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Fandom Digmon X Variant


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

  • Inspired by the game Digimon World 4, but you only need to know digimon to be interested.

    The digital world has been attacked by a new variant of the X virus. To combat it, the D.S.G. (Digital Security Guard), has hired us to investigate, and fix the problem. Unfortunately it's going to be a lot bigger of an issue then initially investigated by Ophanimon. There is some bigger threat trying to destroy all of the digital world.

    You will play as a rookie digimon, equipped with a weapon made of Klondigizoit metal (fictional material canon to the digimon universe. Exceptionally strong). This weapon is equiped with Anti-X bodies to defeat enemies containing the original X virus. Due to the nature of the rp being dungeon based, I will be having everyone have a basic stat sheet (nothing complicated like DnD or anything) to help roleplay out fighting enemies as that will be a good part of the rp. You can see the Stat tab for ideas on how this will work. If you choose a digimon that typically couldn't hold the weapon with paw or hand, it floating beside them, or used with there mouth is fine as well. They can also choose not to have a weapon.

    The Rp will be segmented into parts, each part containing a story arc, and a dungeon to progress through. The dungeons are labrynths created by the evil digimon. We will be doing this as a team.

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