• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Disasters | Character Sheets



bubbling brew
Welcome to the Character Sheet section of the Roleplay! Here is where you will post your character sheets for approval. I will be providing a character sheet code, but don't feel like you need to use it. As long as you have the information listed below then you can feel free to use any character sheet you wish. Once accepted, your character will be added to the roster!

Required Information
5.Date of Birth
6.Birthplace (not required)
9.Team (If applicable)


2.Hair Color
3.Eye Color


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vestibulum, sem ut auctor luctus, sem neque ultricies enim, a porttitor enim magna sit amet eros. Donec ac feugiat magna.


Vestibulum varius feugiat elit nec ultrices. Donec laoreet mi turpis, at finibus turpis volutpat in. Nulla sit amet mauris eu sem tincidunt euismod. Sed pretium euismod quam, nec dapibus justo. Pellentesque tempor ut arcu nec suscipit.

Quirk & Abilities

1.Quirk: In efficitur urna iaculis purus suscipit finibus.

2.Notable Abilities: Sed mollis nisl id feugiat tristique. Etiam auctor tempor erat, sed consequat elit sodales eu. Curabitur nisl felis, varius sit amet suscipit id, sodales id mi. Nam quis placerat nisi, vitae pharetra erat. In ac ipsum malesuada, tempus metus vitae, auctor odio.

Designed and coded by Nano.
Please do not remove the credits or claim the code as your own work.

[font=Abril Fatface].[/font]
[font=Roboto Mono].[/font]

// accents

[/comment][border=0; padding: 0;
     --bgcolor: #ebe4dc;
     --mainimagewhite: #fefefe;
     --mainimageblack: #111111;
     --headercolor: #322920;
     --circlebordercolor: #d9cdc1;
     --circlefillcolor: #fefefe;
     --bodytextcolor: #322920;
     --question: #867059;
     --relationshipborder: #d9cdc1;

     background: var(--bgcolor);
     padding: 75px 0;
     width: 100%;
     min-width: 300px;
     font-size: initial;
][border=20px solid var(--mainimagewhite); margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 40px); max-width: 650px; overflow: hidden; position: relative;][comment]

// main image //

[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 300px; background: url('<-------- main image goes here ---------->') center/cover no-repeat; filter: grayscale(0%) sepia(0%);][/border][comment]

// name + flavor text (keep it short) //

[/comment][border=0; right: 5%; bottom: 10%; padding: 0; position: absolute;][border=0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Abril Fatface', cursive; font-size: 5.0em; line-height: .8; color: var(--mainimagewhite); text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase;]First
Lastname[/border][border=0; display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; padding: 0;][border=0; display: inline-block; box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 10px; padding: 7px 15px; background: var(--mainimageblack); font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .6em; line-height: 1; color: var(--mainimagewhite); text-transform: uppercase;]Some short blurb here[/border][/border][/border][/border][comment]

// start of content //

[/comment][border=0; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0 auto; padding: 30px 20px 0 20px; width: 100%; max-width: 700px; background: var(--bgcolor);][border=0; padding: 0; width: calc(100% + 12px); height: 70vh; min-height: 350px; max-height: 600px; overflow: hidden;][border=0; padding: 0; padding-right: 18px; width: 100%; height: 70vh; min-height: 350px; max-height: 600px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; text-align: justify;][comment]

// header 1 - basic information //

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; align-items: center; padding: 0; position: relative; z-index: 2;][border=1px solid var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 0; border-radius: 50%;][border=5px solid var(--bgcolor); padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; width: 15px; height: 15px; background: var(--circlefillcolor);][/border][/border][border=0; margin-left: 7px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Abril Fatface', cursive; font-size: 1.3em; line-height: .7; color: var(--headercolor); text-transform: lowercase;]Basic Information[/border][/border][comment]

// content 1 - basic information //

[/comment][border=0; border-left: 1px solid var(--circlebordercolor); box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: 13px; padding: 25px 0px 25px 40px; width: calc(100% - 13px); font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; line-height: 140%; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-align: justify;][comment]

// Q&A Line 1 : Q 1+2//

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; margin-top: -25px; padding: 0; font-size: initial; line-height: initial; text-align: left;][comment]

// Question 1 //

[/comment][border=0; border-bottom: 1px dotted var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 25px 10px; flex: 1; width: calc(100% - 20px); min-width: 200px;][border=0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .7em; color: var(--question); text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700;]Full Name[/border][border=0; margin-top: 10px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-transform: capitalize;]First Lastname[/border][/border][comment]

// Question 2 //

[/comment][border=0; border-bottom: 1px dotted var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 25px 10px; flex: 1; width: calc(100% - 20px); min-width: 200px;][border=0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .7em; color: var(--question); text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700;]Nicknames[/border][border=0; margin-top: 10px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-transform: capitalize;]Petnames[/border][/border][/border][comment]

// Q&A Line 2 : Q 3+4//

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; padding: 0; font-size: initial; line-height: initial; text-align: left;][comment]

// Question 3 //

[/comment][border=0; border-bottom: 1px dotted var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 25px 10px; flex: 1; width: calc(100% - 20px); min-width: 200px;][border=0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .7em; color: var(--question); text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700;]Alias[/border][border=0; margin-top: 10px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-transform: capitalize;]Hero/Villain name[/border][/border][comment]

// Question 4 //

[/comment][border=0; border-bottom: 1px dotted var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 25px 10px; flex: 1; width: calc(100% - 20px); min-width: 200px;][border=0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .7em; color: var(--question); text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700;]Gender[/border][border=0; margin-top: 10px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-transform: capitalize;]He/She/They/Etc[/border][/border][/border][comment]

// Q&A Line 3 : Q 5+6//

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; padding: 0; font-size: initial; line-height: initial; text-align: left;][comment]

// Question 5 //

[/comment][border=0; border-bottom: 1px dotted var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 25px 10px; flex: 1; width: calc(100% - 20px); min-width: 200px;][border=0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .7em; color: var(--question); text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700;]Age[/border][border=0; margin-top: 10px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-transform: capitalize;]Number (##)[/border][/border][comment]

// Question 6 //

[/comment][border=0; border-bottom: 1px dotted var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 25px 10px; flex: 1; width: calc(100% - 20px); min-width: 200px;][border=0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .7em; color: var(--question); text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700;]Date of Birth[/border][border=0; margin-top: 10px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-transform: capitalize;]Month nth[/border][/border][/border][comment]

// Q&A Line 4 : Q 7//

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; padding: 0; font-size: initial; line-height: initial; text-align: left;][comment]

// Question 7 //

[/comment][border=0; border-bottom: 1px dotted var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 25px 10px; flex: 1; width: calc(100% - 20px); min-width: 200px;][border=0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .7em; color: var(--question); text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700;]Alignment[/border][border=0; margin-top: 10px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-transform: capitalize;]Hero/Villain[/border][/border][/border][comment]<----------- extra q+a lines go here[/comment][/border][comment]

// header 2 - appearance //

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; align-items: center; padding: 0; position: relative; z-index: 2;][border=1px solid var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 0; border-radius: 50%;][border=5px solid var(--bgcolor); padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; width: 15px; height: 15px; background: var(--circlefillcolor);][/border][/border][border=0; margin-left: 7px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Abril Fatface', cursive; font-size: 1.3em; line-height: .7; color: var(--headercolor); text-transform: lowercase;]Appearance[/border][/border][comment]

// content 2 - appearance //

[/comment][border=0; border-left: 1px solid var(--circlebordercolor); box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: 13px; padding: 25px 0px 25px 40px; width: calc(100% - 13px); font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; line-height: 140%; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-align: justify;][comment]

// Q&A Line 1 : Q 1+2//

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; margin-top: -25px; padding: 0; font-size: initial; line-height: initial; text-align: left;][comment]

// Question 1 //

[/comment][border=0; border-bottom: 1px dotted var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 25px 10px; flex: 1; width: calc(100% - 20px); min-width: 200px;][border=0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .7em; color: var(--question); text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700;]Hair Color[/border][border=0; margin-top: 10px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-transform: capitalize;]Descriptor[/border][/border][comment]

// Question 2 //

[/comment][border=0; border-bottom: 1px dotted var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 25px 10px; flex: 1; width: calc(100% - 20px); min-width: 200px;][border=0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .7em; color: var(--question); text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700;]Eye Color[/border][border=0; margin-top: 10px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-transform: capitalize;]Descriptor[/border][/border][/border][comment]

// Q&A Line 2 : Q 3//

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; padding: 0; font-size: initial; line-height: initial; text-align: left;][comment]

// Question 3 //

[/comment][border=0; border-bottom: 1px dotted var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 25px 10px; flex: 1; width: calc(100% - 20px); min-width: 200px;][border=0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .7em; color: var(--question); text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700;]Height[/border][border=0; margin-top: 10px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-transform: capitalize;]#'##" (xxcm)[/border][/border][/border][comment]<----------- extra q+a lines go here[/comment]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.[/border][comment]

// header 3 - personality //

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; align-items: center; padding: 0; position: relative; z-index: 2;][border=1px solid var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 0; border-radius: 50%;][border=5px solid var(--bgcolor); padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; width: 15px; height: 15px; background: var(--circlefillcolor);][/border][/border][border=0; margin-left: 7px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Abril Fatface', cursive; font-size: 1.3em; line-height: .7; color: var(--headercolor); text-transform: lowercase;]Personality[/border][/border][comment]

// content 3 - personality //

[/comment][border=0; border-left: 1px solid var(--circlebordercolor); box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: 13px; padding: 25px 0px 25px 40px; width: calc(100% - 13px); font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; line-height: 140%; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-align: justify;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.

Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.[/border][comment]

// header 4 - backstory //

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; align-items: center; padding: 0; position: relative; z-index: 2;][border=1px solid var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 0; border-radius: 50%;][border=5px solid var(--bgcolor); padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; width: 15px; height: 15px; background: var(--circlefillcolor);][/border][/border][border=0; margin-left: 7px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Abril Fatface', cursive; font-size: 1.3em; line-height: .7; color: var(--headercolor); text-transform: lowercase;]Backstory[/border][/border][comment]

// content 4 - backstory //

[/comment][border=0; border-left: 1px solid var(--circlebordercolor); box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: 13px; padding: 25px 0px 25px 40px; width: calc(100% - 13px); font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; line-height: 140%; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-align: justify;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.

Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.[/border][comment]

// header 5 - relationships //

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; align-items: center; padding: 0; position: relative; z-index: 2;][border=1px solid var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 0; border-radius: 50%;][border=5px solid var(--bgcolor); padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; width: 15px; height: 15px; background: var(--circlefillcolor);][/border][/border][border=0; margin-left: 7px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Abril Fatface', cursive; font-size: 1.3em; line-height: .7; color: var(--headercolor); text-transform: lowercase;]Relationships[/border][/border][comment]

// content 5 - relationships //

[/comment][border=0; border-left: 1px solid var(--circlebordercolor); box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: 13px; padding: 25px 0px 25px 40px; width: calc(100% - 13px); font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; line-height: 140%; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-align: justify;][comment]

// relationship 1 //

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; margin-left: -10px; padding: 0;][border=0; padding: 0; padding-bottom: 15px; flex: 1; min-width: 150px;][border=1px solid var(--relationshipborder); box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: 10px; padding: 9px;][border=0; padding: 0; padding-top: 100%; width: 100%; background: url('<-------- relationship image goes here ---------->') center/cover no-repeat; filter: grayscale(50%) sepia(20%);][/border][/border][/border][border=0; margin-left: 10px; padding: 0; padding-bottom: 15px; flex: 3; min-width: 150px;]First Surname: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.[/border][/border][comment]

// relationship 2 //

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: -10px; padding: 0;][border=0; padding: 0; padding-bottom: 15px; flex: 1; min-width: 150px;][border=1px solid var(--relationshipborder); box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: 10px; padding: 9px;][border=0; padding: 0; padding-top: 100%; width: 100%; background: url('<-------- relationship image goes here ---------->') center/cover no-repeat; filter: grayscale(50%) sepia(20%);][/border][/border][/border][border=0; margin-left: 10px; padding: 0; padding-bottom: 15px; flex: 3; min-width: 150px;]First Surname: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.[/border][/border][comment]

// relationship 3 //

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: -10px; padding: 0;][border=0; padding: 0; padding-bottom: 15px; flex: 1; min-width: 150px;][border=1px solid var(--relationshipborder); box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: 10px; padding: 9px;][border=0; padding: 0; padding-top: 100%; width: 100%; background: url('<-------- relationship image goes here ---------->') center/cover no-repeat; filter: grayscale(50%) sepia(20%);][/border][/border][/border][border=0; margin-left: 10px; padding: 0; padding-bottom: 15px; flex: 3; min-width: 150px;]First Surname: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus.[/border][/border][comment]<---------- extra relationships start here[/comment][/border][comment]

// header 6 - magic //

[/comment][border=0; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; align-items: center; padding: 0; position: relative; z-index: 2;][border=1px solid var(--circlebordercolor); padding: 0; border-radius: 50%;][border=5px solid var(--bgcolor); padding: 0; border-radius: 50%; width: 15px; height: 15px; background: var(--circlefillcolor);][/border][/border][border=0; margin-left: 7px; padding: 0; font-family: 'Abril Fatface', cursive; font-size: 1.3em; line-height: .7; color: var(--headercolor); text-transform: lowercase;]Quirk & Abilities[/border][/border][comment]

// content 6 - magic //

[/comment][border=0; border-left: 1px solid var(--circlebordercolor); box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: 13px; padding: 25px 0px 25px 40px; width: calc(100% - 13px); font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace; font-size: .9em; line-height: 140%; color: var(--bodytextcolor); text-align: justify;][border=0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .8em; color: var(--question); text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700;]Quirk Title Here[/border]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.

[border=0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .8em; color: var(--question); text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700;]General Abilities[/border]
Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.[/border][comment]

// header 7 - extra //

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[/comment][border=0px; margin-top: 5px; font-size: .6em; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; opacity: .7;]code by nano[comment][USER=20950]@Nano[/USER][/comment][/border][/border]

This Character sheet is not completely filled out but is there to give you an idea as to what I'm looking for, especially with the Quirk description.
you'll live, I promise
Basic Information
Full Name
Connor Albright
Twenty-four (24)
Date of Birth
June 2nd
Hair Color
Eye Color
5'9" (xxcm)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.

Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.

Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.
First Surname: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.
First Surname: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.
First Surname: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus.
Quirk & Abilities
Cell Therapy

Revivify's Quirk is called Cell Therapy. This quirk is mostly used in support of others, though it has some combat ability. This quirk works using the user's own blood. When splattered across an open wound, be it a scrape, cut, or blister, the user's blood interacts with the afflicted's cells, either signficantly speeding up healing or poisoning the cells and causing the wound to fester. Because of the nature of this quirk, the user cannot use it too much or they will risk bleeding out.

General Abilities

  • Combat Training
  • First Aid
  • Keen Intellect
  • Restraint techniques

  • Extra
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • code by nano
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(Finished and ready for review!)​

  • Katharine-Corula Zweihild Von Kleinerheld

    Metric: Density

    Kiki, Kathy

    Date of Birth:
    23rd September, 20 Years Ago


    Where to?


    Country of Origin:

    Wealth Status:
    Lower Income

    115 cm or 3 foot 9

    35 lb or 15.87 kg

    • 46.jpg
    • jack-assassin-show-gif.455451

      +Stuffed Animals
      +Bladed Weapons
      +Sleight of hand, such as magic tricks or pock-picking
      +Victorian Romances
      +Sweets (Cake in particular)

      -Being treated like/confused for a little kid
      -Being Looked Down On

      Katherine is a goal-oriented girl, moved by her senses of pride and duty. She does the things she does, and makes the choices she makes primarily because she believes she should or must, either out of obligation or simply because she would find it beneath her to do otherwise. She is easily embarrassed (especially when it comes to her more childish tastes, as she is rather self-conscious of how it makes her look in her new body), semi-competitive and shall stand for no disrespect towards her family, but nonetheless is willing to put up with whatever may be needed to reach her goals, which means is a cunning and ruthless fighter quite willing to ignore any shame and swallow the pain if need be. She certainly has a confrontational and distrusting attitude, which coupled with her 'function over form' and 'practicality first' sort of outlook can make her appear colder than she actually is.

      Her focus on duty also informs her decision to become a hero, nearly entirely informing that choice, and it allows her to be determined and not hesitate when it comes to what she decided to do. She will be just as patient as she believes she must, and follow orders of those she believes have a right to give them but bind herself in wait of orders or input before she herself takes the initiative to accomplish what she believes must be done.

      That said, her attitude can certainly can slip up at times, such as when she becomes overexcited about something. In truth she is actually a rather energetic person, and will often sneak around to practice or do something to spend the energy she holds back most of the time. A degree of natural curiosity exists within her as well, although her narrow mind does not necessarily keep up with that.

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Finally done. Here's my entry.

1.Name: Kiera Scott

2.Alias : ShatterStar (Might change. It's the first thing I came up with because of my idea for her original Quirk.)

3.Gender: Female

4.Age: 18

5.Date of Birth: January 5

6.Birthplace: Not sure/N/A

7.Race: African American/Black

8.Allignment: Hero

9.Team: Not Sure/NA


1.Height: 5'5

2.Hair Color: Dark Brown Almost Black

3.Eye Color: Dark Brown




A fairly normal teenager from a loving two, parent home, Kiera wants desperately to prove to her parents, that she is capable of making it on her own as a Hero. Since she was their only child, Kiera's parents coddled her and continue to try to do so. This manifests in anxiety, low self esteem issues, and trouble setting boundaries with others. She believes that becoming a hero will grant her the freedom she wants while showing her parents that she is capable of doing things on her own. Presently, Kiera is in her final year as a student, seeking an apprenticeship underneath a Pro-Hero as a side-kick before venturing out on her own.


Parents: Kiera's parents love her but they are overbearing, especially her mother. Her mother tends to be the most persistant when it comes to stepping in for her daughter and is hyper-critical of Kiera's decisions and actions. Her father is less insistent but his wife tends to goad him into it by claiming he is too lenient.

Quirk & Abilities

1.Quirk: ShatterStar's quirk is Sonic Arrow. By placing her fingers to her lips and blowing through them, she can produce a powerful sound wave that destroys everything in its path. She is able to control the intensity of her sound waves by controlling the amount of air she breathes out. Using this power in rapid succession however, causes her shortness of breath and wheezing. If she continues to use her quirk despite this, her airways will constrict completely. At high altitudes, Keira's quirk is severely limited, to the point of not even being a viable option.

2.Notable Abilities:

Kiera is very observant and a good listener, usually picking up on things that others would miss. She tends to talk very slowly, and is careful to control her breathing and avoids overexerting herself. Due to her Quirk, she prefers long range combat and excels at making careful, precise attacks. She possesses some simple melee skills. In the past, she has relied too heavily on her Quirk's destructive power, causing her to neglect her other skills.
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Basic Information
: Beatrice Capri Kashmir
Alias: Ramsey
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: January 11th
Birthplace: Norway
Race: Northern Germanic
Alignment: Hero
Team: N/A

: 6' 6"
Hair Color: Ash Blonde
Eye Color: Amber
A Tall thickly built girl with a wild yet curved appearance along with powerful muscle, thick braids of ash blonde hair flow down the sides of her head in twin tails, past a crown of horns and as well as all the way down to her thighs in a third. A rather stern and serious face holds twin piercing amber eyes with an unusual horizontal slit.

Born to a wealthy household they would however grow up somewhat isolated, their father commonly absent on business and a distant step-mother. This would leave them with a great amount of time to themselves as they grew up within the somewhat remote family estate within the Montana mountains. This would foster a strong independent streak as well as a call to more active pursuits, the quiet surroundings becoming somewhat dull especially with the various news articles and videos of the heroic activities she would commonly see. This was her main draw to eventually enroll and arrive at the school, seeing such as the perfect escape and a sense of freedom within the wilder lifestyle of a hero.
Quirk & Abilities
: Teeth Gnasher
On the surface, Beatrice appears to hold a Caprinae based quirk along with the various animalistic abilities associated with this. In addition to the enhanced physical capabilities and horns, their head itself is extremely durable with a unique internal structure that protects her brain from shocks and impacts. They have been shown to have exceptional balance, capable of scaling almost vertical surfaces with ease, and a broad range of vision thanks to her horizontal eyes.

The true power of her abilities however comes from their regenerative abilities from which their quirk's name originates, capable of restoring their skin, muscle, nerves, and organs though not her bones. This healing ability coincides with a formation of ice along the area, before breaking open to reveal the restored area.

Notable Abilities:
A powerful and sturdy physical juggernaut with exceptional perceptive abilities, she fights with a mixture of Wrestling, Gilma, and Muay Thai. While extremely perceptive given her array of sensory abilities she has a tendency to go for the most practical and direct solution to problems, commonly overpowering them with pure force. She has also been known to employ weapons at times, with her heroic equipment including a large hammer axe with which she is proficient.

Beatrice has shown skill in Carpentry and Masonry in addition to her combative abilities, though curiously she has also proven quite a creative side in both acting and singing despite her outwards appearance. This acting ability has been used however to play up her intimidating aura and persona at times, which combined with her power has allowed them to sometimes end a fight before it has even begun by dissuading targets from taking actions entirely.
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Decided to make another character. Last one. I know I wouldn't be able to keep up with more than two.

1.Name: Aleksander "Olek" Kulka
2.Alias: Kindle
3.Gender: Male
4.Age: 22
5.Date of Birth: Nov 12
6.Birthplace: United States
7.Race: Half 3rd Generation Polish
8.Allignment: Villian (Morally ambigious)
9.Team: N/A


4. Appearence:



Olek is the youngest son of a Polish mother. His father is American. As a child, his parents never had time for him or his older brother and they were often left in the care of their grandparents. Olek's brother was a delinquent who constantly caused his family grief and coerced his younger brother to follow in his footsteps, including, but not limited to, selling drugs, joining gangs and stealing money from family members. This caused a rift in the family where Olek's parents and grandfather believed that his brother was innocent, while his grandmother always believed him. Olek's grandfather eventually died and his mother and father disowned his brother, refusing to apologize for blaming Olek for his brother. His brother is currently on the run from authorities, leaving his family divided. Olek is presently sided with the villians, partly to find out more information about his brother's wherabouts, but has no real loyalty towards them as they are also criminals and obstains from telling them his true motivations.


Maternal Grandmother: Olek is very close to his grandmother. He frequently checks in on her to make sure she is in good health, often sending money to her but never telling her about what he is getting into.

Parents: Their whereabouts are unknown. Olek doesn't care to have a relationship with them.

Older Brother: Olek has vowed that if he ever found his brother again, he would kill him. His brother's wherabouts are currently unknown.

Quirk & Abilities

1.Quirk: Olek's Quirk is Heat Generation. He is able to raise his body temperature to obscene heights, making him a living furnace. If he continously sustains such high temperatures, he will eventually get heatstroke.

2.Notable Abilities: A formidable melee fighter who's fast on his feet making him hard to hit. Due to the double-edged nature of his Quirk, Olek is a quick thinker, analyzing and dispatching his opponent as quickly as possible to avoid negatively affecting himself. He wears a stop watch to count the time limit of his Qurk. He is also a smooth talker which lends itself to weaseling out of most situations and is very good at reading body language.
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  • 8005039ccca70182f19a71ed82e1eaf5.png


    ~Full Name~
    Freed Dantalion Cross
    ~Hero Name~
    Half American, Half British
    ~Height | Weight~
    6ft2 | 147lbs
    Ghost Light
    Student // Part-Time Sidekick

Erik Magnusson
Aspiring Mad Scientist

  • Name: Erik Gunnar Magnusson

    Gender: Male

    Age: 17

    Date of Birth: October 31st

    Birthplace: Sauðárkrókur, Iceland

    Race: European [the super pasty kind]

    Allignment: Student; Agency Intern

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here are my two characters!

  • glock with a cock™


    basic info.

    name. derringer admodeus king
    nickname. der, ringer, king
    role. hero student
    hero name. titanium gun
    age. 20
    d.o.b. october 24th
    birthplace. boston, massachusetts
    race. caucasian
    gender & pronouns. male, he/him
    sexuality & romantic orientation. pansexual + panromantic
    alignment. neutral good


    basic description. head, gun. Muscley. big shoulders
    build. muscle,,mommy milkers
    height. 6’4”
    hero outfit.


    quirk name. gun.
    quirk description.
    his blood is metal, and he can form bullets with them, put the bullet in his mouth, and shoot it out through his mouth. when the bullets enter someone he is able to track them wherever he goes, as the bullets are "apart of him" and he can sense them. each bullet takes around a half a cup of blood to form so doing too much is dangerous for his health. once in a person the bullet will activate the secondary ability his blood possesses, quirk nullification. the effects only last around 10 mins per bullet, so for a longer effect, he has to use more bullets and thus more blood. Bullet must enter someone, as the bullet then disperses into their bloodstream allowing the effects of his quirk to activate.


    - Somehow popular with the ladies
    - The guy that people go to for life advice despite him not having his life together in the slightest
    - Incredibly laidback
    - Never gets worked up or panics
    - in a emergency situation he's the one that steps forward and is the calm voice that helps others
    - Dyslexic
    - Lowkey not suppose to be here
    - Meant to apply to W.A, Whilhem Academy, a prestigious cop school, but accidentally applied to Wavecrest Academy instead
    - It definitely takes him a good week before he realizes where he actually is
    - Decides fuck it, hero isn’t too different from cop
    - Works out frequently
    - Loves heavy metal music
    - His hearing is worse than the average person due to having a gun as a head
    - How he hears, no one knows
    - Blares the music very very loudly
    - Has a messy room but it’s a contained mess
    - Knows where everything is it just looks disorganized to a outside perspective
    - Loves old cowboy movies
    - His stomach can digest almost anything so as a party trick he’ll drink straight gasoline
    - A heavyweight when it comes to drinking
    - His body processes it so quickly that he needs to chug like three vodka bottles at once and keep drinking throughout the night to get drunk and stay drunk
    - Has a slight Boston accent that gets much much worse when he drinks
    - Pretty much incomprehensible when he’s absolutely slammed
    - Incredibly difficult to anger but if you succeed he’ll hold a grudge
    - Relaxed and laidback until someone messes with a friend
    - People seem to forget he’s a tall broad man with bullets until he stands up and cocks it
    - Likes to joke that his head isn’t the only gun he packs
    - Bit of a flirt but in a kinda rough way
    - Has limited tastebuds so eats extremely spicy food to compensate
    - Will back you up no matter what
    - Tucks his homies in at night
    - Has several piercings, nipple piercings and a Jacob ladders
    - The person you call at 3 am when you’re gonna be jumped and you need backup
    - Will rock your shit if you fuck with his friends
    - Has zero fashion sense
    - Cannot dance to save his life, will just do the white boy hip thrust dance
    - Rough around the edges but a good dude at heart
    - not the best when it comes to academia
    - very very bad with writing and essays but surprisingly good at math
    - not the brightest school wise, but very street smart and aware of the world
    - enjoys cooking, and will make dinner for his dormmates most nights
    - the cool dad friend
    - plays music while he cooks
    - has a apron that a friend gave him that says "DILF" in big letters and then "Devoted Involved Loving Father" under it in little letters


    brief background.


    code by deer of 9 colours.

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My lungs are strong
Basic Information
Full Name
Franklin Weiss
Frank, Franky
Date of Birth
April 1st
Hair Color
Eye Color
storm gray...but it can look silver-ish in certain lighting and blue in others
5'10" (177.8 cm)

An ectomorph with a lean, yet toned, frame due to the requirements of getting into Wavecrest Private Academy. His white hair is typically a mess because he can't be bothered to comb it and his dead fish, storm gray eyes make him look lazy/disinterested most of time regardless of how he might be feeling inside. He likes layers because he gets easily cold and almost never seen without his jacket. Beneath that, a sweater...though that's not as important as the jacket and sometimes he forgets/forgoes it in favor of a plain shirt, especially during summer. His appearance isn't something he pays very much attention to (unless forced) so he often appears somewhat unkempt - wrinkled clothes, stained/ripped jeans, etc.
Franklin's love for chemistry started from wanting to develop his quirk and grew from there. He enjoys experimenting, mixing and matching elements and reagents to see the results. He likes knowing how things work, why things work, and is rarely ever satisfied until his curiosity is sated. Franklin spends most of his free time in the school's science labs or holed in his dorm behind beakers and test tubes, while he reads chemistry journals and indulges in his nerd-like hobbies - though he balances that with hero classes and physical activity (typically solo ones) well enough. He has little interest in other people and comes off as selfish as a result (though he probably is to some degree).

Franklin doesn't like arguments not because he cares about hurting others, but he can't be bothered be involved in them. Franklin would just rather walk away. He is lazy and gives up easily since he doesn't have much of an opinion about anything other than his interests. He doesn't care what other people think unless it bothers him and the only reason he wants his hero license is the freedom to use his quirk as his pleases. Not much a heroic bone in Franklin's body. According to his sister, Frank lacks ambition, but Frank enjoys the simple things in life and doesn't particularly understand overachievers or those who try too hard when it's clear they won't succeed.

Franklin is a realist. Practical. He'd be content to just work for a small agency as a sidekick for the rest of his life...if he didn't hate doing menial, grunt work and listening to those he doesn't respect. He'd rather spend his time satisfying his scientific curiosities on personal research projects. After he gets his hero license, he intends to return to Wavecrest and be teacher or something. Give back to the school that gave to him and all that. However, while Franklin wouldn't call himself particularly heroic, he does have a moral code he follows and those that cross his line with earn his ire. He's also a surprisingly good team player, despite his personality, because he doesn't care to fight for leadership positions (or anything really) and would rather fade into the background if he could. Less people to nag at him.
Franklin had always been a curious child. Quiet, but curious. His mother, formerly the hero Pollenpuff, often complained that even though he didn't really cry all that often, he was a difficult child to keep track of because he was always disappearing off somewhere. Touching random things, eating random stuff, putting his hands where he shouldn't, breaking apart pens to put them back together, etc. He actually used to play a lot with his sister whose stretchy, moving hair interested him a lot. Since her quirk manifested before his did, the girl was always the 'boss' when it came to deciding what games they played. From tea parties, to doll houses, to putting young Franky in a dress, Franklin knew better to than to defy his temperamental sister when it came to these things. Franklin's own quirk was first discovered when he was 3 and he started breathing out helium into the house after learning about the element in a picture book one day. No one really noticed until their voices all got squeaky. When the source of all that helium was found, Franky was ushered to a quirk counsellor not long after. With every new every new element in the picture book he learned, Franky was able to exhale said element in gaseous form. Thus Franklin's interest in chemistry, in the little particles that made up all matter, grew. Bright-eyed with curiosity, little Franky wanted to see what else he could make. So he buried himself in books. Stopped having tea parties with his sister, Juniper, and instead found his interest in the chemical structure of things. All things. It was easier to do so because, by then, Juniper had already started kindergarten and had her own friends.

To say the child was a little obsessed was an understatement. His parents had to remind him to eat. To sleep. To clean clean his room. His mother mainly because his father had thought it cute that the young boy seemed to find his hobby. The fact that it was a studious hobby was a bonus. However, the longer he isolated himself in his interest the less time Franky had for others. The more he delved into his interest and expanded his education, the more different from them he grew. A bit of bullying was to be expected. At school, Franky had been shocked--and a bit hurt--to learn that no one else his age seemed to share his interests. That was probably when the first wall was built. If they didn't care about him, there was no reason for him to care about them. Elementary and Middle school passed much the same way. A level of above his peers in terms of education, Franklin became a known a known slacker who slept in class. His grades weren't the best (in terms of participation and classwork), but he always aced the tests. If the teachers didn't teach at his level, if they had keep to everything at the standard where everyone else was at, then he'd simply have to study on his own. It was logical conclusion.

Then, one day, when he was 13 (and Juniper 15), he met his mother's old friend -- the pro-hero Fungirl and teacher at Wavecrest Hero Program. She invited Juniper to apply to the hero school when she graduated. Franklin didn't care for her at first. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to be a hero. However, the more time he spent with the Fungus researcher, the more attached Franklin grew to her. She understood his interest in the science of which matter is composed. She didn't treat him like a kid. He could tell she took genuine interest in the things he said and he enjoyed talking to her. Therefore, it came time for him to apply to his next level of education, Wavecrest was the obvious choice. However, to get in, Franklin would have to up his training. And so he did. He learned Krav Maga from his dad. Blew on balloons to increase his lung capacity. Ran every morning. Exercised every day. His mother, being a former pro-hero, was quite pleased with her son's sudden interest in physical activity, and helped him in that regard as well. It'd been 2 years since then. Franklin couldn't call himself the most diligent student in the high school, as old habits died quite hard, and he hadn't lost any interest in his nerd hobbies, but he learned to balance book studies with physical ones in preparation for the Wavecrest entrace exam.
Johan Weiss: Father. Regular police officer. No quirk.
Emmaline Weiss: Mother. Former Pro Hero, Pollenpuff. She retired from the hero business when she married her husband. Now she's just a housewife.
Juniper Weiss: Older sister - 19 years old. Wavecrest student
Wilma Downs: Pro-Hero, Fungirl. An old friend of his mother's and a teacher at Wavecrest. She's the reason that Franklin wants to apply to Wavecrest. A practitioner of Shroom jujitsu.

Quirk & Abilities
Alchemical Lungs

His respiratory tract is an incredibly durable alchemical factory, allowing him to alter/re-arrange the chemical elements of anything he breaths in, and then expelling the results (often in a gaseous state) through his mouth. Theoretically, he can produce any matter so long as he knows every single chemical component in it's creation. However, in practice, there are physical limits to what he is able to expel, both in size and in ease of respiratory travel. Something too big isn't going to get out of his lungs (through his respiratory tract) very easily. The more complex the compound, the more difficult, and the longer it takes to make. Knowledge of chemical structure is required for him to fully utilize his abilities as well. Therefore the simpler, the better. As with any quirk, the more practice he has in producing the compound, the quicker he's able to produce it. He can make poisonous gasses, flammable gasses, corrosive gasses, medical gasses, etc, so long as he knows its chemical formula. Technically, he can cough out liquids and tiny solids as well...but he prefers not to as that tends to be uncomfortable. Due to the nature of his quirk, poisons that he inhales can be detoxified by altering their chemical structure...so long as he knows they are there. He isn't likely to drown either, since he can breath in water to make 02, though it'd still be somewhat uncomfortable (breathing in water that is) and would require continuous use of his emitter quirk.

General Abilities

  • Chemistry knowledge - including safe laboratory practices, chemical handling, and disposal.
  • Some medical knowledge.
  • 4 years Krav Maga and 2 years of Shroom Jujitsu.
  • Cooking
  • Photographic memory + observation
  • Sleeping with his eyes open.
  • Analysis and Problem solving
  • Speed-reading
  • various lung and breathing techniques
  • Looking for hiding/sleep spots.
  • Mushroom scavenging
The mask he wears actually helps him breath easier and has tiny fans inside that help increase the range of whatever he breathes out
His personal quirk training menu involves reading chemistry books (to learn the chemical structure of various compounds) and blowing up balloons (to increase his blow strength)
He's weak to pushy people (like his sister and mother) because he can't be bothered to fight them. His grades are surprisingly high despite his lack of effort in classes.
He always carries a lighter with him
code by nano
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To say "I love you" one must know first how to say the "I".
Basic Information
Full Name
Yui Sakurai
Date of Birth
May 22
Vigilante Hero
Hair Color
Eye Color
5'2", 157 cm

Yu has a muscular, wide-shouldered frame with a robust torso and defined facial features. Her shock of vibrant red hair is matched only by soft, clouded tangerine eyes. Yu's skin is pale and translucent, laced with blue veins across her chest and collar bones. With toned arms and legs, she's a force to contend with despite her short stature. She has rough-hewn facial features-- a set jaw, furrowed brows and thin lips add a certain ragged charm to her appearance.
As a highly motivated but intense adolescent, Yu does have a rebellious streak which she rarely acknowledges. Her studious but highly objectivist nature dictates that she does not rely on others and follows a strict moral code. Resolute, resourceful and often stubborn, Yu will actively ignore opinions of peers and even professors to pursue her own dubious moral compass at times.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.

Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.
First Surname: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.
First Surname: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.
First Surname: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus.
Quirk & Abilities
Quirk Title Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.

General Abilities

Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
code by nano
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Name: Gao Ling

Age: 63

Alias: Mr. Fist

Gender: Male

Profession: Hero and Teacher (hand-to-hand combat specialist)

Appearance: Ling is a human, his skin slightly yellowish and wrinkled because of his old age. At his prime, he had pretty voluminous black hair, but nowadays he is entirely bald. He wears a fu manchu style mustache and beard, both of them gray.

Gao's appearance without using his quirk:

While using his quirk:

Height: 5 feet 08 inches

Weight: 132 lbs

Personality: Ling is a pretty calm and patient senior. He is always willing to help others with what they don’t understand and also pass on the knowledge he obtained through his experience. He has a pretty light-hearted attitude, knowing most things aren’t worth worrying over. Besides that, he is pretty active for a man his age, never turning down a challenge, even when it is out of his league. Some could even say he is daredevil. He also managed to keep his curiosity alive throughout all these years: his sense of wonder is one of the things that keeps this man going, being specially curious about quirks and all the different ways it can manifest. With that, he wants to understand not only others, but also himself better.

Likes: Ling loves company when drinking tea. Besides that, he also likes to play Sudoku to keep his mind sharp, spending hours upon hours solving the puzzles. He also spends a good chunk of his free time training and sharpening his skills. His motto is to always keep learning and improving.

Dislikes: His past brings him great shame, as he never really forgave himself for what he did, keeping it buried and not telling a living soul about it. The old man absolutely hates rude and impatient people, avoiding them at all costs. And, while he has no problem with overconfidence, he also dislikes those who think too much of themselves. He avoids alcoholic beverages completely, never drinking them.

Backstory: Gao was born in the province of Nantian in China. He was born into a pretty humble family and worked on a farm most of his life. The hardship of working on a farm, toiling the soil, planting different seeds such as rice or corn and harvesting may have contributed to his vigor this late in life. His quirk, however, was a big problem during his teens. Ling was a bully and would often use his quirk to harass those weaker than him, always wanting to show that he was the strongest kid around. That went on until he finally met his match: an old, quirkless, martial arts master. Hiroshi was what he was called. The old man became aware of what Gao had been doing, going around and misusing his quirk.
Initially, he tried to get Gao to change his behavior peacefully, trying to explain and show exactly the consequences of his actions. The teen simply didn’t care and threatened the old man, making it clear that he shouldn’t stick his nose where he hadn’t been called. When push came to shove, it wasn’t any surprise that technique defeated raw strength and speed. Because Gao simply wouldn’t give up during their fight, Hiroshi had no other choice but hurt him badly. It took months for the boy to recover from his broken arm, fractured ribs and dislocated leg. During his recovery, those who he had abused got their revenge and, for the first time, Gao experienced exactly what had put the others through. That experience just changed the teen’s wicked character, making it change completely.
As he turned into a young man, moved out of his village and went to live in the nearby city of Ganzhou. There he worked in whatever place he could find work: as a dishwasher, a construction worker, a server. He was happy with whatever could pay his rent and put food on his table. The impression that Hiroshi left on him never disappeared, and he started to learn about martial arts, first through books and movies, although the second source wasn’t that useful. He wanted to become exactly like that old man, not in technique, but help and protect those weaker than him.
On a fateful day, one of his jobs had taken him to the Northeast of Ganzhou, more exactly in Huangzhupai. He was working for a transport company, loading and unloading trucks. At the end of his day, while making his way home, he happened to pass in front of a temple. Out of sheer curiosity, he went up its steps to check the place. To his surprise, he found someone in the middle of the courtyard, training fast and precise strikes, with both their hands and feet. The person was none other than Hiroshi himself. The old man noticed the young Gao watching him and stopped his movements, starting to make his way towards him. The young man simply panicked, thinking that he was due another beating. As the old master approached him, asking him how would he describe what he just saw. It took a bit of time to Gao calm himself down, understand that the old man probably didn’t recognize him, after all, he looked pretty different when he was younger. “The power to protect those in need” - that was the young man’s answer. Hiroshi looked at him for a few moments, narrowing his eyes and scratching his chin. Then he nodded, just saying that he would teach him what he knew, but he had to clean the temple. Gao was so overjoyed of what he had heard that he just smiled and jumped around like a child, which make Hiroshi sigh deeply.
From that moment, Ling’s arduous training started. Having to balance both his odd jobs and his training sure was difficult. He also had to do his best to not end up remember the old man exactly who he was. After years of training, he enrolled (actually pretty late) on one of China’s heroes school. He finally got government’s sanction to use his skills when he was 26, completing the hero course. While never becoming a pro, Gao was able to make a comfortable living as a hero, being able to fulfill his dream of helping other’s after his much-needed change of heart.
When he was 55, he got a pretty good offer from an American Hero School - Wavecrest Private Academy - to be a teacher there specializing in hand-to-hand combat. During his stay in the US, Gao acted as a hero quite a few times, stomping down crime and fighting villains whenever it was necessary.

Quirk(Strengths, Weaknesses, does it mess with physical appearance? Name of quirk): Gao’s quirk improves the old man's physical abilities temporarily. His strength, speed and endurance are greatly enhanced whenever he activates it. During its activation, his body drastically changes, going from his usual height to 6 feet and 50 inches, as well as increasing his weight to 265 lbs, becoming incredibly muscular. This quirk is very taxing to the old man and he is only able to use it for a maximum of 3 hours. After its usage, he will need to rest at least 14 hours before being able to use it again. Quirk name: Raging Spirit.

Other: Gao has learned a few different martial arts, which he uses depending on the situation (kung fu, judo and aikido). The old man has a raspy and a bit creaky voice.
Idea Idea PlusUltra PlusUltra Phayne Phayne RedLeftHand36 RedLeftHand36 leviohsa leviohsa QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel You all have been accepted, congratulations and I look forward to having you all in my roleplay! To everyone else, if you’d like I can retain a ping list with your usernames to let you all know if spots open up, just shoot me a dm ^^

Additionally, Phayne Phayne and QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel , I am unsure if either of you are apart if the discord, but if you’d like a link to it, just shoot me a dm! If you’d like to keep your OOC banter here on RPNation that’s fine too, I’ll be sure to copy any announcements I make on the discord into that thread

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