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Fantasy Diplomacy & Conflict

(will leave the vikings for a later prosperity post.)

The patriarch sat on his seat on the podium overseeing a parade to show off new recruit, taken from all corners of the empire to sure up the Empires defenses. The parade was just a formality, under niceenian law recruits must make their oath of fealty and service to the emperor Grivas himself or representative of his state and must give his approval. The law was set before the adoption of the council government but it was written by Grivas himself so incapable of being modified. As patriarch the duty was on him to give his blessing, though in truth there would be no reason to refuse. Today was no acceptation, the troops looked tough and hardy though made up of former farmers and merchants. What the would lack in fighting experience the faith was unquestioned and that was all need for victory.

As the troops went passed, a messengers came in handing the Patriarch two letters on baring the the seal of the Lavian Kingdom and the other baring the Vocii. He read both with interest bemused by the sudden change of heart by the King Faris. He waved one of his guards to him.

"Please have someone get me guardsmen Ragnar please from whatever whore he is on top of."He said. The lavians think themselves kings of the sea but they are not the only ones who are skilled in their used."I need to make a deal with his people."

"Yes patriatch.."

The patriarch waving him off and beginning writing two letters.

King Faris of the Lavia

You words of honor and apparent concern for our welfare ring hallow when your previous dealing seek to ruin us. We find our southern neighbors to the south more then hospitable, we do not wish any war with them at this time. We would request any further correspondence between our nation would be done through your high priest, will be more inclined to deal with his honorable seal on request.

May you find wisdom in your faith.

Holy Nicene Empire.

To the Warchiefs of the Vocii

We are pleased to say er accept your offer of non-aggression though it is unwarranted. As token of good faith between our people, we provide a current correspondence from the Lavians with there intentions regarding your people. We hope this will open your eyes regarding them and would help other in your to see as well. We also offer the aid of our crusaders if you are beset by the Lavians should you wish it if you would promise the same. Our offer of non aggression will still apply regardless of your decisions.

May Urakles and Isura look kindly in your endeavors

Holy Nicene Empire

Prosperity Post
With yet, another meeting in the Hall, the elders and the warchief stood up this time, around the long table. One of the elders cleared their throat and began speaking. "Baassiia, warchief of the Vocii, son of Tiranes and Urakles. In the name of all the Elders of the Vocii, you are granted the blessings to wage war on the upcoming enemies. From this day forth and until the end of the war, every capable man of the Vocii shall grab their armor and swords and fight in the name of the Vocii!" he announced. With one last deep breath, all the Elders raised their swords up in the sky and yelled. "For the Vocii! May Urakles bless us with the blood of our foes!"

Baassiia thanked the Elders and went to prepare. Interrupted by a courier, Baassiia took the new letters that have arrived. Reading them carefully, he now knew what he had to do. Beginning to write his own letters for every faction, Baassiia only hoped to achieve what he wishes. Once the letters were given to the courier, he went to prepare. Grabbing his armor, shield and sword, Baassiia walked outside, where a horde of warriors from the capital awaited. Looking at each man from the first line, Baassiia opened his mouth. "Brothers! The scums of Lavia think they can best us! Because they have ships. Ships! WARS are not WON with ships alone! Wars are WON with men like you! Fighting and destroying their cities for their stupid arrogance and ignorance! In the name of the Vocii, in the name of Urakles, I DEMAND you unleash your fury on them! Show them who we really are! Onward brothers!". With the finishing of his speech, cries of wars were heard, as they reached up the skies, so that Urakles would hear them and watch over them.

Grabbing his horse and getting up on it, he looked at one of the elders. "Evacuate the fishing villages on the coast. Order them to take anything of value. Weapons, food, clothing, firewood, tools, everything. Poison the wells and burn the villages down. Then, sacrifice every animal possible and dump their corpses on the coast. Let the soft men come and smell the death that they are upon them. Sha'kir sha'mur, ul'var thun. Split the army in two. The greater force, send them to Urakles's Wall while the rest, tell them to come with me. It is time to make our friends a visit." he said. He yelled to begin the march and the horns of wars were heard.


To the Empire,

The time has come to march to war. The Lavians dared defy us with their petty assumptions of winning this war. We shall prove them wrong. In my last letter, I have requested a military alliance with your people, but this time, I beg a coalition. The Coalition of the South. War with our other blood must be avoided. Let us bring them to our cause. Let us show the soft men how real men fight, when the fury of the South is unleashed upon them. However, if they refuse to join, they should be considered traitors of the South and must be eliminated. This, I wish not, but by Urakles beard, if I must use my sword, I shall use it! Let us begin preparations!"

Baassiia, warchief of the Vocii.


To the people of Zairuth,

War is coming. The Lavians dare call us savage beasts with animal clothing. You, above all of us, should be the most insulted. Your people are proud and magnificent artisans. The Lavians will attempt to weaken you with honeyed words, to let your guard down and when the time comes, they will strike. Prevent this, by joining the Coalition of the South. Your archers will be of great aid for all of us. Come. Fight. Sooner or later, you will have to spill blood, but it is you who chooses, to be it either alone, cornered, or with allies at the Lavians throats.

Baassiia, warchief of the Vocii.


To the people of Burasland,

You build a wall and prepare to fight the Empire, the people who are not your enemies. The Lavians are the true threat. Do not allow yourself fooled by their honeyed words. They promise you the Moon, which is unreachable. They promise you riches and power. Power which they will make sure they can overcome easily. Join the Coalition, fight against this scum and prove them that you are not who they believe you to be. Fools. Or join them and tremble at the might of the Coalition as they will burn down your wall with catapults with fire. It is time for you to choose.

Baassiia, warchief of the Vocii.


To the Holy Nicene Empire,

You sound like a man with many winters. Your aid against the scum of Lavia is generous. We will march our forces through your lands and burn down their cities for their ignorance and arrogance. But beware, do not try to fool us. We are not fools. Betray us and you will face the fury of the Coalition of the South. It is nothing but a friendly warning. We shall march and attack only the Lavians. Once we have put them out of their misery, we shall return home, with our loot and whatever we see fit. For you, you can take their lands and do whatever you would like. The Vocii will not conquer their lands, but sack them. May Urakles and Isura give us wisdom.

Baassiia, warchief of the Vocii.


To the self-proclaimed King of the Shimmering Ocean,

You dare insult us more! Your honeyed words mean nothing to us. War it shall be. Our "wooden spears" will do well against your horses while our swords will cut down your men like cattle. Your arrogance and ignorance brought this upon you. You shall suffer for this. Your ships cannot conquer cities within forests, only men can do that. It is time to see if your men are as good as their are as fishermen. We shall see this when you will encounter the fury of the Coalition of the South.

Baassiia, warchief of the Vocii.
Draxar had started everything in a cheery mood. He could hear the birds chirping, the winds were blowing on a hot day, and everyone seemed happy now that a chief was retaking order. Of course, it couldn't last long, everything seemed too good, and it was. It was a letter from 'The king of the Shimmering Seas'. He knew that a person that gave that title on letters he wrote was either strong, or just head strong. As he read over the letter, his day got worse and worse, until he crumpled the paper. All the chiefs that were there to see it knew that, although he didn't appear angry, he was beyond words, almost possessed by the god of wrath himself. He was about to say something when another messenger came in with another letter. He snatches the letter from his hands, the messenger sensing the tension and leaving as fast as he can. After looking at the letter, silence enveloping the room. Draxar looks up from the note. "The 'King of the Seas' wants to belittle those that created the art that probably adorns his halls. He wants to make war with not just us it would seem, but also with all others on this side of the mountains. Yet the Vocci want our help in destroying this king, dethroning him. Shall we go to help he who wants our new enemy killed? Or do we stay here, making our art, waiting for the world to decide our destiny." It was obvious what the leaders wanted, and so as the sun was setting, twenty Patience archers and fifty hunters left, to rally the rest of Zairuth to kill he who insults them. A letter was sent, translated by the chiefs translator to something easier for them to read.

-To Vocci

You warn me of honeyed words, yet you praise us for our art. Yet I feel the need to believe that you and your men are more trustworthy than the one with the fancy titles. Please, take as many men as arrives, not all are skilled, and few are veterans of a long gone war. The archers of Patience shall be my generals in my absence, they are my elites, and will know the best way for them to fight.

I am neither giving you an army, nor am I giving you little. All I am giving you, is a little help from what uneducated would call assassins, but we call elite. If this king is killed, then have my Patience hunters take his flag and whatever else they can carry back to Zairuth.

-May you be escorted to peace,

Draxar of Zairuth
The letter that reached them first was that of the Lavian empire, which sent them into a fury. They had asked their forgiveness of the harsh words they had sent. They had sent them gifts in hope of encouraging good will. But in return, they are insulted and are threatened of a war.

Then the second letter came. The Vocii's letter. That of uniting and bringing down the man who so rudely insulted them. True, the Vocii threatened them as well, but with the threat of the Empire ever looming at their door, Burasland had been forced to endure and counter threats. But this one would not have to be followed through with this day.


To Baassii, Warchief of Vocii.

That King of the Shimmering Ocean has already contacted us with an alliance. I harsh words were said at first, but then we asked an apology. Yet that King had still insulted us. We will march with you. Our bows shall sing as they rain down arrows upon the enemy. Our swordsman shall cut a path through their men to that King, and then through his head! I send as many men as we can, while not leaving our home land unprotected. I also send the Bull, who I assume you have already met, as well as a man called the Stag. They do not always see eye to eye, but they are some of our best generals.

May we see that King's head removed from his shoulders.

Signed and Sealed by the Council


You know who you are, and you know us. You have insulted us for the last time. Prepare yourself.


As those two letters were being penned, armies were being moved. Men clad in scale mail marched through one of the three main gates in the Wall, North, Central, and South. At their head, marched banner men with the animal of their regiment. And, oddly enough, so were the sounds of flutes. At every harbor, ships were being launched. Slim, sleek things with thick hulls and a single square sail. They were not much compared to the Lavian navy, so they had gathered. But every man on that boat, and indeed women, were determined to test the enemy's navy to it's limit.

Blacksmiths forges rang with the sound of hammers on steel. Making swords, axes, armor. Fletchers making the arrows that would one day rain down on the enemy as their axe men, swordsmen, and pike men marched on them. Burasland was gearing towards war, and the people fully supported it. they gathered materials at a renewed pace, mines spat out ore like they did when they were first found. Farms found that extra bit of food to give to the soldiers. They were ready for a war, and pitied those that would get in their way.

Prosperity post. (could be wrong.) - (Reset next round!)
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