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Fandom Disaster in the Dreamscape


  • "Yes we are~" Nemurin responds to Hiruko.

    "Vhy not ve just... keep a lookout for anything abnormal? Or rather, out-of-place," the Commander proposes, "zat Nightmare Dopant guy keeps talking about reshaping dreams, so maybe ve vill see some of his verk. Maybe z'ere is something that isn't milk and cookies in zis... land of milk and cookies."

    Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Takumi98 Takumi98 Crow Crow
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  • --Reed Boiyo--
    Crow Crow

    "Thanks chief!" Reed smiles gleefully, knowing that he'll gain some healing items along the way. He didn't bother releasing his grip on Rem as he followed the Bartender, probably by instinct as he once did this to the youngest one of his group, who often tried to clear out enemy hordes by herself whenever there's setbacks. He glanced back at Rem, who was probably itching to go on with the mission. "We'll move about an hour after you get patched up, how about that?" He asked, wanting to make sure Rem consents to when they could move.


  • "Zat... might be vat I vas just talking about."

    The Commander was a bit nervous as he points to a twisted, frightening looking mouth-like tunnel that the vessel was heading towards, remniscent of the entrance of a theme park's horror ride.

    Considering that this was a dream and not a theme park, well...

    Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Takumi98 Takumi98 Crow Crow
Izuru's wounded flesh had already regenerated by this point, good as new. However that didn't stop the pain that only just began subsiding hours after the initial injury. His semi-divine body was blessed like that. Though he just wished it didn't leave him tired, sore and starving. Sitting at the bar with Mr Kitty, Izuru scarfed down a massive meal. It was enough food to feed the entire bar on a full night. Fighting like he did and healing like he did burns massive amounts of energy. Energy that wasn't so easily replenished unless he ate and rested. Sitting back, he looked at the mix of sunshine and dourness that permeated the room. He felt like he had to say something. Nemurin was their leader, yet she wasn't with them right now. Getting up and clearing his throat, Izuru tried to speak to their hearts...

"Hey guys... we suffered some wins....and some losses today. We're up against a wall with the only way being forward. Now we may not have entered this dream willingly...but we're still Dreamscapers. We beat back Nightmares and keep this realm of restfulness safe so that people may visit it in peace. These guys with their evil speeches, their cape flourishes and their musical numbers. They're lacking something that everyone here has in spades.... heart. A man who cares more about his schemes than who he hurts can't begin to comprehend what it means to strive for a dream. Ponies who push people down BELOW their level just because they know it won't change anything don't know what it means to have a dream. Monsters who indulge in their sadistic pleasures can never understand the delight of a dream come true. We may be in a nightmare....but we are still Dreamscapers....and its time our enemies woke up to that fact"
Pretending he didn't just hear Uriah puke into the river of milk they rode in the blonde's gaze landed right on the leader of the Dreamscapers as she spoke.

Hiruko wasn't at all surprised by Nemurin's response. He scanned the area for a while until The Commander pointed out the tunnel. He stared at it thoughtfully, before scanning the area for any alternate routes they could take, or how far they were from shore and if they could make it with the current.

"Looks like something from a nightmare. Not the oddest of nightmares at least. Not yet anyway." He muttered aloud, at least picking up the nervous tone from the redhead but unsure how to address it.

He didn't fear the unknown of where the tunnel could lead, he'd seen all kinds of things in his time as a Baku and had his fair share of walking through a clients nightmare that seemed plain odd; such as a Weather Vain wishing to see his dead Mistress and being unable to without his help, for example. Even so, he didn't want to deal with whatever might be waiting for them if it could seriously harm any of the group.

Then again he'd never heard of or been to a theme park, horror themed or not, but he damn well knew how bloody nightmares could be. He once had helped a woman put her body back together in one.

Briefly he wondered if whatever they dealt with he'd be allowed to eat it. Anyway, he glanced to Nemurin.

"You don't suppose you could make any ores if it could possibly get us to shore? Unless that's our exit or a potential meal I don't intend to be bothered with it." He suggested with a shrug. Depending on how many rowed and if they even needed to bother he didn't have anything else going for him at the moment.

Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 @TheDreamscape
--Reed Boiyo--
Interaction: Crow Crow Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

"Dude, I'll be fine~." Reed brushed off Belmond's concern. "I only took 2 points of damage--it's literally a scratch!" He chuckled as Belmond treats a minor wound. As the ominous black cat declares that he'll be coming along with them, Belmond and Roa decided to come along. Belmond, there's no problem with that. He's got a shotgun. But Roa? "Uhh...You guys sure we should let Roa-chan come with us? We're literally going to waltz into a Hard Difficulty Quest here." He pointed at the demon girl. "I mean, she may be a demon girl, but I don't know if she could fight, you know? She just seems innocent and all." He clearly underestimated her. "No offense."

Soon, Izuru decided to do a speech about being Dreamscapers and not being underestimated. Uplifting and cliche at best.

"Hahaha, seriously? A heroic speech now? Talk about a perfect timing~" Reed chuckled as his chestplate's healthbar restored to full. "That's the plan now, ain't it? It's our job, after all!" He grinned as he crossed his arms. "We'll wake em' up to the cold reality of Truth, Justice and Friendship, why don't we?!" He raised a hand, as if amping everyone up for their march to Shinigami's Lair

--Lavenza || Woz--
Interaction: Crow Crow @MilkAndCookiesGang

The gang would soon arrive in front of a cave-like entrance, shaped like a mouth. Contrasting the sweet looking area surrounding it, it appears to be similar to a spooky theme park ride.

"Oh that looks just lovely." Lavenza, clearly not feeling the spookies the mouth tunnel intends to deliver, complimented the appearance of the tunnel.

"I'm concerned for what you deem 'lovely', Lavenza dear." Woz expresses his concern as the pink haired Snow detected two entities inside, crying for help. "It seems we'll have to go in regardless." Clapping his book shut, he once more prepares his Miridewatch. "Let's thread carefully. We'll never know what's inside that disgusting mouth." He irked, reluctant to go in.

  • "Z'read lightly, huh? Vell, I guess going through the front would be a terrible idea. Zat is vat z'ey are expecting. Ve don't know vho's really in z'ere," the Commander expressed.

    As Nemurin materialized some oars as previously requested, the Commander continues while grabbing one.

    "Vat do you all z'ink? Keep going or find anoz'er entrance? Maybe make one if ve must."

    Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Takumi98 Takumi98

  • After an encounter with that giant tapir, the already-thinned collaboration between the Dreamscapers and their new allies were forced to scatter in multiple directions.


    In this pink, dreamy void, all NiGHTS could see among the various decorated doors was a silhoutte in the distance, undiscernible in terms of whether it belonged to beast or man. Each slow but steady step it took resulted in a great thud. Emerging from it were a combination of animalistic howls and screeching, all blended into one.

    Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva

  • "Z'read lightly, huh? Vell, I guess going through the front would be a terrible idea. Zat is vat z'ey are expecting. Ve don't know vho's really in z'ere," the Commander expressed.

    As Nemurin materialized some oars as previously requested, the Commander continues while grabbing one.

    "Vat do you all z'ink? Keep going or find anoz'er entrance? Maybe make one if ve must."

    Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Takumi98 Takumi98

The Baku hummed in thought, eyeing the tunnel as what sounded like two children were crying out for help.

"If you think it's a trap to let out guards down I'd say we try to find another entrance or make our own if we can't find one." Hiruko commented as he made sure Formalin and his suicase were set down safely and securely in the raft to grab an ore.

Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27

  • After an encounter with that giant tapir, the already-thinned collaboration between the Dreamscapers and their new allies were forced to scatter in multiple directions.


    In this pink, dreamy void, all NiGHTS could see among the various decorated doors was a silhoutte in the distance, undiscernible in terms of whether it belonged to beast or man. Each slow but steady step it took resulted in a great thud. Emerging from it were a combination of animalistic howls and screeching, all blended into one.

    Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva

The purple haired jester was no stranger to this realm. Yet, even as he dashed through the light, enjoying his freedom, he too was rather interested in the strange figure taking shape. Was it another child? One of Wicked Wizeman's tricks? The jester wasn't liking the howls and growling he heard, but then again, one shouldn't always judge things before they knew for sure.

"Oh? What's this? A new being taking shape in the Dreamscape? Let's see if we can't have some fun, hm?"

Crow Crow

  • "I vill help," the Commander helped Hiruko row towards the biscuit grounds. With each step they took, the cookie crumbled below their feet.

    "And zat is vhy I refuse to use chocolate and cookies as material for a house. Believe me - people have asked."

    "A gingerbread house would be nice to be in - as long as it's nice on the inside~" Nemurin says.

    "Vhoever made zis bozodome definitely preferred my advice, now, let's see..."

    "Hold on."

    Before the Commander could approach the side of the creepy clown dome to find an entrance, Darkrai hovered and raised a hand, blocking his path.

    "Something's not right," Darkrai said, sending a surge of lightning through the ground, revealing a few dozen miasmic circles decorating the crumbly ground.

    "Traps?" the Commander ponders.

    "Could be alarms," Darkrai adds, "either way, they're prepared for us, and expecting us."

    "Vell, at least ve can valk around z'em now."

    Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Takumi98 Takumi98
[/tab][tab=Things that go bump in the Nights - That's just Prime.]
"And what would this 'fun' consist of, Dreamscaper?" a voice boomed from the individual in the distance. As the distance between the two closed, the appearance of this being became more apparent - a chimerical beast, centaurian in appearance with the traits of birds.


"You are one of them, aren't you?"

Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva

Nights stopped as he flew over, just now seeing what the beast was. Oh sure, he looked fearsome, but Nights had seen worse. Whatever this beast was, if he thought he could disturb the peace around here he was sorely mistaken. Nights would have to put him in his place.

"Hey, now! No need to be overdramatic! Is that any way to talk to someone you just met?"

Crow Crow
Nights chuckled, forming a ball of energy and tossing it up into the air. "Now now, there's no need to fight. I'm sure we can settle this over a pint? No?"

Crow Crow
Nights smirked playfully, summoning another ball to kick it right at the beast’s head. The energy ball soared through the air like a bullet, faster than the human eye could see.

“You’re right! Why don’t we kick things up a bit!?”

Crow Crow
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Sora used his Flow Motion and bounded around while heading towards the disturbance. Once he got within seeing distance he noticed one of his fellow Dreamscaper members NIGHTS if he remembered correctly was fighting against some creature that didn’t even seem to feel Nights’ attacks. It wasn’t even retaliating. He jumped down in between them.

“Nights! Cease fire!” He yelled at the purple creature before turning to the creature.

“Are you friend of foe?” He asked.

Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva Crow Crow
Nights watched as another warrior entered the area. Although, unlike the beast before him, Nights recognized Sora as his fellow ally. This was even better. Together they could properly deal with this character.

"Well, it's about time you showed up! I was afraid I'd have to fight tall, big and handsome all by myself" The purple jester grinned a bit, folding his arms over his chest.

Crow Crow AbominableTouma AbominableTouma

  • "Well, it's good to see that there are still people within your ranks that aren't impulsive ruffians," the beast said, turning to Sora.

    Looking towards NiGHTS, then towards Sora again, he would lean in towards the keyblade wielder and whisper, "are his vocal receptors functioning?


    But I suppose it's only appropriate to introduce myself. To answer your question -many consider me friend. I am Onyx Prime - the eighth Prime, the Lord of Beasts and a former member of the Dreamscapers."

    Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva AbominableTouma AbominableTouma
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  • In the dark of night, Professor Shinigami stood in the forests with his new underling, the newly-enhanced Zi-O.

    "As fate will have it, Dream Hunter Rem and I can and will clash again in the future. Other things, on the other hand, refuse to wait for us. Thus, we must go forth at once! We have much to conquer, Zi-O! Ahahahaha!"

    As they flew upwards, they were soon shot down by missiles, being forced to plummet to the ground.

    Belmond Banderas looked up confidently as his weapons landed directly upon the incarnation of the devil.


    "I think the time for us to clash is NOW!" Rem, already in her transformed state, declared.

    "It appears that you and your friends are ready, Ayanokouji Rem! Let us see if you can handle the despair of battling one of your friends to the death!" Shinigami sends forth the corrupted Zi-O to deal with the group.

    "For someone who calls himself a devil with two names, you're nothing but a coward!"


    "That would at least imply that I have a chance of losing to the likes of your band of weaklings, which we all know is impossible!"

    Crow Crow themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia @BarDeras -> Forested Zone

The Attorney stood slightly behind the others, wrapping more and more layers of bandages around her hands - throwing punches did a lot of damage to her, and while she was more than capable of winning a simple fistfight, she could always use the extra padding.

She raised her voice slightly. "You'd lose in any fashion contests, for sure! Y'know, I'm pretty sure if Dracula arrived right now, he'd ask for his cape back. Stealing is illegal. Don't you have any respect for the dead?"
Crow Crow
LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Darkrai looked towards Nemurin and replied, "If it is, you should let me take care of him."
Darkrai looked ahead and flew forward, taking the lead. "I am better equipped to deal with beings like him anyways."

Crow Crow

  • "No matter how hard your words sting, they are all but empty. As will you be once I suck your soul out of that empty husk you call a body!" Shinigami mocks as his scythe extends towards Louise, only to be stopped by Rem swinging her sword at it.

    "Louise!" Rem exclaims, "are you alright?"

    "Ah, I see. The weakness of Ayanokouji Rem is clearly visible to me. The weakness of all altruistic beings - that which you call 'friends'."

    "They're not weakness, they're strength!"

    "Prove it! Prove that you can strike the King of Time - now my servant - without remorse! Prove that you will not hold back just because he was once your ally!"

    Rem grit her teeth.

    "What's the matter, Ayanokouji Rem? Facing the prospect of weakness?"

    Shinigami would wave his hands, issuing commands to Zi-O to start attacking!

    "I will prove that your alliance is but a hindrance!"

    Crow Crow themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

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