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- PreludeHere's the sad truth; all men are not created equal. The first incident was in Qing Qing city. An extraordinary child was born who radiated light. After that reports of people with superpowers popped up all across the globe. No one knew what was causing these quirks. Before long, the supernatural became the totally normal. Dreams a reality. The world became a superhuman society with about 80% of the population possessing some uncanny ability. Our streets looked like scenes from comic books. A city swirled with chaos and confusion, a new profession dominated our collective consciousness. It was an age of heroes.
On the eastern coast of the United States there has been a sharp uptick in natural disasters in the past five months. Professional Heroes and the government alike have struggled to understand the reason behind these occurrences, though both paries have concluded that some sort of villain is behind it. Illusive, intelligent, and dangerous, this villain is currently the biggest threat that the US is facing, and it needs its heroes to crack the case ASAP, before too much damage is done.
Directly affected by the natural disasters, hero schools in the US have increased their acceptance rates in an effort to produce more heroes to combat the disasters. All but one, that is. In the US, Wavecrest Private Academy is the premiere Hero Academy, in the same calliber as the top schools overseas such as UA High School. Wavecrest Private Academy produces the most popular and most powerful heroes known to the US, and it is virtually every aspiring Hero's goal to be accepted into their program.
The Wavecrest Hero Program is not for the faint-hearted, however, and their entrance exams are no joke, especially with things becoming more dangerous in the US. Wavecrest hopefulls have their work cut out for them this year in order to be accepted.OverviewHello and welcome to Disasters! This a My Hero Academia Fandom roleplay that takes place in the United States. While derivative of MHA, I will not be using any characters from the show or manga and I would like all those who apply to apply with original characters as well.
Disasters is the first arc of this roleplay, which I hope can be a long and successful one. Should we see success in this RP, I plan to write out and continue it in future arcs!
A quick thank you to those who took their time to check this out! I look forward to roleplaying with all of you and I will do my best to make the experience a good one!Story * - OOCNot to sound like a broken record, but again, thank you for taking the time to check this out! Disasters is meant to be somewhat of a sandbox experience, with some structured sequences and set-in-stone rules. Certain characters in certain roles will be expected to participate in structured sequences, I'll make that clear whenever it happens, just be on the lookout for those things. Without further adieu let's get started with the rules.
Rules1.All of RPN's rules apply, if you do not know them, please reference this thread - RpNation: Community Guidelines
2.You may create as many characters as you'd like, given that you can keep up with them. If I see a character being neglected, the roleplayer will receive a warning and if it continues then that particular character will be removed from the roster.
3.I'm not a stickler for timetables as I'm pretty busy myself. If you've got something going on I'm not going to penalize you for not being able to be here, just let me know and I'll be sure to take notes on what's happening in the rp and I'll keep you up to date as best I can.
4.Discord is encouraged but not necessary for OOC discussion, I just find it's easier to manage and keep up with things over there.
5.As rule 2 says, you can create as many characters as you want - you can also create any type of character you want, be it a pro-hero, a student, or even a villain. So long as they are approved by me, you can play them.
6.I feel that this rule should go without being said, but do not god-mode or create overpowered characters. There will be a clear difference between pro heroes and students, obviously, but even a pro hero can be taken down.
7.Please no one-liners if it can be avoided. For a roleplay to be successful, each person needs to have content to bounce off of, and a compelling story can't be created if not everybody is pulling their weight.Rules * - LinksLinks *
A My Hero Academia Roleplay managed, written, and played by Yeti.
code by Nano
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