Disapointed with the Fair Folk

Looking over the new Fair Folk errata, there are few things that seem in need of a little more polish.

I think Terrestrial-level Wyld stunts should be availible to anyone who has Style 5 - otherwise why take the fifth dot if it will be no good to you until Essence 4?

Stasis is too easy to get around for most Raksha. If you own even one of your own Graces, you can inflict and remove Bedlam from yourself at will, dumping all of your Stasis at the cost of only one scene of acting crazy. At best, Bedlam should only remove a few points of Stasis, perhaps based on the duration of the Bedlam (say 1 per scene/tale).

Do Raksha suffer from Calcification in the Underworld, Malfeas, or Autochthonia? Those three realms do not count as Creation and the write-up of Calcification only specifies Creation. Perhaps a better way to phrase it would be "whenever a raksha is outside the Wyld".

Chancels seem to be missing some information. For example, can everyone who wishes move a chancel or just the possessor/owner? If a chancel is not possessed by anyone, who can see its entrances?

How long does Spite Summoning Malediction last if you have Essence 6+?

Why can't a character forget a particular memory a second time using a Rejection Charm? Never again is a long time, especially for one of the immortal Raksha.

How long does Decaying Princliples' Waking version last?

Still, there is much to like in what is presented. The Ishvara are a very nice touch - the Celestial Incarnae of the Wyld. Finally! Workable Raksha Charms!!
Well, we know already from the ST section that unless you have Cerements and Bone up you calcify in the Underworld like you didn't have any assumption up at all. Nothing has been said about other dimensions. It might be a little extreme to require a special assumption for each partition of reality. Although I did see a pretty cool set of Malfeas Assumptions somewhere...

Needing Essence 4 is a little awkward for Terrestrial level Wyld Stunts, I agree.

Also, self-induced Bedlam is a little dubious. Yes it says that an owner of a grace can inflict and remove bedlam at will, but if someone under the influence of bedlam being able to remove it themselves if self-inflicted is a little bit of conjecture, IMO. That in conjunction with Bedlam enhancing charms is a little broken, and obvious chicanery.
magnificentmomo said:
Also, self-induced Bedlam is a little dubious. Yes it says that an owner of a grace can inflict and remove bedlam at will, but if someone under the influence of bedlam being able to remove it themselves if self-inflicted is a little bit of conjecture, IMO. That in conjunction with Bedlam enhancing charms is a little broken, and obvious chicanery.
The rules on inflicting or removing bedlam from a Raksha are clear. If you own one of a Raksha's Graces, you can inflict or remove the appropriate Curse upon the Raksha at will. While you might have difficulty remembering to end your own Bedlam if you inflict the Curse of Namelessness upon yourself, none of the others would cause any sort of restriction on reinstating your own sanity. Yes, this is an obvious abuse of the rules, but it is a perfectly valid abuse of the rules. That's why I brought it up.
I wouldn't call it clear exactly, it is one throwaway sentence. Is it a reflexive action? Is it a Shaping Action? Do you have to have it on hand at that moment or just metaphysically own it?

Being able to inflict Bedlam isn't so bad, but the fact that it can be removed at any time is shenanigans. If the concept should stay, which I think it should, "You failed me for the last time Starscream *curse of namelessnessed*". The curse should probably have to run its course naturally.

Holden doesn't come here very often, or if he does he hardly posts, so you should post this on the WW forums where he actually checks. I posted there about how you can currently activate two assumptions and then drop the first so that you only have the discounted assumption committed.

edit: don't fret, I was heading to that thread right now anyways, I will mention it.

EVEN MORE IMPORTANT EDIT: So I looked up the passage to quote in the thread, and found out that,

"A raksha who acquires ownership

(as opposed to mere possession) of a Grace belonging to

another raksha can inflict the appropriate bedlam curse on

her as outlined beginning on page 99."

It specifically says ANOTHER raksha, so.
magnificentmomo said:
EVEN MORE IMPORTANT EDIT: So I looked up the passage to quote in the thread, and found out that,

"A raksha who acquires ownership

(as opposed to mere possession) of a Grace belonging to

another raksha can inflict the appropriate bedlam curse on

her as outlined beginning on page 99."

It specifically says ANOTHER raksha, so.
Ah, so to pull shenanigans you'd need to give the Grace to either a trusted lieutenant or else just own that other Raksha's Heart Grace. Probably both, just to be safe.

Still, dodging Stasis seems too easy and too hard at the same time. If you can just have Bedlam inflicted on yourself, Stasis doesn't matter. If you can't, though, your only real way to get rid of stasis is to promise things to other Raksha or to find and torment a heroic mortal or one of the Exalted. Somehow, that doesn't seem right for beings that swept whole swaths of Creation away to be so dependant on the Exalted or for beings of such mercurial nature to be so tangled in webs of promises.
One of Holden's goals was making FF mechanics match the fluff, so he made it so that you need/want to feed, and now he made it so that you need to swear to oaths, which was a seemingly large part of FF society that was dumb to do because "what the fuck do I get out of it?". Now the answer is, "your existence is more interesting and you won't go poof"

Also, I found this passage tucked away in the Greater Arts charm, "Any character attuned

to such an artifact can inflict the appropriate bedlam

curse on the bearer of the Grace as a reflexive action."

So shenanigans is back on.

Edit: but it doesn't say anything about being able to recall curses, so, shenanigans. So both readings of the rules are tortured.

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