of London, directly due north of the tower. I would teleport you, but I am quite drained from summoning you all here.”

Yen Sid wouldn’t be lying as he mentioned his weariness. Despite being known as a powerful wizard, there were still spells that weakened him greatly. Even by using the blue Gem of the Rainbow, the power to locate and teleport fated individuals was still a massive spell.

“I know this quest isn’t ideal, but it is necessary to save the world,” said Yen Sid, “Thus I wish you all the best on your journey.”
Alice couldn't help but notice the unusual man in the poncho rise to his feet, a smile spreading across his face as he addressed the group. When he bowed with a theatrical flourish, particularly in her direction, she offered a polite curtsy in return, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"A pleasure to meet you, shepherd of the Inkaq Highlands," she said, the corners of her mouth quirking upward. "I'm afraid I know little of sheep—unless they're the kind that recite poetry while knitting scarves, which I suspect may be unique to Wonderland."

As the regal woman introduced herself as Elsa of Arendelle and Northuldra, Alice observed the quiet dignity with which she addressed Beast before turning to include the entire group. There was something both commanding and compassionate about her demeanor that reminded Alice, oddly enough, of the White Queen—though considerably less fluttery.

"Your Majesty," Alice acknowledged with a respectful nod. "You speak wisely. These incidents in Wonderland—the hooded figures, the twisted looking-glass, and that strange adviser—I never connected them before, but now all of this? Stopping that mean witch makes the most sense now."

When the young man called Jim Hawkins voiced his concerns about Yen Sid potentially misusing the gems, Alice tilted her head thoughtfully.

"That's actually quite sensible," she remarked. "In Wonderland, we have a saying: 'Never trust a smiling cat unless you can see all of his teeth.' Though Ches would argue that's precisely why he only shows his smile." She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "It's a fair question—what is to stop these gems from simply creating a new Mizrabel?"

As Yen Sid explained his intentions for the gems and opened the door to the equipment room, Alice's posture relaxed ever so slightly. His plan to scatter the gems among trusted individuals after using them did seem sensible—better than keeping them together where they might tempt someone anew. Still, a small furrow appeared between her brows. Even the most trustworthy guardians could misplace things, as the White Rabbit had demonstrated countless times with his watch. Separating the gems might prevent another Mizrabel, but it wouldn't eliminate the risk entirely. She kept these thoughts to herself as she stepped forward with curious eyes, hands clasped behind her back in a posture of polite restraint.

"Oh my, that's quite generous," she said, glancing back at Yen Sid. "Though I must admit I've never wielded anything more dangerous than a croquet mallet—and even then, I only hit the balls, never the flamingos."

She tapped her finger thoughtfully against her cheek. "This Merlin fellow in London... that's in Albion, isn't it? I've visited there once or twice through the rabbit holes. There's one that opens near a place called Westminster—all towers and clocks and serious-faced men hurrying about. Quite stuffy people, terribly concerned with time, rather like the White Rabbit on his worst days." Her brow furrowed slightly. "Though finding the right hole can be tricky. Wonderland tunnels have a habit of rearranging themselves when you're not looking directly at them."

Suddenly Alice stopped mid-ramble, her cheeks coloring slightly as she realized something.

"Oh! Where are my manners? I've been chattering away like a March Hare on his third cup of tea, and I haven't even introduced myself properly!" She smoothed her blue dress, brushing away imaginary wrinkles with slightly flustered movements. "The Duchess would be absolutely mortified—she always said introductions should come before conversations, though she rarely followed that rule herself."

Taking a small breath to compose herself, Alice gave a proper curtsy to the group. "I'm Alice of Wonderland—or Underland, as some call it. I've lived there since I was a little girl," she paused, her fingers fidgeting slightly with the edge of her dress, "though strangely I don't... well, I don't recall anything from before that." Her voice had grown quieter, but she quickly brightened again. "I've spent years learning to navigate Wonderland's peculiarities and occasionally thwarting schemes that, as it turns out, may have been Mizrabel's doing all along. Ignoring the other absurd things that happen like clockwork there!"

She stepped into the equipment room, selected a light crossbow, and tested its weight with surprising familiarity. Her fingers moved over the mechanism with practiced precision, checking the tension and sighting down the barrel with an ease that belied her earlier words about croquet mallets. Almost absently, she selected a silver dagger as well, twirling it once between her fingers before securing it at her belt, the movement so quick and fluid it might have been missed with a blink.

"I suppose some protection wouldn't go amiss," she said lightly. "The Queen's playing cards can be quite dangerous when wielding axes, so I've learned to keep a certain distance."

She paused, considering something. "And I suppose if we're to travel through Albion, I should mention that I might be recognized there—or rather, not recognized at all, which could be equally troublesome. The last time I emerged from a rabbit hole in Albion, I was nearly committed to an asylum for insisting that cats could disappear." She giggles...? "Quite closed-minded about such things, the Albionites."

Before departing the equipment room, Alice turned back to Yen Sid with a serious expression that seemed to momentarily transform her youthful face. "Mr. Yen Sid, there's something I must ask before we set off. You mentioned undoing Mizrabel's magic, but..." she glanced meaningfully toward Beast, compassion evident in her eyes, "would that include the personal enchantments she's cast? Our large friend seems quite invested in that particular outcome, and I believe it's only fair he knows what hope there may be." Her voice softened. "In Wonderland, even the most nonsensical riddles have answers. I should like to think the same is true of curses."
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Jim Hawkins
Artificer - 1
Gearing Up For Adventure
Tower Of Sorcery

HP: 11/11

That's all he could give Jim? A reassurance that he'd never use the gems for his own desires? A small pat on the back and a promise he'll split the gems up to be kept by different trusted individuals? How trusted were they? If one gem can teleport an entire crew of people from different worlds into one place...What could the others do? This all seemed so wrong to Jim. He felt like he was being played a fool by this old geezer.

Alice, the one in the blue dress spoke in odd mannerisms and such unusual riddles. He wondered if that were due to where she lived-- As she called it Wonderland, or Underland. He had no information to go off of this place other than that it was a truly odd place to be, and that was due to Alice's own words when detailing the place she's lived in since she was little. As she approached the room and geared herself up she seemed to be so indifferent to the nature of the items she was choosing.

Jim huffed as he stuffed his hands back into his black jacket, turning away from Yen Sid. In silent vexation Jim marched his feet towards the room to pick out his own items. While rummaging through the stuff, he seemed to be particularly pulled towards a set of woodcarver's tools. Picking them up he thought it was good enough considering he could use them whenever he needed to tinker with something. He stuffed them in the bag he had kept with him.

Jim found something else that piqued his interest, and snatched up an odd find among the pile of items. It looked to be a pistol of some sort. (A light crossbow reflavored as a pistol. All stats are the same, just the appearance is reminiscent of a pistol). The weight was suited for him, and the grip was comfortable enough. Jim stashed it in his pants as he continued to search the room. It would be foolish not to take a dagger as well. A set of scale mail stood out to Jim, and he decided that it was best to wear some form of protection on this journey. Finally, Jim settled on grabbing a pouch of thieves' tools.

As he exited the room, Jim stared towards Yen Sid and asked a question, one that was intended to test Yen Sid as much as it was to see if it were possible. "Yen Sid, was it? I like to tinker with things. Build things, repair them, all that. I didn't seem to find anything in that room that would allow me to pursue my craft. Any chance you've got something like that?"

--Jim is asking Yen Sid if he can have a set of Tinker's Tools--
(If a roll is needed, I would be happy to be the first ever roll xD)

Code by Serobliss
The Beast

The Beast let out a drawn out sigh as he began to calm himself again, but what he said was true to himself. His life did depend on this. He deeply feared that he could possibly be this thing forever, and that was something he didn't want to think about. Before now he had almost given up hope all together but now there was the smallest glimmer of hope, a warm light far off in the distance.

He turned only slightly, enough to catch her in the corner of his eye, the beautiful woman of regality beginning to approach him. His immediate thought was the same as before, wanting to distance himself, and had it not been for the wall obstructing him he would have backed away. Though, Elsa's air remained cool and calm as she stepped closer while the Beast anxiously watched her, only for him to look away, afraid to lock eyes with anyone let alone a woman of royalty.

The Beast's eyebrows rose however, a look of surprise as the woman reached out her hand. Her skin was fair and there was gentleness in her slim hand. He glanced up to her face then back down to the hand outstretched. His heart beating with fear, hesitance ridding his mind. Could it be that such a thing is showing him kindness, even in this form? He took he time with his decision and then lifted his large arm to meet her. The Beast allowed the back of his grizzly hand against her palm. He silently nodded to her question as their eyes met, hers' with resolve that contradicted his look of uncertainty.

His eyes trailed off when Elsa turned away and his gaze found the armory as its door creeked open. He glanced back at the others before making his way over. He did not know anything about fighting or what a soldier had to go through in times of war, but this was a fight worthy of the Beast's strength. If there was a time to take up arms for the once prince, it was now.

He didn't spend much time browsing, he simply took up a large hammer hanging on one of the several racks across the wall. It was... lighter then he expected it to be, or perhaps it was the new found strength of the beast. But not only that, as it rested in his monstrous mits he recognized something else. It felt right to him, like he was meant to have it. The maul was arguably the largest weapon in the room, fitting that it would go into the largest pair of hands. He then made his way back out with an awkward hold on the hammer, making it clear as day that he was new to this. He didn't want his large size getting in the way as the others picked their poison.
Alice couldn't help but notice the unusual man in the poncho rise to his feet, a smile spreading across his face as he addressed the group. When he bowed with a theatrical flourish, particularly in her direction, she offered a polite curtsy in return, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"A pleasure to meet you, shepherd of the Inkaq Highlands," she said, the corners of her mouth quirking upward. "I'm afraid I know little of sheep—unless they're the kind that recite poetry while knitting scarves, which I suspect may be unique to Wonderland."
"Well, shepard is a bit of a misnomer. I deal with Alpaca's mostly but I hear sheep are kinda similar. Feel free to ask me more about 'em when we've got time!"

With the opening of the room Quichca fired off a pair of finger guns at Yen Sid.

"Sweet Sid, lemme pick out a mighty weapon for whacking evil!"

He strolled to the room with a deceptively easy gait seemingly unconcerned with Yen's given quest. But Quichca was infact giving it a lot of thought. Its obvious that if one orb or bring them here more could do a whole lot more. But as it stood Mizrabel was the bigger threat, he'd play along with the quest for now but keep an eye on the wizard.

"Hmmm....." Quichca put his chin in his right hand as considered his options. "I'll take this, that and some of these."

Herbalism Kit
Leather Armor

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