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Fandom Digimon Starlight Character Sheet



Junior Member
"The light of the day and the shadows of the night hide many secrets. Will you be the one to unveil them?"

The wall separating the Digital World have been compromised, and many Digimon are appearing in both the Digital Network and the Real World, and the effects of such an event are felt, particularly in a certain city. While new urban legends appear, a message reached a few chosen individuals, potentially changing the course of their lives.

WIll you leave your mark in the skies?


  • Name:
  • Gender:
  • Age (15-18 sounds like a reasonable range):
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Orientation:
  • Digivice Color: (Your digivice resembles more a Pokemon Xtransceiver, so, bigger and more ornate than the Vital Bracelets, basically)
  • Backstory:
  • Gear: (Carry anything else with you all the time or when deciding to investigate?)

  • Species:
  • Name:
  • Evolution Line:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
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    "The treatment of others must be equal to the treatment of yourself."

    Wesley Alexander Cross​
    Cismale || He/Him​
    15 || July 1st​

    Height & Weight: 5'7" || 120lbs​
    Hair Color: Brown​
    Eye Color: Soft blue​
    Build Slim-skinny || Wesley doesn't work out to the extreme, but he maintains a steady diet that includes minimal exercising​
    Fashion Style Wesley adheres to a semi-formal style almost at all times. Dress shirts (both short and long sleeve). His pants collection are almost always with some kind of slacks or dresspants, though for hot summer days, he has a collection of shorts and tanktop. He has one pocketwatch that was his brothers that he carries in honor of him. Footwear tends to be fashionable, classy sneakers or even some kind of dress shoes. Really, when you dumb it down, Wesley is an old soul when it comes to fashion.​
    Accessories The irony of Wesley being in love with photography and wanting to capture moments in his camera is his poor eyesight, so of course he wears glasses to help him see better.​

    Underneath the friendly, caring demeanor of Wesley is a boy who has suffered more than anyone his age should have to. He is a sad boy whose heart is too big for the circumstances life has deemed him worthy of. Despite the tragedies in his life, Wesley is a boy who also persists and looks on the brighter side of the universe. His optimism and belief that things will get better has helped him this far. He always tries to stay positive and see the good in any situation and the good in people. It's not that he's too easy to trust a person. He does keep the version of himself that spent a whole summer crying over his brother's demise locked away so that nobody has to see that, so the version of himself that is seen is the boy who wants to be the friend others can depend on. He wants to be the man his brother never got the chance to be.​
    WEsley will always stand up for those whom he can call a friend. He'll fight for them and in that, he shows an unconditional loyalty for them. This loyalty has brought unfortunate cirucumstances to his life because, as much as he wants to fight in honor of his friend,s Wesley is not a skilled fighter. He doesn't have a muscle in his body that is equipped for fighting. More importantly, his frail body will crumble after a single punch. So while his intentions are good, he hopes his friends don't expect him fighting for their honor going anywhere. He's more of the cheerleader kind of friend. HE hopes to make a friend that can actually fight.​
    Wesley will be one to inquire about people only because his lifelong passion of photography has often made him naturally curious about life, about the universe, and the people in it. Truly, what a fascinating thing. His part-time hobby has become an obsession. He loves capturing candid moments in the lens of his camera.​

    Digivice Color:
    Main: blue with a silver]

    Someone said that art often imitates life and that couldn't be any truer for Wesley Cross.​
    He comes from a middle-class family. His father is a lawyer and his mother is an art teacher. Both raised their three kids with three core values for each of them: be kind to everyone, always remember your manners, and never forget that nothing in life is guaranteed so always live for the moment. Their three kids: Sylvester, Wesley, and Cassandra would heed those words closely and for as long as they would live. All three of these children each came to have a hobby that would bring them harmony. Sly was a quit-witted and intelligent boy, so naturally he shared the same interest in law as their father. Cassandra had music and would be what carried her through trying times.​
    But Wesley? He struggled to find his thing for a while. It was actually his brother that helped him find direction. Sylvester was three years older than he was. When Wesley was ten, a then thirteen-year-old Sylvester helped him discover what Wesley had a passion for. IT didn't take long. Sylvester was actually pretty shitty when it came to photography. He didn't have an eye for it, but Wes did. Wes figured out the best way to take photos and even edit them. It was something that Wes loved to do and he poured his heart out into it.​
    And this was thanks to Sylvester. It was something that bonded the two and made them closer.​
    Every time Wesley had captured a moment on his camera, which at the time was an old fashion polaroid, he would always run to show Sylvester. He knew his brother wouldn't be able to give him advice but he wanted to show him anyway. Just knowing he was there was enough. Wesley had always been like that with everyone in his life. Even if they couldn't offer anything constructive to his art, just having their opinion or even if they just complimented it, was enough.​
    But like said, nothing in life was guaranteed.​
    Sylvester was on his way to the college of his dreams last summer and he was struck by an oncoming car. He never saw it coming, but the doctors say he died instantly. Wesley tried to take comfort in that when his father broke the news, hoping it would soften the devastating blow that he knew was coming for a then 14-year-old Wesley and his sister, who was only 12.​
    It didn't. The pain hurt just as much and Wesley knew apart of him either died or went into a coma the moment that news struck him. For months, Wesley was a walking zombie and it took almost 3 months for him to return to some version of himself. Eventually he created a wall between the sad boy who still mourned the loss of his brother and the version of himself that everyone saw - the boy that made friends easily, held them at an arm's length but close enough to still be friendly. Wesley intentionally had to keep people at an arm's length because rejection was something he feared. The rejection of a friendship that he hypothetically could acquire by letting his guard down again. A rejection of a relationship with someone that would hurt him again. He couldn't allow himself to experience that pain again. He refused to...​
    • 2x 20oz Bottles of water
    • A small tupperware of fruit and veggie snacks with dip for snacking
    • Polaroid camera
    • Modern smartphone
    • Pocketwatch attached by chain to his belt.


  • Name: Daniel Rooney
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 17
  • Appearance:Kano Kyosuke _ Hungry Heart_ Wild Striker!!.jpeg
  • A natural redhead, he is 5'10, very fit and with sharp eyes, dressed usually like he is ready to go for a run. Otherwise, he tends to look rather disheveled.
  • Personality: Generally seen as rough and temperamental, Daniel seems hard to get along, and even he seems to look unmotivated half the time, describing many things as a bother. But those who have seen a fire in his eyes know he is more than that. Once he really gets going, he is hard to stop and even with his own bad attitude, he doesn't like to see people in trouble. Even so, being treated like an idiot angers him, even if he admits to not being a genius. Hates losing.
  • Orientation: Straight so far.
  • Digivice Color: Yellow
  • Backstory: Daniel used to be seen as a loud kid, always getting in some sort of trouble or another. Running, fighting, playing... He was always doing something else. By his own admission, he only knew what to do when he was moving. Even if he had a hard time at school, he'd rather just do what he feels like chasing his own dreams. All that led him to soccer, and it became his dream to get to the top. Even if he has some accidents and a rather rough relationship with his classmates hangs over him. And he generally just sees himself as kind of a fool not really up for academics. Now, he got involved in something weird, but since he is there now, might as well see it through.
  • Gear: Phone, binoculars, some rope, lantern, extra clothes.

  • Species: Liollmon.
  • Name: If seen in public, he goes by Chester.
  • Evolution Line: Popomon-Frimon-Liollmon-Liamon-LoaderLiomon-HeavyLeomon.
  • Appearance: If they get the chance, they are both wondering how to hide the Holy Ring and put on something more normal.
  • Personality: Liollmon is, in all honesty, a rather proud Digimon. Always wanting to train and show off his strength and make sure everyone knows he is strong. Acting high and mighty, he always tries to get his partner to be more motivated, and can get very formal, even if he is still pretty immature and gets excited and flustered really easily, and can get himself and Daniel into trouble he doesn't know how to get out of. In Daniel's words "So, a cat that talks".


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  • Name: Misty Kline
  • Gender: female
  • Age (15-18 sounds like a reasonable range): 16
  • Appearance: Misty stands roughly around 5'5 in height and weighs 130lbs. her build is slender, average for someone her age. Her hair is black, which she normally keeps pinned up, brown eyes, peach skin. Her outfit varies, but default is a white short sleeve shirt, a red bow, blue jean shorts and sneakers
  • Personality: Misty glows with a warm, positivity that brightens any room she enters. Her genuine smiles and hearty laughter are contagious, often lifting the spirits of those around her. She maintains an optimistic outlook on life, always finding the silver lining in challenging situations. This positive attitude makes her a source of encouragement for those who meet her. the young lady is always eager to lend a hand, whether it’s helping a friend with their studies, volunteering at local shelters, or organizing community events. Her helpful nature thrives to make a good impact on people. She is a great listener, providing emotional support advice. People feel comfortable walking up to her whenever they need a listening ear
Misty has a sharp mind and is a quick learner, able to grasp new concepts and ideas with ease. Her intellectual curiosity drives her to constantly seek out new knowledge..one may call her a geek in a sense. She excels in critical thinking and problem-solving, often approaching issues with a logical mindset. Her ability to analyze situations set her apart form other
  • Orientation: Heterosexual
  • Digivice Color: red/pink color
  • Backstory: Misty grew up in world of wealth and privilege, the only daughter of Jonathan Kline, who was a very well known businessman. Their mansion was a estate located in the countryside, filled with luxuries most people could only dream of. From a young age, Misty was introduced in a life of private tutors, grand parties, and international vacations. Despite her surroundings her, Misty's childhood was filled with loneliness. Her father, always engrossed in expanding his business empire, had little time for her, leaving Misty to find happiness in the company of nannies and household staff. She wanted to know how the outside world was and manged to trick her father into letting her live with her aunt and uncle for "study" purposes

    Living with her aunt and uncle brought change to Misty's life. Removed from the air of her father's mansion, Misty experienced a simpler, more grounded existence. Her aunt and uncle, who were loving, provided the life she dreamed of. They lived in a modest home in a small town, where Misty attended a public school and made friends her own age for the first time. The shift from private tutors to a classroom setting was challenging but exciting at the same time, as Misty discovered a passion for learning and a talent for connecting with others. The sense of belonging she found with her aunt and uncle gave her a new perspective on life, helping her appreciate the value of genuine relationships and the richness of a life filled with love..

  • Gear: smartphone, basic medical supplies, light snacks, water jug[ 18 0z], extra clothes, pocket knife, small notebook and pen

- Digimon
  • Species: Biyomon
  • Name: Zeph
  • Evolution Line: Puwamon-Pinamon- Biyomon-Aquilamon-Garudamon-Valkyriemon
  • Appearance: normal biyomon
  • Personality: Zeph is a feisty Digimon with a fiery personality, known for being rowdy, headstrong, and naive by other Digimon. He hates backing down from a fight and always stands his ground. Zeph is fiercely loyal to his friends, especially Misty, whom he finds a bit odd but always defends. Despite his rough edges, Zeph’s courage and determination make him a reliable ally in any situation.

Name: Danielle Stone
Gender: Female
Age: 18, June 21
Appearance:Danielle Stone  screenshot.png
Personality: Danielle, or Danny as some call her, was one of the quieter kids in her class. While she likes to appear confident in front of others, she is actually an anxious bundle of nerves that dislikes crowds of people because of her upbringing.
Orientation: Straight
Digivice Color: Black with Red accents
Backstory: Danielle practically grew up in the wild, her home in the middle of the woods. Her dad was an avid outdoorsman, hunting and fishing to provide for his family while her mom was the breadwinner. Thanks to her father's consistently successful hunts and their relatively low tech home, they were able to reduce their grocery list and save more money. Granted, they did still have two computers in the house: one for Danielle's schoolwork and one for her mom's job. Nevermind the fact that she would use it for things other than her homework. Despite her father's dislike of modern technology, he still understood that it was practically needed to be able to thrive out in civilization and allowed its use.
Needless to say, school was always a shock to the system as she was usually somewhere among the trees around her home when the weather was decent. The thing that gets to her the most is the white noise that becomes more apparent to her ears that were more tuned to the natural sounds of the forest.
Gear: A leather backpack full of miscellaneous snacks and drinks plus a spare set of clothes, a knife on her belt, knife sharpener, a small first-aid kit, cellphone.


Species: Rock Dragon
Name: Smaug
Attribute: Virus
Evolution Line: Mokumon - DemiMeramon - Vorvomon - Lavorvomon - Lavogaritamon - Volcanicdramon
Personality: A bit more on the shy side of things, takes time for him to open up to and interact with newcomers. Smaug is also quite lethargic. He is not one to shy away from battle however and is a fierce fighter and protector.

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