digimon rp

Las noches veteran

The Gillian that peers into dreams
the digital world, an entire planet like ours only with a difference. people don't exist and the world is inhabited by digital monsters or digimon, some are good like the courageous leomon or the galliant gallentmon.

..... but there are those that don't want to live in peace such as the devious devimon and the chaotic piedmon, which side will you choose good or evil. will you defend or destroy, so get ready to train and become stronger, go from rookie to champion, this is DIGIMON!!!

I will now explain the virus, data and vaccine:

data: the most common and surprisingly the more neutral side, no one is good or evil. The only thing data is, its like a new game, with no hardships and even the start, if they stay data like they will remain neutral normally avoiding fights, only fighting when needed.

virus: the evil digimon are well evil, devimon, etemon etc are great examples. The virus digimon do whatever they wish whether they cause harm or not. the virus digimon are when data becomes corrupt with evil, always wanting death and destruction

vaccine: the good digimon, normally the heroics such as leomon, the heroes of the digital world, they go and protect other digimon with there strength and stay true to there word. The way vaccine work is with a good upbringing, and a great past. The only thing they hate are evil digimon


1: if your evil that means you are on no ties with others, so example if etemon and devimon both met they could fight and beat each other, only the good guys (if in teams) will not fight each other

2: no godmodding: if your a higher rank go easy on them e.g. like in the anime etemon just toyed with the digidestined and only got stronger when greymon digivolved to metalgreymon

3: no absorbing data: if you need power you gain it from eating, sleeping and fighting digimon during your segment e.g. (insert digimon) walks down the broken road and faught a mamothmon, destroying and gaining data, you cant absorb data from other players

4: dying: if your heroic and die for a just cause, or a villain and die from a hero you are turned to a digi egg and must recreate a new character, and you start off as a rookie if you die

character sheet


type: (virus, vaccine or data)

rank: (rookie, champion, ultimate or mega)

side (good or evil)

attacks (only allowed three 1 special, 2 melee)

apperence (e.g. pictures are allowed but if you look abit like a digimon you must include changes, like greymon but grey eyes and dark wings etc)

bio: any information on your character is he fighter, honourable etc.

digivolve from and to: if your digimon digivolves

name: terachnimon

type virus

rank champion

side evil

spider bomb - using a web covered casing, with spiders in it is thrown to the enemy

arachnid-fist - like a gattling gun he punches his foe over and over

venom fang - biting the enemy and injecting his venom to disrupt data

appearance http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs44/f/2009/135/e/b/Wolf_Spider_tunaround_by_LynxGriffin.jpg - with skull shapped pads on the knees and a spider imprint on his abdomen

bio - staying on his web he waits for weary digimon to come by and wraps them in his silk. He is a lonely digimon only moving to make a new web, using his spider bomb and venom fang he absorbs data and wishes to be even stronger, he will attack all digimon the only digimon that he wont attack is something stronger then himself

digivoleves from - chibidermon

digivolves to - turantumon
You can make your own,Song :)  
Name: Rigamon

type: Data

Rank: Champion

Side: Good


Razing Storm - Fires,from his muzzle,multiple shots of blue spheres that burn and electrify targets upon contact,and have a knockback effect. These spheres are like homing missiles,and can pin individual targets.

Canid Strike - A lightning-fast head-on assault. Rigamon charges forward in a zig-zag fashion,ending in a powerful bite to his opponent.

Twin Slash - Uses his claws to slash his opponent.

Appearance: Mostly looks like MetalGarurumon,but less of a cyborg,more of an armoured wolf.

-armour is silver,white and gold

-no blades on shoulders

-normal furry tail

-body armour covers chest and back,but not the abdomen; encases legs including top of paws

-armour encases entire head,though bits of actual head can still be seen; eyes are green

-fur colour mainly blue-grey with black streaks

Bio: Rigamon had survived some of the wars that had raged in the DigiWorld,reverting to a Digi Egg only once due to a careless mistake during battle. He now prefers to roam in the shadows or anywhere that provides cover,analysing those who cross into his vicinity before contemplating an attack. He's wary of his surroundings,and even of making new allies,but nevertheless loyal to those who are. Like an actual wolf,Rigamon hunts for his prey to absorb its data.

Digivolves from: Howlmon

Digivolves to: Lupomon

(I might be making minor changes before finalising. No,Rigamon isn't bipedal...yet.)
your choice

you can be an exsisting one or a made up one

but 1 thing, if u wanna be a mega you have to have a good reason

see Im only champion and can only digivolve to ultimate 
cool nice one treso :D
Name: Codarumon (Prefers Codarus)

Species: Aquan

Attribute: Virus

Rank: Rookie

Side: Neutral, but is sided more towards Good


  • Megaton Hydro ~ Channels ultra-high speed water currents from his mouth, which can penetrate most armors. (Excluding any form of Chrome Digizoid.)
  • Demi Cauda ~ A toned down version of Cauda, uses his thick tail like a whip, which lashes out at the opponent.
  • Demi Rostrum ~ A toned down version of Rostrum, uses his heavy jaws to mutilate enemy Digimon. (Cannot cut through any form of Chrome Digizoid.)


Bio: Codarumon is the only Digimon of his kind, being constructed of revised data taken from Leviamon. Since his Digivolution line links to one of the Seven Great Demon Lords, he is stronger than he appears, possessing strength comparable to that of a Champion stage Digimon. Despite him being a Virus attribute Digimon, his morals are straight, and he shows no sign of corruption. This is because, since he was young, he was raised by his creator. (Not a created character yet, so we'll call him Purcible...) Since he has been raised appropriately, he knows of his strength, and refuses to fight anything lower then that of a Champion stage Digimon, unless they can prove to him, that they are indeed stronger then that of a Champion stage Digimon. Since he has no real family, he mainly roams the Digital World seeking for strong opponents to improve himself. He is also the 2nd lowest ranked Digimon who wears Chrome Digizoid. (Besides Kronamon)

Name: Kronamon



  • Rainbow Spit ~ A stronger version of Frothy Spit, launches a highly acidic, rainbow colored, spit wad at the opponent.
  • Wave Thrust ~ Thrusts itself at the opponent, using all the strength it can muster, with enough force comparable to that of a crashing Tsunami.
  • Spinal Force ~ Stiffens the fins on its back before rolling in a quick somersault-like jump, launching itself at the opponent.

Digivolves to:Codarumon

Name: Codarumon


  • Megaton Hydro ~ Channels ultra-high speed water currents from his mouth, which can penetrate most armors. (Excluding any form of Chrome Digizoid.)
  • Demi Cauda ~ A toned down version of Cauda, uses his thick tail like a whip, which lashes out at the opponent.
  • Demi Rostrum ~ A toned down version of Rostrum, uses his heavy jaws to mutilate enemy Digimon. (Cannot cut through any form of Chrome Digizoid.)

Digivolves to:Daedalumon



  • Maelstrom Blast ~ Calls forth a mighty whirlpool from the nearest large body of water, sending it at the opponent.
  • Forlorn Fang ~ A stronger version of Demi Cauda, opens its gaping mouth and bites down on the opponent with impressive power, releasing several tons of pressure. (Strong enough to pierce some form of Chrome Digizoid.)
  • Prince of Darkness ~ Attacks the foe with claws of Darkness, does more damage to other Virus attributed Digimon.

Digivolves to:Leviamon (Purci-gene)



  • High-tide Destroyer ~ Call forth an obscene power from deep within, and then shooting an obscenely high pressurized cannon of water from its mouth.
  • Snake Head Clamp ~ A stronger version of Forlorn Fang, opens its obscenely large mouth, chomping down on the opponent, exerting several megatons of pressure. (Strong enough to cut through any form of Chrome Digizoid.)
  • King of Darkness ~ Becomes surrounded by a dark aura that forms weapons or armor on any part of its body at will. The armor is strong enough to repel most attacks, while the weapons are strong enough to cut through most forms of Chrome Digizoid. It also does more damage to other Virus attributed Digimon.
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I remember,but Purcible is very specific and detailed. Those are indicative of hardcore fans,of which Purcible could be.
I guess one could say I'm hardcore... I'm not too sure about it myself, but I absolutely adore Digimon for what it is...
Thanks. Oh by the way, I was wondering if we could talk about Digivolution. I plan on being able to Digivolving this Digimon to Mega 2 but only with your consent. No God-modding involved, whatsoever. Because, I plan on him somehow surpassing Leviamon.
basicly in order for you to digivolve, you have to keep training, defeating other digimon

so for example,

He created a web, hanging on the side, catching a tyrannomon and encasing it with the web. ''hehhe'' He then keep wrapping the tyrannomon and bites over and over absorbing data
Okay, so just a basic defeat of other random Digimon. So, here's another, does the rank or size of a Digimon determine how much data you absorb? Like, would you get more Data from the overly large Whamon, or more data from the small Mega rank Marine Angemon?
its more on level also wat ur level is too so example

growlmon vs devidramon resonable amount

guilmon vs icedevimon a good amount

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