Digital Disaster

Bob the Pikachu.

Bob didn't want to go into much detail or even respond. She watched the accusations fly, the people accusing each other, or rather one individual, a little girl, and she wanted no part in it. The cursing human man who said bitch all the time. The overconfident libararian. And now Red and his dragon buddy going all apeshit and crazy. She sincerely wanted no part! After all, she was innocent, that's all that matters. She smirked slightly. How quickly she got into the role of being human. And honestly it wasn't so bad.

"That Growman and his Tamer is going to be a problem one day!" Blackon, now a massive beneomeoth of a dinosaur said, glaring down at the growman. Bob was sitting on his shoulder, just looking at everyone. Bob smiled, content in her innocence. Not that she was innocent per say. She had done some pretty naughty things as a pikachu but she was definitely innocent of whatever this is.

She looked down at her hand and electricty sparked. Being human didn't seem bad. Didn't seem bad at all.

Especially if she kept her powers like this.

Crow Crow @Nobodyinparticularjustwantedtogetapostout
1573356024093.png1573356122850.png "Old woman. Girl. What is to say you aren't the killers?" He says before releasing the old hag and turning his back to walk up to Umbrella, using his magic to attempt to banish any invader or to at least see if she had such a creature dwelling within her. "It's alright Umbrella." Nik says before hugging the sisters before turning to face the behind him causing him, hearing what he says and nodding in response. "Parasoul, if this breaks out in a fight and I don't make it... I love you." Nik says before standing up and turning to the man. "I'm ready to raise hell to save them." Nik says to Red as he stands his ground, summoning Mortis to guard the girls and give them a way to escape.
Accused: Yang & Wickerbottom
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow marc122 marc122 Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BoltBeam BoltBeam Jeremiah Jeremiah RedLight RedLight Nightwisher Nightwisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Veradana Veradana
Weeks back - Semi-Digitalized Subway Station, Shinjuku

"You want help with your phone?"

Zenith had tilted his head at the Thyplosion thinking for a moment before deciding that the question was technically right and nodding in response. Tapping his paw at the Digivice again, the Umbreon had added to have it 'like a collar' and finally, the other pokemon had understood exactly what he wanted. Without the hands to tie the watch-like device himself, he needed help from a second party. It was rather weird to have the object around his neck, it felt awfully restricting even if the band had been closed a hole off to remain a bit loose. But it was the only way that the dark-type would be able to carry it around with him while still being able to move freely and not risking dropping it on the way.

As for the murder investigations, he hadn't been able to cast a vote having been caught up with that matter, not that he cared too much since the human that had died wasn't even an acquaintance, it was hard to offer more than some silent condolences. The others had accused a blonde human female that apparently was actually a Pikachu nicknamed 'Bob'. It matched with the clue of the burns being electricity-caused, yet it just sounded... too easy. Way too easy. As a pokemon whose moveset relied strongly on deceit techniques, Zenith couldn't help but wonder if the culprit would really let it be that obvious to pinpoint them... At the same time, some individuals had accused Eric and the Braixen had suddenly gone feral attacking the dapper tiny weird human thing.

The results? Bob was deemed innocent and not an Eater agent, and the Braixen had been arrested for her actions. The only person the Umbreon had interacted with somewhat greatly that could actually understand him was not available now. Welp, if he wanted to continue being comprehended the dark-type was forced to stick with the Thyplosion. Grey was pleasant, but he couldn't translate pokespeak which just made the interactions a bit more convoluted.

Either way, the investigation ended, the day ended and Zenith had safely made it back to his apartment in Ikebukuro. His Plotmon was still oddly silent, especially for a guy that seemed to speak on and on and on non-stop. the Umbreon would never admit it, but the extensive lack of the 'brrt' noises was bothering. But alas, the Digimon was understandably upset and traumatized, requiring his own time to process the cruelty the pup had just witnessed.

The night had been eerily peaceful and rather melancholic.


Every day after that one had been pretty much the same. The Umbreon would hop outside from the opened window, wandering through the town always searching for Kaipo, hoping, wishing that he would stumble on the missing owner even if the chances were very very low. He had been to every park, peeked inside every building's windows, all possible corners and options that had come to his mind. Nothing, there was no sign of the Alolan human anywhere, not the first time, not the second, not in any of the more or less other ten times. Still, the search was repeated, every single new morning.

In the afternoon, Zenith would show up at Eric's apartment window, tapping at it with his paws to be let in with it was closed, or simply inviting himself inside if it was open. Then he would stick nearby the Thyplosion the rest of the day, also Grey whenever the not-Lycanroc being tagged along with them. By doing this the dark-type had been able to explore places he wouldn't normally be able to on his own, do some training in the Eden virtual landscape, --he had to learn to not panic with the idea of wearing the blindness inducing eye-covers-- and plenty of other interesting and new things.

Plotmon, or as the nickname had stuck upon repetition, Slobber, had spent the second day almost completely silent, or at least speaking very few times. It had taken the innocent and naive dog-Digimon a rather long time to truly cope with the idea that someone had killed someone else, even if apparently Eaters, --little nasty things!--, were involved making the action not voluntarily. Yet, soon the puppy had returned to his usual self, the nearly constant vibration of the Digivice in between Zenith's neck and chest area taking some using to. After a while, it was taken as almost some kind of massage, only really the 'brrrrt' sounds remaining rather grinding.

During all the training and fighting they had done, --not really together since the Umbreon was more of the kind to just tell Slobber to take of it and watch from the back--, he had witnessed the Digimon's first evolution from a little dog to an even larger dog creature! It was odd, to be trainer for once, though it wasn't all that bad. Not being in the line of fire for once could easily become a habit... unless the dark-type was bored and seeking a thrill of course.
Slobber, despite having Digievolved from a Plotmon into a Gaogamon didn't have his bubbly personality changed much, the only noticeable different had been less of asking constantly asking to play, yet he remained just as needy and starving for attention, not to mention similarly naive and annoying. Perhaps also oddly endearing, but Zenith would never state so, acting as grouchy and harshly as always towards the now clawed wolf creature, who didn't seem to mind it.

The Digimon was beginning to understand that it was simply the Umbreon's way of displaying himself.

Slobber had also learned his way through the Digivice's functions, eventually managing to change it back from silent mode. Though not happy with this development, the pokemon was slightly glad for it, given that he couldn't read the text popping up on the screen. Luckily there hadn't been anything too important to miss during this period, and he had asked Eric or Grey to repeat the messages out-loud when there had been a need for such.

Another thing of note was that the bowl of weird dry pellets that sat in a corner of the dark-type's room seemed to magically replenish itself every morning. After getting over the weird smell of it, he had tried it out to discover that the taste wasn't as bad as the odor, if not just slightly plain and artificial-ish. It tasted like some sort of human food that he had never tried before. But hey, free easy food was easy and free food. If he got tired of it he would just steal something more appetizing from someplace else. No harm done and rather simple when one was a master of stealth!!

Current Date - Apartment Building, Ikebukuro

The day had started like any other, hopping out of the bed, eating some of the weird food pellets from the bowl, heading outside for the daily patrolling of the town. Today too, there had been no sign of Kaipo, so once it had been nearing noon Zenith had interrupted his searching stroll and headed back home for lunch consisting of more of the weird dry pieces inside the bowl. There had been a brief idea, the thought to 'come into possession' of some chicken and consume it on his way to Eric's place, but the heavy and rather imponent tone of voice coming from the device attached to the band around his neck, --that up until this point had been only rambling nonsense--, had interrupted the Umbreon's plans suddenly, prompted by the just rung out 'ping!' sound:

" 'We found one of your gang on Kowloon Level 2. Meet us at this area...'? ", the Gaogamon had read the received message out loud aware that his tamer couldn't read at this point, "Someone seems to want us at the virtual world... Sounds urgent.", Slobber had commented with certain apprehension, his pixelated tail still, hovering in the 'air', "Woa, there's even an URL attached to it! These guys don't play on service!!"

Zenith had only grumbled in response to the summon, not only due to having his usual schedule abruptly changed, but also because he remembered rather vividly what had happened last time they had received a message of this type. Glancing down at the Digivice hanging on his neck and by proxy at Slobber the most he could without risking hurting himself, the Umbreon had sent a serious look at his Digimon, not daring to say exactly what was in his mind out loud, --even if it would not be understood--, in respect for the other.

The wolf creature, once a puppy creature, had been incredibly shaken by the occurrence previously.

With a deep sight mentally preparing himself for the inevitable, tail swishing with a concerned, nervous energy, the dark-type had lowered his head to execute the technique he had eventually learned. Managing to slide the eye-covers in place, Zenith had pawed at the keyboard no longer blindly having figured out his way through... some of the laptop, and selected the first option in the never-changing colorful screen, which he had discovered at some point was the Kowloon area.

He had been right. A new murder had indeed transpired.

The victim this time had been the odd dapper man, the one that had been very intent in eating the Braixen, rode a metallic monster of his own and had something that resembled a monochrome Piplup, or one its evolutions, as a companion. Said companion had also been cruelly slain. Zenith couldn't help but think for a moment that the weird human-looking creature had got what it deserved for trying to cook the other pokemon, as mean and selfish as it sounded. Being this thoughtless could only have eventually returned to bite him in the butt!!! The Braixen had attempted to instantly defend herself given that she'd have a motive to kill the other and had already threatened to do so. Suspicious behavior, yet once more a possible culprit that seemed way too perfect, way too easy to pinpoint.

It was most likely that she was being set-up to take the blame for someone else...

One of the others had also 'perished' by being one of those dreaded Eater Agents, a parasite thing seemingly having killed the human itself. As much cringe-inducing and horrible as it had been, the Umbreon didn't know the apparently devoured party and thus didn't really care for them. Even the usual feeling of condolence had been rather weak since the other had once been, --or holding--, a thing that could have assassinated somebody.

Throwing Slobber a brief glance, Zenith had distanced himself from the bulk of the investigations just as last time, not really feeling like partaking in the voting today, instead going after Eric who seemed to have the same tendency to stand away from the others. He had been surprised to find his Thyplosion acquaintance already in the middle of a conversation with a Shiny Umbreon, most likely the one from waaaay back that he had not stumbled upon until this very moment. The dark-type of gold ring patterns had joined the pokemon duo, standing nearby yet remaining in respectful silence, allowing them to finish their interaction first.

The Gaogamon on the other hand...

He had been shocked to discover yet a new body, of being staring at yet the aftermath of another murder. Immediately taking a step back, Slobber had flinched in distress, releasing once more a pained howl in response to the sheer maliciousness of the whole thing. The Digimon's panicked gaze had washed rapidly over everyone else in the location, fearful, searching for reassurance, his ears moving just as frantically. This is when the black fox-thing that was his tamer had glanced in his direction, though what it meant the Gaogamon wasn't entirely sure.

Still, aiming to distract himself from thinking too much about awful subjects, he had eventually stomped softly, --well as soft as a big wolf thing with clawed gloves could manage--, over to the group Zenith has joined, eager to make some fun and light-hearted conversation. For starters, Slobber had felt the need to point out the obvious, tail wagging happily behind him as he believed it to be a smart thing to notice:

"Ohhhh~ Zen-Zen, look look!", he had shifted on his paws ecstatic, the movement making somewhat loud 'thump, thump' sounds until he had walked a little closer to Avan, "This one is just like you~! You're both twinsies~!!"

"Or the same species, I guess~ Or- Or veeery similar ones, yeah!", the big wolf thing with a male thunderous voice had giggled to himself like a delighted child, in what had to be one of the most paradoxical sights ever for one to witness live.

The Umbreon could only roll his eyes in disapproval of his Digimon's failure to read the mood.

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Parasoul & Umbrella


"Wait, what are you-?!"
Parasoul was shocked when the man named Red has openly declared war against those who look at Umbrella as a criminal. Just then, Nik came up and it seems he is ready to take on the accusers...and then he said three words; I love you. Parasoul was left speechless. This is the first time a man has ever poured out his feelings for her. Sure she has met him for long, but the fact that Nik was indeed in love with her never came into her mind. The last gesture had her thoughts puzzled, and now for this, she finally understands. "Nik, I..." Parasoul is at a loss. Mortis comes in, being ordered by Nik to protect the sisters and provide them an escape should things get sour. These people are treating this as like a big deal to them.

Crow Crow EldridSmith EldridSmith Nightwisher Nightwisher RedLight RedLight thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Wickerbottom turned her attention to Hotaru when it was demanded. “The straw either belongs to the accomplice, or, and most likely, was planted here to make someone else look suspicious. Considering that it’s nothing more than a single strand of evidence that holds very little weight to anything else we’ve found, and does not relate to anything else we’ve found, I’m inclined to think that it’s the latter.” The librarian explained her thought process. “In crime scene analyzation,” she adjusted her glasses as she started in her more teacher like tone. “Detectives are trained to look for the things that fit the pattern, and the things that don’t. The things that fit the pattern are what should be looked at, while the things that don’t fit the pattern are looked over to see if it’s a copycat killer, white noise, or planted to throw them off the scent. Now, despite the parasites that lead people to kill, they are as close to professional killers as we are professional detectives. Which means they’re sloppy, not very well thought out, and as such will make obvious kills with little bits and snippets to try and throw the scent off randomly as if it will actually save them. It won’t, or at least we shouldn’t let it. The obvious killers are, most likely, the obvious killers. Everything is but a poorly laid trail to someone they thought would be easier to pin it on, more suspicious. And, then, once we find them, they turn into sobbing messes as the guilt of the parts of their still human brains consumes them. An innocent person shows their innocence by acting innocent. A guilty person shows their innocence by acting like a victim.” Again she adjusted her glasses as if to add emphasis to her speech.

The librarian chuckled at the man’s accusation. “Do you mean other than the evidence? No, of course you don’t. You mean to point the finger at us because you’re too blinded by emotion to use the most important organ you have,” she pointed to her head. “Congratulations. You’ve merely cemented yourself as an emotionally whipped fool. Your opinion had been cemented to the importance of zero. Though, pointing the finger so wildly based off emotion, you may have also cemented yourself as the accomplice,” Wickerbottom gave him the same closed eye once over she gave everyone else and chuckled. “Though I won’t waste my second vote on you just yet. There's no real evidence that backs that up, and I'm not one to base an accusation off of nothing.” And with that, the old woman left the discussion completely, deciding it wasn’t worth any more of her breath.

Vote: Umbrella
Vote: Red

Interactions: Hotaru ( Veradana Veradana ) and Nikias ( EldridSmith EldridSmith )
Mentions: Yang ( marc122 marc122 ), GM ( Crow Crow ), Umbrella ( Topless Topless ), and Red ( RedLight RedLight )
1572922629341.png "You know nothing hag! I'm a defective clone! I was created from the cells of someone who spent their life studying and learning about the scientific and arcane! They killed their love for knowledge! I know the secrets of the universe he witnessed and I have found my own truth! Emotion! Without it we are mere husks, soulless corpses shambling along like yours! Emotion is everything! I will not betray mine for the world! If the world opposes me: I. WILL. CONQUER. IT!!!" Nik boldly proclaims as he prepares the spell spear rain, countless spears appearing behind him.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow marc122 marc122 Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BoltBeam BoltBeam Jeremiah Jeremiah RedLight RedLight Nightwisher Nightwisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Veradana Veradana

"You want to save them?" Red responded to the man called Nik. "Then help them flee, and protect them from me."
Growmon's growling continued to get deeper, and deeper, and deeper.
"Raise hell..." Growmon spoke to the Nik, magician-thing man. "That... Isn't for you to decide."
He scoffed at Nik, before letting out a grim chuckle.

"When I tell you to run." Red then spoke to Parasoul, beside him.
"You run..." Growmon finished.

Red listened to Wickerbottom's detailed explanation. The old librarian sure knows a lot. But he could not care less, and this investigation is over. Something not welcomed is coming. Unfortunately, everyone is too busy to realize that.

The pressure continues to affect Red. His emotions have already overcome his mind. Red stopped listening to logic anymore. He never wants for his emotions to take over him. Emotions like anger, suffering, despair, ill-temper, hatred, disgust, guilt, the list goes for twenty years worth. It clouds his mind very easily, causing him to make regrettable decisions. Which is why Red never liked having emotions, when all he has are the negatives. He tried so hard to bottle it all. But unfortunately, his weakness was exposed. Empathy.
"PLEASE STOP!!!" His mind screamed hopelessly. "SAVE YOURSELVES!!! SAVE ME!!!"
Luck has left everyone's side. This is one of the times where Red does not speak at all. Instead, an action is what he is bound to do.

Nik continued to argue with Wickerbottom. And now it seems as if he is attacking the old librarian. A pitiful fool as well.
"I tried stopping everyone from harassing the child beside me." Red suddenly spoke. "But what does everyone continue to do? Harass someone else?"
Growmon's grin grows, exposing his teeth bit by bit.
"Is this how humans solve their problems? By talking?" Growmon added in. "HRAHRAHGHRAHRAHRAHRAHRA"
He let out a hellish laugh. By the way the two sounded, it is safe to say that these are no longer the Red and Growmon we all know.
"Continuously attacking someone back isn't going to fix things. You all are just... Stooping as low as her." Red continued. "If you really want to get over all of this. Then just stop."
Stop could mean a lot of things. But does everyone really what to know what Red was implying?
"After all, who are we to judge?"
And with that final sentence, the sun in Red's inner gets overshadowed by something dark. Completely forming a blood-red eclipse.
"RUUNNN!!!" He screamed as loud as he possibly can.
Red finally gave a signal for Umbrella, Parasoul, and Jesse to run from Kowloon Level 2.

Crow Crow EldridSmith EldridSmith (Nik) Nightwisher Nightwisher (Wickerbottom) Topless Topless (Umbrella, Parasoul) thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Jesse)
Note: It is a pillar of the Four Great Dragons Digimon alongside Qinglongmon, Goddramon, and Holydramon, but its personality is so fiendish that it doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to the other three. Although it is a rare species that isn't even known to be extant, and its very existence is a "Digital Hazard", its powers were sealed away by some sort of "force". However, it is said that a great amount of damage will be exerted on the Digital World when its powers are awakened.

Red's buddy Growmon ate his partner's rage - no - their rage was in perfect symbiosis.

"I've heard of this..."
"No- we've seen this, face to face."

Growmon's skin ripped and tore apart, a bigger wireframe bursting out from it like a shell, its old skin scattering all over the place. The being that formed from it after a new set of skin was formed - its shape and colour - would be seen as different by the different individuals.


Some would see Red's newly-evolved partner as a huge, monstrous serpentine being, tattered wings and a face most feral and burning with rage.


Those who did not would see the same former-Growmon as a different being altogether - a dark knight-shaped Digimon equipped with a mighty horn lance and shield, its cape dyed colours of eternal night and sewn with the fabric of malice.

Overall, it was unclear which form was true, and which one was false. Perhaps they were both the truth, or they were both lies. But for now, what you saw was what you got, whichever it was.

Should Red say his dear partner's new name - MCehgaiodsrdaukemon - his voice would be distorted and corrupted, as if saying two things at once.

Nik's friend Mortis would materialize as well as Nik's emotions were synchronized into the BoaHackmon. Its tough, plated hide popped and scattered all over the place as a wireframed being popped out, the cape altering in hue to the colours of rage and evil...

Skin and armour formed over the wireframe, as a double-sided horn lance was formed. All would see Mortis as the very same evil being.


An intimidating knight-shaped Digimon, axe equipped upon his right shoulder pad, and twin spear being wielded by his right hand. That description was accurate to Mortis' current form - DarkKnightmon.

The two beings that beheld all - be it the sight of a dark knight fighting an evil dragon or a duel between evil lancers - exhumed an aura of fiendishness. It was clear that at this point, these two newly-evolved titans were at a strength that no other Digimon among our lovely cast had reached!

"Well, I'm not going to stand here and-"

"Is Nokia spreading to your brain? You know it's dangerous here! None of what we have can do anything here! It's safer to get everyone out while they wear each other out."

"But the-"

"GO, AMI!"

Arata's eyes widened for a bit, finding himself unable to move. Whether it was fear or some other emotion was uncertain.

"... I have a strong gut feeling... that I should be the one to do this, at least until all of you head to Galacta Park in Level 1."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow marc122 marc122 Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BoltBeam BoltBeam Jeremiah Jeremiah RedLight RedLight Nightwisher Nightwisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Veradana Veradana EldridSmith EldridSmith Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva
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  • EricFlustered.jpg
    Grey & Eric

    "Oh. It's a place where humans go to entertain themselves with their families. But, um, point is... I guess you don't really have to enjoy everything about what's happened to enjoy the better parts of it. Like... this Digital World. Just look at this place... you probably never thought you'd get to see something like it, right?"

    I scoot closer to Avan, a blush on both my cheeks.

    "And... even more importantly... we were dragged to this world together."

    I then notice Zenith out of the corner of my eye, aided by the humorous Gaogamon commenting on him and Avan being 'twins.' That part makes me giggle a little.

    "N-no, I don't think they're related," I chuckle. "But you are right on that second guess. They're both Umbreons. And... you're the, uh, Gaogamon from Zenith's phone, right? It's great to finally meet you in person!" My attention moves down to the Dark-type in question. "Zenith! It's nice to see you again!"

    Such a heartfelt moment, I think. Sure beats fighting giant koopas.

    And then everything goes wrong.

    Red and Nik's Digimon suddenly digivolve, and... well, you'd have to be here to believe it. Red's becomes a Chaosdukemon- at least, I think? Something just isn't right about it. In the other corner, Nik's becomes a DarkKnightmon. Both behemoths face each other, clearly ready to tear each other apart.

    Grey, having been closer to the two than I, jumps back and lands beside me, his visor on and his sword raised defensively.


    "Oh, come on! A fight right when we're trying to solve a murder?!"

    I get up, my heat vents glowing, but remaining reluctant to join in. "Grey..."

    "Eric!" He looks back at me, a totally serious expression on his face. "Stay behind and protect your buddies! If things go bad, help me out from the back! Don't leave them to fight these Digi-guys head-on! Got it?!"

    His firm instructions earn him a compliant nod. I crouch down, putting my arms in front of Zenith and Avan. "Got it. Don't get hurt too bad, okay...?"

    Grey turns back, staring down Red and Nik, wondering if their anger towards each other is the source of this development. Maybe he'd have to stop them rather than their Digimon. "I won't."

    The fox steps forward, sword in paw.


    GREY ART CREDIT: HavocDusk
    Grey Text HEX Color Code: #00d8ff
    Eric Text HEX Color Code: #8a2542

    Nightwisher Nightwisher (Avan)
    Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Zenith, Slobber... Slobber's the Gaogamon, right? I'm way too tired to wrap my head around this simple question)

    RedLight RedLight (Red)
    EldridSmith EldridSmith (Nik)

"I'm sorry." Red spoke, before closing his eyelids shut.

He closely listens to everyone's voices.

"Red, Growmon is--" Growmon tried to speak, but gets interrupted halfway through.
He is going through Digivolution. Everyone called for this to happen. And he answered their call.

An extremely wicked Digimon that is the most evil among Dragon Digimon. It is a pillar of the Four Great Dragons Digimon alongside Qinglongmon, Goddramon, and Holydramon, but its personality is so fiendish that it doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to the other three. Although it is a rare species that isn't even known to be extant, and its very existence is a "Digital Hazard", its powers were sealed away by some sort of "force". However, it is said that a great amount of damage will be exerted on the Digital World when its powers are awakened. It has a body made from Chrome Digizoid. According to one theory, Megidramon and Chaos Dukemon are the same being, and it is said that whether that wave of terror is projected as a dark knight or as a dark dragon depends on the observer. Its Signature Move is a powerful shock wave that is called the "howl of hell" (Hell Howling). Its Special Move is its "Megiddo Flame" which reduces everything to ash.

"Going to end this." A deep and grim demonic voice spoke within the bursting wireframe.

However, it is said that a great amount of damage will be exerted on the Digital World when its powers are awakened.

The formerly blue shades of Kowloon Level 2 changed into different shades of red. The Digivolution process comes to an end. The creature with such a demonic voice finally reveals himself.

To others, he appears differently.

Red sees him as the embodiment of destruction. Embodiment of The End. As Megidramon. But that does not necessarily mean Chaos Dukemon's menacing aura is less worse. No one with a sane mind would dare face either of these two powerful Digimons.

Those who see Megidramon differently will not feel safety within its reach. This knightly-aura bears the same negative emotions as his Tamer. Whichever Digimon everyone sees, it will seek to kill them.

One is not less powerful than the other. But feel free to choose wisely. You will need it.

"MCehgaiodsrdaukemon." Red spoke with a corrupted voice.
As if he tried saying two names at once, making it sound completely distorted.

Red completely loses focus and chances of reasoning with him.
"Stealth." He spoke, as his final words before disappearing from everyone's sights.

But before Red closed his eyes. If someone were to look at it, they would see a mirror image of him. Begging everyone to save themselves from something. Or him.

Everyone and everything around him either burns to ashes or corrodes into ruins.

"M E G I D D O F L A M E ! ! !" Megidramon shouted before pointing his mouth upwards.
The towering demonic creature's shout shook everything solid. After Megidramon shouted, a pillar of flames was erected from his mouth. He is breathing flames while aiming towards the blood-red skies above. But Megiddo Flame is not an ordinary fire breath. Everyone, who does not have any form of heat resistance, in a reasonable range feels the heat from the faraway fire breath. Imagine if this were to strike something.

Tip A: Its Special Move is its "Megiddo Flame" which reduces everything to ash.

Tip B: Its Special Moves are the powerful barrage of attacks of its demonic lance (Demon's Disaster), and firing a dark wave which corrodes everything from the demonic shield in its left hand (Judecca Prison).

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  • Tenshi Hinanawi|The Monster Inside


    "...Well, that went south fast, didn't it." Tenshi commented as quite an argument seemed to kick up right then and there - two pairs of Digimon and tamer figuratively burning ablaze and transforming themselves - Tenshi saw the duel of two evil knights, seeming quite perplexed as to what was going on. She would zone out for a while, subconsciously ignoring the cries from her Tailmon and Aquilamon in the background, telling her to get out of the way. One look at Tenshi now, they who look would find the girl in horror - unsure what to do and spectacularly shaken to a point. She stood there almost motionless as the cries from her Digimon continued. For a time, she could not hear them. "W...What... What is going on...? What is this? What are 'you'?" She muttered, speaking of both the now transformed Red, Nik and their Digimon. "Stop this meaningless charade!" She roared, though a vacant tone of fear was present in her voice - yet she tried to stand strong as much as she could and as long as she could. "I may not know who you are, or care who you are, but that does 'not' mean I don't care what happens! WAKE UP!" She roared once more, trying to reach for her blade, but upon touching the hilt, something in her mind snapped and she paused once again, finally hearing the cries of her Digimon.

    "Tenshi-san! Focus on your surroundings!"

    "Compose yourself at once, dear tamer!"

    Tenshi would gasp and quickly leap out of the way of what would have been a clear blast in the face from several untold degrees of fire - now skidding right past her, and she looked to where it was from, and to the corrupted Red with his Digimon. Still in fear yet now 'awake', Tenshi seemed to be back in business once more. Only problem is, one blink later, and Red had vanished, giving Tenshi an idea - she could do that too. "W...Hey, that's a good idea! Boys, with me!" Tenshi commanded to Aquilamon and Tailmon - who both of which emerged from the Digivice, Aquilamon flying ahead with Tailmon on its back. Tenshi began to run after Aquilamon while leaving barriers of stone out of the ground for everyone who wanted to stay behind, and leapt up - grabbing onto her Digimon's legs and essentially hitching a ride on the flying beast as well. "Don't mind if I do! Stealth, activate!" Tenshi herself had activated the Stealth skill, and so she herself was out of sight, spreading to her Digimon as well so now she was invisibly exiting the scene as fast as she could - or rather, as fast as Aquilamon could manage while carrying her and Tailmon.

    Just like that, Tenshi had fled the scene as soon as she could, not wanting to see how it goes from bad to worse and knowing full well that there was a hint of 'save yourselves' among Red's expression - before he did vanish, that was. She thought back on it as she was still in the ongoing flight, Aquilamon somehow able to support both her and Tailmon at once.
    "...Boys? Next time, we're training. To stop stuff like that happening again." She said strictly. Tailmon laughed and clapped eagerly, seeming to quite like that idea. Aquilamon let out a cry of agreement as well. "Understood! Just hold on a little more both of you - we're almost back to Galacta Park! We can take a rest there before planning and undetaking our next move!" Aquilamon informed them both - and the trio collectively hoped they would get some rest upon their arrival, for when they did, the Stealth disengaged, and all three were found resting against a wall, Aquilamon looking notably tired due to carrying the other companion Digimon (Tailmon) and its tamer. Tenshi sighed heavily, retreating both Digimon into her Digivice and staring into the sky aimlessly.

    "...Whenever I can go back to the land above their own, I will welcome it. But I'd prefer to make it there alive, not dead..." Tenshi said to herself, immediately rethinking what she did. It was selfish, true, but what else could she do? Stand there and let it happen? She continued to remain idle, resting her time away and deeply hoping that several others are able to escape from such a scene with their lives.

    Votes: Abstained (fled the scene instead)
    Link to CS: Here!
    Hex Code: #2969B0 (Tenshi), #FAC51C (Tailmon), #EB6B56 (Aquilamon)
    Status (physically): Fine
    Status (mentally/emotionally): Fearing for her life
    Normal Powers: Earth manipulation
    Hacking Skills: Wall Crack, Stealth
    Items: Sword of Hisou (formless and can see into spirits), Digivice, prop sword (IRL only)
    Location: Kowloon Area 2 -> Galacta Park
    Course of action: Getting the heck out of here!
    Interactions: Crow Crow (GM)
    Mentions: RedLight RedLight , EldridSmith EldridSmith
    Actually Nearby: @GalactaPark
    In Group: ??? (I don't know)
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Parasoul & Umbrella

As they witness the Digivolution of Red's and Nik's Digimon, and the two duking out, this prompts Parasoul to do what the former had told her. She looks down at Umbrella for a moment before picking her up, carrying her by her arms, and starts sprinting away from the site. Parasoul is not liking how this situation was handled.

Crow Crow RedLight RedLight EldridSmith EldridSmith

Tom & Jerry

Tom and Jerry Mad.PNG
I was with Jerry while he was watching the fight from afar. I'm unimpressed by the group's shenanigans. These people are so overdramatic it's like watching a soap opera. Christ, some people! At least Jerry is enjoying the sight smiling as he watched the battle happen in front of him. I was too busy plucking off the cactus needles from my skin to pay attention to the battle after hugging Cactus No-eyes. I took glances at the current fight after the person that ran away with the cheese went bananas and we don't want to get involved in the current predicament despite being pretty violent animals ourselves plus that Digimon looks tough as nails. I don't want that to start attacking me since I'm scared of people like Spike, do you honestly expect me to go on a toe-to-toe fight against that? Never in a million years will I throw myself into such a situation.

I plucked the last needle from my face and joined Jerry in watching the fight.​

Megidramon ceases Megiddo Flame. He closes his smoking mouth, and gazes at everyone once again. But despite stopping his Megiddo Flame. The blazing heat from his attack remains to affect Kowloon Level 2. Any screams and pleas from Megidramon's victims get ignored. Whereas the Evil Dragon Digimon's Tamer, Red, remains unseen.

" S C R E A M ! S C R E A M M O R E A N D M O R E ! ! ! " Megidramon growled.

" T H I S I S W H A T Y O U A L L A S K E D F O R ! " He continued. " E V I L ! ! ! "
The Evil Dragon Digimon slowly makes its way to everyone near the crime scene, slithering with his red serpentine lower-half.

One Tamer, the blue-haired girl Tenshi, used the Hacking Skill Stealth to herself. Concealing her physical form and vanishing from the sight of others. Well, others except for Megidramon...

But before Tenshi, as well as her two Digimon partners, Tailmon and Aquilamon, could successfully make their escape. The Evil Dragon shifts his gaze towards her in-flight group, glaring at her eye to eye. Megidramon aims his opening mouth above the blood-red skies once again, before...
" M E G I D D O F L A M E ! ! ! " The Evil Dragon roared, before creating yet again a powerful pillar of flames.
As if Megidramon is declaring: This is my realm and no one shall leave without my permission. Fortunately for Tenshi and her two Digimons, the Evil Dragon does not lay any harm upon them. However, the blazing heat from Megidramon's attack makes their skins feel like it is scorching. Tenshi and her Digimons successfully leave the devastation of Kowloon Level 2.

To flee from the situation is not cowardice. Nor is saving one's self is selfish. Red, who knows the Digimons well enough, pleaded for everyone to flee and save themselves. Because he knows very well no force, from the cast, can currently top this. To fight Megidramon, even altogether, would result in an dishonorable suicide. And once again, the Evil Dragon ceases the attack, yet still leaving the atmosphere burning dry. Parts of Kowloon Level 2 slowly begins to melt from the scorching heat.

Aside from Tenshi and her Digimons. Megidramon feels a couple of presence slowly growing faint. He looks behind his enormous pair of burning wings, and sees whoever is leaving. Parasoul, while carrying Umbrella with her sisterly arms, running away from their situation. Megidramon glares at the two fleeting from him, before focusing back to the crowd nearby the crime scene. It seems that Red still intends for Umbrella, Parasoul, and Jesse to leave. But how is Jesse handling the heat though? Of course, Megidramon has not forgotten about the other high-leveled Digimon, Dark Knightmon.
" S I T B A C K , A N D W A I T F O R M E T O F A S H I O N U P T H I S P L A C E . " Megidramon spoke to Dark Knightmon, behind him.
The pure confidence in his voice, while exposing his back to an enemy, should mean something. Is Dark Knightmon even meant to counter Megidramon? Or to just help everyone from the Evil Dragon by buying them time to escape Kowloon Level 2? Megidramon returned to watching everyone's tiny forms.
" E A N I E , M E A N I E , M I N I E , M O E ! " He growled as if he were toying with everyone.

Crow Crow
BoltBeam BoltBeam (Tenshi and Friends)
Topless Topless (Umbrella and Parasoul)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Jesse)
EldridSmith EldridSmith (Dark Knightmon)
"I thought he was just angry, now he's sadistic!"

"Ami, what are you still doing here? Kurisarimon, focus on getting everyone and yourself out!"

"Well, I am!"


Upon that command, the one Arata called Kurisarimon went through the ever-familiar evolution process, allowing it to assume the form of a sizeable six-legged beast. Now it was capable of carrying various passengers on its back to hasten the process. It jumped in various directions and heights to avoid the molten floors!

Ami's Locomon would do the same, carrying those who were too slow out on its wheels while performing swerves to avoid the rising getting stuck in molten! The inertia was bound to make our cast sick...

With this many potential passengers, Megidramon might take an interest in them... or he would take interest in the more vulnerable ones who were still by the side, still uncollected.

Crow Crow BoltBeam BoltBeam Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore EldridSmith EldridSmith RedLight RedLight
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" M E G I D D O F L A M E ! ! ! " Megidramon shouted once again.
But instead of pointing his snout above towards the skies, he breathes the powerful Megiddo Flame his head-level, before moving his head around to change the direction of the attack. Fortunately, no one gets attacked directly. Unless a masochist among us want to. However, the intense scorching heat caused by the Megiddo Flame leaves everyone have a burning sensation, except for those with fire or heat resistance.

Megidramon suddenly catches Ami within his field of vision, while unleashing his third wave of Megiddo Flame. He ceases once again. Megidramon exhales the smoke, caused by his attack, from his mouth. He let out a grimy chuckling sound.
" W E L L , W E L L , W E L L . R E D - H A I R E D G I R L . " Megidramon, towering above everyone, spoke to Ami. " R E A D Y F O R 2 N D R O U N D ? "
Should she even answer? The Evil Dragon grins, as if planning on his target's fate.

Crow Crow (Ami)
Ami looks shocked, then grasps her fists as her will hardens into iron.

"Yes, yes I am..."


Her Rapidmon and Lilimon swiftly appear, hovering by her side, ready to defend her!

"If I can't make you and your Hacker the happy-go-lucky pair you were not too long ago, Guilmon, then I don't deserve the title of Cyber Sleuth."

Her Digimon start to charge their attacks, ready to smack Megidramon into-

-... well, they would try their best.

Crow Crow RedLight RedLight Chungchangching Chungchangching EldridSmith EldridSmith (People confirmed within fightzone)

BoltBeam BoltBeam Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (The Others or confirmed escapees)​
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Bob the Pikachu


Slowly Bob nods and guesture to leave.

The bluegreymon stomps away from the others and attempts to leave Knowland Level 2!

Crow Crow RedLight RedLight

"..." Someone is keeping an eye on Ami.

" H R A H R A H R A G H R A H R A G ! ! ! " Megidramon let out a loud grimy laugh after hearing the red-haired girl's answer. " B R A V E R Y ? "
The Evil Dragon lowers his upper body, crushing both of his arms onto the ground to support him, as he gets his hellish face closer to Ami and everyone else nearby her.
" O R . . . I G N O R A N C E ? "
Megidramon exhales a cloud of dark smoke in front of Ami and everyone else nearby, before swiftly returning his upper body up. He takes a deep breath as if charging something.
" M E G I D D O F L A M E ! ! ! " Megidramon roared once again, as he breathes out another wave of powerful flames.
However, this time, he breathes it out high above everyone's head. Then Megidramon stops, to continue speaking.
" T H I S . . . P O W E R ! " He flaunted with his deep voice, with smokes coming out of his still-burning mouth.

Two familiar Digimons then swiftly appear beside Ami. Rapidmon and Lilimon. Megidramon chuckles after seeing them, before letting out a low-frequency growl.
" O L D F R I E N D . " He supposedly spoke to Ami's Rapidmon. " P E R H A P S . . . Y O U C A N L A N D . . . A S C R A T C H O N M E . "
Is Megidramon being serious or not?

" T H E T I M E O F . . . F O R G I V I N G I S O V E R . " Megidramon spoke. " W A T C H E V E R Y O N E P A N I C A T . . . T H E . . . T I M E O F J U D G E M E N T . "
Red and his Digimon were once partners who would rather not judge anyone. But now, they speak of judgement.

" T H A T B E I N G S A I D . . . " Megidramon spoke. " I W O N ' T G O E A S Y . . . O N Y O U . "
Megidramon takes a deep breath.

" M E G I D D O F L A M E ! ! ! "
He then suddenly goes for a direct attack towards the Rapidmon and Lilimon, who only started preparing for their own attacks. If they fail to nullify, or do anything to prevent this attack from succeeding, everyone extremely close by Rapidmon, Lilimon, and Ami will get burned.

Crow Crow (Ami, Rapidmon, Lilimon)
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"Golden Triangle!"

Rapidmon unleashed his energy blast in retaliation of Megiddo Flame, creating a beam-of-war.


Some of the flame would flicker away from the beam-of-war, starting to burn Lilimon's entire body, before her attack could even be released! The fairy Digimon writhed and cringed in hellish agony for a period.

"Lilimon! No! Say something..."

"Don't worry about me, Ami... focus..." Lilimon says as she was coated with hellfire, lying on the ground.

"Then I'll leave the rest to Rapidmon..."

The beam of war would be a great struggle as the flames and the energy blast were caught in the middle of a power struggle, until...

"Looks like I have no choice. Let's see if this hurts..."

Rapidmon had an idea - he would break the tug-of-war by shifting his attack position, allowing the beam to strike Megidramon's eye at full force, but as a price of releasing his power grip from the blaze, the blaze consumed him, burning his body away. His first layer of armour was melted, reverting him to the pants-wearing Galgomon, before he was further burned down to a very bruised Terriermon on the ground!

Ami rushed up to Terriermon, raising up a bruised body.


"Ami, moumantai..."

"... I still have no idea what that means, Terriermon..."

It seems that Ami's active Digimon were both down...

...or were they?

Crow Crow RedLight RedLight Chungchangching Chungchangching EldridSmith EldridSmith (People confirmed within fightzone)

BoltBeam BoltBeam Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (The Others or confirmed escapees)​

Someone continues to watch Ami and her two Digimon's actions.

As Rapidmon fights back Megidramon's attack, the Evil Dragon thought of empowering his.
" H H H H H H R R R R R A A A A A A A A A A G G G G H H H ! ! ! " Megidramon roared, while in the middle of breathing his Megiddo Flame, as his attack grows more powerful.
After all, he should not take Rapidmon any lightly.

Suddenly, Ami's Lilimon let out a painful screech. What must have happened?

Embers constantly flare off Megidramon's powerful flamethrower-like attack. Unfortunately, an ember gets onto Lilimon, igniting her easily. His empowered Megiddo Flame is working effectively against two Digimons. Or is it?

Megidramon did not pay mind to Ami, weeping for her Lilimon. He is currently busy holding back Rapidmon's powerful beam attack. Ami's Rapidmon is just one level beneath Megidramon, while having the Attribute advantage as well. Rapidmon can very well create a beam-of-war, as Crow said, against Megidramon.

If this were to continue, how long will it last, and who can keep up their attack? The answer is obvious. The Evil Dragon is a higher-level Digimon, therefore making it more active.

" R E S I S T A N C E . . . I S . . . F U T I L E . " Megidramon managed to speak while still breathing his powerful Megiddo Flame attack.

Rapidmon will have no choice, unless...

Megidramon notices his opponent redirecting his attack upwards.
" H M ? "
The Evil Dragon's eyes meet something bright before...
" H H H H H H R R R R R R A A A A A A A A A A A A H H H H H H ! ! ! ! ! ! " Megidramon suddenly let out a painful roar, as his eyes meet Rapidmon's attack.
The Evil Dragon's powerful breath of fire finally ceases, thanks to Rapidmon's efforts. Megidramon places his metallic hands on his face, covering his eyes.
" Y O U ! ! ! " He roared, sounding even more angrily.
It was an effective attack, but is Megidramon injured? As for Ami's Rapidmon. It seems as if he redirected his attack upwards to land a direct blow onto the Evil Dragon's eyes. But it was not that easy. In the process, Rapidmon stopped repelling Megidramon's attack, which means Megidramon also inflicted a direct attack onto Rapidmon. A powerful direct attack, unfortunately...

Rapidmon Degenerated back into a Terriermon. Degeneration is a process wherein a Digimon sustains a certain amount of damage, and reverts back into its previous level. If Terriermon were to sustain more. Well...

"Tsk!" Someone close by Megidramon hissed.
Whoever it was, it sounded like as if they were in pain. Or perhaps, regretting something.

Rapidmon and Lilimon were both defeated with a single blow. As for Megidramon... He uncovers his face slowly, opening his eyes. Megidramon was hurt by Rapidmon's clever tactic, but it was not severe enough to injure the Evil Dragon or anything worse for that matter. Megidramon began growling deeply, gazing not only at Ami and her Digimons, but to everyone. Rapidmon's attack did not make everyone's situation any better, unfortunately. The Evil Dragon began taking a deep breath for as much as he can, preparing for something seemingly worse.
" M E E G G I I I D D D D O O O F L A A A A M M E E E E E E ! ! ! ! ! ! " Megidramon roared much louder than before, unleashing a much more powerful version of his Megiddo Flame.
He has no particular target, but that should not comfort everyone. Megidramon randomly redirects his attack in different areas, igniting the ground. Any surface it makes contact with began to melt much faster than before. Bright orange sparks get released from these melting spots. Everyone nearby Megidramon will feel the intensely scorching heat even more.
Everyone has to flee. This is not their battle for now. Except for a couple of Tamers, perhaps...

Crow Crow (Ami, Rapidmon, Lilimon)

Hola. Red speaking here. Real Red, yeah. I'm gonna give everyone a chance to make their actions. Like, dodge Megidramon's attack or whatever. Just do your thing before I post again in... 10 hours or so. Otherwise, let's just talk about in on Discord. I think I'm doing everyone a solid by not directly attacking anyone. Even if that isn't accurate at all. In a situation like this, there should be casualties. Lots. : ) But I understand no one wants their characters to die, so I nerfed Megidramon quite a lot. In return... Just respond to it. Or Idk, get burned lmao.
Ah, worry not. Apparently...

So unless you, as a player, state that you're staying (for some r-word reason), we are to assume that everyone is fleeing. Saved~ OvO UwU desu desu
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Lana was too preoccupied with her own thoughts to notice what was happening at first. Eventually she snapped out of it as she saw someone and their digimon had gone crazy! If she didn’t leave now she would have most likely been a goner. She was about to make a run for it, but she noticed Grey and Eric. She couldn’t leave them! She quickly ran to their sides and began to tug at their arms. Lana had tears in her eyes and she utterly terrified.

“E-Eric! G-Grey! Please! We need to leave now! Don’t try to fight this guy please!”
She wasn’t leaving without them.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow RedLight RedLight

It's been two weeks since the murder and his arrival to this place. It took some getting used to the fact that food had taste, there were no Bugs and no Viruses to take care of. During his first week, Crypt tried to locate his friend's whereabouts, to little satisfying answers. Most of the time, he wandered around Kowloon, since it was the only place he could completely feel at home. The Hacker also discovered the Digilab, and trained Tetanus there every once in a while. When not exploring or looking for his friends, he hacked some money out of rich people. Not much, just a bit.

The blonde made his way to the fridge, after a good day's search and opened it, only to find it.. Empty!?

"I guess I gotta do some..Grocery shopping then.."

Crypt sighed, and closed the door of the fridge. He really had to stop eating so much food, but back in his world, the food was made out of data and it tasted like nothing, besides he was too busy trying to survive to focus on that. As he was contemplating on how he was going to buy food, his Digivice got a message. It said something about meeting in Kowloon. Crypt sighed and put on his hoodie, switching the application to Tetanus

"Hey, Data kid!"

"Hey, Bug. I'm going to Kowloon. See you soon?"

"Rude.. Sure! See ya!"

Switching off the Digivice, Crypt put on the VR headset and entered the digital world once again.


Crypt stared at the scene that met him with anger and fear. Another murder? So soon?! Most of this place was burnimg and now there was this dragon Digimon that they had to fight, which was currently blowing fire towards a group of people!


Crypt ran towards the battlefield, speedtyping on a panel with Tetanus by his side

"This does not look good!"


The people in the battlefield would see a wall made of fiery code digitalize infront of them, separating them from Red's Digimon. It would be able to provide some defense. It looked like a bad idea to touch it though(//This is a type of Firewall from Crypt's world)

The 14 year old activated his rocket boots and made his way towards one side of the Firewall while Tetanus went to the other.

"Tetanus and anyone else that can fight! With me!"

The people at the Anti Red side of the firewall would see a giant panel appear before them, it projected the following words:

'If you can fire anything, do so at a side of the wall. If we can divide it's attention, we might have a chance. If you can fly, fire an aerial attack'

Crypt, from the air, got his panels ready and nodded at Tetanus, who nodded back.

"Malware Glitch Beam!"

"Electro Shocker!"

Both attacks would be launched from the sky, towards the Dragon (?) Digimon

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Chungchangching Chungchangching Crow Crow RedLight RedLight @Eldrid@ WhoeverIsFighting

(If you have any issues with my post, please PM me as I am unable to Discord for a while
Everything had gone right to hell.

Hotaru clenched her eyes shut, curling in on herself with her head in her hands, as Megidramon rose. Shouko wrapped her arms around her tamer’s body, holding her close, and upright. The girl whimpered something about the heat as she clung to Shouko. Half of everyone around them was panicking, trying to flee; the other half braced themselves to fight to their ends.

Shouko looked down at Hotaru’s quivering form, then back at the rage-crazed dramon. The others who were fighting, they were clearly outmatched. If this was left to be, then the whole digital world would be in danger as long as the rage burned, but they were in no fit state to fight. At least, Hotaru wasn’t, and while she wouldn’t be alone in the choice to retreat, she would be alone in many other senses.

Shouko scooped Hotaru up into her arms, and ran headlong towards the Locomon.

Vote 1: Umbrella
Vote 2: Wickerbottom

Crow Crow BoltBeam BoltBeam Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore EldridSmith EldridSmith RedLight RedLight
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Darild Linken
Status: Yet another murder, you dear old poor fancy man.
Condition: increasingly impatient on the backlash. and most likely getting stuck with high intensity flames

Darild bid fair well to Yuuko before leaving post haste. He already knew what the message meant, and it wasn't going to be anything pleasant.


Oh boy, where to begin with this ever increasing amount of tension, violence, and emotional outbursts? firstly the tiny fancy man known as Benedict Cucumberpatch was found dead with holes and whip marks all over alongside his pet penguin. What's more, was that Dairld theory on the last murder being Eater related was proven to be correct as that one blond guy was revealed to be a host for some sort of eater variant. From their people started investigating the body, finding clues one by one until there was literary nothing left to look through. There was also that young man who tried to KILL EVERYONE at the sight of Benedict's body, and who is currently one of a few trying to defect accusations at one of the more popular suspects, a pink haired girl by the name of Umbrella.

Even when death here leads to a comatose state, people still panic. Even when the very fact of the eater's influence was shown front and center, people still question motives in this. As much as he would like to complain about the overdone accusations, it wouldn't be fair for them and it would be hypocritical to himself, a construct who once massacred a death camp within Nazi germany in a fit of Mania. What high ground does he have in this case to call out the others? If he is going to say anything or contribute at all to this case, it needs to be done with the others in mind. But before he can even think about giving his own viewpoint...

The formerly blue shades of Kowloon Level 2 changed into different shades of red. The Digivolution process comes to an end. The creature with such a demonic voice finally reveals himself.

To others, he appears differently.

Red sees him as the embodiment of destruction. Embodiment of The End. As Megidramon. But that does not necessarily mean Chaos Dukemon's menacing aura is less worse. No one with a sane mind would dare face either of these two powerful Digimons.

Those who see Megidramon differently will not feel safety within its reach. This knightly-aura bears the same negative emotions as his Tamer. Whichever Digimon everyone sees, it will seek to kill them.

One is not less powerful than the other. But feel free to choose wisely. You will need it.

"MCehgaiodsrdaukemon." Red spoke with a corrupted voice.
As if he tried saying two names at once, making it sound completely distorted.

The mock investigation was, for a lack of a better word...torn asunder. To Darild, he would see Chaos Dukemon, a towering knight like figure with an over flowing amount of negative aura. Red's intentions where clear. He wanted to set all ablaze for the crime of calling a girl with an umbrella a culprit.

Tenshi would gasp and quickly leap out of the way of what would have been a clear blast in the face from several untold degrees of fire - now skidding right past her, and she looked to where it was from, and to the corrupted Red with his Digimon. Still in fear yet now 'awake', Tenshi seemed to be back in business once more. Only problem is, one blink later, and Red had vanished, giving Tenshi an idea - she could do that too. "W...Hey, that's a good idea! Boys, with me!" Tenshi commanded to Aquilamon and Tailmon - who both of which emerged from the Digivice, Aquilamon flying ahead with Tailmon on its back. Tenshi began to run after Aquilamon while leaving barriers of stone out of the ground for everyone who wanted to stay behind, and leapt up - grabbing onto her Digimon's legs and essentially hitching a ride on the flying beast as well. "Don't mind if I do! Stealth, activate!" Tenshi herself had activated the Stealth skill, and so she herself was out of sight, spreading to her Digimon as well so now she was invisibly exiting the scene as fast as she could - or rather, as fast as Aquilamon could manage while carrying her and Tailmon.

Tenshi's pillars of rock were the only other thing keeping Darild from becoming a potentially scorched chunck of carbon. he was not shocked when people started to flee for their lives. But would Darild leave alongside the others like any sane man?

" M E E G G I I I D D D D O O O F L A A A A M M E E E E E E ! ! ! ! ! ! " Megidramon roared much louder than before, unleashing a much more powerful version of his Megiddo Flame.
He has no particular target, but that should not comfort everyone. Megidramon randomly redirects his attack in different areas, igniting the ground. Any surface it makes contact with began to melt much faster than before. Bright orange sparks get released from these melting spots. Everyone nearby Megidramon will feel the intensely scorching heat even more.
Red's next attack would give him that answer. carbon construct or not, Darild can not withstand fire that can melt the ground in mere moments. He'll be reduced to a slab of liquefied carbon. And that's not even mentioning the venerable state of his Gardomon, Who he can tell is not cut out at all for this sort of fight.

"To be fair, I was hoping that this conflict would not escalate to this degree." he said to Red/Chaos Dukemon "It was expected that people would start arguing over some of the accusations, but then you...YOU had to go ahead and do something absolutely stupid!" a stary fireball struck right next to Darild, sending him tumbling to the side. Those that are still around would see Darild's right leg becoming more malleable as it starts sagging downward. "You think throwing a Fit of rage induced mania will help you or anyone else in this situation?! The only thing you are doing is dragging yourself and your Digimon down a rabbit hole of absolute guilt wail also needlessly killing of anyone who were only trying to prevent a greater calamity...No one was going to be killing the girl over crimes that she was manipulated into, the most that might even happen would be..." He stops, then turns away from red. "What am i even...If you are so set on tearing this place asunder, be my guess. Just...think about what that girl might think of this and what this might mean for you going forward." he proceeded to walk toward Galacta Park, his body riddled with chunks of sagging carbon from bits on his arms and torso, to a large chunk of Darild's cranium. it would have been obvious to anyone that even looked at him. As for his vote (if it even matters at this point), he might as well take the word of that old lady as go with Umbrella, and just because of last time. he may as well vote for that boy who shot lightning at Jin. For now, he just wants some time to himself

First vote for Umbrella
Second vote for wray

Crow Crow BoltBeam BoltBeam Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore EldridSmith EldridSmith RedLight RedLight

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