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Futuristic [DISCONTINUED] Astral Fulcrum OOC

Would a pair of handguns be seen as two weapons or would that be considered an SP weapon as a collective?
Aeoun is right there smh

Would a pair of handguns be seen as two weapons or would that be considered an SP weapon as a collective?
SP is drawn from pure mana. It is possible have a dual-wielding armament as an SP weapon.
But why have handguns for your mech when you can ask the M.O.M to set you up with a 155mm? Things go 💥 !

SP is drawn from pure mana. It is possible have a dual-wielding armament as an SP weapon.
But why have handguns for your mech when you can ask the M.O.M to set you up with a 155mm? Things go 💥 !
Why not have all the guns LMAO, but i needed that rapid fire for my trickshot marksman concept. LOL
Farbanian soldiers ain't gonna perform mitosis. We have to be proactive and contribute to the recruitment pool.
something something the queen needs an heir something something
God-damn how much trauma do the lot of y’all have to be so damn horni.
absolutely 0, horni is a natural part of mankind's existence

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