Digimon Savers 1x1x1


One Thousand Club
This a is 1x1x1 between Godric Testarossa, Nico, and Shura11 No posting if you're not them. 
Axel sat at the table eating his breakfast with his new family. Sarah smiled at the two. It had been a few years since Axel had literally fell into their lives. It was nice to have a son and daughter that got along so well. Kristy finished her breakfast and got up and put on her backpack for school. Axel finished as well and headed out with Kristy but not before giving his mother a peck on the forehead and waving goodbye. Sarah smiled. The two siblings walked down the side walk to Kristy's school. "Hey Axel... Do you think we could go to the arcade after school?" Kristy asked. Axel ruffled her hair. "Sure..." He said simply.
"No, Cutemon you have to stay in the bag." Harumi said as he tried to push the rookie digimon into the bag. "Awe but why Haru-chan?!" the pink digimon sighed. "Because, how am I gonna explain to my teachers I have a pink creature with me?" he asked. He didn't hear protest from Cutemon so he headed out the door a peice of toast in his mouth. He ran to the school not wanting to be late...again. He zoomed past Kristy and Axel nearly knocking them over. He stopped and turned to them "Gomenasi, I didn't mean to almost knock you over. I'm in a bit of a rush." he bowed in apology. "I'm Harumi, or just Haru." he said as he looked at the time and started running faster to his school.
"I'm gonna be late I just know it..." Terra grumbled as she packed her back pack in a hurry. She was not a morning person so it took her forever to roll out of bed and get ready for school. by the time she was ready she'd only had time for grab half a bagel before having to run off. She slipped her shoes inside her bag before tugging on her roller blades. "Off to school!" She called yanking the door open. "Be safe Terra!" her mother called from the kitchen, she was also running late. Terra slung her back pack onto her back before taking off down the street trying to make sure she was not late for school she weaved in and out of the small groups of people calling out apologies as she wized by.
After dropping Kristy off at her school he began his trek to his own school while taking a trip down memory lane. He remembered when he was younger. A time before he was sent away from his own world. and by his sensei/adoptive father no less. He could still remember his words. Live a good life and protect what you believe in. Axel stared at his hand. "Master... You made me the current successor of the Big Dipper God fist style. But what point is there to having such a thing in such a peaceful world...?" He blinked as yet another person weaved past him. This time a female near his age. "Second time today...." He tensed as he felt someone's eyes on him. He looked around but saw nothing. He continued his trek still feeling eyes on him. As if he was being followed.
Terra sped along the side walk waving with ease until she neared the school, she glanced down at her watch and grinned. "with 10 minutes to spare." she smirked skating up to the school until she reached a benched where she could exchange her roller blades for a pair of normal shoes not wanting to get in trouble again for rollerblading in the halls. "but its so much faster..." she grumbled under her breath before just shaking her head and tying her laces. "Oh well..."
Axel made it to the school and was about to head inside when he noticed the girl from before. She seemed to be changing her shoes. He was about to turn and head into the school, when he remembered what Sarah had said about making friends. He turned back and walked towards the girl. Slowly he stood before her. He cleared his throat to get her attention.
Terra had just finished smoothing out her uniform when she heard someone clear their throat and turn around and looked up to see a tall red head. "uh.. hello?" She greeted worried if perhaps he was one of the people she nearly crashed into on the way to school.
"Hi..." He said simply. "My name's Axel... I'm one of the people you sped by. I noticed we go to the same school... So I was wondering if you wanted to be.... Friends?" He said. He wasn't exactly good at this...
Terra smiled revealed and slightly confused. "Hm... Yeah sure I'm Terra." She held out her hand to shake
He took her hand and shook it. "Well... I should probably head to class." He said. He gave her a slight wave before walking toward the school.
Terra waved back "See you around" She smiled before slinging her back pack over her shoulder and hurrying off to class as well
As he sat in class taking notes he looked out the window. For a brief moment he could of sworn he saw a lion like thing. He blinked and it was gone.
Terra sighed as she sat in class board and started doodling in her notebook just small little creatures she remembered from old stories. She usually used the small blob head creatures to tell stories in her head to entertain her boredom.
Terra sprang from her seat the moment the bell range releasing the kids for lunch and managed to weave her way through the crowd to try and get to the lunchline before it go too long.
Axel was on the roof eating the lunch Sarah packed him, when he felt like someone was watching him again. "Who's there?!" He yelled. No one answered. He looked around.
Terra managed to her her lunch quickly and took it outside not really wanting to deal with the loudness of the cafeteria. She sighed softly seeing all the tables taken up. "Mmmm even when I got lunch early..." she grumbled before spotting someone up on the roof. "The roof is big enough.." she muttered before making her way up hoping the person wouldn't mind her being up there with them.
Axel looked up when someone came onto the roof. He blinked noticing it was Terra. He waved at her and went back to eating her lunch.
Terra waved back "Hey... didn't expect you to be here as well. Was really crowded down there." She made her way over
Axel shrugged. "Don't know... I don't think they'd have a problem with it." Axel said. Meanwhile in another area. A certain member of DATS was chasing Coronomon. "Halt! Stop running!" Yoshino yelled chasing after Coronomon.
"Ah well its our spot to enjoy now." She smiled before starting to eat her lunch. "So.... any games you like?" she asked trying to start up a conversation.
Axel looked up at her. "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure...." He said quickly. He enjoyed the fighting game. He wondered who came up with the idea of this Hamon energy. He seemed to enjoy playing as Jotaro Kujo...
Terra smiled "I do to! I kick but it in it every time." she boasted crossing her arms over her head

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