Discovering the Chinese Zodiacs

Soul Eu Min

Five Thousand Club


Rat-Lila Carolyn Coogan(Scattered Ambitions)

Ox-Jessica Christine Torres(Jess Buck)

Tiger-Carter Fey(zCrookedz)

Rabbit-Fang Hua Tso (Soul Eu Min)

Dragon-Lu Xun Eu Min (Soul Eu Min)

Snake-Tai Kyung Kaneko(Soul Eu Min)

Horse-Lucinda Rose Coogan(Scattered Ambitions)

Sheep-Marie Kate Daniels(StarrySkyofLostSouls)

Monkey-Lyle James Conner(Jess Buck)

Rooster-Heather McKarthy(StarrySkyofLostSouls)

Dog-Isaac O'Brian(StarrySkyofLostSouls)

Boar-Lilian Osgood(zCrookedz)

Jade Emperor (Sun Wan)-OPEN

Villains- I'll be flexible with this one, if you want to make a villain you are allowed to


Cat-Shiro Nekosaki(Bread King)

Set Up-






Affiliation: Evil or Good

Zodiac Animal:


Best Friend/s:


Appearance: Human

Appearance: Animal (Not needed if Sun Wan or Sun Lu)



Name:Fang Hua Tso



Personality:Fang Hua is a very friendly person who loves to make new friends and is easy to get along with. She isn't the type of person to freak out over little things and even laughs at herself whenever she makes a mistake. However, she is very oblivious when it comes to romance and danger, which are disadvantages for her.



Zodiac Animal:Rabbit

Power: Speed

Best Friend/s:Lu Xun Eu Min and Tai Kyung Kaneko

Crush:Lyle James Conner

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/219351_438166782902488_1500076426_o.jpg.8b72558c5cfd09f858f25ccc8f45998a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61792" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/219351_438166782902488_1500076426_o.jpg.8b72558c5cfd09f858f25ccc8f45998a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/rabbit-stats_490.jpg.44246d0dfb8bd5d5884785c8571db307.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61793" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/rabbit-stats_490.jpg.44246d0dfb8bd5d5884785c8571db307.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She grew up alongside Lu Xun and Tai Kyung, who are her best friends. Fang Hua, never knew about her relation to the Chinese zodiac simply because her parents tried to hide it from her, specifically her mother who is the descendant of the rabbit zodiac. But when the time of the blood moon began to near, everything was confessed to her, even the part about Lu Xun and Tai Kyung knowing about her part of the zodiac and their parts as well. At first, it was a lot of Fang Hua to take it, but she got used to it and adores her new zodiac family, even if they tend to be a little bit over protective over her, especially Lu Xun and Tai Kyung. She owns the pet adoption center across from an auto repair shop and practices her gymnastics at her mother's gym with dreams of winning her 10th gold medal in the Olympics.

Name:Lu Xun Eu Min

Nickname: Soul


Personality:A natural born leader, he isn't afraid to take charge and takes responsibility. Lu Xun is a kind, polite person who doesn't mind getting in between arguments. He is calm and collected even in the most tense of situations and when he needs to, he can be very intimidating to the point that it is very frightening.



Zodiac Animal: Dragon


Best Friend/s:Fang Hua Tso and Tai Kyung Kaneko


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Ohyes-2015-New-Arrival-Hot-Selling-3-color-Handsome-boys-wig-Korean-fashion-men-s-short.jpg.5699f239cd7c8fe43846a595e1389dd5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61794" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Ohyes-2015-New-Arrival-Hot-Selling-3-color-Handsome-boys-wig-Korean-fashion-men-s-short.jpg.5699f239cd7c8fe43846a595e1389dd5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/dragons4_eternal4_photo_02_dl.jpg.052b21b218c68ef02365b518b1a5441d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61795" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/dragons4_eternal4_photo_02_dl.jpg.052b21b218c68ef02365b518b1a5441d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Lu Xun has always known about his relation as a zodiac thanks to his father, who accidentally let it slip. Since then, his father has been training Lu Xun in martial arts, specifically kung fu. As much as he enjoys kung fu, Lu Xun's passion is music and he has proven so through his title as a music prodigy. Lu Xun loves music and everything about it and when he is in his worst of moments, he lets out his frustrations in the pieces of decides to play. He is often mistaken to be dating Tai Kyung, though that's not true. Despite them both being bisexual and expressing an attraction towards one another, they are perfectly fine with their current friendship. He owns a music shop, even though his dad is urging him to take over the family music company, Pacific Coast Entertainment.

Name:Tai Kyung Kaneko

Nickname:Tai or T.K


Personality:Generally, Tai Kyung is the kind of guy who is quiet and will keep to himself. He doesn't like to let himself be known to the world and is fine with being in the shadows. It takes a while for him to trust people but once you have his trust, you have gained a loyal companion who will go over and beyond to protect you.



Zodiac Animal: Snake

Power: Poison

Best Friend/s:Fang Hua Tso and Lu Xun Eu Min


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/02.jpg.a579f4e16ab413ad26e81d43127ea541.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61797" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/02.jpg.a579f4e16ab413ad26e81d43127ea541.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/26823_129160610.jpg.0f4bcc92a0ea7998c71b593e18a94e49.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61798" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/26823_129160610.jpg.0f4bcc92a0ea7998c71b593e18a94e49.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Tai Kyung's parents are always working business people who never had time for him. That left him and his older brother, Kyung Kaneko -who later joined the army and died in action- and then it was just Tai Kyung left by himself. This led to him having difficulties making friends or even communicating with anyone. When he found about that is a descendant of the snake zodiac, he assumed that was the reason why his parents were always working and why his brother died. Tai Kyung would have long killed himself if not for meeting and befriending Lu Xun Eu Min and Fang Hua Tso, though he is closer to Lu Xun because it was him who convinced Tai Kyung that death would do nothing to help him. Although he is bisexual and they both have expressed an interest in one another, they prefer their current friendship. He is the owner of the Eternal Library and works there as the librarian.



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Name: Jessica Christine Torres

Nickname: Jess or Jessa

Age: 20

Personality: Jessica is extremely friendly and kind. She is nice to literally everyone, unless you give her a reason on to be. She loves to make friends and talk to those friends. However, she struggles with Monachopsis, which is the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place. She describes it as half of her brain saying that she doesn't belong and no one wants her around but the other half saying that she's having fun and she's with people who are her friends and whom she loves. This happens most often at party like events so she normally stays away from those type of situations. But other than that she's absolutely the best person to be around. She's fun, funny, outgoing, and loving.

Sexuality: Lesbian

Affiliation: Good

Zodiac Animal: Ox

Power: Strength

Best Friend/s: Lyle Connor

Crush: TBA





Extra: Jessica grew up completely unaware of her relation with the chinese zodiacs. It wasn't until later when she was about 17 her parents told her everything. At first Jessica was confused but she's learned to accept it. The only other person she's met that's also a zodiac is her best friend Lyle. She and him are inseparable. Jessica is a freelance SFX makeup artist and actress. She also has an affinity for music, playing three instruments and being a talented singer. She plays guitar, flute, and piano.

Name: Lyle James Connor

Nickname: What's a nickname?

Age: 21

Personality: Lyle is very cocky. He's arrogant and full of himself, however he's love-able. He has been described as a "Love-able asshole". He's outgoing but he'll only talk to you if he thinks you're worth his time. However, if he does find you worth his time, he becomes fond of you very quickly and he is very over protective. He will fight anyone who crosses him or his friends. He's prone to violence and anger but only if he's provoked by others.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Affiliation: Good

Zodiac Animal: Monkey

Power: Climbing

Best Friend/s: Jessica Torres

Crush: Fang Hua Tso





Extra: Lyle always know his affiliation with the zodiacs but his parents swore him to secrecy. It wasn't until his best friend Jessica revealed to him that she was also a zodiac that he told someone. He now works in an auto-body shop.
Name: Carter Fey

Nickname: Stripes

Age: 20

Personality: Carter is a generally happy guy. He likes people for the most part and likes to enjoy the outdoors. He enjoys social engagements of most kinds, but could do without the larger upscale party's. He has a very deep protective nature for Lillian, but likes to give her a hard time.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Affiliation: Good

Zodiac Animal: Tiger

Power: Stealth= Carter can blend into his surroundings with little more than a thought. Thought not truly invincible, it would be hard to distinguish him out of his surroundings unless you were looking for him.

Best Friend: Lilian Osgood

Crush: none atm




Name: Lilian Osgood

Nickname: Lilly

Age: 19

Personality: Lilly was very quiet when she was younger, but after the kindness that the Fey family for so many years she was able to break out of her shell. She is an outgoing girl, who loves to involve herself in anything that sounds like a good time. Her free spirit is allows her to enjoy her artistic side and put up with the Carters constant protective yet sometimes annoying nature.

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Zodiac Animal: Boar

Power: Command= Lillian has the ability to command lesser creatures at will.

Best Friend: Carter Fey

Crush: none atm



Extra for both Carter and Lillian:

Carter grew up with the knowledge of his Zodiac heritage. His father, who he had inherited the abilities from, used to spend several hours in the woods behind their house teaching him the ways Tigers were able to hunt and to control his special abilities of stealth. It was around his 10th birthday that his father let him go on his first hunting mission alone. AS Carter stalked the landscape his called home, he began to notice tracks that did not belong to the typical animals that lived in his woods. Following the trail he discovered a wild boar had wondered into his area of the woods and was determined to bring it home to show his father he could hunt.

Just as he was about to make his killing lunge at the boar, Carter was blown away when the boar shifted into a girl about the same age as him. Carter shifted himself and introduced himself to the boar girl. He found out that her name was Lillian and she had been on the run for a short time after her parents were killed in an accident. She was scared of what might happen if anyone other than her parents learned of her abilities and so left civilization behind to live in the forest. Carter and Lillian returned to Carters home, where his parents opened up their home to the girl and she lived along with them.
Name: Marie Kate Daniels

Nickname: MK, Mari

Age: 19

Personality: she's a very quiet and shy girl, she has one of the biggest and sweetest hearts you'll ever met. Many people go to her for help or advice because she's just so approachable and people adore her. She never gets angry but does get upset and disappointed when something goes wrong. She loves helping people and always gives the best advice when she can and if she actually has the knowledge on the topic or problem that they are dealing with.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Affiliation: Good

Zodiac Animal: Sheep

Power: Healing

Best Friend/s: Isaac

Crush: TBA

Appearance: Human


Appearance: Animal (Not needed if Sun Wan or Sun Lu)


Extra: Mari helps out at an orphanage on a daily basis as well as volunteers at an animal shelter and daycare, she loves animals and kids because she loves helping everyone and everything, even if she can't.


Name: Isaac O'Brian

Nickname: Isa,

Age: 20

Personality: Isaac is a very calm and kind person, he doesn't mind helping others and can be quite sweet. But if the time comes when he needs to be the leader, he can stand up to the challenge. He is very stubborn but also very loyal, he sometimes get very worried about his friends but knows that they can protect themselves. He mostly is keeping an eye on Mari because her innocence sometimes puts her danger because of her naivety.

Sexuality: Homosexual

Affiliation: Good

Zodiac Animal: Dog

Power: Endurance

Best Friend/s: Marie Kate

Crush: TBA

Appearance: Human


Appearance: Animal (Not needed if Sun Wan or Sun Lu)


Extra: Isaac's currently working at a small bookstore and cafe as a waiter, he likes it because its peaceful and quiet and adores reading books and likes his tea so he basically is in heaven when he works.
Name: Heather McKarthy

Nickname: H, McKarthy

Age: 20

Personality: Heather is very observant, and therefore more or less always accurate with her observations, she has a keen eye for fashion and for spotting a liar. She's may be social but she does appreciate her space and alone time like everyone else. She is very active and always on the move, only stopping when she knows she needs a break before getting out and going again. She is very loyal to her friends and would do anything for them

Sexuality: Bisexual

Affiliation: Good

Zodiac Animal: Rooster/Chicken

Power: Detection

Best Friend/s: Marie Kate and Isaac

Crush: TBA

Appearance: Human


Appearance: Animal (Not needed if Sun Wan or Sun Lu)


Extra: Heather likes to give a helping hand wherever she can, she can be seen all around, She loves also working on her motorcycle in her free time. She loves to ride her motorcycle and can be seen going on drives around town.
Name: Lucinda Rose Coogan

Nickname: Lulu

Age: 17

Personality: Will roleplay out

Sexuality: Hetero

Affiliation: Good

Zodiac Animal: Horse

Power: Strength

Best Friend/s: Lila

Crush: None

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.c5019a37818b5120af5b3246269d87a6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62099" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.c5019a37818b5120af5b3246269d87a6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Apperence: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.937386ff897e3b02682fe0bf86a0114e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62101" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.937386ff897e3b02682fe0bf86a0114e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extra: Her adopted sister is Lila.

Name: Lila Carolyn Coogan

Nickname: Ash

Age: 18

Personality: Will roleplay out

Sexuality: Hetero

Affiliation: Good

Zodiac Animal: Rat

Power: Persuasion

Best Friend/s: Lulu

Crush: None

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.4574cd468f3f778b06134eb9265f9459.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62105" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.4574cd468f3f778b06134eb9265f9459.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.81580400b3978803a17dbf213a5bb5e8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62106" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.81580400b3978803a17dbf213a5bb5e8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extra: She was adopted by Lulu's parents, and became Lulu's sister. Lila was born with a genetic mutation that caused her hair to be white. No, she isn't albino.



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(Sorry It took me so long)


  • Nickname: Feel free to attempt to give her one, she doesn't have one yet

    Age: 18

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Affiliation: Evil

    Zodiac Animal: Cat[/URL][/media]



Because of Shiro's cat like reflexes, she practically always lands on her feet. She isn't exactly very strong on her own, but her nimbleness and speed seem to make up for it, for the most part.


Shiro's main power is possession. She can force her spirit and mind into that of another person's body, but by doing so, her own body remains completely defenseless.


She has the abilities to turn completely invisible, but when she does so, she has to stay completely still because movement causes her camouflage to weaken to the point where she is completely visible, depending on her speed.



Dude that's cool

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